/* ISC License Copyright (c) 2015, Mapbox Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ package com.onthegomap.planetiler.render; import com.carrotsearch.hppc.IntObjectMap; import com.carrotsearch.hppc.cursors.IntCursor; import com.carrotsearch.hppc.cursors.IntObjectCursor; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.collection.Hppc; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.collection.IntRangeSet; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.GeoUtils; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.GeometryException; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.MutableCoordinateSequence; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.TileCoord; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.TileExtents; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.TilePredicate; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.util.Format; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.stream.Stream; import javax.annotation.concurrent.NotThreadSafe; import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Coordinate; import org.locationtech.jts.geom.CoordinateSequence; import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry; import org.locationtech.jts.geom.GeometryCollection; import org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString; import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Lineal; import org.locationtech.jts.geom.MultiLineString; import org.locationtech.jts.geom.MultiPoint; import org.locationtech.jts.geom.MultiPolygon; import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Point; import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Polygon; import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Polygonal; import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Puntal; import org.locationtech.jts.geom.impl.PackedCoordinateSequence; import org.roaringbitmap.RoaringBitmap; /** * Splits geometries represented by lists of {@link CoordinateSequence CoordinateSequences} into the geometries that * appear on individual tiles that the geometry touches. *

* {@link GeometryCoordinateSequences} converts between JTS {@link Geometry} instances and {@link CoordinateSequence} * lists for this utility. *

* This class is adapted from the stripe clipping algorithm in * geojson-vt and modified so that it eagerly produces all sliced * tiles at a zoom level for each input geometry. */ @NotThreadSafe public class TiledGeometry { private static final Format FORMAT = Format.defaultInstance(); private static final double NEIGHBOR_BUFFER_EPS = 0.1d / 4096; private final Map>> tileContents = new HashMap<>(); private final TileExtents.ForZoom extents; private final double buffer; private final double neighborBuffer; private final int z; private final boolean area; private final int maxTilesAtThisZoom; /** Map from X coordinate to range of Y coordinates that contain filled tiles inside this geometry */ private Map filledRanges = null; private TiledGeometry(TileExtents.ForZoom extents, double buffer, int z, boolean area) { this.extents = extents; this.buffer = buffer; // make sure we inspect neighboring tiles when a line runs along an edge this.neighborBuffer = buffer + NEIGHBOR_BUFFER_EPS; this.z = z; this.area = area; this.maxTilesAtThisZoom = 1 << z; } /** * Returns all the points that appear on tiles representing points at {@code coords}. * * @param extents range of tile coordinates within the bounds of the map to generate * @param buffer how far detail should be included beyond the edge of each tile (0=none, 1=a full tile width) * @param z zoom level * @param coords the world web mercator coordinates of each point to emit at this zoom level where (0,0) is the * northwest and (2^z,2^z) is the southeast corner of the planet * @return each tile this feature touches, and the points that appear on each */ static TiledGeometry slicePointsIntoTiles(TileExtents.ForZoom extents, double buffer, int z, Coordinate[] coords) { TiledGeometry result = new TiledGeometry(extents, buffer, z, false); for (Coordinate coord : coords) { result.slicePoint(coord); } return result; } private static int wrapInt(int value, int max) { value %= max; if (value < 0) { value += max; } return value; } /** * Returns all the points that appear on tiles