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/* ****************************************************************
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package com.onthegomap.planetiler;
import com.carrotsearch.hppc.IntArrayList;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.collection.FeatureGroup;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.GeoUtils;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.GeometryException;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.GeometryType;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.MutableCoordinateSequence;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.NotThreadSafe;
import org.locationtech.jts.algorithm.Orientation;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.CoordinateSequence;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.GeometryFactory;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.LinearRing;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.MultiLineString;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.MultiPoint;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.MultiPolygon;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Point;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Polygon;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Puntal;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.impl.CoordinateArraySequence;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.impl.PackedCoordinateSequence;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import vector_tile.VectorTileProto;
* Encodes a single output tile containing JTS {@link Geometry} features into the compact binary Mapbox Vector Tile
* format.
* <p>
* This class is copied from <a href=
* ""></a>
* and <a href=
* ""></a>
* and modified to decouple geometry encoding from vector tile encoding so that encoded commands can be stored in the
* sorted feature map prior to encoding vector tiles. The internals are also refactored to improve performance by using
* hppc primitive collections.
* @see <a href="">Mapbox Vector Tile Specification</a>
public class VectorTile {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(VectorTile.class);
// TODO make these configurable
private static final int EXTENT = 4096;
private static final double SIZE = 256d;
private final Map<String, Layer> layers = new LinkedHashMap<>();
private static int[] getCommands(Geometry input, int scale) {
var encoder = new CommandEncoder(scale);
return encoder.result.toArray();
* Scales a geometry down by a factor of {@code 2^scale} without materializing an intermediate JTS geometry and
* returns the encoded result.
private static int[] unscale(int[] commands, int scale, GeometryType geomType) {
IntArrayList result = new IntArrayList();
int geometryCount = commands.length;
int length = 0;
int command = 0;
int i = 0;
int inX = 0, inY = 0;
int outX = 0, outY = 0;
int startX = 0, startY = 0;
double scaleFactor = Math.pow(2, -scale);
int lengthIdx = 0;
int moveToIdx = 0;
int pointsInShape = 0;
boolean first = true;
while (i < geometryCount) {
if (length <= 0) {
length = commands[i++];
lengthIdx = result.size();
command = length & ((1 << 3) - 1);
length = length >> 3;
if (length > 0) {
if (command == Command.MOVE_TO.value) {
// degenerate geometry, remove it from output entirely
if (!first && pointsInShape < geomType.minPoints()) {
int prevCommand = result.get(lengthIdx);
result.elementsCount = moveToIdx;
// reset deltas
outX = startX;
outY = startY;
// keep track of size of next shape...
pointsInShape = 0;
startX = outX;
startY = outY;
moveToIdx = result.size() - 1;
first = false;
if (command == Command.CLOSE_PATH.value) {
int dx = commands[i++];
int dy = commands[i++];
dx = zigZagDecode(dx);
dy = zigZagDecode(dy);
inX = inX + dx;
inY = inY + dy;
int nextX = (int) Math.round(inX * scaleFactor);
int nextY = (int) Math.round(inY * scaleFactor);
if (nextX == outX && nextY == outY && command == Command.LINE_TO.value) {
