import math from matplotlib import text as mtext import numpy as np class CurvedText(mtext.Text): """ A text object that follows an arbitrary curve. """ def __init__(self, x, y, text, axes, **kwargs): super(CurvedText, self).__init__(x[0], y[0], " ", **kwargs) axes.add_artist(self) ##saving the curve: self.__x = x self.__y = y self.__zorder = self.get_zorder() ##creating the text objects self.__Characters = [] for c in text: if c == " ": ##make this an invisible 'a': t = mtext.Text(0, 0, "a") t.set_alpha(0.0) else: t = mtext.Text(0, 0, c, **kwargs) # resetting unnecessary arguments t.set_ha("center") t.set_rotation(0) t.set_zorder(self.__zorder + 1) self.__Characters.append((c, t)) axes.add_artist(t) ##overloading some member functions, to assure correct functionality ##on update def set_zorder(self, zorder): super(CurvedText, self).set_zorder(zorder) self.__zorder = self.get_zorder() for c, t in self.__Characters: t.set_zorder(self.__zorder + 1) def draw(self, renderer, *args, **kwargs): """ Overload of the Text.draw() function. Do not do do any drawing, but update the positions and rotation angles of self.__Characters. """ self.update_positions(renderer) def update_positions(self, renderer): """ Update positions and rotations of the individual text elements. """ # preparations ##determining the aspect ratio: ##from ##data limits xlim = self.axes.get_xlim() ylim = self.axes.get_ylim() ## Axis size on figure figW, figH = self.axes.get_figure().get_size_inches() ## Ratio of display units _, _, w, h = self.axes.get_position().bounds ##final aspect ratio aspect = ((figW * w) / (figH * h)) * (ylim[1] - ylim[0]) / (xlim[1] - xlim[0]) # points of the curve in figure coordinates: x_fig, y_fig = ( np.array(l) for l in zip( *self.axes.transData.transform( [(i, j) for i, j in zip(self.__x, self.__y)] ) ) ) # point distances in figure coordinates x_fig_dist = x_fig[1:] - x_fig[:-1] y_fig_dist = y_fig[1:] - y_fig[:-1] r_fig_dist = np.sqrt(x_fig_dist ** 2 + y_fig_dist ** 2) # arc length in figure coordinates l_fig = np.insert(np.cumsum(r_fig_dist), 0, 0) # angles in figure coordinates rads = np.arctan2((y_fig[1:] - y_fig[:-1]), (x_fig[1:] - x_fig[:-1])) degs = np.rad2deg(rads) rel_pos = 10 for c, t in self.__Characters: # finding the width of c: t.set_rotation(0) t.set_va("center") bbox1 = t.get_window_extent(renderer=renderer) w = bbox1.width h = bbox1.height # ignore all letters that don't fit: if rel_pos + w / 2 > l_fig[-1]: t.set_alpha(0.0) rel_pos += w continue elif c != " ": t.set_alpha(1.0) # finding the two data points between which the horizontal # center point of the character will be situated # left and right indices: il = np.where(rel_pos + w / 2 >= l_fig)[0][-1] ir = np.where(rel_pos + w / 2 <= l_fig)[0][0] # if we exactly hit a data point: if ir == il: ir += 1 # how much of the letter width was needed to find il: used = l_fig[il] - rel_pos rel_pos = l_fig[il] # relative distance between il and ir where the center # of the character will be fraction = (w / 2 - used) / r_fig_dist[il] ##setting the character position in data coordinates: ##interpolate between the two points: x = self.__x[il] + fraction * (self.__x[ir] - self.__x[il]) y = self.__y[il] + fraction * (self.__y[ir] - self.__y[il]) # getting the offset when setting correct vertical alignment # in data coordinates t.set_va(self.get_va()) bbox2 = t.get_window_extent(renderer=renderer) bbox1d = self.axes.transData.inverted().transform(bbox1) bbox2d = self.axes.transData.inverted().transform(bbox2) dr = np.array(bbox2d[0] - bbox1d[0]) # the rotation/stretch matrix rad = rads[il] rot_mat = np.array( [ [math.cos(rad), math.sin(rad) * aspect], [-math.sin(rad) / aspect, math.cos(rad)], ] ) ##computing the offset vector of the rotated character drp =, rot_mat) # setting final position and rotation: t.set_position(np.array([x, y]) + drp) t.set_rotation(degs[il]) t.set_va("center") t.set_ha("center") # updating rel_pos to right edge of character rel_pos += w - used