<divclass="table-wrapper"><tabledata-type="Multicolumn"aria-label="RSS show tags for Podcasts Connect"><thead><tr><thcolspan="3"scope="col"><pclass="TableHead">Show tags</p></th><thcolspan="6"scope="col"><pclass="TableHead">Usage</p></th><thcolspan="3"scope="col"><pclass="TableHead">Parent tag</p></th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><tdcolspan="3"><p><strong>Required tags</strong></p></td><tdcolspan="6"></td><tdcolspan="3"></td></tr><tr><tdcolspan="3"><p><title></p></td><tdcolspan="6"><p>The show title.</p><p>It’s important to have a clear, concise name for your podcast. Make your title specific. A show titled <em>Our Community Bulletin</em> is too vague to attract many subscribers, no matter how compelling the content.</p><p>Pay close attention to the title as Apple Podcasts uses this field for search.</p><p>If you include a long list of keywords in an attempt to game podcast search, your show may be removed from the Apple directory.</p></td><tdcolspan="3"><p><code><channel></code></p></td></tr><tr><tdcolspan="3"><p><description></p></td><tdcolspan="6"><p>The show description.</p><p>Where <code>description</code> is text containing one or more sentences describing your podcast to potential listeners. The maximum amount of text allowed for this tag is 4000 bytes.</p><p>To include links in your description or rich HTML, adhere to the following technical guidelines: enclose all portions of your XML that contain embedded HTML in a CDATA section to prevent formatting issues, and to ensure proper link functionality. For example:</p><divclass="CodeLines"><codeclass="CodeLine"><![CDATA[</code><codeclass="CodeLine"><a href="http://www.apple.com">Apple</a></code><codeclass="CodeLine"> ]]></code></div></td><tdcolspan="3"><p><code><channel></code></p></td></tr><tr><tdcolspan="3"><p><itunes:image></p></td><tdcolspan="6"><p>The artwork for the show.</p><p>Specify your show artwork by providing a URL linking to it.</p><p>Depending on their device, subscribers see your podcast artwork in varying sizes. Therefore, make sure your design is effective at both its original size and at thumbnail size. You should include a show title, brand, or source name as part of your podcast artwork. Here are additional <ahref="https://podcasters.apple.com"class="URL"target="_blank">marketing best practices</a>. For examples of podcast artwork, see the Top Podcasts chart. To avoid technical issues when you update your podcast artwork, be sure to:</p><ul><li><p>Change the artwork file name and URL at the same time</p></li><li><p>Verify the web server hosting your artwork allows HTTP head requests</p></li></ul><p>Artwork must be a minimum size of 1400 x 1400 pixels and a maximum size of 3000 x 3000 pixels, in JPEG or PNG format, 72 dpi, with appropriate file extensions (.jpg, .png), and in the RGB colorspace. These requirements are different from the standard RSS image tag specifications.</p><p>Make sure the file type in the URL matches the actual file type of the image file.</p></td><tdcolspan="3"><p><code><channel></code></p></td></tr><tr><tdcolspan="3"><p><language></p></td><tdcolspan="6"><p>The language spoken on the show.</p><p>Because Apple Podcasts is available in territories around the world, it is critical to specify the language of a podcast. Apple Podcasts only supports values from the <ahref="http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php"class="URL"target="_blank">ISO 639</a> list (two-letter language codes, with some possible modifiers, such as "en-us").</p><p>Invalid language codes will cause your feed to fail Apple validation.</p></td><tdcolspan="3"><p><code><channel></code></p></td></tr><tr><tdcolspan="3"><p><itunes:category></p></td><tdcolspan="6"><p>The show category information. For a complete list of categories and subcategories, see <ahref="https://podcasters.apple.com/support/1691-apple-podcasts-categories"class="URL"target="_blank">Apple Podcast categories</a>.</p><p>Select the ca
