package com.onthegomap.planetiler; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.collection.FeatureGroup; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.collection.LongLongMap; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.config.Arguments; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.config.MbtilesMetadata; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.config.PlanetilerConfig; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.mbtiles.MbtilesWriter; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.reader.NaturalEarthReader; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.reader.ShapefileReader; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.reader.osm.OsmInputFile; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.reader.osm.OsmReader; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.stats.ProcessInfo; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.stats.Stats; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.stats.Timers; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.util.Downloader; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.util.FileUtils; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.util.Format; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.util.Geofabrik; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.util.LogUtil; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.util.Translations; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.util.Wikidata; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.worker.RunnableThatThrows; import; import java.nio.file.FileStore; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.function.Function; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * High-level API for creating a new map that ties together lower-level utilities in a way that is suitable for the most * common use-cases. *

* For example: *

 * public static void main(String[] args) {
 *   Planetiler.create(arguments)
 *     .setProfile(new CustomProfile())
 *     .addShapefileSource("shapefile", Path.of(""))
 *     .addNaturalEarthSource("natural_earth", Path.of(""))
 *     .addOsmSource("osm", Path.of("source.osm.pbf"))
 *     .setOutput("mbtiles", Path.of("output.mbtiles"))
 *     .run();
 * }

* Each call to a builder API mutates the runner instance and returns it for more chaining. *

* See {@code ToiletsOverlayLowLevelApi} or unit tests for examples using the low-level API. */ @SuppressWarnings("UnusedReturnValue") public class Planetiler { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Planetiler.class); private final List stages = new ArrayList<>(); private final List toDownload = new ArrayList<>(); private final List inputPaths = new ArrayList<>(); private final Timers.Finishable overallTimer; private final Arguments arguments; private final Stats stats; private final Path tmpDir; private final boolean downloadSources; private final boolean onlyDownloadSources; private Profile profile = null; private Function profileProvider = null; private final PlanetilerConfig config; private FeatureGroup featureGroup; private OsmInputFile osmInputFile; private Path output; private boolean overwrite = false; private boolean ran = false; private Path nodeDbPath; // most common OSM languages private List languages = List.of( "en", "ru", "ar", "zh", "ja", "ko", "fr", "de", "fi", "pl", "es", "be", "br", "he" ); private Translations translations; private Path wikidataNamesFile; private boolean useWikidata = false; private boolean onlyFetchWikidata = false; private boolean fetchWikidata = false; private Planetiler(Arguments arguments) { this.arguments = arguments; stats = arguments.getStats(); overallTimer = stats.startStage("overall"); LogUtil.clearStage(); config = PlanetilerConfig.from(arguments); tmpDir = arguments.file("tmpdir", "temp directory", Path.of("data", "tmp")); onlyDownloadSources = arguments.getBoolean("only_download", "download source data then exit", false); downloadSources = onlyDownloadSources || arguments.getBoolean("download", "download sources", false); } /** Returns a new empty runner that will get configuration from {@code arguments}. */ public static Planetiler create(Arguments arguments) { return new Planetiler(arguments); } /** * Returns a new empty runner that will get configuration from {@code arguments} to the main method, JVM properties, * environmental variables, or a config file specified in {@code config} argument. * * @param arguments array of string arguments provided to {@code public static void main(String[] args)} entrypoint */ public static Planetiler create(String... arguments) { return new Planetiler(Arguments.fromArgsOrConfigFile(arguments)); } /** * Adds a new {@code .osm.pbf} source that will be processed when {@link #run()} is called. *

* To override the location of the {@code .osm.pbf} file, set {@code name_path=newpath.osm.pbf} in the arguments. * * @param name string to use in stats and logs to identify this stage * @param defaultPath path to the input file to use if {@code name_path} argument is not set * @return this runner instance for chaining * @see OsmInputFile * @see OsmReader */ public Planetiler addOsmSource(String name, Path defaultPath) { return addOsmSource(name, defaultPath, null); } /** * Adds a new {@code .osm.pbf} source that will be processed when {@link #run()} is called. *

* If the file does not exist and {@code download=true} argument is set, then the file will first be downloaded from * {@code defaultUrl}. *

