package com.onthegomap.planetiler.mbtiles; import static com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude.Include.NON_ABSENT; import static com.onthegomap.planetiler.util.Format.joinCoordinates; import com.carrotsearch.hppc.LongIntHashMap; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype.jdk8.Jdk8Module; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.archive.ReadableTileArchive; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.archive.Tile; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.archive.TileArchiveMetadata; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.archive.TileCompression; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.archive.TileEncodingResult; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.archive.WriteableTileArchive; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.config.Arguments; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.TileCoord; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.TileOrder; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.reader.FileFormatException; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.util.CloseableIterator; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.util.Format; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.util.LayerAttrStats; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.util.Parse; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.OptionalLong; import java.util.TreeMap; import; import; import org.locationtech.jts.geom.CoordinateXY; import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Envelope; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.sqlite.SQLiteConfig; /** * Interface into an mbtiles sqlite file containing tiles and metadata about the tileset. * * @see MBTiles Specification */ public final class Mbtiles implements WriteableTileArchive, ReadableTileArchive { // Options that can be set through "file.mbtiles?compact=true" query parameters // or "file.mbtiles" with "--mbtiles-compact=true" command-line flag public static final String COMPACT_DB = "compact"; public static final String SKIP_INDEX_CREATION = "no_index"; public static final String VACUUM_ANALYZE = "vacuum_analyze"; public static final String LEGACY_COMPACT_DB = "compact_db"; public static final String LEGACY_SKIP_INDEX_CREATION = "skip_mbtiles_index_creation"; public static final String LEGACY_VACUUM_ANALYZE = "optimize_db"; // private static final int MBTILES_APPLICATION_ID = 0x4d504258; private static final String TILES_TABLE = "tiles"; private static final String TILES_COL_X = "tile_column"; private static final String TILES_COL_Y = "tile_row"; private static final String TILES_COL_Z = "zoom_level"; private static final String TILES_COL_DATA = "tile_data"; private static final String TILES_DATA_TABLE = "tiles_data"; private static final String TILES_DATA_COL_DATA_ID = "tile_data_id"; private static final String TILES_DATA_COL_DATA = "tile_data"; private static final String TILES_SHALLOW_TABLE = "tiles_shallow"; private static final String TILES_SHALLOW_COL_X = TILES_COL_X; private static final String TILES_SHALLOW_COL_Y = TILES_COL_Y; private static final String TILES_SHALLOW_COL_Z = TILES_COL_Z; private static final String TILES_SHALLOW_COL_DATA_ID = TILES_DATA_COL_DATA_ID; private static final String METADATA_TABLE = "metadata"; private static final String METADATA_COL_NAME = "name"; private static final String METADATA_COL_VALUE = "value"; private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Mbtiles.class); private static final ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper() .registerModules(new Jdk8Module()) .setSerializationInclusion(NON_ABSENT); // load the sqlite driver static { try { Class.forName("org.sqlite.JDBC"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("JDBC driver not found"); } } private final Connection connection; private final boolean compactDb; private final boolean skipIndexCreation; private final boolean vacuumAnalyze; private PreparedStatement getTileStatement = null; private Mbtiles(Connection connection, Arguments arguments) { this.connection = connection; this.compactDb = arguments.getBoolean( COMPACT_DB + "|" + LEGACY_COMPACT_DB, "mbtiles: reduce the DB size by separating and deduping the tile data", true ); this.skipIndexCreation = arguments.getBoolean( SKIP_INDEX_CREATION + "|" + LEGACY_SKIP_INDEX_CREATION, "mbtiles: skip adding index to sqlite DB", false ); this.vacuumAnalyze = arguments.getBoolean( VACUUM_ANALYZE + "|" + LEGACY_VACUUM_ANALYZE, "mbtiles: vacuum analyze sqlite DB after writing", false ); } /** Returns a new mbtiles file that won't get written to disk. Useful for toy use-cases like unit tests. */ public static Mbtiles newInMemoryDatabase(boolean compactDb) { return newInMemoryDatabase(Arguments.of(COMPACT_DB, compactDb ? "true" : "false")); } /** Returns an in-memory database with extra mbtiles and