int commandLength = result.get(lengthIdx) - 8;
if (commandLength < 8) {
// get rid of lineto section if empty
result.elementsCount = lengthIdx;
} else {
result.set(lengthIdx, commandLength);
} else {
int dxOut = nextX - outX;
int dyOut = nextY - outY;
outX = nextX;
outY = nextY;
// degenerate geometry, remove it from output entirely
if (pointsInShape < geomType.minPoints()) {
result.elementsCount = moveToIdx;
return result.toArray();
private static int zigZagEncode(int n) {
return (n << 1) ^ (n >> 31);
private static int zigZagDecode(int n) {
return ((n >> 1) ^ (-(n & 1)));
private static Geometry decodeCommands(GeometryType geomType, int[] commands, int scale) throws GeometryException {
try {
GeometryFactory gf = GeoUtils.JTS_FACTORY;
double SCALE = (EXTENT << scale) / SIZE;
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
List<MutableCoordinateSequence> allCoordSeqs = new ArrayList<>();
MutableCoordinateSequence currentCoordSeq = null;
int geometryCount = commands.length;
int length = 0;
int command = 0;
int i = 0;
while (i < geometryCount) {
if (length <= 0) {
length = commands[i++];
command = length & ((1 << 3) - 1);
length = length >> 3;
if (length > 0) {
if (command == Command.MOVE_TO.value) {
currentCoordSeq = new MutableCoordinateSequence();
} else {
assert currentCoordSeq != null;
if (command == Command.CLOSE_PATH.value) {
if (geomType != GeometryType.POINT && !currentCoordSeq.isEmpty()) {
int dx = commands[i++];
int dy = commands[i++];
dx = zigZagDecode(dx);
dy = zigZagDecode(dy);
x = x + dx;
y = y + dy;
currentCoordSeq.forceAddPoint(x / SCALE, y / SCALE);
Geometry geometry = null;
boolean outerCCW = false;
switch (geomType) {
case LINE -> {
List<LineString> lineStrings = new ArrayList<>(allCoordSeqs.size());
for (MutableCoordinateSequence coordSeq : allCoordSeqs) {
if (coordSeq.size() <= 1) {
if (lineStrings.size() == 1) {
geometry = lineStrings.get(0);
} else if (lineStrings.size() > 1) {
geometry = gf.createMultiLineString(lineStrings.toArray(new LineString[0]));
case POINT -> {
CoordinateSequence cs = new PackedCoordinateSequence.Double(allCoordSeqs.size(), 2, 0);
for (int j = 0; j < allCoordSeqs.size(); j++) {
MutableCoordinateSequence coordSeq = allCoordSeqs.get(j);
cs.setOrdinate(j, 0, coordSeq.getX(0));
cs.setOrdinate(j, 1, coordSeq.getY(0));
if (cs.size() == 1) {
geometry = gf.createPoint(cs);
} else if (cs.size() > 1) {
geometry = gf.createMultiPoint(cs);
case POLYGON -> {
List<List<LinearRing>> polygonRings = new ArrayList<>();
List<LinearRing> ringsForCurrentPolygon = new ArrayList<>();
boolean first = true;
for (MutableCoordinateSequence coordSeq : allCoordSeqs) {
// skip hole with too few coordinates
if (ringsForCurrentPolygon.size() > 0 && coordSeq.size() < 2) {
LinearRing ring = gf.createLinearRing(coordSeq);
boolean ccw = Orientation.isCCW(coordSeq);
if (first) {
first = false;
outerCCW = ccw;
assert outerCCW : "outer ring is not counter-clockwise";
if (ccw == outerCCW) {
ringsForCurrentPolygon = new ArrayList<>();
List<Polygon> polygons = new ArrayList<>();
for (List<LinearRing> rings : polygonRings) {
LinearRing shell = rings.get(0);
LinearRing[] holes = rings.subList(1, rings.size()).toArray(new LinearRing[rings.size() - 1]);
polygons.add(gf.createPolygon(shell, holes));
if (polygons.size() == 1) {
geometry = polygons.get(0);
if (polygons.size() > 1) {
geometry = gf.createMultiPolygon(GeometryFactory.toPolygonArray(polygons));
default -> {
if (geometry == null) {
geometry = GeoUtils.EMPTY_GEOMETRY;
return geometry;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new GeometryException("decode_vector_tile", "Unable to decode geometry", e);
* Parses a binary-encoded vector tile protobuf into a list of features.
* <p>
* Does not decode geometries, but clients can call {@link VectorGeometry#decode()} to decode a JTS {@link Geometry}
* if needed.
* <p>
* If {@code encoded} is compressed, clients must decompress it first.
