package com.onthegomap.planetiler; import static com.onthegomap.planetiler.TestUtils.*; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.csv.CsvMapper; import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.csv.CsvSchema; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.archive.ReadableTileArchive; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.archive.TileArchiveConfig; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.archive.TileArchiveMetadata; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.archive.TileArchiveWriter; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.archive.TileCompression; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.collection.FeatureGroup; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.collection.LongLongMap; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.collection.LongLongMultimap; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.config.Arguments; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.config.PlanetilerConfig; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.files.ReadableFilesArchive; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.GeoUtils; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.GeometryException; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.TileCoord; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.TileOrder; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.mbtiles.Mbtiles; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.pmtiles.ReadablePmtiles; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.reader.SimpleFeature; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.reader.SimpleReader; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.reader.SourceFeature; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.reader.SourceFeatureProcessor; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.reader.osm.OsmBlockSource; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.reader.osm.OsmElement; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.reader.osm.OsmReader; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.reader.osm.OsmRelationInfo; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.stats.Stats; import; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.util.BuildInfo; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.util.Gzip; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.util.TileSizeStats; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import java.util.function.BiConsumer; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Function; import; import; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; import; import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest; import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.CsvSource; import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.ValueSource; import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Coordinate; import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry; import org.locationtech.jts.geom.MultiPolygon; import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Point; import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Polygon; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * In-memory tests with fake data and profiles to ensure all features work end-to-end. */ class PlanetilerTests { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PlanetilerTests.class); private static final String TEST_PROFILE_NAME = "test name"; private static final String TEST_PROFILE_DESCRIPTION = "test description"; private static final String TEST_PROFILE_ATTRIBUTION = "test attribution"; private static final String TEST_PROFILE_VERSION = "test version"; private static final int Z15_TILES = 1 << 15; private static final double Z15_WIDTH = 1d / Z15_TILES; private static final int Z14_TILES = 1 << 14; private static final double Z14_WIDTH = 1d / Z14_TILES; private static final int Z13_TILES = 1 << 13; private static final double Z13_WIDTH = 1d / Z13_TILES; private static final int Z12_TILES = 1 << 12; private static final double Z12_WIDTH = 1d / Z12_TILES; private static final int Z11_TILES = 1 << 11; private static final double Z11_WIDTH = 1d / Z11_TILES; private static final int Z4_TILES = 1 << 4; private static final Polygon WORLD_POLYGON = newPolygon( worldCoordinateList( Z14_WIDTH / 2, Z14_WIDTH / 2, 1 - Z14_WIDTH / 2, Z14_WIDTH / 2, 1 - Z14_WIDTH / 2, 1 - Z14_WIDTH / 2, Z14_WIDTH / 2, 1 - Z14_WIDTH / 2, Z14_WIDTH / 2, Z14_WIDTH / 2 ), List.of() ); private final Stats stats = Stats.inMemory(); @TempDir Path tempDir; private static T with(T elem, Consumer fn) { fn.accept(elem); return elem; } private void processReaderFeatures(FeatureGroup featureGroup, Profile profile, PlanetilerConfig config, List features) { SourceFeatureProcessor.processFiles( "test", List.of(Path.of("mock-path")), path -> new SimpleReader("test") { @Override public long getFeatureCount() { return features.size(); } @Override public void readFeatures(Consumer next) { features.forEach(next); } @Override public void close() { /* pass */ } }, featureGroup, config, profile, stats ); } private void processOsmFeatures(FeatureGroup featureGroup, Profile profile, PlanetilerConfig config, List osmElements) throws IOException { OsmBlockSource elems = next -> { // process the same order they come in from an OSM file next.accept(OsmBlockSource.Block.of( -> e instanceof OsmElement.Other).toList())); next.accept(OsmBlockSource.Block.of( -> e instanceof OsmElement.Node).toList())); next.accept(OsmBlockSource.Block.of( -> e instanceof OsmElement.Way).toList())); next.accept(OsmBlockSource.Block.of( -> e instanceof OsmElement.Relation).toList())); }; var nodeMap = LongLongMap.newInMemorySortedTable(); var multipolygons = LongLongMultimap.newInMemoryReplaceableMultimap(); try (var reader = new OsmReader("osm", () -> elems, nodeMap, multipolygons, profile, Stats.inMemory())) { reader.pass1(config); reader.pass2(featureGroup, config); } } private PlanetilerResults run( Map args, Runner runner, Profile profile ) throws Exception { PlanetilerConfig config = PlanetilerConfig.from(Arguments.of(args)); FeatureGroup featureGroup = FeatureGroup.newInMemoryFeatureGroup(TileOrder.TMS, profile, config, stats);, profile, config); featureGroup.prepare(); try (Mbtiles db = Mbtiles.newInMemoryDatabase(config.arguments())) { TileArchiveWriter.writeOutput(featureGroup, db, () -> 0L, new TileArchiveMetadata(profile, config), null, config, stats); var tileMap = TestUtils.getTileMap(db); tileMap.values().forEach(fs -> fs.forEach(f -> f.geometry().validate())); int tileDataCount = db.compactDb() ? TestUtils.getTilesDataCount(db) : 0; return new PlanetilerResults(tileMap, db.metadata().toMap(), tileDataCount); } } private PlanetilerResults runWithReaderFeatures( Map args, List features, BiConsumer profileFunction ) throws Exception { return run( args, (featureGroup, profile, config) -> processReaderFeatures(featureGroup, profile, config, features), TestProfile.processSourceFeatures(profileFunction) ); } private PlanetilerResults runWithReaderFeatures( Map args, List features, BiConsumer profileFunction, LayerPostprocessFunction postProcess ) throws Exception { return run( args, (featureGroup, profile, config) -> processReaderFeatures(featureGroup, profile, config, features), new TestProfile(profileFunction, a -> null, postProcess) ); } private PlanetilerResults runWithReaderFeaturesProfile( Map args, List features, Profile profileToUse ) throws Exception { return run( args, (featureGroup, profile, config) -> processReaderFeatures(featureGroup, profile, config, features), profileToUse ); } private PlanetilerResults runWithOsmElements( Map args, List features, BiConsumer profileFunction ) throws Exception { return run( args, (featureGroup, profile, config) -> processOsmFeatures(featureGroup, profile, config, features), TestProfile.processSourceFeatures(profileFunction) ); } private PlanetilerResults runWithOsmElements( Map args, List features, Profile profileToUse ) throws Exception { return run( args, (featureGroup, profile, config) -> processOsmFeatures(featureGroup, profile, config, features), profileToUse ); } private PlanetilerResults runWithOsmElements( Map args, List features, Function> preprocessOsmRelation, BiConsumer profileFunction ) throws Exception { return run( args, (featureGroup, profile, config) -> processOsmFeatures(featureGroup, profile, config, features), new TestProfile(profileFunction, preprocessOsmRelation, (a, b, c) -> c) ); } private SimpleFeature newReaderFeature(Geometry geometry, Map attrs) { return SimpleFeature.create(geometry, attrs); } @Test void testMetadataButNoPoints() throws Exception { var results = runWithReaderFeatures( Map.of("threads", "1"), List.of(), (sourceFeature, features) -> { } ); assertEquals(Map.of(), results.tiles); assertSubmap(Map.of( "name", TEST_PROFILE_NAME, "description", TEST_PROFILE_DESCRIPTION, "attribution", TEST_PROFILE_ATTRIBUTION, "version", TEST_PROFILE_VERSION, "type", "baselayer", "format", "pbf", "minzoom", "0", "maxzoom", "14", "center", "0,0", "bounds", "-180,-85.05113,180,85.05113" ), results.metadata); assertSubmap(Map.of( "planetiler:version", BuildInfo.get().version() ), results.metadata); assertSameJson( "[]", results.metadata.get("vector_layers") ); } @Test