* To override the location of the {@code .osm.pbf} file, set {@code name_path=newpath.osm.pbf} in the arguments and * to override the download URL set {@code name_url=http://url/of/osm.pbf}. * * @param name string to use in stats and logs to identify this stage * @param defaultPath path to the input file to use if {@code name_path} argument is not set * @param defaultUrl remote URL that the file to download if {@code download=true} argument is set and {@code * name_url} argument is not set. As a shortcut, can use "geofabrik:monaco" or * "geofabrik:australia" shorthand to find an extract by name from Geofabrik download site or "aws:latest" to download * the latest {@code planet.osm.pbf} file from AWS * Open Data Registry. * @return this runner instance for chaining * @see OsmInputFile * @see OsmReader * @see Downloader * @see Geofabrik */ public Planetiler addOsmSource(String name, Path defaultPath, String defaultUrl) { if (osmInputFile != null) { // TODO: support more than one input OSM file throw new IllegalArgumentException("Currently only one OSM input file is supported"); } Path path = getPath(name, "OSM input file", defaultPath, defaultUrl); var thisInputFile = new OsmInputFile(path, config.osmLazyReads()); osmInputFile = thisInputFile; return appendStage(new Stage( name, List.of( name + "_pass1: Pre-process OpenStreetMap input (store node locations then relation members)", name + "_pass2: Process OpenStreetMap nodes, ways, then relations" ), ifSourceUsed(name, () -> { try ( var nodeLocations = LongLongMap.from(config.nodeMapType(), config.nodeMapStorage(), nodeDbPath); var osmReader = new OsmReader(name, thisInputFile, nodeLocations, profile(), stats) ) { osmReader.pass1(config); osmReader.pass2(featureGroup, config); } finally { FileUtils.delete(nodeDbPath); } })) ); } /** * Adds a new ESRI shapefile source that will be processed using a projection inferred from the shapefile when {@link * #run()} is called. *

* To override the location of the {@code shapefile} file, set {@code} in the arguments. * * @param name string to use in stats and logs to identify this stage * @param defaultPath path to the input file to use if {@code name_path} key is not set through arguments. Can be a * {@code .shp} file with other shapefile components in the same directory, or a {@code .zip} file * containing the shapefile components. * @return this runner instance for chaining * @see ShapefileReader */ public Planetiler addShapefileSource(String name, Path defaultPath) { return addShapefileSource(null, name, defaultPath); } /** * Adds a new ESRI shapefile source that will be processed using an explicit projection when {@link #run()} is * called. *

* To override the location of the {@code shapefile} file, set {@code} in the arguments. * * @param projection the Coordinate Reference System authority code to use, parsed with {@link * org.geotools.referencing.CRS#decode(String)} * @param name string to use in stats and logs to identify this stage * @param defaultPath path to the input file to use if {@code name_path} key is not set through arguments. Can be a * {@code .shp} file with other shapefile components in the same directory, or a {@code .zip} file * containing the shapefile components. * @return this runner instance for chaining * @see ShapefileReader */ public Planetiler addShapefileSource(String projection, String name, Path defaultPath) { return addShapefileSource(projection, name, defaultPath, null); } /** * Adds a new ESRI shapefile source that will be processed with a projection inferred from the shapefile when {@link * #run()} is called. *

* If the file does not exist and {@code download=true} argument is set, then the file will first be downloaded from * {@code defaultUrl}. *

* To override the location of the {@code shapefile} file, set {@code} in the arguments and * to override the download URL set {@code name_url=http://url/of/}. * * @param name string to use in stats and logs to identify this stage * @param defaultPath path to the input file to use if {@code name_path} key is not set through arguments. Can be a * {@code .shp} file with other shapefile components in the same directory, or a {@code .zip} file * containing the shapefile components. * @param defaultUrl remote URL that the file to download if {@code download=true} argument is set and {@code * name_url} argument is not set * @return this runner instance for chaining * @see ShapefileReader * @see Downloader */ public Planetiler addShapefileSource(String name, Path defaultPath, String defaultUrl) { return addShapefileSource(null, name, defaultPath, defaultUrl); } /** * Adds a new ESRI shapefile source that will be processed with an explicit projection when {@link #run()} is called. *

* If the file does not exist and {@code download=true} argument is set, then the file will first be downloaded from * {@code defaultUrl}. *

