################# Available configuration parameters ################# # Arguments.java resolves arguments in this order by default: # - command line arguments: `java -jar ... --threads=2` # - otherwise, jvm properties: `java -Dplanetiler.threads=2 -jar ...` # - otherwise, environmental variables: `PLANETILER_THREADS=2 java -jar ...` # - otherwise, from a config file that the "config" argument points to: `java -jar ... --config=config-example.properties` # Syntax for java properties files: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.properties ################# Common Planetiler config ################# # Automatically download source data (download=true continues, only_download exits after downloading): # download=true # only_download=true # To override request parameters when downloading resources: # http_user_agent=Planetiler downloader (https://github.com/onthegomap/planetiler) # http_timeout=10s # download_threads=10 # download_chunk_size=1000 # Map bounds are inferred from OSM input file bounds, but to override use: # bounds=W,S,E,N # or for the entire planet (-180,-85.05113,180,85.05113): # bounds=world # minzoom=0 # maxzoom=14 # Planetiler uses all available cores by default, but to override use: # threads=4 # Change how often to log progress messages: # loginterval=1m # Send stats to a prometheus push gateway: # pushgateway=https://user:password@ip # "job" tag to include in every push to prometheus (to separate multiple planetiler instances): # pushgateway.job=planetiler # pushgateway.interval=15s # Override the output location for mbtiles file: # mbtiles=data/output.mbtiles # Set the location where temporary files are stored (node map or intermediate features) # tmpdir=data/tmp # Always delete output file before starting: # force=true # Override the location on disk that a source is read from # _path=path/to/source # Override the location on disk that a source is downloaded from (if not found on disk) # _url=http://url/of/source # When processing an OSM file, we need to store locations of each node then look up the # location when processing a way that references node IDs. There are 2 implementations: # "sortedtable" which stores sorted node IDs and locations and does a binary search on each # lookup (16 bytes per node - best for extracts smaller than 20GB) and "sparsearray" which # stores locations indexed by node ID (8 bytes per node, but wastes some space - best for the # entire planet) # nodemap_type=sortedtable # Whether to store the node map in memory ("ram") or in a memory-mapped file on disk ("mmap") # If you have more memory than node storage needs, performance difference is negligible. # If you have less memory, "mmap" is your only option, but it will be much slower. # If your profile uses only a small subset of nodes, "mmap" might be fine # For processing the planet, "ram" is recommended with jvm -Xmx set to at least 1.5x the input OSM file size. # nodemap_storage=mmap # To override the default minimum length/area of features to emit (profile might override these) # in tile pixel coordinates (each tile is 256x256 pixels) # min_feature_size_at_max_zoom=0.0625 # min_feature_size=1.0 # Override the default tolerance to use when simplifying rendered tile features (profile might override these) # simplify_tolerance_at_max_zoom=0.0625 # simplify_tolerance=0.1 # Override default values set by the profile for attributes in the mbtiles output file "metadata" table # mbtiles_name=OpenMapTiles # mbtiles_description=A tileset showcasing all layers in OpenMapTiles. https://openmaptiles.org # mbtiles_attribution=© OpenStreetMap contributors # mbtiles_version=0.1 # mbtiles_type=baselayer OR overlay ################# Basemap profile config ################# # Set the input file name and automatically determine the https://download.geofabrik.de/ download URL for a region by name: # area=monaco # area=australia # area=massachusetts # Limit to only a subset of layers: # only_layers=poi,place # Exclude certain layers: # exclude_layers=housenumber # Enable/disable using name translations from wikidata: # use_wikidata=true # Automatically download wikidata name translations first (fetch_wikidata=true continues, only_fetch_wikidata exits after downloading): # fetch_wikidata=true # only_fetch_wikidata=false # Where to store/read downloaded wikidata name translations: # wikidata_cache=path/to/wikidata_names.json # Limit the name translation languages emitted (from OSM tags or wikidata): # languages=en,ru,ar,zh,ja,ko,fr,de,fi,pl,es,be,br,he # Disable falling back to (expensive) transliteration to get name:latin when only nonlatin names are found: # transliterate=false # Override input source locations, or URLs to download them from # lake_centerlines_path=path/to/lake_centerline.shp.zip # lake_centerlines_url=https://url/for/lake_centerline.shp.zip # water_polygons_path=path/to/water-polygons-split-3857.zip # water_polygons_url=https://url/for/water-polygons-split-3857.zip # natural_earth_path=path/to/natural_earth_vector.sqlite.zip # natural_earth_url=https://url/for/natural_earth_vector.sqlite.zip # osm_path=path/to/monaco.osm.pbf # osm_url=https://url/for/monaco.osm.pbf #### Layer-specific overrides: #### "boundary" layer # Disable computing adm0_r/adm0_l country boundary names: # boundary_country_names=false #### "transportation"/"transportation_name" layer # Set minimum zoom for paths and path names to z14 (default is 13) # transportation_z13_paths=false # We attempt to merge any road name lines with the same attributes and touching endpoints, # but any 3-way nodes and intersections prevent line merging. # To prevent merging from combining onramps/offramps or opposite directions of divided highways, set: # transportation_name_limit_merge=true # By default, the "brunnel" attribute is excluded from from road name line features so that tunnels # and bridges don't prevent merging. To include "brunnel" tag: # transportation_name_brunnel=true # To set a shorter length limit for road name lines so you can render a shield, but not the full name: # transportation_name_size_for_shield=true # Limit road name line merging to attempt to generate longer road name lines so clients can # more easily render road names at lower zoom levels. # transportation_name_limit_merge=true #### "building" layer # At z13, by default, buildings that are overlapping or almost touching get merged # so that entire city blocks show up as a single building polygon. # This is very expensive and adds about 50% to the total map generation time. # To disable it, set: # building_merge_z13=false