void testOverrideMetadata() throws Exception { var results = runWithReaderFeatures( Map.of( "archive_name", "override_name", "archive_description", "override_description", "archive_attribution", "override_attribution", "archive_version", "override_version", "archive_type", "override_type" ), List.of(), (sourceFeature, features) -> { } ); assertEquals(Map.of(), results.tiles); assertSubmap(Map.of( "name", "override_name", "description", "override_description", "attribution", "override_attribution", "version", "override_version", "type", "override_type" ), results.metadata); } @Test void testSinglePoint() throws Exception { double x = 0.5 + Z14_WIDTH / 4; double y = 0.5 + Z14_WIDTH / 4; double lat = GeoUtils.getWorldLat(y); double lng = GeoUtils.getWorldLon(x); var results = runWithReaderFeatures( Map.of("threads", "1", "maxzoom", "15"), List.of( newReaderFeature(newPoint(lng, lat), Map.of( "attr", "value" )) ), (in, features) -> features.point("layer") .setZoomRange(13, 15) .setAttr("name", "name value") .inheritAttrFromSource("attr") ); assertSubmap(Map.of( TileCoord.ofXYZ(Z15_TILES / 2, Z15_TILES / 2, 15), List.of( feature(newPoint(128, 128), Map.of( "attr", "value", "name", "name value" )) ), TileCoord.ofXYZ(Z14_TILES / 2, Z14_TILES / 2, 14), List.of( feature(newPoint(64, 64), Map.of( "attr", "value", "name", "name value" )) ), TileCoord.ofXYZ(Z13_TILES / 2, Z13_TILES / 2, 13), List.of( feature(newPoint(32, 32), Map.of( "attr", "value", "name", "name value" )) ) ), results.tiles); assertSameJson( """ [ {"id": "layer", "fields": {"name": "String", "attr": "String"}, "minzoom": 13, "maxzoom": 15} ] """, results.metadata.get("vector_layers") ); } @Test void testMultiPoint() throws Exception { double x1 = 0.5 + Z14_WIDTH / 2; double y1 = 0.5 + Z14_WIDTH / 2; double x2 = x1 + Z13_WIDTH / 256d; double y2 = y1 + Z13_WIDTH / 256d; double lat1 = GeoUtils.getWorldLat(y1); double lng1 = GeoUtils.getWorldLon(x1); double lat2 = GeoUtils.getWorldLat(y2); double lng2 = GeoUtils.getWorldLon(x2); var results = runWithReaderFeatures( Map.of("threads", "1"), List.of( newReaderFeature(newMultiPoint( newPoint(lng1, lat1), newPoint(lng2, lat2) ), Map.of( "attr", "value" )) ), (in, features) -> features.point("layer") .setZoomRange(13, 14) .setAttr("name", "name value") .inheritAttrFromSource("attr") ); assertSubmap(Map.of( TileCoord.ofXYZ(Z14_TILES / 2, Z14_TILES / 2, 14), List.of( feature(newMultiPoint( newPoint(128, 128), newPoint(130, 130) ), Map.of( "attr", "value", "name", "name value" )) ), TileCoord.ofXYZ(Z13_TILES / 2, Z13_TILES / 2, 13), List.of( feature(newMultiPoint( newPoint(64, 64), newPoint(65, 65) ), Map.of( "attr", "value", "name", "name value" )) ) ), results.tiles); } @Test void testLabelGridLimit() throws Exception { double y = 0.5 + Z14_WIDTH / 2; double lat = GeoUtils.getWorldLat(y); double x1 = 0.5 + Z14_WIDTH / 4; double lng1 = GeoUtils.getWorldLon(x1); double lng2 = GeoUtils.getWorldLon(x1 + Z14_WIDTH * 10d / 256); double lng3 = GeoUtils.getWorldLon(x1 + Z14_WIDTH * 20d / 256); var results = runWithReaderFeatures( Map.of("threads", "1"), List.of( newReaderFeature(newPoint(lng1, lat), Map.of("rank", "1")), newReaderFeature(newPoint(lng2, lat), Map.of("rank", "2")), newReaderFeature(newPoint(lng3, lat), Map.of("rank", "3")) ), (in, features) -> features.point("layer") .setZoomRange(13, 14) .inheritAttrFromSource("rank") .setSortKey(Integer.parseInt(in.getTag("rank").toString())) .setPointLabelGridSizeAndLimit(13, 128, 2) .setBufferPixels(128) ); assertSubmap(Map.of( TileCoord.ofXYZ(Z14_TILES / 2, Z14_TILES / 2, 14), List.of( feature(newPoint(64, 128), Map.of("rank", "1")), feature(newPoint(74, 128), Map.of("rank", "2")), feature(newPoint(84, 128), Map.of("rank", "3")) ), TileCoord.ofXYZ(Z13_TILES / 2, Z13_TILES / 2, 13), List.of( // omit rank=3 due to label grid size feature(newPoint(32, 64), Map.of("rank", "1")), feature(newPoint(37, 64), Map.of("rank", "2")) ) ), results.tiles); } @Test void testLineString() throws Exception { double x1 = 0.5 + Z14_WIDTH / 2; double y1 = 0.5 + Z14_WIDTH / 2; double x2 = x1 + Z14_WIDTH; double y2 = y1 + Z14_WIDTH; double lat1 = GeoUtils.getWorldLat(y1); double lng1 = GeoUtils.getWorldLon(x1); double lat2 = GeoUtils.getWorldLat(y2); double lng2 = GeoUtils.getWorldLon(x2); var results = runWithReaderFeatures( Map.of("threads", "1"), List.of( newReaderFeature(newLineString(lng1, lat1, lng2, lat2), Map.of( "attr", "value" )) ), (in, features) -> features.line("layer") .setZoomRange(13, 14) .setBufferPixels(4) ); assertSubmap(Map.of( TileCoord.ofXYZ(Z14_TILES / 2, Z14_TILES / 2, 14), List.of( feature(newLineString(128, 128, 260, 260), Map.of()) ), TileCoord.ofXYZ(Z14_TILES / 2 + 1, Z14_TILES / 2 + 1, 14), List.of( feature(newLineString(-4, -4, 128, 128), Map.of()) ), TileCoord.ofXYZ(Z13_TILES / 2, Z13_TILES / 2, 13), List.of( feature(newLineString(64, 64, 192, 192), Map.of()) ) ), results.tiles); } @Test void testLineStringDegenerateWhenUnscaled() throws Exception { double x1 = 0.5 + Z12_WIDTH / 2; double y1 = 0.5 + Z12_WIDTH / 2; double x2 = x1 + Z12_WIDTH / 4096 / 3; double y2 = y1 + Z12_WIDTH / 4096 / 3; double lat1 = GeoUtils.getWorldLat(y1); double lng1 = GeoUtils.getWorldLon(x1); double lat2 = GeoUtils.getWorldLat(y2); double lng2 = GeoUtils.getWorldLon(x2); var results = runWithReaderFeatures( Map.of("threads", "1"), List.of( newReaderFeature(newLineString(lng1, lat1, lng2, lat2), Map.of( "attr", "value" )) ), (in, features) -> features.line("layer") .setZoomRange(12, 12) .setMinPixelSize(0) .setBufferPixels(4) ); assertSubmap(Map.of(), results.tiles); } @Test void testNumPointsAttr() throws Exception { double x1 = 0.5 + Z14_WIDTH / 2; double y1 = 0.5 + Z14_WIDTH / 2 - Z14_WIDTH / 2; double x2 = x1 + Z14_WIDTH; double y2 = y1 + Z14_WIDTH + Z14_WIDTH / 2; double x3 = x2 + Z14_WIDTH; double y3 = y2 + Z14_WIDTH; double lat1 = GeoUtils.getWorldLat(y1); double lng1 = GeoUtils.getWorldLon(x1); double lat2 = GeoUtils.getWorldLat(y2); double lng2 = GeoUtils.getWorldLon(x2); double lat3 = GeoUtils.getWorldLat(y3); double lng3 = GeoUtils.getWorldLon(x3); var results = runWithReaderFeatures( Map.of("threads", "1"), List.of( newReaderFeature(newLineString(lng1, lat1, lng2, lat2, lng3, lat3), Map.of( "attr", "value" )) ), (in, features) -> features.line("layer") .setZoomRange(13, 14) .setBufferPixels(4) .setNumPointsAttr("_numpoints") ); assertSubmap(Map.of( TileCoord.ofXYZ(Z14_TILES / 2 + 2, Z14_TILES / 2 + 2, 14), List.of( feature(newLineString(-4, -4, 128, 128), Map.of( "_numpoints", 3L )) ) ), results.tiles); } @Test void testMultiLineString() throws Exception { double x1 = 0.5 + Z14_WIDTH / 2; double y1 = 0.5 + Z14_WIDTH / 2; double x2 = x1 + Z14_WIDTH; double y2 = y1 + Z14_WIDTH; double lat1 = GeoUtils.getWorldLat(y1); double lng1 = GeoUtils.getWorldLon(x1); double lat2 = GeoUtils.getWorldLat(y2); double lng2 = GeoUtils.getWorldLon(x2); var results = runWithReaderFeatures( Map.of("threads", "1"), List.of( newReaderFeature(newMultiLineString( newLineString(lng1, lat1, lng2, lat2), newLineString(lng2, lat2, lng1, lat1) ), Map.of( "attr", "value" )) ), (in, features) -> features.line("layer") .setZoomRange(13, 14) .setBufferPixels(4) ); assertSubmap(Map.of( TileCoord.ofXYZ(Z14_TILES / 2, Z14_TILES / 2, 14), List.of( feature(newMultiLineString( newLineString(128, 128, 260, 260), newLineString(260, 260, 128, 128) ), Map.of()) ), TileCoord.ofXYZ(Z14_TILES / 2 + 1, Z14_TILES / 2 + 1, 14), List.of( feature(newMultiLineString( newLineString(-4, -4, 128, 128), newLineString(128, 128, -4, -4) ), Map.of()) ), TileCoord.ofXYZ(Z13_TILES / 2, Z13_TILES / 2, 13), List.of( feature(newMultiLineString( newLineString(64, 64, 192, 192), newLineString(192, 192, 64, 64) ), Map.of()) ) ), results.tiles); } public List z14CoordinateList(double... coords) { List points = newCoordinateList(coords); points.forEach(c -> { c.x = GeoUtils.getWorldLon(0.5 + c.x * Z14_WIDTH); c.y = GeoUtils.getWorldLat(0.5 + c.y * Z14_WIDTH); }); return points; } public List z14PixelRectangle(double min, double max) { List points = rectangleCoordList(min / 256d, max / 256d); points.forEach(c -> { c.x = GeoUtils.getWorldLon(0.5 + c.x * Z14_WIDTH); c.y = GeoUtils.getWorldLat(0.5 + c.y * Z14_WIDTH); }); return points; } public List z14CoordinatePixelList(double... coords) { return z14CoordinateList(DoubleStream.of(coords).map(c -> c / 256d).toArray()); } public Point z14Point(double x, double y) { return newPoint( GeoUtils.getWorldLon(0.5 + x * Z14_WIDTH / 256), GeoUtils.getWorldLat(0.5 + y * Z14_WIDTH / 256) ); } @Test void testPolygonWithHoleSpanningMultipleTiles() throws Exception { List outerPoints = z14CoordinateList( 0.5, 0.5, 3.5, 0.5, 3.5, 2.5, 0.5, 2.5, 0.5, 0.5 ); List innerPoints = z14CoordinateList( 1.25, 1.25, 1.75, 1.25, 1.75, 1.75, 1.25, 1.75, 1.25, 1.25 ); var results = runWithReaderFeatures( Map.of("threads", "1"), List.of( newReaderFeature(newPolygon( outerPoints, List.of(innerPoints) ), Map.of()) ), (in, features) -> features.polygon("layer") .setZoomRange(12, 14) .setBufferPixels(4) ); assertEquals(Map.ofEntries( // Z12 newTileEntry(Z12_TILES / 2, Z12_TILES / 2, 12, List.of( feature(newPolygon( rectangleCoordList(32, 32, 256 - 32, 128 + 32), List.of( rectangleCoordList(64 + 16, 128 - 16) // hole ) ), Map.of()) )), // Z13 newTileEntry(Z13_TILES / 2, Z13_TILES / 2, 13, List.of( feature(newPolygon( rectangleCoordList(64, 256 + 4), List.of(rectangleCoordList(128 + 32, 256 - 32)) // hole ), Map.of()) )), newTileEntry(Z13_TILES / 2 + 1, Z13_TILES / 2, 13, List.of( feature(rectangle(-4, 64, 256 - 64, 256 + 4), Map.of()) )), newTileEntry(Z13_TILES / 2, Z13_TILES / 2 + 1, 13, List.of( feature(rectangle(64, -4, 256 + 4, 64), Map.of()) )), newTileEntry(Z13_TILES / 2 + 1, Z13_TILES / 2 + 1, 13, List.of( feature(rectangle(-4, -4, 256 - 64, 64), Map.of()) )), // Z14 - row 1 newTileEntry(Z14_TILES / 2, Z14_TILES / 2, 14, List.of( feature(tileBottomRight(4), Map.of()) )), newTileEntry(Z14_TILES / 2 + 1, Z14_TILES / 2, 14, List.of( feature(tileBottom(4), Map.of()) )), newTileEntry(Z14_TILES / 2 + 2, Z14_TILES / 2, 14, List.of( feature(tileBottom(4), Map.of()) )), newTileEntry(Z14_TILES / 2 + 3, Z14_TILES / 2, 14, List.of( feature(tileBottomLeft(4), Map.of()) )), // Z14 - row 2 newTileEntry(Z14_TILES / 2, Z14_TILES / 2 + 1, 14, List.of( feature(tileRight(4), Map.of()) )), newTileEntry(Z14_TILES / 2 + 1, Z14_TILES / 2 + 1, 14, List.of( feature(newPolygon( tileFill(4), List.of(newCoordinateList( 64, 64, 192, 64, 192, 192, 64, 192, 64, 64 )) ), Map.of()) )), newTileEntry(Z14_TILES / 2 + 2, Z14_TILES / 2 + 1, 14, List.of( feature(newPolygon(tileFill(5), List.of()), Map.of()) )), newTileEntry(Z14_TILES / 2 + 3, Z14_TILES / 2 + 1, 14, List.of( feature(tileLeft(4), Map.of()) )), // Z14 - row 3 newTileEntry(Z14_TILES / 2, Z14_TILES / 2 + 2, 14, List.of( feature(tileTopRight(4), Map.of()) )), newTileEntry(Z14_TILES / 2 + 1, Z14_TILES / 2 + 2, 14, List.of( feature(tileTop(4), Map.of()) )), newTileEntry(Z14_TILES / 2 + 2, Z14_TILES / 2 + 2, 14, List.of( feature(tileTop(4), Map.of()) )), newTileEntry(Z14_TILES / 2 + 3, Z14_TILES / 2 + 2, 14, List.of( feature(tileTopLeft(4), Map.of()) )) ), results.tiles); } @Test void testZ15Fill() throws Exception { List outerPoints = z14CoordinateList( -2, -2, 2, -2, 2, 2, -2, 2, -2, -2 ); var results = runWithReaderFeatures( Map.of("threads", "1", "maxzoom", "15"), List.of( newReaderFeature(newPolygon( outerPoints ), Map.of()) ), (in, features) -> features.polygon("layer") .setZoomRange(15, 15) .setBufferPixels(4) ); assertEquals(List.of( feature(newPolygon(tileFill(5)), Map.of()) ), results.tiles.get(TileCoord.ofXYZ(Z15_TILES / 2, Z15_TILES / 2, 15))); } @Test void testFullWorldPolygon() throws Exception { var results = runWithReaderFeatures( Map.of("threads", "1"), List.of( newReaderFeature(WORLD_POLYGON, Map.of()) ), (in, features) -> features.polygon("layer") .setZoomRange(0, 6) .setBufferPixels(4) ); assertEquals(5461, results.tiles.size()); // spot-check one filled tile assertEquals(List.of(rectangle(-5, 256 + 5).norm()), results.tiles.get(TileCoord.ofXYZ( Z4_TILES / 2, Z4_TILES / 2, 4 )).stream().map(d -> d.geometry().geom().norm()).toList()); } @Test void testSkipFill() throws Exception { var results = runWithReaderFeatures( Map.of("threads", "1", "skip-filled-tiles", "true"), List.of( newReaderFeature(WORLD_POLYGON, Map.of()) ), (in, features) -> features.polygon("layer") .setZoomRange(0, 6) .setBufferPixels(4) ); assertEquals(481, results.tiles.size()); // spot-check one filled tile does not exist assertNull(results.tiles.get(TileCoord.ofXYZ( Z4_TILES / 2, Z4_TILES / 2, 4 ))); } @ParameterizedTest @CsvSource({ "chesapeake.wkb, 4076", "mdshore.wkb, 19904", "njshore.wkb, 10571", "kobroor.wkb, 21693" }) void testComplexShorelinePolygons__TAKES_A_MINUTE_OR_TWO(String fileName, int expected) throws Exception { LOGGER.warn("Testing complex shoreline processing for " + fileName + " ..."); Geometry geometry = new WKBReader() .read(new InputStreamInStream(Files.newInputStream(TestUtils.pathToResource(fileName)))); assertNotNull(geometry); // automatically checks for self-intersections var results = runWithReaderFeatures( Map.of("threads", "1"), List.of( newReaderFeature(geometry, Map.of()) ), (in, features) -> features.polygon("layer") .setZoomRange(0, 14) .setBufferPixels(4) ); assertEquals(expected, results.tiles.size()); } @Test void testReorderNestedMultipolygons() throws Exception { List outerPoints1 = worldRectangle(10d / 256, 240d / 256); List innerPoints1 = worldRectangle(20d / 256, 230d / 256); List outerPoints2 = worldRectangle(30d / 256, 220d / 256); List innerPoints2 = worldRectangle(40d / 256, 210d / 256); var results = runWithReaderFeatures( Map.of("threads", "1"), List.of( newReaderFeature(newMultiPolygon( newPolygon(outerPoints2, List.of(innerPoints2)), newPolygon(outerPoints1, List.of(innerPoints1)) ), Map.of()) ), (in, features) -> features.polygon("layer") .setZoomRange(0, 0) .setBufferPixels(0) ); var tileContents = results.tiles.get(TileCoord.ofXYZ(0, 0, 0)); assertEquals(1, tileContents.size()); Geometry geom = tileContents.getFirst().geometry().geom(); assertTrue(geom instanceof MultiPolygon, geom.toString()); MultiPolygon multiPolygon = (MultiPolygon) geom; assertSameNormalizedFeature(newPolygon( rectangleCoordList(10, 240), List.of(rectangleCoordList(20, 230)) ), multiPolygon.getGeometryN(0)); assertSameNormalizedFeature(newPolygon( rectangleCoordList(30, 220), List.of(rectangleCoordList(40, 210)) ), multiPolygon.getGeometryN(1)); assertEquals(2, multiPolygon.getNumGeometries()); } @Test void testOsmPoint() throws Exception { var results = runWithOsmElements( Map.of("threads", "1"), List.of( with(new OsmElement.Node(1, 0, 0), t -> t.setTag("attr", "value")) ), (in, features) -> { if (in.isPoint()) { features.point("layer") .setZoomRange(0, 0) .setAttr("name", "name value") .inheritAttrFromSource("attr"); } } ); assertSubmap(Map.of( TileCoord.ofXYZ(0, 0, 0), List.of( feature(newPoint(128, 128), Map.of( "attr", "value", "name", "name value" )).withId(3) ) ), results.tiles); } @Test void testOsmPointSkipPass1() throws Exception { var results = run( Map.of("threads", "1"), (featureGroup, profile, config) -> { List osmElements = List.of( with(new OsmElement.Node(1, 0, 0), t -> t.setTag("attr", "value")) ); OsmBlockSource elems = next -> { // process the same order they come in from an OSM file next.accept( OsmBlockSource.Block.of( -> e instanceof OsmElement.Other).toList())); next.accept(OsmBlockSource.Block.of( -> e instanceof OsmElement.Node).toList())); next.accept(OsmBlockSource.Block.of( -> e instanceof OsmElement.Way).toList())); next.accept( OsmBlockSource.Block.of( -> e instanceof OsmElement.Relation).toList())); }; var nodeMap = LongLongMap.newInMemorySortedTable(); var multipolygons = LongLongMultimap.newInMemoryReplaceableMultimap(); try (var reader = new OsmReader("osm", () -> elems, nodeMap, multipolygons, profile, Stats.inMemory())) { // skip pass 1 reader.pass2(featureGroup, config); } }, TestProfile.processSourceFeatures((in, features) -> { if (in.isPoint()) { features.point("layer") .setZoomRange(0, 0) .setAttr("name", "name value") .inheritAttrFromSource("attr"); } }) ); assertSubmap(Map.of( TileCoord.ofXYZ(0, 0, 0), List.of( feature(newPoint(128, 128), Map.of( "attr", "value", "name", "name value" )) ) ), results.tiles); } @Test void testExceptionWhileProcessingOsm() { assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> runWithOsmElements( Map.of("threads", "1"), List.of( with(new OsmElement.Node(1, 0, 0), t -> t.setTag("attr", "value")) ), (in, features) -> { throw new ExpectedError(); } )); } @Test void testOsmLine() throws Exception { var results = runWithOsmElements( Map.of("threads", "1"), List.of( new OsmElement.Node(1, 0, 0), new OsmElement.Node(2, GeoUtils.getWorldLat(0.75), GeoUtils.getWorldLon(0.75)), with(new OsmElement.Way(3), way -> { way.setTag("attr", "value"); way.nodes().add(1, 2); }) ), (in, features) -> { if (in.canBeLine()) { features.line("layer") .setZoomRange(0, 0) .setAttr("name", "name value") .inheritAttrFromSource("attr"); } } ); assertSubmap(Map.of( TileCoord.ofXYZ(0, 0, 0), List.of( feature(newLineString(128, 128, 192, 192), Map.of( "attr", "value", "name", "name value" )).withId(3 * 3 + 1) ) ), results.tiles); } @Test void testOsmLineOrPolygon() throws Exception { var results = runWithOsmElements( Map.of("threads", "1"), List.of( new OsmElement.Node(1, GeoUtils.getWorldLat(0.25), GeoUtils.getWorldLon(0.25)), new OsmElement.Node(2, GeoUtils.getWorldLat(0.25), GeoUtils.getWorldLon(0.75)), new OsmElement.Node(3, GeoUtils.getWorldLat(0.75), GeoUtils.getWorldLon(0.75)), new OsmElement.Node(4, GeoUtils.getWorldLat(0.75), GeoUtils.getWorldLon(0.25)), with(new OsmElement.Way(6), way -> { way.setTag("attr", "value"); way.nodes().add(1, 2, 3, 4, 1); }) ), (in, features) -> { if (in.canBeLine()) { features.line("layer") .setZoomRange(0, 0) .setAttr("name", "name value1") .inheritAttrFromSource("attr"); } if (in.canBePolygon()) { features.polygon("layer") .setZoomRange(0, 0) .setAttr("name", "name value2") .inheritAttrFromSource("attr"); } } ); assertSubmap(sortListValues(Map.of( TileCoord.ofXYZ(0, 0, 0), List.of( feature(newLineString( 64, 64, 192, 64, 192, 192, 64, 192, 64, 64 ), Map.of( "attr", "value", "name", "name