package com.onthegomap.planetiler.basemap.layers; import static com.onthegomap.planetiler.TestUtils.newPoint; import static com.onthegomap.planetiler.TestUtils.rectangle; import static com.onthegomap.planetiler.basemap.BasemapProfile.NATURAL_EARTH_SOURCE; import static com.onthegomap.planetiler.basemap.BasemapProfile.OSM_SOURCE; import static com.onthegomap.planetiler.basemap.layers.Place.getSortKey; import static com.onthegomap.planetiler.collection.FeatureGroup.SORT_KEY_MAX; import static com.onthegomap.planetiler.collection.FeatureGroup.SORT_KEY_MIN; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals; import static; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.GeoUtils; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.GeometryException; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.reader.SimpleFeature; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; class PlaceTest extends AbstractLayerTest { @Test void testContinent() { wikidataTranslations.put(49, "es", "América del Norte y América Central"); assertFeatures(0, List.of(Map.of( "_layer", "place", "class", "continent", "name", "North America", "name:en", "North America", "name:es", "América del Norte y América Central", "name:latin", "North America", "rank", 1, "_type", "point", "_minzoom", 0, "_maxzoom", 3 )), process(pointFeature(Map.of( "place", "continent", "wikidata", "Q49", "name:es", "América del Norte", "name", "North America", "name:en", "North America" )))); } @Test void testCountry() { wikidataTranslations.put(30, "es", "Estados Unidos"); process(SimpleFeature.create( rectangle(0, 0.25), Map.of( "name", "United States", "scalerank", 0, "labelrank", 2 ), NATURAL_EARTH_SOURCE, "ne_10m_admin_0_countries", 0 )); assertFeatures(0, List.of(Map.of( "_layer", "place", "class", "country", "name", "United States of America", "name_en", "United States of America", "name:es", "Estados Unidos", "name:latin", "United States of America", "iso_a2", "US", "rank", 6, "_type", "point", "_minzoom", 5 )), process(SimpleFeature.create( newPoint(0.5, 0.5), Map.of( "place", "country", "wikidata", "Q30", "name:es", "Estados Unidos de América", "name", "United States of America", "name:en", "United States of America", "country_code_iso3166_1_alpha_2", "US" ), OSM_SOURCE, null, 0 ))); assertFeatures(0, List.of(Map.of( "_layer", "place", "class", "country", "name", "United States of America", "name_en", "United States of America", "name:es", "Estados Unidos", "name:latin", "United States of America", "iso_a2", "US", "rank", 1, "_type", "point", "_minzoom", 0 )), process(SimpleFeature.create( newPoint(0.1, 0.1), Map.of( "place", "country", "wikidata", "Q30", "name:es", "Estados Unidos de América", "name", "United States of America", "name:en", "United States of America", "country_code_iso3166_1_alpha_2", "US" ), OSM_SOURCE, null, 0 ))); } @Test void testState() { wikidataTranslations.put(771, "es", "Massachusetts es"); process(SimpleFeature.create( rectangle(0, 0.25), Map.of( "name", "Massachusetts", "scalerank", 0, "labelrank", 2, "datarank", 1 ), NATURAL_EARTH_SOURCE, "ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces", 0 )); process(SimpleFeature.create( rectangle(0.4, 0.6), Map.of( "name", "Massachusetts - not important", "scalerank", 8, "labelrank", 8, "datarank", 1 ), NATURAL_EARTH_SOURCE, "ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces", 0 )); // no match