pragma options set from {@code options}. */ public static Mbtiles newInMemoryDatabase(Arguments options) { SQLiteConfig config = new SQLiteConfig(); config.setApplicationId(MBTILES_APPLICATION_ID); return new Mbtiles(newConnection("jdbc:sqlite::memory:", config, options), options); } /** Alias for {@link #newInMemoryDatabase(boolean)} */ public static Mbtiles newInMemoryDatabase() { return newInMemoryDatabase(true); } /** * Returns a new connection to an mbtiles file optimized for fast bulk writes with extra mbtiles and pragma options * set from {@code options}. */ public static Mbtiles newWriteToFileDatabase(Path path, Arguments options) { Objects.requireNonNull(path); SQLiteConfig sqliteConfig = new SQLiteConfig(); sqliteConfig.setJournalMode(SQLiteConfig.JournalMode.OFF); sqliteConfig.setSynchronous(SQLiteConfig.SynchronousMode.OFF); sqliteConfig.setCacheSize(1_000_000); // 1GB sqliteConfig.setLockingMode(SQLiteConfig.LockingMode.EXCLUSIVE); sqliteConfig.setTempStore(SQLiteConfig.TempStore.MEMORY); sqliteConfig.setApplicationId(MBTILES_APPLICATION_ID); var connection = newConnection("jdbc:sqlite:" + path.toAbsolutePath(), sqliteConfig, options); return new Mbtiles(connection, options); } /** Returns a new connection to an mbtiles file optimized for reads. */ public static Mbtiles newReadOnlyDatabase(Path path) { return newReadOnlyDatabase(path, Arguments.of()); } /** * Returns a new connection to an mbtiles file optimized for reads with extra mbtiles and pragma options set from * {@code options}. */ public static Mbtiles newReadOnlyDatabase(Path path, Arguments options) { Objects.requireNonNull(path); SQLiteConfig config = new SQLiteConfig(); config.setReadOnly(true); config.setCacheSize(100_000); config.setLockingMode(SQLiteConfig.LockingMode.EXCLUSIVE); config.setPageSize(32_768); // helps with 3 or more threads concurrently accessing: // config.setOpenMode(SQLiteOpenMode.NOMUTEX); Connection connection = newConnection("jdbc:sqlite:" + path.toAbsolutePath(), config, options); return new Mbtiles(connection, options); } private static Connection newConnection(String url, SQLiteConfig defaults, Arguments args) { try { args = args.copy().silence(); var config = new SQLiteConfig(defaults.toProperties()); for (var pragma : SQLiteConfig.Pragma.values()) { var value = args.getString(pragma.getPragmaName(), pragma.getPragmaName(), null); if (value != null) {"Setting custom mbtiles sqlite pragma {}={}", pragma.getPragmaName(), value); config.setPragma(pragma, value); } } return DriverManager.getConnection(url, config.toProperties()); } catch (SQLException throwables) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to open " + url, throwables); } } private static TileCoord getResultCoord(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { int z = rs.getInt(TILES_COL_Z); int rawy = rs.getInt(TILES_COL_Y); int x = rs.getInt(TILES_COL_X); return TileCoord.ofXYZ(x, (1 << z) - 1 - rawy, z); } @Override public boolean deduplicates() { return compactDb; } @Override public TileOrder tileOrder() { return TileOrder.TMS; } @Override public void initialize(TileArchiveMetadata tileArchiveMetadata) { if (skipIndexCreation) { createTablesWithoutIndexes(); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) {"Skipping index creation. Add later by executing: {}", String.join(" ; ", getManualIndexCreationStatements())); } } else { createTablesWithIndexes(); } metadataTable().set(tileArchiveMetadata); } @Override public void finish(TileArchiveMetadata tileArchiveMetadata) { if (vacuumAnalyze) { vacuumAnalyze(); } } @Override public void close() throws IOException { try { connection.close(); } catch (SQLException throwables) { throw new IOException(throwables); } } private Mbtiles execute(Collection queries) { for (String query : queries) { try (var statement = connection.createStatement()) { LOGGER.debug("Execute mbtiles: {}", query); statement.execute(query); } catch (SQLException throwables) { throw new IllegalStateException("Error executing queries " + String.join(",", queries), throwables); } } return this; } private Mbtiles execute(String... queries) { return execute(Arrays.asList(queries)); } /** * Creates the required tables (and views) but skips index creation on some tables. Those indexes should be added * later manually as described in {@code #getManualIndexCreationStatements()}. */ public Mbtiles createTablesWithoutIndexes() { return createTables(true); } /** Creates the required tables (and views) including all indexes. */ public Mbtiles createTablesWithIndexes() { return createTables(false); } private Mbtiles createTables(boolean skipIndexCreation) { List ddlStatements = new ArrayList<>(); ddlStatements .add("create table " + METADATA_TABLE + " (" + METADATA_COL_NAME + " text, " + METADATA_COL_VALUE + " text);"); ddlStatements .add("create unique index name on " + METADATA_TABLE + " (" + METADATA_COL_NAME + ");"); if (compactDb) { /* * "primary key without rowid" results in a clustered index which is much more compact and performant (r/w) * than "unique" which results in a non-clustered index */ String tilesShallowPrimaryKeyAddition = skipIndexCreation ? "" : """ , primary key(%s,%s,%s) """.formatted(TILES_SHALLOW_COL_Z, TILES_SHALLOW_COL_X, TILES_SHALLOW_COL_Y); ddlStatements .add(""" create table %s ( %s integer, %s integer, %s integer, %s integer %s ) %s """.formatted(TILES_SHALLOW_TABLE, TILES_SHALLOW_COL_Z, TILES_SHALLOW_COL_X, TILES_SHALLOW_COL_Y, TILES_SHALLOW_COL_DATA_ID, tilesShallowPrimaryKeyAddition, skipIndexCreation ? "" : "without rowid")); // here it's not worth to skip the "primary key"/index - doing so even hurts write performance ddlStatements.add(""" create table %s ( %s integer primary key, %s blob ) """.formatted(TILES_DATA_TABLE, TILES_DATA_COL_DATA_ID, TILES_DATA_COL_DATA)); ddlStatements.add(""" create view %s AS select %s.%s as %s, %s.%s as %s, %s.%s as %s, %s.%s as %s from %s join %s on %s.%s = %s.%s """.formatted( TILES_TABLE, TILES_SHALLOW_TABLE, TILES_SHALLOW_COL_Z, TILES_COL_Z, TILES_SHALLOW_TABLE, TILES_SHALLOW_COL_X, TILES_COL_X, TILES_SHALLOW_TABLE, TILES_SHALLOW_COL_Y, TILES_COL_Y, TILES_DATA_TABLE, TILES_DATA_COL_DATA, TILES_COL_DATA, TILES_SHALLOW_TABLE, TILES_DATA_TABLE, TILES_SHALLOW_TABLE, TILES_SHALLOW_COL_DATA_ID, TILES_DATA_TABLE, TILES_DATA_COL_DATA_ID )); } else { // here "primary key (with rowid)" is much more compact than a "primary key without rowid" because the tile data is part of the table String tilesUniqueAddition = skipIndexCreation ? "" : """ , primary key(%s,%s,%s) """.formatted(TILES_COL_Z, TILES_COL_X, TILES_COL_Y); ddlStatements.add(""" create table %s ( %s integer, %s integer, %s integer, %s blob %s ) """.formatted(TILES_TABLE, TILES_COL_Z, TILES_COL_X, TILES_COL_Y, TILES_COL_DATA, tilesUniqueAddition)); } return execute(ddlStatements); } /** Returns the DDL statements to create the indexes manually when the option to skip index creation was chosen. */ public List getManualIndexCreationStatements() { if (compactDb) { return List.of( "create unique index tiles_shallow_index on %s (%s, %s, %s)" .formatted(TILES_SHALLOW_TABLE, TILES_SHALLOW_COL_Z, TILES_SHALLOW_COL_X, TILES_SHALLOW_COL_Y) ); } else { return List.of( "create unique index tile_index on %s (%s, %s, %s)" .formatted(TILES_TABLE, TILES_COL_Z, TILES_COL_X, TILES_COL_Y) ); } } public Mbtiles vacuumAnalyze() { return execute( "VACUUM;", "ANALYZE;" ); } /** Returns a writer that queues up inserts into the tile database(s) into large batches before executing them. */ public WriteableTileArchive.TileWriter newTileWriter() { if (compactDb) { return new BatchedCompactTileWriter(); } else { return new BatchedNonCompactTileWriter(); } } // TODO: exists for compatibility purposes public WriteableTileArchive.TileWriter newBatchedTileWriter() { return newTileWriter(); } @Override public TileArchiveMetadata metadata() { return new Metadata().get(); } /** Returns the contents of the metadata table. */ public Metadata metadataTable() { return new Metadata(); } private PreparedStatement getTileStatement() { if (getTileStatement == null) { try { getTileStatement = connection.prepareStatement(""" SELECT tile_data FROM %s WHERE %s=? AND %s=? AND %s=? """.formatted(TILES_TABLE, TILES_COL_X, TILES_COL_Y, TILES_COL_Z)); } catch (SQLException throwables) { throw new IllegalStateException(throwables); } } return getTileStatement; } @Override public byte[] getTile(int x, int y, int z) { try { PreparedStatement stmt = getTileStatement(); stmt.setInt(1, x); stmt.setInt(2, (1 << z) - 1 - y); stmt.setInt(3, z); try (ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery()) { return ? rs.getBytes(TILES_COL_DATA) : null; } } catch (SQLException throwables) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not get tile", throwables); } } @Override public CloseableIterator getAllTileCoords() { return new QueryIterator<>( statement -> statement.executeQuery( "select %s, %s, %s from %s".formatted(TILES_COL_Z, TILES_COL_X, TILES_COL_Y, TILES_TABLE) ), Mbtiles::getResultCoord ); } @Override public CloseableIterator getAllTiles() { return new QueryIterator<>( statement -> statement.executeQuery( "select %s, %s, %s, %s from %s".formatted(TILES_COL_Z, TILES_COL_X, TILES_COL_Y, TILES_COL_DATA, TILES_TABLE) ), rs -> new Tile(getResultCoord(rs), rs.getBytes(TILES_COL_DATA)) ); } public Connection connection() { return connection; } public boolean skipIndexCreation() { return skipIndexCreation; } public boolean compactDb() { return compactDb; } @FunctionalInterface private interface SqlFunction { O apply(I t) throws SQLException; } /** * Data contained in the {@code json} row of the metadata table * * @see MBtiles * schema */ // TODO add tilestats public record MetadataJson( @JsonProperty("vector_layers") List vectorLayers ) { public