package com.onthegomap.planetiler.pmtiles; import com.carrotsearch.hppc.ByteArrayList; import com.carrotsearch.hppc.LongLongHashMap; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.archive.TileArchiveMetadata; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.archive.TileEncodingResult; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.archive.WriteableTileArchive; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.collection.Hppc; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.config.PlanetilerConfig; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.GeoUtils; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.TileCoord; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.TileOrder; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.util.Format; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.util.Gzip; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.util.SeekableInMemoryByteChannel; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.nio.channels.SeekableByteChannel; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.OptionalLong; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * PMTiles is a single-file tile archive format designed for efficient access on cloud storage. * * @see PMTiles Specification */ public final class WriteablePmtiles implements WriteableTileArchive { static final int INIT_SECTION = 16384; private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WriteablePmtiles.class); final LongLongHashMap hashToOffset = Hppc.newLongLongHashMap(); final ArrayList entries = new ArrayList<>(); private final SeekableByteChannel out; private long currentOffset = 0; private long numUnhashedTiles = 0; private long numAddressedTiles = 0; private boolean isClustered = true; private WriteablePmtiles(SeekableByteChannel channel) throws IOException { this.out = channel; out.write(ByteBuffer.allocate(INIT_SECTION)); } private static Directories makeDirectoriesWithLeaves(List subEntries, int leafSize, int attemptNum) throws IOException {"Building directories with {} entries per leaf, attempt {}...", leafSize, attemptNum); ArrayList rootEntries = new ArrayList<>(); ByteArrayList leavesOutputStream = new ByteArrayList(); int leavesLength = 0; int numLeaves = 0; for (int i = 0; i < subEntries.size(); i += leafSize) { numLeaves++; int end = i + leafSize; if (i + leafSize > subEntries.size()) { end = subEntries.size(); } byte[] leafBytes = Pmtiles.directoryToBytes(subEntries, i, end); leafBytes = Gzip.gzip(leafBytes); rootEntries.add(new Pmtiles.Entry(subEntries.get(i).tileId(), leavesLength, leafBytes.length, 0)); leavesOutputStream.add(leafBytes); leavesLength += leafBytes.length; } byte[] rootBytes = Pmtiles.directoryToBytes(rootEntries); rootBytes = Gzip.gzip(rootBytes);"Built directories with {} leaves, {}B root directory", rootEntries.size(), rootBytes.length); return new Directories(rootBytes, leavesOutputStream.toArray(), numLeaves, leafSize, attemptNum); } /** * Serialize all entries into bytes, choosing the # of leaf directories to ensure the header+root fits in 16 KB. * * @param entries a sorted ObjectArrayList of all entries in the tileset. * @return byte arrays of the root and all leaf directories, and the # of leaves. * @throws IOException if compression fails */ static Directories makeDirectories(List entries) throws IOException { int maxEntriesRootOnly = 16384; int attemptNum = 1; if (entries.size() < maxEntriesRootOnly) { byte[] testBytes = Pmtiles.directoryToBytes(entries, 0, entries.size()); testBytes = Gzip.gzip(testBytes); if (testBytes.length < INIT_SECTION - Pmtiles.HEADER_LEN) { return new Directories(testBytes, new byte[0], 0, 0, attemptNum); } } double estimatedLeafSize = entries.size() / 3_500d; int leafSize = (int) Math.max(estimatedLeafSize, 4096); while (true) { Directories temp = makeDirectoriesWithLeaves(entries, leafSize, attemptNum++); if (temp.root.length < INIT_SECTION - Pmtiles.HEADER_LEN) { return temp; } leafSize *= 1.2; } } public static WriteablePmtiles newWriteToFile(Path path) throws IOException { return new WriteablePmtiles(, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.READ, StandardOpenOption.WRITE)); } public static WriteablePmtiles newWriteToMemory(SeekableInMemoryByteChannel bytes) throws IOException { return new WriteablePmtiles(bytes); } @Override public boolean deduplicates() { return true; } @Override public TileOrder tileOrder() { return TileOrder.HILBERT; } @Override public void finish(TileArchiveMetadata tileArchiveMetadata) { if (!isClustered) {"Tile data was not written in order, sorting entries..."); Collections.sort(entries);"Done sorting."); } try { Directories directories = makeDirectories(entries); var otherMetadata = new LinkedHashMap<>(tileArchiveMetadata.toMap()); // exclude keys included in top-level header otherMetadata.remove(TileArchiveMetadata.CENTER_KEY); otherMetadata.remove(TileArchiveMetadata.ZOOM_KEY); otherMetadata.remove(TileArchiveMetadata.BOUNDS_KEY); otherMetadata.remove(TileArchiveMetadata.FORMAT_KEY); otherMetadata.remove(TileArchiveMetadata.MINZOOM_KEY); otherMetadata.remove(TileArchiveMetadata.MAXZOOM_KEY); otherMetadata.remove(TileArchiveMetadata.VECTOR_LAYERS_KEY); byte[] jsonBytes = new Pmtiles.JsonMetadata(tileArchiveMetadata.vectorLayers(), otherMetadata).toBytes(); jsonBytes = Gzip.gzip(jsonBytes); String formatString = tileArchiveMetadata.format(); var outputFormat = TileArchiveMetadata.MVT_FORMAT.equals(formatString) ? Pmtiles.TileType.MVT : Pmtiles.TileType.UNKNOWN; var bounds = tileArchiveMetadata.bounds() == null ? GeoUtils.WORLD_LAT_LON_BOUNDS : tileArchiveMetadata.bounds(); var center = == null ? bounds.centre() :; int zoom = (int) Math.ceil(tileArchiveMetadata.zoom() == null ? GeoUtils.getZoomFromLonLatBounds(bounds) : tileArchiveMetadata.zoom()); int minzoom = tileArchiveMetadata.minzoom() == null ? 