* @param encoded encoded vector tile protobuf
* @return list of features on that tile
* @throws IllegalStateException if decoding fails
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if a tag's key or value refers to an index that does not exist in the keys/values
* array for a layer
public static List<Feature> decode(byte[] encoded) {
try {
VectorTileProto.Tile tile = VectorTileProto.Tile.parseFrom(encoded);
List<Feature> features = new ArrayList<>();
for (VectorTileProto.Tile.Layer layer : tile.getLayersList()) {
String layerName = layer.getName();
assert layer.getExtent() == 4096;
List<String> keys = layer.getKeysList();
List<Object> values = new ArrayList<>();
for (VectorTileProto.Tile.Value value : layer.getValuesList()) {
if (value.hasBoolValue()) {
} else if (value.hasDoubleValue()) {
} else if (value.hasFloatValue()) {
} else if (value.hasIntValue()) {
} else if (value.hasSintValue()) {
} else if (value.hasUintValue()) {
} else if (value.hasStringValue()) {
} else {
for (VectorTileProto.Tile.Feature feature : layer.getFeaturesList()) {
int tagsCount = feature.getTagsCount();
Map<String, Object> attrs = new HashMap<>(tagsCount / 2);
int tagIdx = 0;
while (tagIdx < feature.getTagsCount()) {
String key = keys.get(feature.getTags(tagIdx++));
Object value = values.get(feature.getTags(tagIdx++));
attrs.put(key, value);
features.add(new Feature(
new VectorGeometry(Ints.toArray(feature.getGeometryList()), GeometryType.valueOf(feature.getType()), 0),
return features;
} catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
* Encodes a JTS geometry according to
* <a href="">Geometry Encoding
* Specification</a>.
* @param geometry the JTS geometry to encoded
* @return the geometry type and command array for the encoded geometry
public static VectorGeometry encodeGeometry(Geometry geometry) {
return encodeGeometry(geometry, 0);
public static VectorGeometry encodeGeometry(Geometry geometry, int scale) {
return new VectorGeometry(getCommands(geometry, scale), GeometryType.typeOf(geometry), scale);
* Adds features in a layer to this tile.
* @param layerName name of the layer in this tile to add the features to
* @param features features to add to the tile
* @return this encoder for chaining
public VectorTile addLayerFeatures(String layerName, List<? extends Feature> features) {
if (features.isEmpty()) {
return this;
Layer layer = layers.get(layerName);
if (layer == null) {
layer = new Layer();
layers.put(layerName, layer);
for (Feature inFeature : features) {
if (inFeature != null && inFeature.geometry().commands().length > 0) {
EncodedFeature outFeature = new EncodedFeature(inFeature);
for (Map.Entry<String, ?> e : inFeature.attrs().entrySet()) {
// skip attribute without value
if (e.getValue() != null) {
return this;
* Creates a vector tile protobuf with all features in this tile and serializes it as a byte array.
* <p>
* Does not compress the result.
public byte[] encode() {
VectorTileProto.Tile.Builder tile = VectorTileProto.Tile.newBuilder();
for (Map.Entry<String, Layer> e : layers.entrySet()) {
String layerName = e.getKey();
Layer layer = e.getValue();
VectorTileProto.Tile.Layer.Builder tileLayer = VectorTileProto.Tile.Layer.newBuilder()
for (Object value : layer.values()) {
VectorTileProto.Tile.Value.Builder tileValue = VectorTileProto.Tile.Value.newBuilder();
if (value instanceof String stringValue) {
} else if (value instanceof Integer intValue) {
} else if (value instanceof Long longValue) {
} else if (value instanceof Float floatValue) {
} else if (value instanceof Double doubleValue) {
} else if (value instanceof Boolean booleanValue) {
} else {
for (EncodedFeature feature : layer.encodedFeatures) {
VectorTileProto.Tile.Feature.Builder featureBuilder = VectorTileProto.Tile.Feature.newBuilder()
if ( >= 0) {
* Returns true if this tile contains only polygon fills.
public boolean containsOnlyFills() {
return containsOnlyFillsOrEdges(false);
* Returns true if this tile contains only polygon fills or horizontal/vertical edges that are likely to be repeated
* across tiles.
public boolean containsOnlyFillsOrEdges() {
return containsOnlyFillsOrEdges(true);
private boolean containsOnlyFillsOrEdges(boolean allowEdges) {
boolean empty = true;
for (var layer : layers.values()) {
for (var feature : layer.encodedFeatures) {
empty = false;
if (!feature.geometry.isFillOrEdge(allowEdges)) {
return false;
return !empty;
* Determine whether a tile is likely to be a duplicate of some other tile hence it makes sense to calculate a hash
* for it.
