## Transcript File Format Details This is the initial spec for the podcast transcript format. There are four possible formats detailed below. Some transcript implementations are done in-browser. [CORS headers](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS) are required to make these files available from other websites. [A CORS tester is available here](https://cors-test.codehappy.dev/), to ensure that transcripts are available within browser-based players. The examples given below are just for convenience. In production you should ensure you are conforming to the actual spec for each format as defined in it's own documentation.

## HTML The HTML transcript format provides a solution when a transcript is available but no or limited timecode data is available. HTML transcript files are considered low-fidelity and are designed to serve as an accessibility aid and provide searchable episode content. The HTML format used for podcast transcripts should adhere to the following specifications. #### HTML tags used: - ``: Name of the speaker (if available) - `