* To override the location of the {@code shapefile} file, set {@code} in the arguments and * to override the download URL set {@code name_url=http://url/of/}. * * @param projection the Coordinate Reference System authority code to use, parsed with {@link * org.geotools.referencing.CRS#decode(String)} * @param name string to use in stats and logs to identify this stage * @param defaultPath path to the input file to use if {@code name_path} key is not set through arguments. Can be a * {@code .shp} file with other shapefile components in the same directory, or a {@code .zip} file * containing the shapefile components. * @param defaultUrl remote URL that the file to download if {@code download=true} argument is set and {@code * name_url} argument is not set * @return this runner instance for chaining * @see ShapefileReader * @see Downloader */ public Planetiler addShapefileSource(String projection, String name, Path defaultPath, String defaultUrl) { Path path = getPath(name, "shapefile", defaultPath, defaultUrl); return addStage(name, "Process features in " + path, ifSourceUsed(name, () -> ShapefileReader.processWithProjection(projection, name, path, featureGroup, config, profile, stats))); } /** * Adds a new Natural Earth sqlite file source that will be processed when {@link #run()} is called. *

* To override the location of the {@code sqlite} file, set {@code} in the arguments and to * override the download URL set {@code name_url=http://url/of/}. * * @param name string to use in stats and logs to identify this stage * @param defaultPath path to the input file to use if {@code name} key is not set through arguments. Can be the * {@code .sqlite} file or a {@code .zip} file containing the sqlite file. * @return this runner instance for chaining * @see NaturalEarthReader */ public Planetiler addNaturalEarthSource(String name, Path defaultPath) { return addNaturalEarthSource(name, defaultPath, null); } /** * Adds a new Natural Earth sqlite file source that will be processed when {@link #run()} is called. *

* If the file does not exist and {@code download=true} argument is set, then the file will first be downloaded from * {@code defaultUrl}. *

* To override the location of the {@code sqlite} file, set {@code} in the arguments and to * override the download URL set {@code name_url=http://url/of/}. * * @param name string to use in stats and logs to identify this stage * @param defaultPath path to the input file to use if {@code name} key is not set through arguments. Can be the * {@code .sqlite} file or a {@code .zip} file containing the sqlite file. * @param defaultUrl remote URL that the file to download if {@code download=true} argument is set and {@code * name_url} argument is not set * @return this runner instance for chaining * @see NaturalEarthReader * @see Downloader */ public Planetiler addNaturalEarthSource(String name, Path defaultPath, String defaultUrl) { Path path = getPath(name, "sqlite db", defaultPath, defaultUrl); return addStage(name, "Process features in " + path, ifSourceUsed(name, () -> NaturalEarthReader .process(name, path, tmpDir.resolve("natearth.sqlite"), featureGroup, config, profile, stats))); } /** * Adds a new stage that will be invoked when {@link #run()} is called. * * @param name string to use in stats and logs to identify this stage * @param description details to print when logging what stages will run * @param task the task to run * @return this runner instance for chaining */ public Planetiler addStage(String name, String description, RunnableThatThrows task) { return appendStage(new Stage(name, description, task)); } /** * Sets the default languages that will be used by {@link #translations()} when not overridden by {@code languages} * argument. * * @param languages the list of languages to use when {@code name} argument is not set * @return this runner instance for chaining */ public Planetiler setDefaultLanguages(List languages) { this.languages = languages; return this; } /** * Updates {@link #translations()} to use name translations fetched from wikidata based on the wikidata tag on OSM elements. *

* When either {@code only_fetch_wikidata} or {@code fetch_wikidata} arguments are set to true, this downloads * translations for every OSM element that the profile cares about and stores them to {@code defaultWikidataCache} (or * the value of the {@code wikidata_cache} argument) before processing any sources. *

* As long as {@code use_wikidata} is not set to false, then previously-downloaded wikidata translations will be * loaded from the cache file so you can run with {@code fetch_wikidata=true} once, then without it each subsequent * run to only download translations once. * * @param defaultWikidataCache Path to store downloaded wikidata name translations to, and to read them from on * subsequent runs. Overridden by {@code wikidata_cache} argument value. * @return this runner for chaining * @see Wikidata */ public Planetiler fetchWikidataNameTranslations(Path defaultWikidataCache) { onlyFetchWikidata = arguments .getBoolean("only_fetch_wikidata", "fetch wikidata translations then quit", onlyFetchWikidata); fetchWikidata = onlyFetchWikidata || arguments.getBoolean("fetch_wikidata", "fetch wikidata translations then continue", fetchWikidata); useWikidata = fetchWikidata || arguments.getBoolean("use_wikidata", "use wikidata translations", true); wikidataNamesFile = arguments.file("wikidata_cache", "wikidata cache file", defaultWikidataCache); return this; } public Translations translations() { if (translations == null) { boolean transliterate = arguments.getBoolean("transliterate", "attempt to transliterate latin names", true); List languages = arguments.getList("languages", "languages to use", this.languages); translations = Translations.defaultProvider(languages).setShouldTransliterate(transliterate); } return translations; } private Planetiler appendStage(Stage stage) { if ( -> { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duplicate stage name: " +; } stages.add(stage); return this; } /** Sets the profile implementation that controls how source feature map to output map elements. */ public Planetiler setProfile(Profile profile) { this.profile = profile; return this; } /** * Sets a profile that needs information from this runner to be instantiated. *