* <p>
* Deduplication code is aiming for a balance between filtering-out all duplicates and not spending too much CPU on
* hash calculations: calculating hashes for all tiles costs too much CPU, not calculating hashes at all means
* generating archives which are too big. This method is responsible for achieving that balance.
* <p>
* Current understanding is, that for the whole planet, there are 267m total tiles and 38m unique tiles. The
* {@link #containsOnlyFillsOrEdges()} heuristic catches >99.9% of repeated tiles and cuts down the number of tile
* hashes we need to track by 98% (38m to 735k). So it is considered a good tradeoff.
* @return {@code true} if the tile might have duplicates hence we want to calculate a hash for it
public boolean likelyToBeDuplicated() {
return layers.values().stream().allMatch(v -> v.encodedFeatures.isEmpty()) || containsOnlyFillsOrEdges();
private enum Command {
final int value;
Command(int value) {
this.value = value;
* A vector tile encoded as a list of commands according to the
* <a href="">vector tile
* specification</a>.
* <p>
* To encode extra precision in intermediate feature geometries, the geometry contained in {@code commands} is scaled
* to a tile extent of {@code EXTENT * 2^scale}, so when the {@code scale == 0} the extent is {@link #EXTENT} and when
* {@code scale == 2} the extent is 4x{@link #EXTENT}. Geometries must be scaled back to 0 using {@link #unscale()}
* before outputting to the archive.
public record VectorGeometry(int[] commands, GeometryType geomType, int scale) {
private static final int LEFT = 1;
private static final int RIGHT = 1 << 1;
private static final int TOP = 1 << 2;
private static final int BOTTOM = 1 << 3;
private static final int INSIDE = 0;
private static final int ALL = TOP | LEFT | RIGHT | BOTTOM;
public VectorGeometry {
if (scale < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("scale can not be less than 0, got: " + scale);
private static int getSide(int x, int y, int extent) {
int result = INSIDE;
if (x < 0) {
result |= LEFT;
} else if (x > extent) {
result |= RIGHT;
if (y < 0) {
result |= TOP;
} else if (y > extent) {
result |= BOTTOM;
return result;
private static boolean slanted(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
return x1 != x2 && y1 != y2;
private static boolean segmentCrossesTile(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int extent) {
return (y1 >= 0 || y2 >= 0) &&
(y1 <= extent || y2 <= extent) &&
(x1 >= 0 || x2 >= 0) &&
(x1 <= extent || x2 <= extent);
private static boolean isSegmentInvalid(boolean allowEdges, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int extent) {
boolean crossesTile = segmentCrossesTile(x1, y1, x2, y2, extent);
if (allowEdges) {
return crossesTile && slanted(x1, y1, x2, y2);
} else {
return crossesTile;
private static boolean visitedEnoughSides(boolean allowEdges, int sides) {
if (allowEdges) {
return ((sides & LEFT) > 0 && (sides & RIGHT) > 0) || ((sides & TOP) > 0 && (sides & BOTTOM) > 0);
} else {
return sides == ALL;
/** Converts an encoded geometry back to a JTS geometry. */
public Geometry decode() throws GeometryException {
return decodeCommands(geomType, commands, scale);
/** Returns this encoded geometry, scaled back to 0, so it is safe to emit to archive output. */
public VectorGeometry unscale() {
return scale == 0 ? this : new VectorGeometry(VectorTile.unscale(commands, scale, geomType), geomType, 0);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
VectorGeometry that = (VectorGeometry) o;
if (geomType != that.geomType) {
return false;
return Arrays.equals(commands, that.commands);
public int hashCode() {
int result = Arrays.hashCode(commands);
result = 31 * result + geomType.hashCode();
return result;
public String toString() {
return "VectorGeometry[" +
"commands=int[" + commands.length +
"], geomType=" + geomType +
" (" + geomType.asByte() + ")]";
/** Returns true if the encoded geometry is a polygon fill. */
public boolean isFill() {
return isFillOrEdge(false);
* Returns true if the encoded geometry is a polygon fill, rectangle edge, or part of a horizontal/vertical line
* that is likely to be repeated across tiles.
public boolean isFillOrEdge() {
return isFillOrEdge(true);
* Returns true if the encoded geometry is a polygon fill, or if {@code allowEdges == true} then also a rectangle
* edge, or part of a horizontal/vertical line that is likely to be repeated across tiles.