0 : tileArchiveMetadata.minzoom(); int maxzoom = tileArchiveMetadata.maxzoom() == null ? PlanetilerConfig.MAX_MAXZOOM : tileArchiveMetadata.maxzoom(); Pmtiles.Header header = new Pmtiles.Header( (byte) 3, Pmtiles.HEADER_LEN, directories.root.length, INIT_SECTION + currentOffset, jsonBytes.length, INIT_SECTION + currentOffset + jsonBytes.length, directories.leaves.length, INIT_SECTION, currentOffset, numAddressedTiles, entries.size(), hashToOffset.size() + numUnhashedTiles, isClustered, Pmtiles.Compression.GZIP, Pmtiles.Compression.GZIP, outputFormat, (byte) minzoom, (byte) maxzoom, (int) (bounds.getMinX() * 10_000_000), (int) (bounds.getMinY() * 10_000_000), (int) (bounds.getMaxX() * 10_000_000), (int) (bounds.getMaxY() * 10_000_000), (byte) zoom, (int) center.x * 10_000_000, (int) center.y * 10_000_000 );"Writing metadata and leaf directories..."); out.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(jsonBytes)); out.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(directories.leaves));"Writing header..."); out.position(0); out.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(header.toBytes())); out.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(directories.root)); Format format = Format.defaultInstance(); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) {"# addressed tiles: {}", numAddressedTiles);"# of tile entries: {}", entries.size());"# of tile contents: {}", (hashToOffset.size() + numUnhashedTiles));"Root directory: {}B",, false));"# leaves: {}", directories.numLeaves); if (directories.numLeaves > 0) {"Leaf directories: {}B",, false)); LOGGER .info("Avg leaf size: {}B", / directories.numLeaves, false)); } LOGGER .info("Total dir bytes: {}B", + directories.leaves.length, false)); double tot = (double) directories.root.length + directories.leaves.length;"Average bytes per addressed tile: {}", tot / numAddressedTiles); } } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage()); } } @Override public void close() throws IOException { out.close(); } public WriteableTileArchive.TileWriter newTileWriter() { return new DeduplicatingTileWriter(); } public record Directories(byte[] root, byte[] leaves, int numLeaves, int leafSize, int numAttempts) { @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { return o instanceof Directories that && numLeaves == that.numLeaves && Arrays.equals(root, that.root) && Arrays.equals(leaves, that.leaves) && leafSize == that.leafSize && numAttempts == that.numAttempts; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = Objects.hash(numLeaves, leafSize, numAttempts); result = 31 * result + Arrays.hashCode(root); result = 31 * result + Arrays.hashCode(leaves); return result; } @Override public String toString() { return "Directories{" + "root=" + Arrays.toString(root) + ", leaves=" + Arrays.toString(leaves) + ", numLeaves=" + numLeaves + ", leafSize=" + leafSize + ", numAttempts=" + numAttempts + '}'; } } private class DeduplicatingTileWriter implements TileWriter { Pmtiles.Entry lastEntry = null; @Override public void write(TileEncodingResult encodingResult) { numAddressedTiles++; boolean writeTileData; long offset; OptionalLong tileDataHashOpt = encodingResult.tileDataHash(); var data = encodingResult.tileData(); TileCoord coord = encodingResult.coord(); long tileId = coord.hilbertEncoded(); if (!entries.isEmpty()) { if (tileId < lastEntry.tileId()) { isClustered = false; } else if (tileId == lastEntry.tileId()) { LOGGER.error("Duplicate tile detected in writer"); } } if (tileDataHashOpt.isPresent()) { long tileDataHash = tileDataHashOpt.getAsLong(); if (hashToOffset.containsKey(tileDataHash)) { offset = hashToOffset.get(tileDataHash); writeTileData = false; if (lastEntry != null && lastEntry.tileId() + lastEntry.runLength() == tileId && lastEntry.offset() == offset) { lastEntry.runLength++; return; } } else { hashToOffset.put(tileDataHash, currentOffset); offset = currentOffset; writeTileData = true; } } else { numUnhashedTiles++; offset = currentOffset; writeTileData = true; } var newEntry = new Pmtiles.Entry(tileId, offset, data.length, 1); entries.add(newEntry); lastEntry = newEntry; if (writeTileData) { try { out.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(data)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new UncheckedIOException(e); } currentOffset += data.length; } } @Override public void close() { // no cleanup needed. } } }