package com.onthegomap.planetiler.reader; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.GeoUtils; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.GeometryException; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.reader.osm.OsmReader; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.reader.osm.OsmRelationInfo; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry; import org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString; import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Lineal; import org.locationtech.jts.geom.MultiLineString; import org.locationtech.jts.geom.MultiPolygon; import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Polygon; /** * Base class for input features read from a data source. *

* Provides cached convenience methods with lazy initialization for geometric attributes derived from * {@link #latLonGeometry()} and {@link #worldGeometry()} to avoid computing them if not needed, and recomputing them if * needed by multiple features. *

* All geometries except for {@link #latLonGeometry()} return elements in world web mercator coordinates where (0,0) is * the northwest corner and (1,1) is the southeast corner of the planet. */ public abstract class SourceFeature implements WithTags, WithGeometryType { private final Map tags; private final String source; private final String sourceLayer; private final List> relationInfos; private final long id; private Geometry centroid = null; private Geometry pointOnSurface = null; private Geometry centroidIfConvex = null; private Geometry linearGeometry = null; private Geometry polygonGeometry = null; private Geometry validPolygon = null; private double area = Double.NaN; private double length = Double.NaN; /** * Constructs a new input feature. * * @param tags string key/value pairs associated with this element * @param source source name that profile can use to distinguish between elements from different data sources * @param sourceLayer layer name within {@code source} that profile can use to distinguish between different kinds * of elements in a given source. * @param relationInfos relations that this element is contained within * @param id numeric ID of this feature within this source (i.e. an OSM element ID) */ protected SourceFeature(Map tags, String source, String sourceLayer, List> relationInfos, long id) { this.tags = tags; this.source = source; this.sourceLayer = sourceLayer; this.relationInfos = relationInfos; = id; } // slight optimization: replace default implementation with direct access to the tags // map to get slightly improved performance when matching elements against expressions @Override public Object getTag(String key) { return tags.get(key); } @Override public boolean hasTag(String key) { return tags.containsKey(key); } @Override public Object getTag(String key, Object defaultValue) { Object val = tags.get(key); if (val == null) { return defaultValue; } return val; } @Override public Map tags() { return tags; } /** * Returns this feature's geometry in latitude/longitude degree coordinates. * * @return the latitude/longitude geometry * @throws GeometryException if an unexpected but recoverable error occurs creating this geometry that should * be logged for debugging * @throws GeometryException.Verbose if an expected error occurs creating this geometry that will be logged at a lower * log level */ public abstract Geometry latLonGeometry() throws GeometryException; /** * Returns this feature's geometry in world web mercator coordinates. * * @return the geometry in web mercator coordinates * @throws GeometryException if an unexpected but recoverable error occurs creating this geometry that should * be logged for debugging * @throws GeometryException.Verbose if an expected error occurs creating this geometry that will be logged at a lower * log level */ public abstract Geometry worldGeometry() throws GeometryException; /** Returns and caches {@link Geometry#getCentroid()} of this geometry in world web mercator coordinates. */ public final Geometry centroid() throws GeometryException { return centroid != null ? centroid : (centroid = canBePolygon() ? polygon().getCentroid() : canBeLine() ? line().getCentroid() : worldGeometry().getCentroid()); } /** Returns and caches {@link Geometry#getInteriorPoint()} of this geometry in world web mercator coordinates. */ public final Geometry pointOnSurface() throws GeometryException { return pointOnSurface != null ? pointOnSurface : (pointOnSurface = canBePolygon() ? polygon().getInteriorPoint() : canBeLine() ? line().getInteriorPoint() : worldGeometry().getInteriorPoint()); } private Geometry computeCentroidIfConvex() throws GeometryException { if (!canBePolygon()) { return centroid(); } else if (polygon()instanceof Polygon poly && poly.getNumInteriorRing() == 0 && GeoUtils.isConvex(poly.getExteriorRing())) { return centroid(); } else { // multipolygon, polygon with holes, or concave polygon return pointOnSurface(); } } /** * Returns and caches a point inside the geometry in world web mercator coordinates. *