public boolean isFillOrEdge(boolean allowEdges) {
if (geomType != GeometryType.POLYGON && (!allowEdges || geomType != GeometryType.LINE)) {
return false;
boolean isLine = geomType == GeometryType.LINE;
int extent = EXTENT << scale;
int visited = INSIDE;
int firstX = 0;
int firstY = 0;
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
int geometryCount = commands.length;
int length = 0;
int command = 0;
int i = 0;
while (i < geometryCount) {
if (length <= 0) {
length = commands[i++];
command = length & ((1 << 3) - 1);
length = length >> 3;
if (isLine && length > 2) {
return false;
if (length > 0) {
if (command == Command.CLOSE_PATH.value) {
if (isSegmentInvalid(allowEdges, x, y, firstX, firstY, extent) ||
!visitedEnoughSides(allowEdges, visited)) {
return false;
int dx = commands[i++];
int dy = commands[i++];
dx = zigZagDecode(dx);
dy = zigZagDecode(dy);
int nextX = x + dx;
int nextY = y + dy;
if (command == Command.MOVE_TO.value) {
firstX = nextX;
firstY = nextY;
if ((visited = getSide(firstX, firstY, extent)) == INSIDE) {
return false;
} else {
if (isSegmentInvalid(allowEdges, x, y, nextX, nextY, extent)) {
return false;
visited |= getSide(nextX, nextY, extent);
y = nextY;
x = nextX;
return visitedEnoughSides(allowEdges, visited);
* A feature in a vector tile.
* @param layer the layer the feature was in
* @param id the feature ID
* @param geometry the encoded feature geometry (decode using {@link VectorGeometry#decode()})
* @param attrs tags for the feature to output
* @param group grouping key used to limit point density or {@link #NO_GROUP} if not in a group. NOTE: this is only
* populated when this feature was deserialized from {@link FeatureGroup}, not when parsed from a tile
* since vector tile schema does not encode group.
public record Feature(
String layer,
long id,
VectorGeometry geometry,
Map<String, Object> attrs,
long group
) {
public static final long NO_GROUP = Long.MIN_VALUE;
public Feature(
String layer,
long id,
VectorGeometry geometry,
Map<String, Object> attrs
) {
this(layer, id, geometry, attrs, NO_GROUP);
public boolean hasGroup() {
return group != NO_GROUP;
* Encodes {@code newGeometry} and returns a copy of this feature with {@code geometry} replaced with the encoded
* new geometry.
public Feature copyWithNewGeometry(Geometry newGeometry) {
return copyWithNewGeometry(encodeGeometry(newGeometry));
* Returns a copy of this feature with {@code geometry} replaced with {@code newGeometry}.
public Feature copyWithNewGeometry(VectorGeometry newGeometry) {
return new Feature(
/** Returns a copy of this feature with {@code extraAttrs} added to {@code attrs}. */
public Feature copyWithExtraAttrs(Map<String, Object> extraAttrs) {
return new Feature(
Stream.concat(attrs.entrySet().stream(), extraAttrs.entrySet().stream())
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue)),
* Encodes a geometry as a sequence of integers according to the
* <a href="">Geometry * Encoding
* Specification</a>.
private static class CommandEncoder {
final IntArrayList result = new IntArrayList();
private final double SCALE;
// Initial points use absolute locations, then subsequent points in a geometry use offsets so
// need to keep track of previous x/y location during the encoding.