assertFeatures(0, List.of(), process(SimpleFeature.create( newPoint(1, 1), Map.of( "place", "state", "wikidata", "Q771", "name", "Massachusetts", "name:en", "Massachusetts" ), OSM_SOURCE, null, 0 ))); // unimportant match assertFeatures(0, List.of(), process(SimpleFeature.create( newPoint(0.5, 0.5), Map.of( "place", "state", "wikidata", "Q771", "name", "Massachusetts", "name:en", "Massachusetts" ), OSM_SOURCE, null, 0 ))); // important match assertFeatures(0, List.of(Map.of( "_layer", "place", "class", "state", "name", "Massachusetts", "name_en", "Massachusetts", "name:es", "Massachusetts es", "name:latin", "Massachusetts", "rank", 1, "_type", "point", "_minzoom", 2 )), process(SimpleFeature.create( newPoint(0.1, 0.1), Map.of( "place", "state", "wikidata", "Q771", "name", "Massachusetts", "name:en", "Massachusetts" ), OSM_SOURCE, null, 0 ))); } @Test void testProvince() { wikidataTranslations.put(95027, "es", "provincia de Lugo"); process(SimpleFeature.create( rectangle(0, 0.25), Map.of( "name", "Nova Scotia", "scalerank", 3, "labelrank", 3, "datarank", 3 ), NATURAL_EARTH_SOURCE, "ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces", 0 )); assertFeatures(4, List.of(Map.of( "_layer", "place", "class", "province", "name", "Lugo", "name:es", "provincia de Lugo", "rank", 3, "_type", "point", "_minzoom", 2 )), process(SimpleFeature.create( newPoint(0.1, 0.1), Map.of( "place", "province", "wikidata", "Q95027", "name", "Lugo" ), OSM_SOURCE, null, 0 ))); } @Test void testIslandPoint() { assertFeatures(0, List.of(Map.of( "_layer", "place", "class", "island", "name", "Nantucket", "name_en", "Nantucket", "name:latin", "Nantucket", "rank", 7, "_type", "point", "_minzoom", 12 )), process(pointFeature( Map.of( "place", "island", "name", "Nantucket", "name:en", "Nantucket" )))); } @Test void testIslandPolygon() { assertFeatures(0, List.of(Map.of( "_layer", "place", "class", "island", "name", "Nantucket", "name_en", "Nantucket", "name:latin", "Nantucket", "rank", 3, "_type", "point", "_minzoom", 8 )), process(polygonFeatureWithArea(1, Map.of( "place", "island", "name", "Nantucket", "name:en", "Nantucket" )))); double rank4area = Math.pow(GeoUtils.metersToPixelAtEquator(0, Math.sqrt(40_000_000 - 1)) / 256d, 2); assertFeatures(0, List.of(Map.of( "_layer", "place", "class", "island", "name", "Nantucket", "rank", 4, "_type", "point", "_minzoom", 9 )), process(polygonFeatureWithArea(rank4area, Map.of( "place", "island", "name", "Nantucket", "name:en", "Nantucket" )))); } @Test void testPlaceSortKeyRanking() { int[] sortKeys = new int[]{ // max getSortKey(0, Place.PlaceType.CITY, 1_000_000_000, "name"), getSortKey(0, Place.PlaceType.CITY, 1_000_000_000, "name longer"), getSortKey(0, Place.PlaceType.CITY, 1_000_000_000, "x".repeat(32)), getSortKey(0, Place.PlaceType.CITY, 10_000_000, "name"), getSortKey(0, Place.PlaceType.CITY, 0, "name"), getSortKey(0, Place.PlaceType.TOWN, 1_000_000_000, "name"), getSortKey(0, Place.PlaceType.ISOLATED_DWELLING, 1_000_000_000, "name"), getSortKey(0, null, 1_000_000_000, "name"), getSortKey(1, Place.PlaceType.CITY, 1_000_000_000, "name"), getSortKey(10, Place.PlaceType.CITY, 1_000_000_000, "name"), getSortKey(null, Place.PlaceType.CITY, 1_000_000_000, "name"), // min getSortKey(null, null, 0, null), }; for (int i = 0; i < sortKeys.length; i++) { if (sortKeys[i] < SORT_KEY_MIN) { fail("Item at index " + i + " is < " + SORT_KEY_MIN + ": " + sortKeys[i]); } if (sortKeys[i] > SORT_KEY_MAX) { fail("Item