
Benjamin Bellamy 2021-03-05 23:10:46 +01:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
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license/ 100644
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# The "podcast:license" Specification
<small>Version 1.0 by Benjamin Bellamy - 2021.03.05</small>
## Purpose
Podcasting is an open ecosystem where information travel freely from platform to platform, but that does not mean that podcast are free.
The fact that podcast files are available for anyone to download does not mean that anyone is allowed to do anything with them.
But how can one know what is permitted? It is often difficult - or even impossible - to know, even more if you want to manage that automatically.
This situation creates akward conflicts where everyone acts in good faith, everyone share the same goal (growing audiences for podcasts) but everyone disagree one what is acceptable.
- Can the podcast be locally copied? Then can the copy be shared? Should it be fetched from the original location only?
- Can the podcast be shared for free?
- Can the podcast be shared for a fixed fee? For a subscription fee?
- Can the podcast be used to display ads on it?
- Can it be used for audio insertion? Pre-roll, mid-roll, post-roll?
- Can it be trimmed, cut, edited? Translated? Dubbed?
- Can the shownotes be trimmed, cut, edited? Converted from HTML to plain text?
We have seen in the past Podcasters asking to have their podcast removed from a platform because they felt they were being stolen, even if that would mean less audience for them.
If we can provide a way to make what is allowed and what is forbiden crystal clear, we will avoid such conflicts.
Please note that this document is about what can be done after the podcast is published, not before.
(For instance, using copyrighted music on copyrighted material in a podcast is not the subject here.)
You may read [PODCASTING LEGAL GUIDE: RULES FOR THE REVOLUTION]( for more information.
This matter is very complex so this specification only intends to scratch its surface in its current version.
## Specification
- **\<podcast:license url="[url to license]" />**
Channel (optional | single)
Item (optional | single)
This element allows a podcaster to specify a license for a podcast or an episode.
- `label` (required): The license label
- `url` (required): This is the url to the license file.
- `<podcast:licence label="(CC BY-ND 4.0)" url="" />`
- `<podcast:licence label="(CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)" url="" />`
- `<podcast:licence label="© My Company 2021 - All Rights Reserved" url="http://domain.tld/license.txt" />`