<divclass="table-wrapper"><tabledata-type="Multicolumn"aria-label="RSS episode tags for Podcasts Connect"><thead><tr><thcolspan="3"scope="col"><pclass="TableHead">Episode tags</p></th><thcolspan="6"scope="col"><pclass="TableHead">Usage</p></th><thcolspan="3"scope="col"><pclass="TableHead">Parent tag</p></th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><tdcolspan="3"><p><strong>Required tags</strong></p></td><tdcolspan="6"></td><tdcolspan="3"></td></tr><tr><tdcolspan="3"><p><title></p></td><tdcolspan="6"><p>An episode title.</p><p><code>title</code> is a string containing a clear, concise name for your episode.</p><p>Don’t specify the episode number or season number in this tag. Instead, specify those details in the appropriate tags ( <code><itunes:episode></code>, <code><itunes:season></code>). Also, don’t repeat the title of your show within your episode title.</p><p>Separating episode and season number from the title makes it possible for Apple to easily index and order content from all shows.</p></td><tdcolspan="3"><p><code><item></code></p></td></tr><tr><tdcolspan="3"><p><enclosure></p></td><tdcolspan="6"><p>The episode content, file size, and file type information.</p><p>The <code><enclosure></code> tag has three attributes: URL, length, and type:</p><ul><li><p><strong>URL</strong>. The URL attribute points to your podcast media file. The file extension specified within the URL attribute determines whether or not content appears in the podcast directory. Supported file formats include M4A, MP3, MOV, MP4, M4V, and PDF.</p></li><li><p><strong>Length</strong>. The length attribute is the file size in bytes. You can find this information in the properties of your podcast file (on a Mac, choose File > Get Info and refer to the size field).</p></li><li><p><strong>Type</strong>. The type attribute provides the correct category for the type of file you are using. The type values for the supported file formats are: audio/x-m4a, audio/mpeg, video/quicktime, video/mp4, video/x-m4v, and application/pdf.</p></li></ul><p>For example:</p><divclass="CodeLines"><codeclass="CodeLine"><enclosure</code><codeclass="CodeLine"> url="http://mypodcast.com/episode001.mp3" </code><codeclass="CodeLine"> length="5650889"</code><codeclass="CodeLine"> type="audio/mpeg</code><codeclass="CodeLine">/></code></div></td><tdcolspan="3"><p><code><item></code></p></td></tr><tr><tdcolspan="3"><p><strong>Recommended tags</strong></p></td><tdcolspan="6"></td><tdcolspan="3"></td></tr><tr><tdcolspan="3"><p><guid></p></td><tdcolspan="6"><p>The episode’s globally unique identifier (<ahref="https://cyber.harvard.edu/rss/rss.html#ltguidgtSubelementOfLtitemgt"class="URL"target="_blank">GUID</a>) If you uploaded subscriber audio in Apple Podcasts Connect and need to link it to an episode in your RSS feed, you can use the Apple Podcasts Episode ID in the GUID tag. Learn more about <ahref="https://podcasters.apple.com/support/set-up-your-show-for-a-subscription"class="URL"target="_blank">how to set up your show for a subscription</a>.</p><p>It is very important that each episode have a unique GUID and that it never changes, even if an episode’s metadata, like title or enclosure URL, do change.</p><p><ahref="#/itc5e66a7048"class="xRef Aside"aside="itc5e66a7048">Globally unique identifiers (GUID)</a> are case-sensitive strings. If a GUID is not provided, an episode’s enclosure URL will be used instead. If a GUID is not provided, make sure that an episode’s enclosure URL is unique and never changes.</p><p>Failing to comply with these guidelines may result in duplicate episodes being shown to listeners, inaccurate data in <ahref="https://help.apple.com/itc/podcastsanalytics/"class="URL"target="_blank">Analytics</a>, and can cause issues with your podcasts’s listing and chart placement in Apple Podcasts.</p></td><tdcolspan="3"><p><code><item></code></p></td></tr><tr><tdcolspan="3"><p><pubDate></p></td><tdcolspan="6"><p>The date and time when an episode was re
Here are few more technical details on using RSS with Apple Podcasts:
Apple Podcasts accepts RSS 2.0 tags as well as some additional tags specific to Apple Podcasts.