at index " + i + " is > " + SORT_KEY_MAX + ": " + sortKeys[i]); } } assertAscending(sortKeys); } @Test void testCountryCapital() { process(SimpleFeature.create( newPoint(0, 0), Map.of( "name", "Washington, D.C.", "scalerank", 0, "wikidataid", "Q61" ), NATURAL_EARTH_SOURCE, "ne_10m_populated_places", 0 )); assertFeatures(7, List.of(Map.of( "_layer", "place", "class", "city", "name", "Washington, D.C.", "rank", 1, "capital", 2, "_labelgrid_limit", 0, "_labelgrid_size", 128d, "_type", "point", "_minzoom", 2 )), process(pointFeature( Map.of( "place", "city", "name", "Washington, D.C.", "population", "672228", "wikidata", "Q61", "capital", "yes" )))); } @Test void testStateCapital() { process(SimpleFeature.create( newPoint(0, 0), Map.of( "name", "Boston", "scalerank", 2, "wikidataid", "Q100" ), NATURAL_EARTH_SOURCE, "ne_10m_populated_places", 0 )); assertFeatures(0, List.of(Map.of( "_layer", "place", "class", "city", "name", "Boston", "rank", 3, "capital", 4, "_type", "point", "_minzoom", 3 )), process(pointFeature( Map.of( "place", "city", "name", "Boston", "population", "667137", "capital", "4" )))); // no match when far away assertFeatures(0, List.of(Map.of( "_layer", "place", "class", "city", "name", "Boston", "rank", "" )), process(SimpleFeature.create( newPoint(1, 1), Map.of( "place", "city", "name", "Boston", "wikidata", "Q100", "population", "667137", "capital", "4" ), OSM_SOURCE, null, 0 ))); // unaccented name match assertFeatures(0, List.of(Map.of( "_layer", "place", "class", "city", "rank", 3 )), process(pointFeature( Map.of( "place", "city", "name", "Böston", "population", "667137", "capital", "4" )))); // wikidata only match assertFeatures(0, List.of(Map.of( "_layer", "place", "class", "city", "rank", 3 )), process(pointFeature( Map.of( "place", "city", "name", "Other name", "population", "667137", "wikidata", "Q100", "capital", "4" )))); } @Test void testCityWithoutNaturalEarthMatch() { assertFeatures(7, List.of(Map.of( "_layer", "place", "class", "city", "rank", "", "_minzoom", 7, "_labelgrid_limit", 4, "_labelgrid_size", 128d )), process(pointFeature( Map.of( "place", "city", "name", "City name" )))); assertFeatures(13, List.of(Map.of( "_layer", "place", "class", "isolated_dwelling", "rank", "", "_labelgrid_limit", 0, "_labelgrid_size", 0d, "_minzoom", 14 )), process(pointFeature( Map.of( "place", "isolated_dwelling", "name", "City name" )))); assertFeatures(12, List.of(Map.of( "_layer", "place", "class", "isolated_dwelling", "rank", "", "_labelgrid_limit", 14, "_labelgrid_size", 128d, "_minzoom", 14 )), process(pointFeature( Map.of( "place", "isolated_dwelling", "name", "City name" )))); } @Test void testCitySetRankFromGridrank() throws GeometryException { var layerName = Place.LAYER_NAME; assertEquals(List.of(), profile.postProcessLayerFeatures(layerName, 13, List.of())); assertEquals(List.of(pointFeature( layerName, Map.of("rank", 11), 1 )), profile.postProcessLayerFeatures(layerName, 13, List.of(pointFeature( layerName, Map.of(), 1 )))); assertEquals(List.of( pointFeature( layerName, Map.of("rank", 11, "name", "a"), 1 ), pointFeature( layerName, Map.of("rank", 12, "name", "b"), 1 ), pointFeature( layerName, Map.of("rank", 11, "name", "c"), 2 ) ), profile.postProcessLayerFeatures(layerName, 13, List.of( pointFeature( layerName, Map.of("name", "a"), 1 ), pointFeature( layerName, Map.of("name", "b"), 1 ), pointFeature( layerName, Map.of("name", "c"), 2 ) ))); } }