Fix Live Item <enclosure> URL wraping

Undo last commit in soundbite, it's live item's <enclosure> the one to fix
David Marzal 2024-03-22 21:13:06 +01:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
rodzic e153d3bb29
commit ba344b6df0
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ID klucza GPG: B5690EEEBB952194
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@ -206,8 +206,7 @@ requiring no additional work for the publisher.
Points to one or more soundbites within a podcast episode. The intended use includes episodes previews,
discoverability, audiogram generation, episode highlights, etc. It should be assumed that the audio/video source of
the soundbite is the audio/video given in the item's
[`<enclosure>`]( element.
the soundbite is the audio/video given in the item's [`<enclosure>`]( element.
### Parent
&nbsp; `<item>`
@ -1038,9 +1037,9 @@ All tags that are valid as children of a standard `<item>` tag are also valid as
When specifying the audio/video source, the [`<podcast:alternateEnclosure>`](#alternate-enclosure) tag is highly
encouraged since it gives the broadest coverage of possible stream types and is explicit in it's communication of
what transport protocol and media codecs are being used. In addition to [`<podcast:alternateEnclosure>`](#alternate-enclosure), a standard [`<enclosure>`](
html#ltenclosuregtSubelementOfLtitemgt) should also be given as a fallback to support podcast apps that don't yet
implement [`<podcast:alternateEnclosure>`](#alternate-enclosure).
what transport protocol and media codecs are being used. In addition to [`<podcast:alternateEnclosure>`](#alternate-enclosure), a standard
[`<enclosure>`]( should also be given as a
fallback to support podcast apps that don't yet implement [`<podcast:alternateEnclosure>`](#alternate-enclosure).
Regardless of which enclosure tag is used, feed
owners must be conscious of the fact that choosing a non-mainstream streaming protocol/codec will limit the number