value1" )), feature(rectangle(64, 192), Map.of( "attr", "value", "name", "name value2" )) ) )), sortListValues(results.tiles)); } @ParameterizedTest @ValueSource(strings = {"multipolygon", "boundary", "land_area"}) void testOsmMultipolygon(String relationType) throws Exception { record TestRelationInfo(long id, String name) implements OsmRelationInfo {} var results = runWithOsmElements( Map.of("threads", "1"), List.of( new OsmElement.Node(1, GeoUtils.getWorldLat(0.125), GeoUtils.getWorldLon(0.125)), new OsmElement.Node(2, GeoUtils.getWorldLat(0.125), GeoUtils.getWorldLon(0.875)), new OsmElement.Node(3, GeoUtils.getWorldLat(0.875), GeoUtils.getWorldLon(0.875)), new OsmElement.Node(4, GeoUtils.getWorldLat(0.875), GeoUtils.getWorldLon(0.125)), new OsmElement.Node(5, GeoUtils.getWorldLat(0.25), GeoUtils.getWorldLon(0.25)), new OsmElement.Node(6, GeoUtils.getWorldLat(0.25), GeoUtils.getWorldLon(0.75)), new OsmElement.Node(7, GeoUtils.getWorldLat(0.75), GeoUtils.getWorldLon(0.75)), new OsmElement.Node(8, GeoUtils.getWorldLat(0.75), GeoUtils.getWorldLon(0.25)), new OsmElement.Node(9, GeoUtils.getWorldLat(0.375), GeoUtils.getWorldLon(0.375)), new OsmElement.Node(10, GeoUtils.getWorldLat(0.375), GeoUtils.getWorldLon(0.625)), new OsmElement.Node(11, GeoUtils.getWorldLat(0.625), GeoUtils.getWorldLon(0.625)), new OsmElement.Node(12, GeoUtils.getWorldLat(0.625), GeoUtils.getWorldLon(0.375)), new OsmElement.Node(13, GeoUtils.getWorldLat(0.375 + 1e-12), GeoUtils.getWorldLon(0.375)), with(new OsmElement.Way(14), way -> way.nodes().add(1, 2, 3, 4, 1)), with(new OsmElement.Way(15), way -> way.nodes().add(5, 6, 7, 8, 5)), with(new OsmElement.Way(16), way -> way.nodes().add(9, 10, 11, 12, 13)), with(new OsmElement.Relation(17), rel -> { rel.setTag("type", relationType); rel.setTag("attr", "value"); rel.setTag("should_emit", "yes"); rel.members().add(new OsmElement.Relation.Member(OsmElement.Type.WAY, 14, "outer")); rel.members().add(new OsmElement.Relation.Member(OsmElement.Type.WAY, 15, null)); // missing rel.members().add(new OsmElement.Relation.Member(OsmElement.Type.WAY, 16, "inner")); // incorrect }), with(new OsmElement.Relation(18), rel -> { rel.setTag("type", "relation"); rel.setTag("name", "rel name"); rel.members().add(new OsmElement.Relation.Member(OsmElement.Type.WAY, 17, "outer")); }) ), in -> in.hasTag("type", "relation") ? List.of(new TestRelationInfo(, in.getString("name"))) : null, (in, features) -> { if (in.hasTag("should_emit")) { features.polygon("layer") .setZoomRange(0, 0) .setAttr("name", "name value") .inheritAttrFromSource("attr") .setAttr("relname", in.relationInfo(TestRelationInfo.class).stream().map(c -> c.relation().name).findFirst().orElse(null)); } } ); assertSubmap(Map.of( TileCoord.ofXYZ(0, 0, 0), List.of( feature(newMultiPolygon( newPolygon( rectangleCoordList(0.125 * 256, 0.875 * 256), List.of( rectangleCoordList(0.25 * 256, 0.75 * 256) ) ), rectangle(0.375 * 256, 0.625 * 256) ), Map.of( "attr", "value", "name", "name value", "relname", "rel name" )).withId(17 * 3 + 2) ) ), results.tiles); } @Test void testOsmLineInRelation() throws Exception { record TestRelationInfo(long id, String name) implements OsmRelationInfo {} var results = runWithOsmElements( Map.of("threads", "1"), List.of( new OsmElement.Node(1, 0, 0), new OsmElement.Node(2, GeoUtils.getWorldLat(0.375), 0), new OsmElement.Node(3, GeoUtils.getWorldLat(0.25), 0), new OsmElement.Node(4, GeoUtils.getWorldLat(0.125), 0), with(new OsmElement.Way(5), way -> { way.setTag("attr", "value1"); way.nodes().add(1, 2); }), with(new OsmElement.Way(6), way -> { way.setTag("attr", "value2"); way.nodes().add(3, 4); }), with(new OsmElement.Relation(6), rel -> { rel.setTag("name", "relation name"); rel.members().add(new OsmElement.Relation.Member(OsmElement.Type.WAY, 6, "role")); }) ), (relation) -> { if (relation.hasTag("name", "relation name")) { return List.of(new TestRelationInfo(, relation.getString("name"))); } return null; }, (in, features) -> { var relationInfos = in.relationInfo(TestRelationInfo.class); var firstRelation =; if (in.canBeLine()) { features.line("layer") .setZoomRange(0, 0) .setAttr("relname", -> d.relation().name).orElse(null)) .inheritAttrFromSource("attr") .setAttr("relrole",; } } ); assertSubmap(sortListValues(Map.of( TileCoord.ofXYZ(0, 0, 0), List.of( feature(newLineString(128, 128, 128, 0.375 * 256), Map.of( "attr", "value1" )), feature(newLineString(128, 0.25 * 256, 128, 0.125 * 256), Map.of( "attr", "value2", "relname", "relation name", "relrole", "role" )) ) )), sortListValues(results.tiles)); } @Test void testPreprocessOsmNodesAndWays() throws Exception { Set nodes1 = new HashSet<>(); Set nodes2 = new HashSet<>(); var profile = new Profile.NullProfile() { @Override public void preprocessOsmNode(OsmElement.Node node) { if (node.hasTag("a", "b")) { nodes1.add(; } } @Override public void preprocessOsmWay(OsmElement.Way way) { if (nodes1.contains(way.nodes().get(0))) { nodes2.add(way.nodes().get(0)); } } @Override public void processFeature(SourceFeature sourceFeature, FeatureCollector features) { if (sourceFeature.isPoint() && nodes2.contains( { features.point("start_nodes") .setMaxZoom(0); } } }; var results = run( Map.of("threads", "1"), (featureGroup, p, config) -> processOsmFeatures(featureGroup, p, config, List.of( with(new OsmElement.Node(1, 0, 0), node -> node.setTag("a", "b")), new OsmElement.Node(2, GeoUtils.getWorldLat(0.375), 0), with(new OsmElement.Way(3), way -> { way.nodes().add(1, 2); }), with(new OsmElement.Way(4), way -> { way.nodes().add(1, 2); }) )), profile ); assertSubmap(sortListValues(Map.of( TileCoord.ofXYZ(0, 0, 0), List.of( feature(newPoint(128, 128), Map.of()) ) )), sortListValues(results.tiles)); } @Test void testPostProcessNodeUseLabelGridRank() throws Exception { double y = 0.5 + Z14_WIDTH / 2; double lat = GeoUtils.getWorldLat(y); double x1 = 0.5 + Z14_WIDTH / 4; double lng1 = GeoUtils.getWorldLon(x1); double lng2 = GeoUtils.getWorldLon(x1 + Z14_WIDTH * 10d / 256); double lng3 = GeoUtils.getWorldLon(x1 + Z14_WIDTH * 20d / 256); var results = runWithReaderFeatures( Map.of("threads", "1"), List.of( newReaderFeature(newPoint(lng1, lat), Map.of("rank", "1")), newReaderFeature(newPoint(lng2, lat), Map.of("rank", "2")), newReaderFeature(newPoint(lng3, lat), Map.of("rank", "3")) ), (in, features) -> features.point("layer") .setZoomRange(13, 14) .inheritAttrFromSource("rank") .setSortKey(Integer.parseInt(in.getTag("rank").toString())) .setPointLabelGridPixelSize(13, 8) .setBufferPixels(8), (layer, zoom, items) -> { if ("layer".equals(layer) && zoom == 13) { List result = new ArrayList<>(items.size()); Map rankInGroup = new HashMap<>(); for (var item : items) { result.add(item.copyWithExtraAttrs(Map.of( "grouprank", rankInGroup.merge(, 1, Integer::sum) ))); } return result; } else { return items; } } ); assertSubmap(Map.of( TileCoord.ofXYZ(Z14_TILES / 2, Z14_TILES / 2, 14), List.of( feature(newPoint(64, 128), Map.of("rank", "1")), feature(newPoint(74, 128), Map.of("rank", "2")), feature(newPoint(84, 128), Map.of("rank", "3")) ), TileCoord.ofXYZ(Z13_TILES / 2, Z13_TILES / 2, 13), List.of( feature(newPoint(32, 64), Map.of("rank", "1", "grouprank", 1L)), feature(newPoint(37, 64), Map.of("rank", "2", "grouprank", 2L)), // separate group feature(newPoint(42, 64), Map.of("rank", "3", "grouprank", 1L)) ) ), results.tiles); } @ParameterizedTest @ValueSource(booleans = {false, true}) void testMergeLineStrings(boolean connectEndpoints) throws Exception { double y = 0.5 + Z15_WIDTH / 2; double lat = GeoUtils.getWorldLat(y); double x1 = 0.5 + Z15_WIDTH / 4; double lng1 = GeoUtils.getWorldLon(x1); double lng2 = GeoUtils.getWorldLon(x1 + Z15_WIDTH * 10d / 256); double lng3 = GeoUtils.getWorldLon(x1 + Z15_WIDTH * 20d / 256); double lng4 = GeoUtils.getWorldLon(x1 + Z15_WIDTH * 30d / 256); var results = runWithReaderFeatures( Map.of("threads", "1", "maxzoom", "15"), List.of( // merge at z13 (same "group"): newReaderFeature(newLineString( lng1, lat, lng2, lat ), Map.of("group", "1", "other", "1")), newReaderFeature(newLineString( lng2, lat, lng3, lat ), Map.of("group", "1", "other", "2")), // don't merge at z13: newReaderFeature(newLineString( lng3, lat, lng4, lat ), Map.of("group", "2", "other", "3")) ), (in, features) -> features.line("layer") .setMinZoom(13) .setAttrWithMinzoom("z14attr", in.getTag("other"), 14) .inheritAttrFromSource("group"), (layer, zoom, items) -> connectEndpoints ? FeatureMerge.mergeLineStrings(items, 0, 0, 0) : FeatureMerge.mergeMultiLineString(items) ); assertSubmap(sortListValues(Map.of( TileCoord.ofXYZ(Z15_TILES / 2, Z15_TILES / 2, 15), List.of( feature(newLineString(64, 128, 74, 128), Map.of("group", "1", "z14attr", "1")), feature(newLineString(74, 128, 84, 128), Map.of("group", "1", "z14attr", "2")), feature(newLineString(84, 128, 94, 128), Map.of("group", "2", "z14attr", "3")) ), TileCoord.ofXYZ(Z14_TILES / 2, Z14_TILES / 2, 14), List.of( feature(newLineString(32, 64, 37, 64), Map.of("group", "1", "z14attr", "1")), feature(newLineString(37, 64, 42, 64), Map.of("group", "1", "z14attr", "2")), feature(newLineString(42, 64, 47, 64), Map.of("group", "2", "z14attr", "3")) ), TileCoord.ofXYZ(Z13_TILES / 2, Z13_TILES / 2, 13), connectEndpoints ? List.of( // merge 32->37 and 37->42 since they have same attrs feature(newLineString(16, 32, 21, 32), Map.of("group", "1")), feature(newLineString(21, 32, 23.5, 32), Map.of("group", "2")) ) : List.of( feature(newMultiLineString( newLineString(16, 32, 18.5, 32), newLineString(18.5, 32, 21, 32) ), Map.of("group", "1")), feature(newLineString(21, 32, 23.5, 32), Map.of("group", "2")) ) )), sortListValues(results.tiles)); } @ParameterizedTest @ValueSource(booleans = {false, true}) void postProcessTileFeatures(boolean postProcessLayersToo) throws Exception { double y = 0.5 + Z15_WIDTH / 2; double lat = GeoUtils.getWorldLat(y); double x1 = 0.5 + Z15_WIDTH / 4; double lng1 = GeoUtils.getWorldLon(x1); double lng2 = GeoUtils.getWorldLon(x1 + Z15_WIDTH * 10d / 256); List features1 = List.of( newReaderFeature(newPoint(lng1, lat), Map.of("from", "a")), newReaderFeature(newPoint(lng2, lat), Map.of("from", "b")) ); var testProfile = new Profile.NullProfile() { @Override public void processFeature(SourceFeature sourceFeature, FeatureCollector features) { features.point(sourceFeature.getString("from")) .inheritAttrFromSource("from") .setMinZoom(15); } @Override public Map> postProcessTileFeatures(TileCoord tileCoord, Map> layers) { List features = new ArrayList<>(); features.addAll(layers.get("a")); features.addAll(layers.get("b")); return Map.of("c", features); } @Override public List postProcessLayerFeatures(String layer, int zoom, List items) { return postProcessLayersToo ? items.reversed() : items; } }; var results = run( Map.of("threads", "1", "maxzoom", "15"), (featureGroup, profile, config) -> processReaderFeatures(featureGroup, profile, config, features1), testProfile); assertSubmap(sortListValues(Map.of( TileCoord.ofXYZ(Z15_TILES / 2, Z15_TILES / 2, 15), List.of( feature(newPoint(64, 128), "c", Map.of("from", "a")), feature(newPoint(74, 128), "c", Map.of("from", "b")) ) )), sortListValues(results.tiles)); } @Test void testMergeLineStringsIgnoresRoundingIntersections() throws Exception { double y = 0.5 + Z14_WIDTH / 2; double lat = GeoUtils.getWorldLat(y); double lat2a = GeoUtils.getWorldLat(y + Z14_WIDTH * 0.5 / 4096); double lat2b = GeoUtils.getWorldLat(y + Z14_WIDTH * 1.5 / 4096); double lat3 = GeoUtils.getWorldLat(y + Z14_WIDTH * 10 / 4096); double x1 = 0.5 + Z14_WIDTH / 4; double lng1 = GeoUtils.getWorldLon(x1); double lng2 = GeoUtils.getWorldLon(x1 + Z14_WIDTH * 10d / 256); double lng3 = GeoUtils.getWorldLon(x1 + Z14_WIDTH * 20d / 256); var results = runWithReaderFeatures( Map.of("threads", "1"), List.of( // group two parallel lines that almost touch at the midpoint // need to retain extra precision while merging to ensure it // doesn't confuse the line merger newReaderFeature(newLineString( lng1, lat, lng2, lat2a ), Map.of()), newReaderFeature(newLineString( lng2, lat2a, lng3, lat ), Map.of()), newReaderFeature(newLineString( lng1, lat3, lng2, lat2b ), Map.of()), newReaderFeature(newLineString( lng2, lat2b, lng3, lat3 ), Map.of()) ), (in, features) -> features.line("layer").setZoomRange(13, 13), (layer, zoom, items) -> FeatureMerge.mergeLineStrings(items, 0, 0, 0) ); assertSubmap(sortListValues(Map.of( TileCoord.ofXYZ(Z13_TILES / 2, Z13_TILES / 2, 13), List.of( feature(newMultiLineString( newLineString(32, 64.3125, 37, 64.0625, 42, 64.3125), newLineString(32, 64, 37, 64.0625, 42, 64) ), Map.of()) ) )), sortListValues(results.tiles)); } @ParameterizedTest @ValueSource(booleans = {false, true}) void testMergePolygons(boolean unionOverlapping) throws Exception { var results = runWithReaderFeatures( Map.of("threads", "1"), List.of( // merge same group: newReaderFeature(newPolygon(z14CoordinatePixelList( 10, 10, 20, 10, 20, 20, 10, 20, 10, 10 )), Map.of("group", "1")), newReaderFeature(newPolygon(z14CoordinatePixelList( 20.5, 10, 30, 10, 30, 20, 20.5, 20, 20.5, 10 )), Map.of("group", "1")), // don't merge - different group: newReaderFeature(newPolygon(z14CoordinatePixelList( 10, 20.5, 20, 20.5, 20, 30, 10, 30, 10, 20.5 )), Map.of("group", "2")) ), (in, features) -> features.polygon("layer") .setZoomRange(14, 14) .inheritAttrFromSource("group"), (layer, zoom, items) -> unionOverlapping ? FeatureMerge.mergeNearbyPolygons( items, 0, 0, 1, 1 ) : FeatureMerge.mergeMultiPolygon(items) ); if (unionOverlapping) { assertSubmap(sortListValues(Map.of( TileCoord.ofXYZ(Z14_TILES / 2, Z14_TILES / 2, 14), List.of( feature(rectangle(10, 10, 30, 20), Map.of("group", "1")), feature(rectangle(10, 20.5, 20, 30), Map.of("group", "2")) ) )), sortListValues(results.tiles)); } else { assertSubmap(sortListValues(Map.of( TileCoord.ofXYZ(Z14_TILES / 2, Z14_TILES / 2, 14), List.of( feature( newMultiPolygon( rectangle(10, 10, 20, 20), rectangle(20.5, 10, 30, 20) ), Map.of("group", "1")), feature(rectangle(10, 20.5, 20, 30), Map.of("group", "2")) ) )), sortListValues(results.tiles)); } } @Test void testCombineMultiPoint() throws Exception { var results = runWithReaderFeatures( Map.of("threads", "1"), List.of( // merge same group: newReaderFeature(z14Point(0, 0), Map.of("group", "1")), newReaderFeature(newMultiPoint( z14Point(1, 1), z14Point(2, 2) ), Map.of("group", "1")), // don't merge - different group: newReaderFeature(z14Point(3, 3), Map.of("group", "2")) ), (in, features) -> features.point("layer") .setZoomRange(14, 14) .setBufferPixels(0) .inheritAttrFromSource("group"), (layer, zoom, items) -> FeatureMerge.mergeMultiPoint(items) ); assertSubmap(sortListValues(Map.of( TileCoord.ofXYZ(Z14_TILES / 2, Z14_TILES / 2, 14), List.of( feature(newMultiPoint( newPoint(0, 0), newPoint(1, 1), newPoint(2, 2) ), Map.of("group", "1")), feature(newPoint(3, 3), Map.of("group", "2")) ) )), sortListValues(results.tiles)); } @Test void testReduceMaxPointBuffer() throws Exception { var results = runWithReaderFeatures( Map.of( "threads", "1", "max-point-buffer", "1" ), List.of( newReaderFeature(z14Point(0, 0), Map.of("group", "1")), newReaderFeature(newMultiPoint( z14Point(-1, -1), z14Point(-2, -2) // should get filtered out ), Map.of("group", "1")), // don't merge - different group: newReaderFeature(z14Point(257, 257), Map.of("group", "2")), newReaderFeature(z14Point(258, 258), Map.of("group", "3")) // filter out ), (in, features) -> features.point("layer") .setZoomRange(14, 14) .setBufferPixels(10) .inheritAttrFromSource("group") ); assertSubmap(sortListValues(Map.of( TileCoord.ofXYZ(Z14_TILES / 2, Z14_TILES / 2, 14), List.of( feature(newPoint(-1, -1), Map.of("group", "1")), feature(newPoint(0, 0), Map.of("group", "1")), feature(newPoint(257, 257), Map.of("group", "2")) ) )), sortListValues(results.tiles)); } @Test void testReaderProfileFinish() throws Exception { double y = 0.5 + Z14_WIDTH / 2; double lat = GeoUtils.getWorldLat(y); double x1 = 0.5 + Z14_WIDTH / 4; double lng1 = GeoUtils.getWorldLon(x1); double lng2 = GeoUtils.getWorldLon(x1 + Z14_WIDTH * 10d / 256); var results = runWithReaderFeaturesProfile( Map.of("threads", "1"), List.of( newReaderFeature(newPoint(lng1, lat), Map.of("a", 1, "b", 2)), newReaderFeature(newPoint(lng2, lat), Map.of("a", 3, "b", 4)) ), new Profile.NullProfile() { private final List featureList = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); @Override public void processFeature(SourceFeature in, FeatureCollector features) { featureList.add(in); } @Override public void finish(String name, FeatureCollector.Factory featureCollectors, Consumer next) { if ("test".equals(name)) { for (SourceFeature in : featureList) { var features = featureCollectors.get(in); features.point("layer") .setZoomRange(13, 14) .inheritAttrFromSource("a"); for (var feature : features) { next.accept(feature); } } } } } ); assertSubmap(sortListValues(Map.of( TileCoord.ofXYZ(Z14_TILES / 2, Z14_TILES / 2, 14), List.of( feature(newPoint(64, 128), Map.of("a", 1L)), feature(newPoint(74, 128), Map.of("a", 3L)) ), TileCoord.ofXYZ(Z13_TILES / 2, Z13_TILES / 2, 13), List.of( // merge 32->37 and 37->42 since they have same attrs feature(newPoint(32, 64), Map.of("a", 1L)), feature(newPoint(37, 64), Map.of("a", 3L)) ) )), sortListValues(results.tiles)); } @Test void testOsmProfileFinish() throws Exception { double y = 0.5 + Z14_WIDTH / 2; double lat = GeoUtils.getWorldLat(y); double x1 = 0.5 + Z14_WIDTH / 4; double lng1 = GeoUtils.getWorldLon(x1); double lng2 = GeoUtils.getWorldLon(x1 + Z14_WIDTH * 10d / 256); var results = runWithOsmElements( Map.of("threads", "1"), List.of( with(new OsmElement.Node(1, lat, lng1), t -> t.setTag("a", 1)), with(new OsmElement.Node(2, lat, lng2), t -> t.setTag("a", 3)) ), new Profile.NullProfile() { private final List featureList = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); @Override public void processFeature(SourceFeature in, FeatureCollector features) { featureList.add(in); } @Override public void finish(String name, FeatureCollector.Factory featureCollectors, Consumer next) { if ("osm".equals(name)) { for (SourceFeature in : featureList) { var features = featureCollectors.get(in); features.point("layer") .setZoomRange(13, 14) .inheritAttrFromSource("a"); for (var feature : features) { next.accept(feature); } } } } } ); assertSubmap(sortListValues(Map.of( TileCoord.ofXYZ(Z14_TILES / 2, Z14_TILES / 2, 14), List.of( feature(newPoint(64, 128), Map.of("a", 1L)), feature(newPoint(74, 128), Map.of("a", 3L)) ), TileCoord.ofXYZ(Z13_TILES / 2, Z13_TILES / 2, 13), List.of( // merge 32->37 and 37->42 since they have same attrs feature(newPoint(32, 64), Map.of("a", 1L)), feature(newPoint(37, 64), Map.of("a", 3L)) ) )), sortListValues(results.tiles)); } @Test void testOsmProfileFinishForwardingProfile() throws Exception { double y = 0.5 + Z14_WIDTH / 2; double lat = GeoUtils.getWorldLat(y); double x1 = 0.5 + Z14_WIDTH / 4; double lng1 = GeoUtils.getWorldLon(x1); double lng2 = GeoUtils.getWorldLon(x1 + Z14_WIDTH * 10d / 256); ForwardingProfile profile = new ForwardingProfile() { @Override public String name() { return "test"; } }; List featureList = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); profile.registerSourceHandler("osm", (in, features) -> featureList.add(in)); profile.registerHandler((ForwardingProfile.FinishHandler) (name, featureCollectors, next) -> { if ("osm".equals(name)) { for (SourceFeature in : featureList) { var features = featureCollectors.get(in); features.point("layer") .setZoomRange(13, 14) .inheritAttrFromSource("a"); for (var feature : features) { next.accept(feature); } } } }); var results = runWithOsmElements( Map.of("threads", "1"), List.of( with(new OsmElement.Node(1, lat, lng1), t -> t.setTag("a", 1)), with(new OsmElement.Node(2, lat, lng2), t -> t.setTag("a", 3)) ), profile ); assertSubmap(sortListValues(Map.of( TileCoord.ofXYZ(Z14_TILES / 2, Z14_TILES / 2, 14), List.of( feature(newPoint(64, 128), Map.of("a", 1L)), feature(newPoint(74, 128), Map.of("a", 3L)) ), TileCoord.ofXYZ(Z13_TILES / 2, Z13_TILES / 2, 13), List.of( // merge 32->37 and 37->42 since they have same attrs feature(newPoint(32, 64), Map.of("a", 1L)), feature(newPoint(37, 64), Map.of("a", 3L)) ) )), sortListValues(results.tiles)); } private , V extends List> Map sortListValues(Map input) { Map> result = new TreeMap<>(); for (var entry : input.entrySet()) { List sorted = entry.getValue().stream().sorted(Comparator.comparing(Object::toString)).toList(); result.put(entry.getKey(), sorted); } return result; } private Map.Entry> newTileEntry(int x, int y, int z, List features) { return Map.entry(TileCoord.ofXYZ(x, y, z), features); } private interface Runner { void run(FeatureGroup featureGroup, Profile profile, PlanetilerConfig config) throws Exception; } private interface LayerPostprocessFunction { List process(String layer, int zoom, List items) throws GeometryException; } private interface TilePostprocessFunction { Map> process(TileCoord tileCoord, Map> layers) throws GeometryException; } private record PlanetilerResults( Map> tiles, Map metadata, int tileDataCount ) {} private record TestProfile( @Override String name, @Override String description, @Override String attribution, @Override String version, BiConsumer processFeature, Function> preprocessOsmRelation, LayerPostprocessFunction postprocessLayerFeatures, TilePostprocessFunction postprocessTileFeatures ) implements Profile { TestProfile( BiConsumer processFeature, Function> preprocessOsmRelation, LayerPostprocessFunction postprocessLayerFeatures ) { this(TEST_PROFILE_NAME, TEST_PROFILE_DESCRIPTION, TEST_PROFILE_ATTRIBUTION, TEST_PROFILE_VERSION, processFeature, preprocessOsmRelation, postprocessLayerFeatures, null); } TestProfile( BiConsumer processFeature, Function> preprocessOsmRelation, TilePostprocessFunction postprocessTileFeatures ) { this(TEST_PROFILE_NAME, TEST_PROFILE_DESCRIPTION, TEST_PROFILE_ATTRIBUTION, TEST_PROFILE_VERSION, processFeature, preprocessOsmRelation, null, postprocessTileFeatures); } static TestProfile processSourceFeatures(BiConsumer processFeature) { return new TestProfile(processFeature, (a) -> null, (a, b, c) -> c); } @Override public List preprocessOsmRelation( OsmElement.Relation relation) { return preprocessOsmRelation == null ? null : preprocessOsmRelation.apply(relation); } @Override public void processFeature(SourceFeature sourceFeature, FeatureCollector features) { processFeature.accept(sourceFeature, features); } @Override public void release() {} @Override public List postProcessLayerFeatures(String layer, int zoom, List items) throws GeometryException { return postprocessLayerFeatures == null ? null : postprocessLayerFeatures.process(layer, zoom, items); } @Override public Map> postProcessTileFeatures(TileCoord tileCoord, Map> layers) throws GeometryException { return postprocessTileFeatures == null ? null : postprocessTileFeatures.process(tileCoord, layers); } } private static List orEmpty(List in) { return in == null ? List.of() : in; } @Test void testBadRelation() throws Exception { // this threw an exception in OsmXml osmInfo = TestUtils.readOsmXml("bad_spain_relation.xml"); List elements = convertToOsmElements(osmInfo); var results = runWithOsmElements( Map.of("threads", "1"), elements, (in, features) -> { if (in.hasTag("landuse", "forest")) { features.polygon("layer") .setZoomRange(12, 14) .setBufferPixels(4); } } ); assertEquals(11, results.tiles.size()); } private static List convertToOsmElements(OsmXml osmInfo) { List elements = new ArrayList<>(); for (var node : orEmpty(osmInfo.nodes())) { var newNode = new OsmElement.Node(,, node.lon()); elements.add(newNode); for (var tag : orEmpty(node.tags())) { newNode.setTag(tag.k(), tag.v()); } } for (var way : orEmpty(osmInfo.ways())) { var readerWay = new OsmElement.Way(; elements.add(readerWay); for (var tag : orEmpty(way.tags())) { readerWay.setTag(tag.k(), tag.v()); } for (var nodeRef : orEmpty(way.nodeRefs())) { readerWay.nodes().add(nodeRef.ref()); } } for (var relation : orEmpty(osmInfo.relation())) { var readerRelation = new OsmElement.Relation(; elements.add(readerRelation); for (var tag : orEmpty(relation.tags())) { readerRelation.setTag(tag.k(), tag.v()); } for (var member : orEmpty(relation.members())) { readerRelation.members().add(new OsmElement.Relation.Member(switch (member.type()) { case "way" -> OsmElement.Type.WAY; case "relation" -> OsmElement.Type.RELATION; case "node" -> OsmElement.Type.NODE; default -> throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected value: " + member.type()); }, member.ref(), member.role())); } } return elements; } @Test void testIssue496BaseballMultipolygon() throws Exception { // this generated a polygon that covered an entire z11 tile where the buffer intersected the baseball field OsmXml osmInfo = TestUtils.readOsmXml("issue_496_baseball_multipolygon.xml"); List elements = convertToOsmElements(osmInfo); var results = runWithOsmElements( Map.of("threads", "1"), elements, (in, features) -> { if (in.hasTag("natural", "sand")) { features.polygon("test") .setBufferPixels(4) .setPixelTolerance(0.5) .setMinPixelSize(0.1) .setAttr("id",; } } ); double areaAtZ14 = 20; for (var entry : results.tiles().entrySet()) { var tile = entry.getKey(); for (var feature : entry.getValue()) { var geom = feature.geometry().geom(); double area = geom.getArea(); double expectedMaxArea = areaAtZ14 / (1 << (14 - tile.z())); assertTrue(area < expectedMaxArea, "tile=" + tile + " area=" + area + " geom=" + geom); } } assertEquals(8, results.tiles.size()); } @Test void testIssue509LenaDelta() throws Exception { OsmXml osmInfo = TestUtils.readOsmXml("issue_509_lena_delta.xml"); List elements = convertToOsmElements(osmInfo); var results = runWithOsmElements( Map.of("threads", "1"), elements, (in, features) -> { if (in.hasTag("natural", "water")) { features.polygon("water").setAttr("id",; } } ); Map counts = new TreeMap<>(); for (var tile : results.tiles().keySet()) { counts.merge(tile.z(), 1, Integer::sum); } assertEquals(Map.of( 10, 39, 11, 125, 12, 397, 13, 1160, 14, 3108 ), counts); } @Test void testIssue546Terschelling() throws Exception { Geometry geometry = new WKBReader() .read( new InputStreamInStream(Files.newInputStream(TestUtils.pathToResource("issue_546_terschelling.wkb")))); geometry = GeoUtils.worldToLatLonCoords(geometry); assertNotNull(geometry); // automatically checks for self-intersections var results = runWithReaderFeatures( Map.of("threads", "1"), List.of( newReaderFeature(geometry, Map.of()) ), (in, features) -> features.polygon("ocean") .setBufferPixels(4.0) .setMinZoom(0) ); // this lat/lon is in the middle of an island and should not be covered by for (int z = 4; z <= 14; z++) { double lat = 53.391958; double lon = 5.2438441; var coord = TileCoord.aroundLngLat(lon, lat, z); var problematicTile = results.tiles.get(coord); if (z == 14) { assertNull(problematicTile); continue; } double scale = Math.pow(2, coord.z()); double tileX = (GeoUtils.getWorldX(lon) * scale - coord.x()) * 256; double tileY = (GeoUtils.getWorldY(lat) * scale - coord.y()) * 256; var point = newPoint(tileX, tileY); assertEquals(1, problematicTile.size()); var geomCompare = problematicTile.getFirst().geometry(); geomCompare.validate(); var geom = geomCompare.geom(); assertFalse(geom.covers(point), "z" + z); } } private static TileArchiveConfig.Format extractFormat(String args) { final Optional format = Stream.of(TileArchiveConfig.Format.values()) .filter(fmt -> args.contains("--output-format=" + .findFirst(); if (format.isPresent()) { return format.get(); } else if (args.contains("--output-format=")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("unhandled output format"); } else { return TileArchiveConfig.Format.MBTILES; } } private static TileCompression extractTileCompression(String args) { if (args.contains("tile-compression=none")) { return TileCompression.NONE; } else if (args.contains("tile-compression=gzip")) { return TileCompression.GZIP; } else if (args.contains("tile-compression=")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("unhandled tile compression"); } else { return TileCompression.GZIP; } } @ParameterizedTest @ValueSource(strings = { "", "--write-threads=2 --process-threads=2 --feature-read-threads=2 --threads=4", "--free-osm-after-read", "--osm-parse-node-bounds", "--output-format=pmtiles", "--output-format=csv", "--output-format=tsv", "--output-format=proto", "--output-format=pbf", "--output-format=json", "--output-format=files", "--tile-compression=none", "--tile-compression=gzip", "--output-layerstats", "--max-point-buffer=1" }) void testPlanetilerRunner(String args) throws Exception { Path originalOsm = TestUtils.pathToResource("monaco-latest.osm.pbf"); Path tempOsm = tempDir.resolve("monaco-temp.osm.pbf"); final TileCompression tileCompression = extractTileCompression(args); final TileArchiveConfig.Format format = extractFormat(args); final String outputUri; final Path outputPath; switch (format) { case FILES -> { outputPath = tempDir.resolve("output"); outputUri = outputPath.toString() + "?format=files"; } default -> { outputPath = tempDir.resolve("output." +; outputUri = outputPath.toString(); } } final ReadableTileArchiveFactory readableTileArchiveFactory = switch (format) { case MBTILES -> Mbtiles::newReadOnlyDatabase; case CSV -> p -> InMemoryStreamArchive.fromCsv(p, ","); case TSV -> p -> InMemoryStreamArchive.fromCsv(p, "\t"); case JSON -> InMemoryStreamArchive::fromJson; case PMTILES -> ReadablePmtiles::newReadFromFile; case PROTO, PBF -> InMemoryStreamArchive::fromProtobuf; case FILES -> p -> ReadableFilesArchive.newReader(p, Arguments.of()); }; Files.copy(originalOsm, tempOsm); Planetiler.create(Arguments.fromArgs( ("--tmpdir=" + tempDir.resolve("data") + " " + args).split("\\s+") )) .setProfile(new Profile.NullProfile() { @Override public void processFeature(SourceFeature source, FeatureCollector features) { if (source.canBePolygon() && source.hasTag("building", "yes")) { features.polygon("building").setZoomRange(0, 14).setMinPixelSize(1); } else if (source.isPoint() && source.hasTag("place")) { features.point("place").setZoomRange(0, 14); } } }) .addOsmSource("osm", tempOsm) .addNaturalEarthSource("ne", TestUtils.pathToResource("natural_earth_vector.sqlite")) .addShapefileSource("shapefile", TestUtils.pathToResource("")) .addGeoPackageSource("geopackage", TestUtils.pathToResource(""), null) .setOutput(outputUri) .run(); // make sure it got deleted after write if (args.contains("free-osm-after-read")) { assertFalse(Files.exists(tempOsm)); } try (var db = readableTileArchiveFactory.create(outputPath)) { int features = 0; var tileMap = TestUtils.getTileMap(db, tileCompression); for (var tile : tileMap.values()) { for (var feature : tile) { feature.geometry().validate(); features++; } } int expectedFeatures = args.contains("max-point-buffer=1") ? 2311 : 2313; assertEquals(22, tileMap.size(), "num tiles"); assertEquals(expectedFeatures, features, "num feature"); final boolean checkMetadata = switch (format) { case MBTILES -> true; case PMTILES -> true; default -> db.metadata() != null; }; if (checkMetadata) { assertSubmap(Map.of( "planetiler:version", BuildInfo.get().version(), "planetiler:osm:osmosisreplicationtime", "2021-04-21T20:21:46Z", "planetiler:osm:osmosisreplicationseq", "2947", "planetiler:osm:osmosisreplicationurl", "" ), db.metadata().toMap()); } } final Path layerstats = outputPath.resolveSibling(outputPath.getFileName().toString() + ".layerstats.tsv.gz"); if (args.contains("--output-layerstats")) { assertTrue(Files.exists(layerstats)); byte[] data = Files.readAllBytes(layerstats); byte[] uncompressed = Gzip.gunzip(data); String[] lines = new String(uncompressed, StandardCharsets.UTF_8).split("\n"); assertEquals(33, lines.length); assertEquals(List.of( "z", "x", "y", "hilbert", "archived_tile_bytes", "layer", "layer_bytes", "layer_features", "layer_geometries", "layer_attr_bytes", "layer_attr_keys", "layer_attr_values" ), List.of(lines[0].split("\t")), lines[0]); var mapper = new CsvMapper(); var reader = mapper .readerFor(Map.class) .with(CsvSchema.emptySchema().withColumnSeparator('\t').withLineSeparator("\n").withHeader()); try (var items = reader.readValues(uncompressed)) { while (items.hasNext()) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map next = (Map); int z = Integer.parseInt(next.get("z")); int x = Integer.parseInt(next.get("x")); int y = Integer.parseInt(next.get("y")); int hilbert = Integer.parseInt(next.get("hilbert")); assertEquals(hilbert, TileCoord.ofXYZ(x, y, z).hilbertEncoded()); assertTrue(Integer.parseInt(next.get("z")) <= 14, "bad z: " + next); } } // ensure tilestats standalone executable produces same output var standaloneLayerstatsOutput = tempDir.resolve("layerstats2.tsv.gz"); TileSizeStats.main("--input=" + outputPath, "--output=" + standaloneLayerstatsOutput); byte[] standaloneData = Files.readAllBytes(standaloneLayerstatsOutput); byte[] standaloneUncompressed = Gzip.gunzip(standaloneData); assertEquals( new String(uncompressed, StandardCharsets.UTF_8), new String(standaloneUncompressed, StandardCharsets.UTF_8) ); } else { assertFalse(Files.exists(layerstats)); } } @Test void testPlanetilerRunnerShapefile() throws Exception { Path mbtiles = tempDir.resolve("output.mbtiles"); Path resourceDir = TestUtils.pathToResource(""); Planetiler.create(Arguments.fromArgs("--tmpdir=" + tempDir.resolve("data"))) .setProfile(new Profile.NullProfile() { @Override public void processFeature(SourceFeature source, FeatureCollector features) { features.point("stations") .setZoomRange(0, 14) .setAttr("source", source.getSource()) .setAttr("layer", source.getSourceLayer()); } }) // Match *.shp within [,] .addShapefileGlobSource("shapefile-glob", resourceDir, "shape*.zip") // Match *.shp within .addShapefileGlobSource("shapefile-glob-zip", resourceDir.resolve(""), "*.shp") // Match *.shp within .addShapefileSource("shapefile", resourceDir.resolve("")) .setOutput(mbtiles) .run(); try (Mbtiles db = Mbtiles.newReadOnlyDatabase(mbtiles)) { long fileCount = 0, globCount = 0, globZipCount = 0; var tileMap = TestUtils.getTileMap(db); for (var tile : tileMap.values()) { for (var feature : tile) { feature.geometry().validate(); assertEquals("stations", feature.attrs().get("layer")); switch ((String) feature.attrs().get("source")) { case "shapefile" -> fileCount++; case "shapefile-glob" -> globCount++; case "shapefile-glob-zip" -> globZipCount++; } } } assertTrue(fileCount > 0); // `shapefile` and `shapefile-glob-zip` both match only one file. assertEquals(fileCount, globZipCount); // `shapefile-glob` matches two input files, should have 2x number of features of `shapefile`. assertEquals(2 * fileCount, globCount); } } @ParameterizedTest @ValueSource(strings = { "", "--write-threads=2 --process-threads=2 --feature-read-threads=2 --threads=4", "--input-file=geopackage.gpkg" }) void testPlanetilerRunnerGeoPackage(String args) throws Exception { Path mbtiles = tempDir.resolve("output.mbtiles"); String inputFile = Arguments.fromArgs(args).getString("input-file", "", ""); Planetiler.create(Arguments.fromArgs((args + " --tmpdir=" + tempDir.resolve("data")).split("\\s+"))) .setProfile(new Profile.NullProfile() { @Override public void processFeature(SourceFeature source, FeatureCollector features) { features.point("stations") .setZoomRange(0, 14) .setAttr("name", source.getString("name")); } }) .addGeoPackageSource("geopackage", TestUtils.pathToResource(inputFile), null) .setOutput(mbtiles) .run(); try (Mbtiles db = Mbtiles.newReadOnlyDatabase(mbtiles)) { Set uniqueNames = new HashSet<>(); long featureCount = 0; var tileMap = TestUtils.getTileMap(db); for (var tile : tileMap.values()) { for (var feature : tile) { feature.geometry().validate(); featureCount++; uniqueNames.add((String) feature.attrs().get("name")); } } assertTrue(featureCount > 0); assertEquals(86, uniqueNames.size()); assertTrue(uniqueNames.contains("Van Dörn Street")); } } private void runWithProfile(Path tempDir, Profile profile, boolean force) throws Exception { Planetiler.create(Arguments.of("tmpdir", tempDir, "force", Boolean.toString(force))) .setProfile(profile) .addOsmSource("osm", TestUtils.pathToResource("monaco-latest.osm.pbf")) .addNaturalEarthSource("ne", TestUtils.pathToResource("natural_earth_vector.sqlite")) .addShapefileSource("shapefile", TestUtils.pathToResource("")) .addGeoPackageSource("geopackage", TestUtils.pathToResource(""), null) .setOutput(tempDir.resolve("output.mbtiles")) .run(); } @Test void testPlanetilerMemoryCheck() { assertThrows(Exception.class, () -> runWithProfile(tempDir, new Profile.NullProfile() { @Override public long estimateIntermediateDiskBytes(long osmSize) { return Long.MAX_VALUE / 10L; } }, false) ); assertThrows(Exception.class, () -> runWithProfile(tempDir, new