Withdrawing an obsolete proposal.

Signed-off-by: Brian of London <brian@podping.org>
Brian of London 2021-10-14 08:41:24 +03:00
rodzic 6ff1654ae6
commit b38178e5bb
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@ -1,37 +1,7 @@
# The "podcast:hiveAccount" Specification
# WITHDRAWN - The "podcast:hiveAccount" Specification
<small>Version 1.0 by Brian of London - 2021.06.08</small>
## Purpose
Allows for the easy inclusion of a definitive Hive Account to which Value for Value payments can be routed.
## Specification
For the `<podcast:hiveAccount>` tag there are no attributes, the tag just wraps the Hive account name string.
## Example
## More Information
More information about the Hive Blockchain can be found at the [Dev Portal for Hive](https://developers.hive.io/#introduction-welcome)
# Alternate idea (but not quite as good)
## It could be done with FUNDING tag!
<podcast:funding hiveAccname="brianoflondon">Support Brian of London </podcast:funding>
This could even be done via URL, but
<podcast:funding url="https://hive.blog/@brianoflondon">Support Brian of London</podcast:funding>
however that would need to be passed on in the TLV records.
Withdrawn - It's handled better by `customKey` and `customValue` in the [`value block`](value/value.md)