representing points at {@code coords}. * * @param scaledGeom the scaled geometry to slice into tiles, in world web mercator coordinates where (0,0) is the * northwest and (1,1) is the southeast corner of the planet * @param minSize the minimum length of a line or area of a polygon to emit * @param buffer how far detail should be included beyond the edge of each tile (0=none, 1=a full tile width) * @param z zoom level * @param extents range of tile coordinates within the bounds of the map to generate * @return each tile this feature touches, and the points that appear on each */ public static TiledGeometry sliceIntoTiles(Geometry scaledGeom, double minSize, double buffer, int z, TileExtents.ForZoom extents) throws GeometryException { if (scaledGeom.isEmpty()) { // ignore return new TiledGeometry(extents, buffer, z, false); } else if (scaledGeom instanceof Point point) { return slicePointsIntoTiles(extents, buffer, z, point.getCoordinates()); } else if (scaledGeom instanceof MultiPoint points) { return slicePointsIntoTiles(extents, buffer, z, points.getCoordinates()); } else if (scaledGeom instanceof Polygon || scaledGeom instanceof MultiPolygon || scaledGeom instanceof LineString || scaledGeom instanceof MultiLineString) { var coordinateSequences = GeometryCoordinateSequences.extractGroups(scaledGeom, minSize); boolean area = scaledGeom instanceof Polygonal; return sliceIntoTiles(coordinateSequences, buffer, area, z, extents); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Unsupported JTS geometry type " + scaledGeom.getClass().getSimpleName() + " " + scaledGeom.getGeometryType()); } } /** * Returns the set of tiles that {@code scaledGeom} touches at a zoom level. * * @param scaledGeom The geometry in scaled web mercator coordinates where northwest is (0,0) and southeast is * (2^z,2^z) * @param zoom The zoom level * @param extents The tile extents for this zoom level. * @return A {@link CoveredTiles} instance for the tiles that are covered by this geometry. */ public static CoveredTiles getCoveredTiles(Geometry scaledGeom, int zoom, TileExtents.ForZoom extents) throws GeometryException { if (scaledGeom.isEmpty()) { return new CoveredTiles(new RoaringBitmap(), zoom); } else if (scaledGeom instanceof Puntal || scaledGeom instanceof Polygonal || scaledGeom instanceof Lineal) { return sliceIntoTiles(scaledGeom, 0, 0, zoom, extents).getCoveredTiles(); } else if (scaledGeom instanceof GeometryCollection gc) { CoveredTiles result = new CoveredTiles(new RoaringBitmap(), zoom); for (int i = 0; i < gc.getNumGeometries(); i++) { result = CoveredTiles.merge(getCoveredTiles(gc.getGeometryN(i), zoom, extents), result); } return result; } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Unsupported JTS geometry type " + scaledGeom.getClass().getSimpleName() + " " + scaledGeom.getGeometryType()); } } /** * Returns the tiles that this geometry touches, and the contents of those tiles for this geometry. * * @param groups the list of linestrings or polygon rings extracted using {@link GeometryCoordinateSequences} in * world web mercator coordinates where (0,0) is the northwest and (2^z,2^z) is the southeast corner of * the planet * @param buffer how far detail should be included beyond the edge of each tile (0=none, 1=a full tile width) * @param area {@code true} if this is a polygon {@code false} if this is a linestring * @param z zoom level * @param extents range of tile coordinates within the bounds of the map to generate * @return each tile this feature touches, and the points that appear on each * @throws GeometryException for a polygon that is invalid in a way that interferes with clipping */ static TiledGeometry sliceIntoTiles(List> groups, double buffer, boolean area, int z, TileExtents.ForZoom extents) throws GeometryException { TiledGeometry result = new TiledGeometry(extents, buffer, z, area); EnumSet wrapResult = result.sliceWorldCopy(groups, 0); if (wrapResult.contains(Direction.RIGHT)) { result.sliceWorldCopy(groups, -result.maxTilesAtThisZoom); } if (wrapResult.contains(Direction.LEFT)) { result.sliceWorldCopy(groups, result.maxTilesAtThisZoom); } return result; } private static int wrapX(int x, int max) { x %= max; if (x < 0) { x += max; } return x; } /** Adds a new point to {@code out} where the line segment from (ax,ay) to (bx,by) crosses a vertical line at x=x. */ private static void intersectX(MutableCoordinateSequence out, double ax, double ay, double bx, double by, double x) { double t = (x - ax) / (bx - ax); out.addPoint(x, ay + (by - ay) * t); } /** * Adds a new point to {@code out} where the line segment from (ax,ay) to (bx,by) crosses a horizontal line at y=y. */ private static void intersectY(MutableCoordinateSequence out, double ax, double ay, double bx, double by, double y) { double t = (y - ay) / (by - ay); out.addPoint(ax + (bx - ax) * t, y); } private static CoordinateSequence fill(double buffer) { double min = -256d * buffer; double max = 256d - min; return new PackedCoordinateSequence.Double(new double[]{ min, min, max, min, max, max, min, max, min, min }, 2, 0); } private void slicePoint(Coordinate coord) { double worldX = coord.getX(); double worldY = coord.getY(); int minX = (int) Math.floor(worldX - neighborBuffer); int maxX = (int) Math.floor(worldX + neighborBuffer); int minY = Math.max(extents.minY(), (int) Math.floor(worldY - neighborBuffer)); int maxY = Math.min(extents.maxY() - 1, (int) Math.floor(worldY + neighborBuffer)); for (int x = minX; x <= maxX; x++) { double tileX = worldX - x; int wrappedX = wrapInt(x, maxTilesAtThisZoom); // point may end up inside bounds after wrapping if (extents.testX(wrappedX)) { for (int y = minY; y <= maxY; y++) { if (extents.test(wrappedX, y)) { TileCoord tile = TileCoord.ofXYZ(wrappedX, y, z); double tileY = worldY - y; tileContents.computeIfAbsent(tile, t -> List.of(new ArrayList<>())) .get(0) .add(GeoUtils.coordinateSequence(tileX * 256, tileY * 256)); } } } } } public int zoomLevel() { return z; } /** * Returns an iterator over the coordinates of every tile that is completely filled within this polygon at this zoom * level, ordered by x ascending, y ascending. */ public Iterable getFilledTiles() { return filledRanges == null ? Collections.emptyList() : () -> filledRanges.entrySet().stream() .mapMulti((entry, next) -> { int x = entry.getKey(); for (int y : entry.getValue()) { if (extents.test(x, y)) { TileCoord coord = TileCoord.ofXYZ(x, y, z); if (!tileContents.containsKey(coord)) { next.accept(coord); } } } }).iterator(); } /** Returns the tiles touched by this geometry. */ public CoveredTiles getCoveredTiles() { RoaringBitmap bitmap = new RoaringBitmap(); for (TileCoord coord : tileContents.keySet()) { bitmap.add(maxTilesAtThisZoom * coord.x() + coord.y()); } if (filledRanges != null) { for (var entry : filledRanges.entrySet()) { long colStart = (long) entry.getKey() * maxTilesAtThisZoom; var yRanges = entry.getValue(); bitmap.or(RoaringBitmap.addOffset(yRanges.bitmap(), colStart)); } } return new CoveredTiles(bitmap, z); } /** * Returns every tile that this geometry touches, and the partial geometry contained on that tile that can be * reassembled using {@link GeometryCoordinateSequences}. */ public Map>> getTileData() { return tileContents; } /** * Slices a geometry into tiles and stores in member fields for a single "copy" of the world. *

* Instead of handling content outside -180 to 180 degrees longitude, return {@link Direction#LEFT} or * {@link Direction#RIGHT} to indicate whether this method should be called again with a different {@code xOffset} to * process wrapped content. * * @param groups the geometry * @param xOffset offset to apply to each X coordinate (-2^z handles content that wraps too far east and 2^z handles * content that wraps too far west) * @return {@link Direction#LEFT} if there is more content to the west and {@link Direction#RIGHT} if there is more * content to the east. * @throws GeometryException for a polygon that is invalid in a way that interferes with clipping */ private EnumSet sliceWorldCopy(List> groups, int xOffset) throws GeometryException { EnumSet overflow = EnumSet.noneOf(Direction.class); for (List group : groups) { Map> inProgressShapes = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < group.size(); i++) { CoordinateSequence segment = group.get(i); boolean isOuterRing = i == 0; /* * Step 1 in the striped clipping algorithm: slice the geometry into vertical slices representing each "x" tile * coordinate: * x=0 1 2 3 4 ... * | | | | | | * |-|-| | | | * | | |\| | | * | | | |-|-| * | | | | | | */ IntObjectMap> xSlices = sliceX(segment); for (IntObjectCursor> xCursor : xSlices) { int x = xCursor.key + xOffset; // skip processing content past the edge of the world, but return that we saw it if (x >= maxTilesAtThisZoom) { overflow.add(Direction.RIGHT); } else if (x < 0) { overflow.add(Direction.LEFT); } else { /* * Step 2 in the striped clipping algorithm: split each vertical column x slice into horizontal slices * representing the row for each Y coordinate. */ for (CoordinateSequence stripeSegment : xCursor.value) { // sliceY only stores content for rings of a polygon, need to store the // filled tiles that it spanned separately IntRangeSet filledYRange = sliceY(stripeSegment, x, isOuterRing, inProgressShapes); if (area && filledYRange != null) { if (isOuterRing) { addFilledRange(x, filledYRange); } else { removeFilledRange(x, filledYRange); } } } } } } addShapeToResults(inProgressShapes); } return overflow; } private void addShapeToResults(Map> inProgressShapes) { for (var entry : inProgressShapes.entrySet()) { TileCoord tileID = entry.getKey(); List inSeqs = entry.getValue(); if (area && inSeqs.get(0).size() < 4) { // not enough points in outer polygon, ignore continue; } int minPoints = area ? 4 : 2; List outSeqs = inSeqs.stream() .filter(seq -> seq.size() >= minPoints) .toList(); if (!outSeqs.isEmpty() && extents.test(tileID.x(), tileID.y())) { tileContents.computeIfAbsent(tileID, tile -> new ArrayList<>()).add(outSeqs); } } } /** * Returns a map from X coordinate to segments of this geometry that cross the vertical column formed by all tiles * where {@code x=x}. */ private IntObjectMap> sliceX(CoordinateSequence segment) { double leftLimit = -buffer; double rightLimit = 1 + buffer; IntObjectMap> newGeoms = Hppc.newIntObjectHashMap(); IntObjectMap xSlices = Hppc.newIntObjectHashMap(); int end = segment.size() - 1; for (int i = 0; i < end; i++) { double ax = segment.getX(i); double ay = segment.getY(i); double bx = segment.getX(i + 1); double by = segment.getY(i + 1); double minX = Math.min(ax, bx); double maxX = Math.max(ax, bx); int startX = (int) Math.floor(minX - neighborBuffer); int endX = (int) Math.floor(maxX + neighborBuffer); // for each column this segment crosses for (int x = startX; x <= endX; x++) { double axTile = ax - x; double bxTile = bx - x; MutableCoordinateSequence slice = xSlices.get(x); if (slice == null) { xSlices.put(x, slice = new MutableCoordinateSequence()); List newGeom = newGeoms.get(x); if (newGeom == null) { newGeoms.put(x, newGeom = new ArrayList<>()); } newGeom.add(slice); } boolean exited = false; if (axTile < leftLimit) { // ---|--> | (line enters the clip region from the left) if (bxTile > leftLimit) { intersectX(slice, axTile, ay, bxTile, by, leftLimit); } } else if (axTile > rightLimit) { // | <--|--- (line enters the clip region from the right) if (bxTile < rightLimit) { intersectX(slice, axTile, ay, bxTile, by, rightLimit); } } else { // | --> | (line starts inside) slice.addPoint(axTile, ay); } if (bxTile < leftLimit && axTile >= leftLimit) { // <--|--- | or <--|-----|--- (line exits the clip region on the left) intersectX(slice, axTile, ay, bxTile, by, leftLimit); exited = true; } if (bxTile > rightLimit && axTile <= rightLimit) { // | ---|--> or ---|-----|--> (line exits the clip region on the right) intersectX(slice, axTile, ay, bxTile, by, rightLimit); exited = true; } if (!area && exited) { xSlices.remove(x); } } } // add the last point double ax = segment.getX(segment.size() - 1); double ay = segment.getY(segment.size() - 1); int startX = (int) Math.floor(ax - neighborBuffer); int endX = (int) Math.floor(ax + neighborBuffer); for (int x = startX - 1; x <= endX + 1; x++) { double axTile = ax - x; MutableCoordinateSequence slice = xSlices.get(x); if (slice != null && axTile >= leftLimit && axTile <= rightLimit) { slice.addPoint(axTile, ay); } } // close the polygons if endpoints are not the same after clipping if (area) { for (IntObjectCursor cursor : xSlices) { cursor.value.closeRing(); } } newGeoms.removeAll((x, value) -> { int wrapped = wrapX(x, maxTilesAtThisZoom); return !extents.testX(wrapped); }); return newGeoms; } /** * Splits an entire vertical X column of edge segments into Y rows that form (X, Y) tile coordinates at this zoom * level, stores the result in {@link #tileContents} and returns the Y ranges of filled tile coordinates if this is a * polygon. */ private IntRangeSet sliceY(CoordinateSequence stripeSegment, int x, boolean outer, Map> inProgressShapes) throws GeometryException { if (stripeSegment.size() == 0) { return null; } double leftEdge = -buffer; double rightEdge = 1 + buffer; TreeSet tileYsWithDetail = null; IntRangeSet rightFilled = null; IntRangeSet leftFilled = null; IntObjectMap ySlices = Hppc.newIntObjectHashMap(); if (x < 0 || x >= maxTilesAtThisZoom) { return null; } // keep a record of filled tiles that we skipped because an edge of the polygon that gets processed // later may intersect the edge of a filled tile, and we'll need to replay all the edges we skipped record SkippedSegment(Direction side, int lo, int hi, boolean asc) {} List skipped = null; for (int i = 0; i < stripeSegment.size() - 1; i++) { double ax = stripeSegment.getX(i); double ay = stripeSegment.getY(i); double bx = stripeSegment.getX(i + 1); double by = stripeSegment.getY(i + 1); double minY = Math.min(ay, by); double maxY = Math.max(ay, by); int extentMinY = extents.minY(); int extentMaxY = extents.maxY(); int startY = Math.max(extentMinY, (int) Math.floor(minY - neighborBuffer)); int endStartY = Math.max(extentMinY, (int) Math.floor(minY + neighborBuffer)); int startEndY = Math.min(extentMaxY - 1, (int) Math.floor(maxY - neighborBuffer)); int endY = Math.min(extentMaxY - 1, (int) Math.floor(maxY + neighborBuffer)); // inside a fill if one edge of the polygon runs straight down the right side or up the left side of the column boolean onRightEdge = area && ax == bx && ax == rightEdge; boolean onLeftEdge = area && ax == bx && ax == leftEdge; for (int y = startY; y <= endY; y++) { // skip over filled tiles until we get to the next tile that already has detail on it if (area && y > endStartY && y < startEndY) { if (onRightEdge || onLeftEdge) { if (tileYsWithDetail == null) { tileYsWithDetail = new TreeSet<>(); for (IntCursor cursor : ySlices.keys()) { tileYsWithDetail.add(cursor.value); } } Integer next = tileYsWithDetail.ceiling(y); int nextNonEdgeTile = next == null ? startEndY : Math.min(next, startEndY); int endSkip = nextNonEdgeTile - 1; // save the Y range that we skipped in case a later edge intersects a filled tile if (endSkip >= y) { if (skipped == null) { skipped = new ArrayList<>(); } var skippedSegment = new SkippedSegment( onLeftEdge ? Direction.LEFT : Direction.RIGHT, y, endSkip, by > ay ); skipped.add(skippedSegment); // System.err.println(" " + skippedSegment); if (rightFilled == null) { rightFilled = new IntRangeSet(); leftFilled = new IntRangeSet(); } /* A tile is inside a filled region when there is an odd number of vertical edges to the left and right for example a simple shape: --------- out | in | out (0/2) | (1/1) | (2/0) --------- or a more complex shape --------- --------- out | in | out | in | (0/4) | (1/3) | (2/2) | (3/1) | | --------- | ------------------------- So we keep track of this number by xor'ing the left and right fills repeatedly, then and'ing them together at the end. */ (onRightEdge ? rightFilled : leftFilled).xor(y, endSkip); y = nextNonEdgeTile; } } } // emit linestring/polygon ring detail double topLimit = y - buffer; double bottomLimit = y + 1 + buffer; MutableCoordinateSequence slice = ySlices.get(y); if (slice == null) { if (tileYsWithDetail != null) { tileYsWithDetail.add(y); } // X is already relative to tile, but we need to adjust Y ySlices.put(y, slice = MutableCoordinateSequence.newScalingSequence(0, y, 256)); TileCoord tileID = TileCoord.ofXYZ(x, y, z); List toAddTo = inProgressShapes.computeIfAbsent(tileID, tile -> new ArrayList<>()); // if this is tile is inside a fill from an outer tile, infer that fill here if (area && !outer && toAddTo.isEmpty()) { // since we process outer shells before holes, if a hole is the first thing to intersect // a tile then it must be inside a filled tile from the outer shell. If that's not the case // then the geometry is invalid, so throw an exception so the caller can decide how to handle, // for example fix the polygon then try again. if (!isFilled(x, y)) { throw new GeometryException("bad_polygon_fill", x + ", " + y + " is not filled!"); } toAddTo.add(fill(buffer)); } toAddTo.add(slice); // if this