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package com.onthegomap.planetiler.benchmarks;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.config.Arguments;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.TileCoord;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.mbtiles.Mbtiles;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class BenchmarkMbtilesRead {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BenchmarkMbtilesRead.class);
private static final String SELECT_RANDOM_COORDS =
"select tile_column, tile_row, zoom_level from tiles order by random() limit ?";
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Arguments arguments = Arguments.fromArgs(args);
int repetitions = arguments.getInteger("bench_repetitions", "number of repetitions", 10);
int nrTileReads = arguments.getInteger("bench_nr_tile_reads", "number of tiles to read", 500_000);
int preWarms = arguments.getInteger("bench_pre_warms", "number of pre warm runs", 3);
List<Path> mbtilesPaths = arguments.getList("bench_mbtiles", "the mbtiles file to read from", List.of()).stream()
if (mbtilesPaths.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("pass one or many paths to the same mbtiles file");
} -> {
if (!Files.exists(p) || !Files.isRegularFile(p)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("%s does not exists".formatted(p));
List<TileCoord> randomCoordsToFetchPerRepetition = new LinkedList<>();
do {
try (var db = Mbtiles.newReadOnlyDatabase(mbtilesPaths.get(0))) {
try (var statement = db.connection().prepareStatement(SELECT_RANDOM_COORDS)) {
statement.setInt(1, nrTileReads - randomCoordsToFetchPerRepetition.size());
var rs = statement.executeQuery();
while ( {
int x = rs.getInt("tile_column");
int y = rs.getInt("tile_row");
int z = rs.getInt("zoom_level");
randomCoordsToFetchPerRepetition.add(TileCoord.ofXYZ(x, (1 << z) - 1 - y, z));
} while (randomCoordsToFetchPerRepetition.size() < nrTileReads);
Map<Path, Double> avgReadOperationsPerSecondPerDb = new HashMap<>();
for (Path dbPath : mbtilesPaths) {
List<ReadResult> results = new LinkedList<>();"working on {}", dbPath);
for (int preWarm = 0; preWarm < preWarms; preWarm++) {
readEachTile(randomCoordsToFetchPerRepetition, dbPath);
for (int rep = 0; rep < repetitions; rep++) {
results.add(readEachTile(randomCoordsToFetchPerRepetition, dbPath));
var readOperationsPerSecondStats =;"readOperationsPerSecondStats: {}", readOperationsPerSecondStats);
avgReadOperationsPerSecondPerDb.put(dbPath, readOperationsPerSecondStats.getAverage());
List<Path> keysSorted = avgReadOperationsPerSecondPerDb.entrySet().stream()
.sorted((o1, o2) -> o1.getValue().compareTo(o2.getValue()))
for (int i = 0; i < keysSorted.size() - 1; i++) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < keysSorted.size(); j++) {
Path db0 = keysSorted.get(i);
double avg0 = avgReadOperationsPerSecondPerDb.get(db0);
Path db1 = keysSorted.get(j);
double avg1 = avgReadOperationsPerSecondPerDb.get(db1);
double diff = avg1 * 100 / avg0 - 100;"\"{}\" to \"{}\": avg read operations per second improved by {}%", db0, db1, diff);
private static ReadResult readEachTile(List<TileCoord> coordsToFetch, Path dbPath) throws IOException {
try (var db = Mbtiles.newReadOnlyDatabase(dbPath)) {
db.getTile(0, 0, 0); // trigger prepared statement creation
var totalSw = Stopwatch.createStarted();
for (var coordToFetch : coordsToFetch) {
if (db.getTile(coordToFetch) == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("%s should exist in %s".formatted(coordToFetch, dbPath));
return new ReadResult(totalSw.elapsed(), coordsToFetch.size());
private record ReadResult(Duration duration, int coordsFetchedCount) {
double readOperationsPerSecond() {
double secondsFractional = duration.toNanos() / 1E9;
return coordsFetchedCount / secondsFractional;