* Construction will be deferred until all inputs are read. */ public Planetiler setProfile(Function profileProvider) { this.profileProvider = profileProvider; return this; } /** * Sets the location of the output {@code .mbtiles} file to write rendered tiles to. Fails if the file already * exists. *

* To override the location of the file, set {@code argument=newpath.mbtiles} in the arguments. * * @param argument the argument key to check for an override to {@code fallback} * @param fallback the fallback value if {@code argument} is not set in arguments * @return this runner instance for chaining * @see MbtilesWriter */ public Planetiler setOutput(String argument, Path fallback) { this.output = arguments.file(argument, "mbtiles output file", fallback); return this; } /** * Sets the location of the output {@code .mbtiles} file to write rendered tiles to. Overwrites file if it already * exists. *

* To override the location of the file, set {@code argument=newpath.mbtiles} in the arguments. * * @param argument the argument key to check for an override to {@code fallback} * @param fallback the fallback value if {@code argument} is not set in arguments * @return this runner instance for chaining * @see MbtilesWriter */ public Planetiler overwriteOutput(String argument, Path fallback) { this.overwrite = true; return setOutput(argument, fallback); } /** * Reads all elements from all sourced that have been added, generates map features according to the profile, and * writes the rendered tiles to the output mbtiles file. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if expected inputs have not been provided * @throws Exception if an error occurs while processing */ public void run() throws Exception { if (profile() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No profile specified"); } if (output == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No output specified"); } if (stages.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No sources specified"); } if (ran) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can only run once"); } ran = true; MbtilesMetadata mbtilesMetadata = new MbtilesMetadata(profile, config.arguments()); if (arguments.getBoolean("help", "show arguments then exit", false)) { System.exit(0); } else if (onlyDownloadSources) { // don't check files if not generating map } else if (overwrite || config.force()) { FileUtils.deleteFile(output); } else if (Files.exists(output)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(output + " already exists, use the --force argument to overwrite."); } "Building " + profile.getClass().getSimpleName() + " profile into " + output + " in these phases:"); if (!toDownload.isEmpty()) {" download: Download sources " + ->; } if (!onlyDownloadSources && fetchWikidata) {" wikidata: Fetch translations from wikidata query service"); } if (!onlyDownloadSources && !onlyFetchWikidata) { for (Stage stage : stages) { for (String details : stage.details) {" " + details); } }" sort: Sort rendered features by tile ID");" mbtiles: Encode each tile and write to " + output); } if (!toDownload.isEmpty()) { download(); } ensureInputFilesExist(); Files.createDirectories(tmpDir); checkDiskSpace(); checkMemory(); if (fetchWikidata) { Wikidata.fetch(osmInputFile(), wikidataNamesFile, config(), profile(), stats()); } if (useWikidata) { translations().addTranslationProvider(Wikidata.load(wikidataNamesFile)); } if (onlyDownloadSources || onlyFetchWikidata) { return; // exit only if just fetching wikidata or downloading sources } if (osmInputFile != null) { config.bounds().setFallbackProvider(osmInputFile); } Files.createDirectories(tmpDir); nodeDbPath = tmpDir.resolve("node.db"); Path featureDbPath = tmpDir.resolve("feature.db"); featureGroup = FeatureGroup.newDiskBackedFeatureGroup(featureDbPath, profile, config, stats); stats.monitorFile("nodes", nodeDbPath); stats.monitorFile("features", featureDbPath); stats.monitorFile("mbtiles", output); for (Stage stage : stages) {; }"Deleting node.db to make room for output file"); profile.release(); for (var inputPath : inputPaths) { if (inputPath.freeAfterReading()) {"Deleting " + + "(" + inputPath.path + ") to make room for output file"); FileUtils.delete(inputPath.path()); } } featureGroup.prepare(); MbtilesWriter.writeOutput(featureGroup, output, mbtilesMetadata, config, stats); overallTimer.stop();"FINISHED!"); stats.printSummary(); stats.close(); } private void checkDiskSpace() { Map readPhaseBytes = new HashMap<>(); Map writePhaseBytes = new HashMap<>(); long osmSize = osmInputFile.diskUsageBytes(); long nodeMapSize = LongLongMap.estimateDiskUsage(config.nodeMapType(), config.nodeMapStorage(), osmSize); long featureSize = profile.estimateIntermediateDiskBytes(osmSize); long outputSize = profile.estimateOutputBytes(osmSize); try { // node locations only needed while reading inputs readPhaseBytes.merge(Files.getFileStore(tmpDir), nodeMapSize, Long::sum); // feature db persists across read/write phase readPhaseBytes.merge(Files.getFileStore(tmpDir), featureSize, Long::sum); writePhaseBytes.merge(Files.getFileStore(tmpDir), featureSize, Long::sum); // output only needed during write phase writePhaseBytes.merge(Files.getFileStore(output.toAbsolutePath().getParent()), outputSize, Long::sum); // if the user opts to remove an input source after reading to free up additional space for the output... for (var input : inputPaths) { if (input.freeAfterReading()) { writePhaseBytes.merge(Files.getFileStore(input.path), -Files.size(input.path), Long::sum); } } checkDiskSpaceOnDevices(readPhaseBytes, "read"); checkDiskSpaceOnDevices(writePhaseBytes, "write"); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.warn("Unable to check disk space requirements, may run out of room " + e); } } private void checkDiskSpaceOnDevices(Map readPhaseBytes, String phase) throws IOException { for (var entry : readPhaseBytes.entrySet()) { var fs = entry.getKey(); var requested = entry.getValue(); long available = fs.getUnallocatedSpace(); if (available < requested) { var format = Format.defaultInstance(); String warning = "Planetiler needs ~" + + " on " + fs + " during " + phase + " phase, which only has " + + " available"; if (config.force() || requested < available * 1.25) { LOGGER.warn(warning + ", may fail."); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(warning + ", use the --force argument to continue anyway."); } } } } private void checkMemory() { var format = Format.defaultInstance(); long nodeMap = LongLongMap.estimateMemoryUsage(config.nodeMapType(), config.nodeMapStorage(), osmInputFile.diskUsageBytes()); long profile = profile().estimateRamRequired(osmInputFile.diskUsageBytes()); long requested = nodeMap + profile; long jvmMemory = ProcessInfo.getMaxMemoryBytes(); if (jvmMemory < requested) { String warning = "Planetiler needs ~" + + " memory for the JVM, but only " + + " is available, try setting -Xmx=" + Locale.ROOT); if (config.force() || requested < jvmMemory * 1.25) { LOGGER.warn(warning + ", may fail."); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(warning + ", use the --force argument to continue anyway."); } } } public Arguments arguments() { return arguments; } public OsmInputFile osmInputFile() { return osmInputFile; } public PlanetilerConfig config() { return config; } public Profile profile() { if (profile == null && profileProvider != null) { profile = profileProvider.apply(this); } return profile; } public Stats stats() { return stats; } private RunnableThatThrows ifSourceUsed(String name, RunnableThatThrows task) { return () -> { if (profile.caresAboutSource(name)) {; } else { LogUtil.setStage(name);"Skipping since profile does not use it"); LogUtil.clearStage(); } }; } private Path getPath(String name, String type, Path defaultPath, String defaultUrl) { Path path = arguments.file(name + "_path", name + " " + type + " path", defaultPath); boolean freeAfterReading = arguments.getBoolean("free_" + name + "_after_read", "delete " + name + " input file after reading to make space for output (reduces peak disk usage)", false); if (downloadSources) { String url = arguments.getString(name + "_url", name + " " + type + " url", defaultUrl); if (!Files.exists(path) && url != null) { toDownload.add(new ToDownload(name, url, path)); } } inputPaths.add(new InputPath(name, path, freeAfterReading)); return path; } private void download() { var timer = stats.startStage("download"); Downloader downloader = Downloader.create(config(), stats()); for (ToDownload toDownload : toDownload) { if (profile.caresAboutSource( { downloader.add(, toDownload.url, toDownload.path); } }; timer.stop(); } private void ensureInputFilesExist() { for (InputPath inputPath : inputPaths) { if (profile.caresAboutSource( && !Files.exists(inputPath.path)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(inputPath.path + " does not exist"); } } } private record Stage(String id, List details, RunnableThatThrows task) { Stage(String id, String description, RunnableThatThrows task) { this(id, List.of(id + ": " + description), task); } } private record ToDownload(String id, String url, Path path) {} private record InputPath(String id, Path path, boolean freeAfterReading) {} }