* If the geometry is convex, uses the faster {@link Geometry#getCentroid()} but otherwise falls back to the slower * {@link Geometry#getInteriorPoint()}. */ public final Geometry centroidIfConvex() throws GeometryException { return centroidIfConvex != null ? centroidIfConvex : (centroidIfConvex = computeCentroidIfConvex()); } /** * Computes this feature as a {@link LineString} or {@link MultiLineString} in world web mercator coordinates. * * @return the linestring in web mercator coordinates * @throws GeometryException if an unexpected but recoverable error occurs creating this geometry that should * be logged for debugging * @throws GeometryException.Verbose if an expected error occurs creating this geometry that will be logged at a lower * log level */ protected Geometry computeLine() throws GeometryException { Geometry world = worldGeometry(); return world instanceof Lineal ? world : GeoUtils.polygonToLineString(world); } /** * Returns this feature as a {@link LineString} or {@link MultiLineString} in world web mercator coordinates. * * @throws GeometryException if an error occurs constructing the geometry, or of this feature should not be * interpreted as a line */ public final Geometry line() throws GeometryException { if (!canBeLine()) { throw new GeometryException("feature_not_line", "cannot be line", true); } if (linearGeometry == null) { linearGeometry = computeLine(); } return linearGeometry; } /** * Computes this feature as a {@link Polygon} or {@link MultiPolygon} in world web mercator coordinates. * * @return the polygon in web mercator coordinates * @throws GeometryException if an unexpected but recoverable error occurs creating this geometry that should * be logged for debugging * @throws GeometryException.Verbose if an expected error occurs creating this geometry that will be logged at a lower * log level */ protected Geometry computePolygon() throws GeometryException { return worldGeometry(); } /** * Returns this feature as a {@link Polygon} or {@link MultiPolygon} in world web mercator coordinates. * * @throws GeometryException if an error occurs constructing the geometry, or of this feature should not be * interpreted as a line */ public final Geometry polygon() throws GeometryException { if (!canBePolygon()) { throw new GeometryException("feature_not_polygon", "cannot be polygon", true); } return polygonGeometry != null ? polygonGeometry : (polygonGeometry = computePolygon()); } private Geometry computeValidPolygon() throws GeometryException { Geometry polygon = polygon(); if (!polygon.isValid()) { polygon = GeoUtils.fixPolygon(polygon); } return polygon; } /** * Returns this feature as a valid {@link Polygon} or {@link MultiPolygon} in world web mercator coordinates. *

* Validating and fixing invalid polygons can be expensive, so use only if necessary. Invalid polygons will also be * fixed at render-time. * * @throws GeometryException if an error occurs constructing the geometry, or of this feature should not be * interpreted as a line */ public final Geometry validatedPolygon() throws GeometryException { if (!canBePolygon()) { throw new GeometryException("feature_not_polygon", "cannot be polygon", true); } return validPolygon != null ? validPolygon : (validPolygon = computeValidPolygon()); } /** * Returns and caches the result of {@link Geometry#getArea()} of this feature in world web mercator coordinates where * {@code 1} means the area of the entire planet. */ public double area() throws GeometryException { return Double.isNaN(area) ? (area = canBePolygon() ? polygon().getArea() : 0) : area; } /** * Returns and caches the result of {@link Geometry#getLength()} of this feature in world web mercator coordinates * where {@code 1} means the circumference of the entire planet or the distance from 85 degrees north to 85 degrees * south. */ public double length() throws GeometryException { return Double.isNaN(length) ? (length = (isPoint() || canBePolygon() || canBeLine()) ? worldGeometry().getLength() : 0) : length; } /** Returns the ID of the source that this feature came from. */ public String getSource() { return source; } /** Returns the layer ID within a source that this feature comes from. */ public String getSourceLayer() { return sourceLayer; } /** * Returns a list of OSM relations that this element belongs to. * * @param relationInfoClass class of the processed relation data * @param type of {@code relationInfoClass} * @return A list containing the OSM relation info along with the role that this element is tagged with in that * relation */ // TODO this should be in a specialized OSM subclass, not the generic superclass public List> relationInfo( Class relationInfoClass) { List> result = null; if (relationInfos != null) { for (OsmReader.RelationMember info : relationInfos) { if (relationInfoClass.isInstance(info.relation())) { if (result == null) { result = new ArrayList<>(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") OsmReader.RelationMember casted = (OsmReader.RelationMember) info; result.add(casted); } } } return result == null ? List.of() : result; } /** Returns the ID for this element from the input data source (i.e. OSM element ID). */ public final long id() { return id; } /** Returns true if this element has any OSM relation info. */ public boolean hasRelationInfo() { return relationInfos != null && !relationInfos.isEmpty(); } }