tile was skipped because we skipped an edge, and now it needs more points, // backfill all the edges that we skipped for it if (area && leftFilled != null && skipped != null && (leftFilled.contains(y) || rightFilled.contains(y))) { for (SkippedSegment skippedSegment : skipped) { if (skippedSegment.lo <= y && skippedSegment.hi >= y) { double top = y - buffer; double bottom = y + 1 + buffer; double start = skippedSegment.asc ? top : bottom; double end = skippedSegment.asc ? bottom : top; double edgeX = skippedSegment.side == Direction.LEFT ? -buffer : (1 + buffer); slice.addPoint(edgeX, start); slice.addPoint(edgeX, end); } } } } boolean exited = false; if (ay < topLimit) { // ---|--> | (line enters the clip region from the top) if (by > topLimit) { intersectY(slice, ax, ay, bx, by, topLimit); } } else if (ay > bottomLimit) { // | <--|--- (line enters the clip region from the bottom) if (by < bottomLimit) { intersectY(slice, ax, ay, bx, by, bottomLimit); } } else { // | --> | (line starts inside the clip region) slice.addPoint(ax, ay); } if (by < topLimit && ay >= topLimit) { // <--|--- | or <--|-----|--- (line exits the clip region on the top) intersectY(slice, ax, ay, bx, by, topLimit); exited = true; } if (by > bottomLimit && ay <= bottomLimit) { // | ---|--> or ---|-----|--> (line exits the clip region on the bottom) intersectY(slice, ax, ay, bx, by, bottomLimit); exited = true; } if (!area && exited) { ySlices.remove(y); } } } // add the last point int last = stripeSegment.size() - 1; double ax = stripeSegment.getX(last); double ay = stripeSegment.getY(last); int startY = (int) Math.floor(ay - neighborBuffer); int endY = (int) Math.floor(ay + neighborBuffer); for (int y = startY - 1; y <= endY + 1; y++) { MutableCoordinateSequence slice = ySlices.get(y); double k1 = y - buffer; double k2 = y + 1 + buffer; if (ay >= k1 && ay <= k2 && slice != null) { slice.addPoint(ax, ay); } } // close the polygons if endpoints are not the same after clipping if (area) { for (IntObjectCursor cursor : ySlices) { cursor.value.closeRing(); } } // a tile is filled if we skipped over the entire left and right side of it while processing a polygon return rightFilled != null ? rightFilled.intersect(leftFilled) : null; } private void addFilledRange(int x, IntRangeSet yRange) { if (yRange == null || yRange.isEmpty()) { return; } if (filledRanges == null) { filledRanges = new HashMap<>(); } IntRangeSet existing = filledRanges.get(x); if (existing == null) { filledRanges.put(x, yRange); } else { existing.addAll(yRange); } } private void removeFilledRange(int x, IntRangeSet yRange) { if (yRange == null || yRange.isEmpty()) { return; } if (filledRanges == null) { filledRanges = new HashMap<>(); } IntRangeSet existing = filledRanges.get(x); if (existing != null) { existing.removeAll(yRange); } } private boolean isFilled(int x, int y) { if (filledRanges == null) { return false; } var filledCol = filledRanges.get(x); if (filledCol == null) { return false; } return filledCol.contains(y); } private enum Direction { RIGHT, LEFT } /** * A set of tiles touched by a geometry. */ public static class CoveredTiles implements TilePredicate, Iterable { private final RoaringBitmap bitmap; private final int maxTilesAtZoom; private final int z; private CoveredTiles(RoaringBitmap bitmap, int z) { this.bitmap = bitmap; this.maxTilesAtZoom = 1 << z; this.z = z; } /** * Returns the union of tiles covered by {@code a} and {@code b}. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code a} and {@code b} have different zoom levels. */ public static CoveredTiles merge(CoveredTiles a, CoveredTiles b) { if (a.z != b.z) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot combine CoveredTiles with different zoom levels "); } return new CoveredTiles(RoaringBitmap.or(a.bitmap, b.bitmap), a.z); } @Override public boolean test(int x, int y) { return bitmap.contains(x * maxTilesAtZoom + y); } @Override public String toString() { return "CoveredTiles{z=" + z + ", tiles=" + FORMAT.integer(bitmap.getCardinality()) + ", storage=" + FORMAT.storage(bitmap.getSizeInBytes()) + "B}"; } public Stream stream() { return bitmap.stream().mapToObj(i -> TileCoord.ofXYZ(i / maxTilesAtZoom, i % maxTilesAtZoom, z)); } @Override public Iterator iterator() { return stream().iterator(); } } }