Profile.NullProfile() { @Override public long estimateOutputBytes(long osmSize) { return Long.MAX_VALUE / 10L; } }, false) ); assertThrows(Exception.class, () -> runWithProfile(tempDir, new Profile.NullProfile() { @Override public long estimateRamRequired(long osmSize) { return Long.MAX_VALUE / 10L; } }, false) ); } @Test void testPlanetilerMemoryCheckForce() throws Exception { runWithProfile(tempDir, new Profile.NullProfile() { @Override public long estimateIntermediateDiskBytes(long osmSize) { return Long.MAX_VALUE / 10L; } }, true); runWithProfile(tempDir, new Profile.NullProfile() { @Override public long estimateOutputBytes(long osmSize) { return Long.MAX_VALUE / 10L; } }, true); runWithProfile(tempDir, new Profile.NullProfile() { @Override public long estimateRamRequired(long osmSize) { return Long.MAX_VALUE / 10L; } }, true); } @Test void testHandleProfileException() throws Exception { var results = runWithOsmElements( Map.of("threads", "1"), List.of( with(new OsmElement.Node(1, 0, 0), t -> t.setTag("attr", "value")) ), (in, features) -> { throw new IllegalStateException("intentional exception!") { // suppress stack trace in logs @Override public synchronized Throwable fillInStackTrace() { return this; } }; } ); assertSubmap(Map.of(), results.tiles); } private PlanetilerResults runForCompactTest(boolean compactDbEnabled) throws Exception { return runWithReaderFeatures( Map.of("threads", "1", "mbtiles-compact", Boolean.toString(compactDbEnabled)), List.of( newReaderFeature(WORLD_POLYGON, Map.of()) ), (in, features) -> features.polygon("layer") .setZoomRange(0, 2) .setBufferPixels(0) ); } @Test void testCompactDb() throws Exception { var compactResult = runForCompactTest(true); var nonCompactResult = runForCompactTest(false); assertEquals(nonCompactResult.tiles, compactResult.tiles); assertTrue( compactResult.tileDataCount() < compactResult.tiles.size(), "tileDataCount=%s should be less than tileCount=%s".formatted( compactResult.tileDataCount(), compactResult.tiles.size() ) ); } private PlanetilerResults runForMaxZoomTest(Map attrs) throws Exception { double z8Pixel = 1d / (1 << 8) / 256d; double tileMiddle = 0.5 + Z14_WIDTH / 2; return runWithReaderFeatures( attrs, List.of( newReaderFeature(newLineString(worldCoordinateList( tileMiddle, tileMiddle, tileMiddle + z8Pixel / 2, tileMiddle )), Map.of()) ), (in, features) -> features.line("layer").setBufferPixels(0).setZoomRange(0, 14) ); } @Test void testRenderMaxzoom() throws Exception { var baseResult = runForMaxZoomTest(Map.of( "minzoom", "0", "maxzoom", "14") ); var maxzoomResult = runForMaxZoomTest(Map.of( "minzoom", "0", "maxzoom", "8" )); var renderMaxzoomResult = runForMaxZoomTest(Map.of( "minzoom", "0", "maxzoom", "8", "render_maxzoom", "8" )); // the feature is too small to include at z8, unless z8 is the max zoom for rendering to support overzooming var z8Tile = TileCoord.ofXYZ((1 << 8) / 2, (1 << 8) / 2, 8); assertFalse(baseResult.tiles.containsKey(z8Tile)); assertTrue(renderMaxzoomResult.tiles.containsKey(z8Tile)); assertFalse(maxzoomResult.tiles.containsKey(z8Tile)); } private PlanetilerResults runForBoundsTest(int minzoom, int maxzoom, String key, String value) throws Exception { return runWithReaderFeatures( Map.of("threads", "1", key, value), List.of( newReaderFeature(WORLD_POLYGON, Map.of()) ), (in, features) -> features.polygon("layer") .setZoomRange(minzoom, maxzoom) .setBufferPixels(0) ); } @Test void testBoundFilters() throws Exception { var origResult = runForBoundsTest(0, 2, "", ""); var bboxResult = runForBoundsTest(0, 2, "bounds", "1,-85.05113,180,-1"); var polyResult = runForBoundsTest(0, 2, "polygon", TestUtils.pathToResource("bottomrightearth.poly").toString()); assertEquals(1 + 4 + 16, origResult.tiles.size()); assertEquals(Set.of( TileCoord.ofXYZ(0, 0, 0), TileCoord.ofXYZ(1, 1, 1), TileCoord.ofXYZ(2, 2, 2), TileCoord.ofXYZ(3, 2, 2), TileCoord.ofXYZ(2, 3, 2), TileCoord.ofXYZ(3, 3, 2) ), bboxResult.tiles.keySet()); assertEquals(Set.of( TileCoord.ofXYZ(0, 0, 0), TileCoord.ofXYZ(1, 1, 1), // TileCoord.ofXYZ(2, 2, 2), - omit since this one is outside of triangle TileCoord.ofXYZ(3, 2, 2), TileCoord.ofXYZ(2, 3, 2), TileCoord.ofXYZ(3, 3, 2) ), polyResult.tiles.keySet()); // but besides the omitted tile, the rest should be the same bboxResult.tiles.remove(TileCoord.ofXYZ(2, 2, 2)); assertEquals(bboxResult.tiles, polyResult.tiles); } @Test void testSimplePolygon() throws Exception { List points = z14PixelRectangle(0, 40); var results = runWithReaderFeatures( Map.of("threads", "1"), List.of( newReaderFeature(newPolygon(points), Map.of()) ), (in, features) -> features.polygon("layer") .setZoomRange(0, 14) .setBufferPixels(0) .setMinPixelSize(10) // should only show up z14 (40) z13 (20) and z12 (10) ); assertEquals(Map.ofEntries( newTileEntry(Z12_TILES / 2, Z12_TILES / 2, 12, List.of( feature(newPolygon(rectangleCoordList(0, 10)), Map.of()) )), newTileEntry(Z13_TILES / 2, Z13_TILES / 2, 13, List.of( feature(newPolygon(rectangleCoordList(0, 20)), Map.of()) )), newTileEntry(Z14_TILES / 2, Z14_TILES / 2, 14, List.of( feature(newPolygon(rectangleCoordList(0, 40)), Map.of()) )) ), results.tiles); } @Test void testCentroidWithPolygonMinSize() throws Exception { List points = z14PixelRectangle(0, 40); var results = runWithReaderFeatures( Map.of("threads", "1"), List.of( newReaderFeature(newPolygon(points), Map.of()) ), (in, features) -> features.centroid("layer") .setZoomRange(0, 14) .setBufferPixels(0) .setMinPixelSize(10) // should only show up z14 (40) z13 (20) and z12 (10) ); assertEquals(Map.ofEntries( newTileEntry(Z12_TILES / 2, Z12_TILES / 2, 12, List.of( feature(newPoint(5, 5), Map.of()) )), newTileEntry(Z13_TILES / 2, Z13_TILES / 2, 13, List.of( feature(newPoint(10, 10), Map.of()) )), newTileEntry(Z14_TILES / 2, Z14_TILES / 2, 14, List.of( feature(newPoint(20, 20), Map.of()) )) ), results.tiles); } @Test void testCentroidWithLineMinSize() throws Exception { List points = z14CoordinatePixelList(0, 4, 40, 4); var results = runWithReaderFeatures( Map.of("threads", "1"), List.of( newReaderFeature(newLineString(points), Map.of()) ), (in, features) -> features.centroid("layer") .setZoomRange(0, 14) .setBufferPixels(0) .setMinPixelSize(10) // should only show up z14 (40) z13 (20) and z12 (10) ); assertEquals(Map.ofEntries( newTileEntry(Z12_TILES / 2, Z12_TILES / 2, 12, List.of( feature(newPoint(5, 1), Map.of()) )), newTileEntry(Z13_TILES / 2, Z13_TILES / 2, 13, List.of( feature(newPoint(10, 2), Map.of()) )), newTileEntry(Z14_TILES / 2, Z14_TILES / 2, 14, List.of( feature(newPoint(20, 4), Map.of()) )) ), results.tiles); } @Test void testAttributeMinSizeLine() throws Exception { List points = z14CoordinatePixelList(0, 4, 40, 4); var results = runWithReaderFeatures( Map.of("threads", "1"), List.of( newReaderFeature(newLineString(points), Map.of()) ), (in, features) -> features.line("layer") .setZoomRange(11, 14) .setBufferPixels(0) .setAttrWithMinSize("a", "1", 10) .setAttrWithMinSize("b", "2", 20) .setAttrWithMinSize("c", "3", 40) .setAttrWithMinSize("d", "4", 40, 0, 13) // should show up at z13 and above ); assertEquals(Map.ofEntries( newTileEntry(Z11_TILES / 2, Z11_TILES / 2, 11, List.of( feature(newLineString(0, 0.5, 5, 0.5), Map.of()) )), newTileEntry(Z12_TILES / 2, Z12_TILES / 2, 12, List.of( feature(newLineString(0, 1, 10, 1), Map.of("a", "1")) )), newTileEntry(Z13_TILES / 2, Z13_TILES / 2, 13, List.of( feature(newLineString(0, 2, 20, 2), Map.of("a", "1", "b", "2", "d", "4")) )), newTileEntry(Z14_TILES / 2, Z14_TILES / 2, 14, List.of( feature(newLineString(0, 4, 40, 4), Map.of("a", "1", "b", "2", "c", "3", "d", "4")) )) ), results.tiles); } @Test void testAttributeMinSizePoint() throws Exception { List points = z14CoordinatePixelList(0, 4, 40, 4); var results = runWithReaderFeatures( Map.of("threads", "1"), List.of( newReaderFeature(newLineString(points), Map.of()) ), (in, features) -> features.centroid("layer") .setZoomRange(11, 14) .setBufferPixels(0) .setAttrWithMinSize("a", "1", 10) .setAttrWithMinSize("b", "2", 20) .setAttrWithMinSize("c", "3", 40) .setAttrWithMinSize("d", "4", 40, 0, 13) // should show up at z13 and above ); assertEquals(Map.ofEntries( newTileEntry(Z11_TILES / 2, Z11_TILES / 2, 11, List.of( feature(newPoint(2.5, 0.5), Map.of()) )), newTileEntry(Z12_TILES / 2, Z12_TILES / 2, 12, List.of( feature(newPoint(5, 1), Map.of("a", "1")) )), newTileEntry(Z13_TILES / 2, Z13_TILES / 2, 13, List.of( feature(newPoint(10, 2), Map.of("a", "1", "b", "2", "d", "4")) )), newTileEntry(Z14_TILES / 2, Z14_TILES / 2, 14, List.of( feature(newPoint(20, 4), Map.of("a", "1", "b", "2", "c", "3", "d", "4")) )) ), results.tiles); } @Test void testBoundFiltersFill() throws Exception { var polyResultz8 = runForBoundsTest(8, 8, "polygon", TestUtils.pathToResource("bottomrightearth.poly").toString()); int z8tiles = 1 << 8; assertFalse(polyResultz8.tiles.containsKey(TileCoord.ofXYZ(z8tiles * 3 / 4, z8tiles * 5 / 8, 8))); assertTrue(polyResultz8.tiles.containsKey(TileCoord.ofXYZ(z8tiles * 3 / 4, z8tiles * 7 / 8, 8))); } @FunctionalInterface private interface ReadableTileArchiveFactory { ReadableTileArchive create(Path p) throws IOException; } }