int x = 0, y = 0;
CommandEncoder(int scale) {
this.SCALE = (EXTENT << scale) / SIZE;
static boolean shouldClosePath(Geometry geometry) {
return (geometry instanceof Polygon) || (geometry instanceof LinearRing);
static int commandAndLength(Command command, int repeat) {
return repeat << 3 | command.value;
void accept(Geometry geometry) {
if (geometry instanceof MultiLineString multiLineString) {
for (int i = 0; i < multiLineString.getNumGeometries(); i++) {
encode(((LineString) multiLineString.getGeometryN(i)).getCoordinateSequence(), false, GeometryType.LINE);
} else if (geometry instanceof Polygon polygon) {
LineString exteriorRing = polygon.getExteriorRing();
encode(exteriorRing.getCoordinateSequence(), true, GeometryType.POLYGON);
for (int i = 0; i < polygon.getNumInteriorRing(); i++) {
LineString interiorRing = polygon.getInteriorRingN(i);
encode(interiorRing.getCoordinateSequence(), true, GeometryType.LINE);
} else if (geometry instanceof MultiPolygon multiPolygon) {
for (int i = 0; i < multiPolygon.getNumGeometries(); i++) {
} else if (geometry instanceof LineString lineString) {
encode(lineString.getCoordinateSequence(), shouldClosePath(geometry), GeometryType.LINE);
} else if (geometry instanceof Point point) {
encode(point.getCoordinateSequence(), false, GeometryType.POINT);
} else if (geometry instanceof Puntal) {
encode(new CoordinateArraySequence(geometry.getCoordinates()), shouldClosePath(geometry),
geometry instanceof MultiPoint, GeometryType.POINT);
} else {
LOGGER.warn("Unrecognized geometry type: " + geometry.getGeometryType());
void encode(CoordinateSequence cs, boolean closePathAtEnd, GeometryType geomType) {
encode(cs, closePathAtEnd, false, geomType);
void encode(CoordinateSequence cs, boolean closePathAtEnd, boolean multiPoint, GeometryType geomType) {
if (cs.size() == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty geometry");
int startIdx = result.size();
int numPoints = 0;
int lineToIndex = 0;
int lineToLength = 0;
int startX = x;
int startY = y;
for (int i = 0; i < cs.size(); i++) {
double cx = cs.getX(i);
double cy = cs.getY(i);
if (i == 0) {
result.add(commandAndLength(Command.MOVE_TO, multiPoint ? cs.size() : 1));
int _x = (int) Math.round(cx * SCALE);
int _y = (int) Math.round(cy * SCALE);
// prevent point equal to the previous
if (i > 0 && _x == x && _y == y && !multiPoint) {
// prevent double closing
if (closePathAtEnd && cs.size() > 1 && i == (cs.size() - 1) && cs.getX(0) == cx && cs.getY(0) == cy) {
// delta, then zigzag
result.add(zigZagEncode(_x - x));
result.add(zigZagEncode(_y - y));
x = _x;
y = _y;
if (i == 0 && cs.size() > 1 && !multiPoint) {
// can length be too long?
lineToIndex = result.size();
lineToLength = cs.size() - 1;
result.add(commandAndLength(Command.LINE_TO, lineToLength));
// update LineTo length
if (lineToIndex > 0) {
if (lineToLength == 0) {
// remove empty LineTo
} else {
// update LineTo with new length
result.set(lineToIndex, commandAndLength(Command.LINE_TO, lineToLength));
if (closePathAtEnd) {
result.add(commandAndLength(Command.CLOSE_PATH, 1));
// degenerate geometry, skip emitting
if (numPoints < geomType.minPoints()) {
result.elementsCount = startIdx;
// reset deltas
x = startX;
y = startY;
private record EncodedFeature(IntArrayList tags, long id, VectorGeometry geometry) {
EncodedFeature(Feature in) {
this(new IntArrayList(),, in.geometry());
* Holds all features in an output layer of this tile, along with the index of each tag key/value so that features can
* store each key/value as a pair of integers.
private static final class Layer {
final List<EncodedFeature> encodedFeatures = new ArrayList<>();
final Map<String, Integer> keys = new LinkedHashMap<>();
final Map<Object, Integer> values = new LinkedHashMap<>();
List<String> keys() {
return new ArrayList<>(keys.keySet());
List<Object> values() {
return new ArrayList<>(values.keySet());
/** Returns the ID associated with {@code key} or adds a new one if not present. */
Integer key(String key) {
Integer i = keys.get(key);
if (i == null) {
i = keys.size();
keys.put(key, i);
return i;
/** Returns the ID associated with {@code value} or adds a new one if not present. */
Integer value(Object value) {
Integer i = values.get(value);
if (i == null) {
i = values.size();
values.put(value, i);
return i;
public String toString() {
return "Layer{" + encodedFeatures.size() + "}";