package com.onthegomap.planetiler.stats; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.util.Format; import java.time.Duration; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Optional; /** * A utility for measuring the wall and CPU time that this JVM consumes between snapshots. *

* For example: *

 * var start =;
 * // do expensive work...
 * var end -;
 * LOGGER.log("Expensive work took " + end.minus(start));
 * }
*/ public record ProcessTime(Duration wall, Optional cpu, Duration gc) { /** Takes a snapshot of current wall and CPU time of this JVM. */ public static ProcessTime now() { return new ProcessTime(Duration.ofNanos(System.nanoTime()), ProcessInfo.getProcessCpuTime(), ProcessInfo.getGcTime()); } /** Returns the amount of time elapsed between {@code other} and {@code this}. */ ProcessTime minus(ProcessTime other) { return new ProcessTime( wall.minus(other.wall), cpu.flatMap(thisCpu ->, gc.minus(other.gc) ); } public String toString(Locale locale) { Format format = Format.forLocale(locale); Optional deltaCpu =; String avgCpus = -> " avg:" + format.decimal(cpuTime.toNanos() * 1d / wall.toNanos())) .orElse(""); String gcString = gc.compareTo(Duration.ofSeconds(1)) > 0 ? (" gc:" + format.duration(gc)) : ""; return format.duration(wall) + " cpu:" + deltaCpu.orElse("-") + gcString + avgCpus; } @Override public String toString() { return toString(Format.DEFAULT_LOCALE); } }