MetadataJson(LayerAttrStats.VectorLayer... layers) { this(List.of(layers)); } public static MetadataJson fromJson(String json) { try { return json == null ? null : objectMapper.readValue(json, MetadataJson.class); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid metadata json: " + json, e); } } public String toJson() { try { return objectMapper.writeValueAsString(this); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to encode as string: " + this, e); } } } /** * Contents of a row of the tiles table, or in case of compact mode in the tiles view. * * @deprecated Use {@link Tile} instead */ @Deprecated(forRemoval = true) public record TileEntry(TileCoord tile, byte[] bytes) implements Comparable { @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } TileEntry tileEntry = (TileEntry) o; if (!tile.equals(tileEntry.tile)) { return false; } return Arrays.equals(bytes, tileEntry.bytes); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = tile.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + Arrays.hashCode(bytes); return result; } @Override public String toString() { return "TileEntry{" + "tile=" + tile + ", bytes=" + Arrays.toString(bytes) + '}'; } @Override public int compareTo(TileEntry o) { return tile.compareTo(o.tile); } } /** Contents of a row of the tiles_shallow table. */ private record TileShallowEntry(TileCoord coord, int tileDataId) {} /** Contents of a row of the tiles_data table. */ private record TileDataEntry(int tileDataId, byte[] tileData) { @Override public String toString() { return "TileDataEntry [tileDataId=" + tileDataId + ", tileData=" + Arrays.toString(tileData) + "]"; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + Arrays.hashCode(tileData); result = prime * result + Objects.hash(tileDataId); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof TileDataEntry other)) { return false; } return Arrays.equals(tileData, other.tileData) && tileDataId == other.tileDataId; } } /** Iterates through the results of a query one at a time without materializing the entire list in memory. */ private class QueryIterator implements CloseableIterator { private final Statement statement; private final ResultSet rs; private final SqlFunction rowMapper; private boolean hasNext = false; private QueryIterator( SqlFunction query, SqlFunction rowMapper ) { this.rowMapper = rowMapper; try { this.statement = connection.createStatement(); = query.apply(statement); hasNext =; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new FileFormatException("Could not read tile coordinates from mbtiles file", e); } finally { if (!hasNext) { close(); } } } @Override public void close() { try { statement.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not close mbtiles file", e); } } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return hasNext; } @Override public T next() { if (!hasNext()) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } try { T result = rowMapper.apply(rs); hasNext =; if (!hasNext) { close(); } return result; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not read mbtiles file", e); } } } private abstract class BatchedTableWriterBase implements AutoCloseable { private static final int MAX_PARAMETERS_IN_PREPARED_STATEMENT = 999; private final List batch; private final PreparedStatement batchStatement; private final int batchLimit; private final String insertStmtTableName; private final boolean insertStmtInsertIgnore; private final String insertStmtValuesPlaceHolder; private final String insertStmtColumnsCsv; private long count = 0; protected BatchedTableWriterBase(String tableName, List columns, boolean insertIgnore) { batchLimit = MAX_PARAMETERS_IN_PREPARED_STATEMENT / columns.size(); batch = new ArrayList<>(batchLimit); insertStmtTableName = tableName; insertStmtInsertIgnore = insertIgnore; insertStmtValuesPlaceHolder = -> "?").collect(Collectors.joining(",", "(", ")")); insertStmtColumnsCsv = String.join(",", columns); batchStatement = createBatchInsertPreparedStatement(batchLimit); } /** Queue-up a write or flush to disk if enough are waiting. */ void write(T item) { count++; batch.add(item); if (batch.size() >= batchLimit) { flush(batchStatement); } } protected abstract int setParamsInStatementForItem(int positionOffset, PreparedStatement statement, T item) throws SQLException; private PreparedStatement createBatchInsertPreparedStatement(int size) { final String sql = "INSERT %s INTO %s (%s) VALUES %s;".formatted( insertStmtInsertIgnore ? "OR IGNORE" : "", insertStmtTableName, insertStmtColumnsCsv, IntStream.range(0, size).mapToObj(i -> insertStmtValuesPlaceHolder).collect(Collectors.joining(", ")) ); try { return connection.prepareStatement(sql); } catch (SQLException throwables) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not create prepared statement", throwables); } } private void flush(PreparedStatement statement) { try { int pos = 1; for (T item : batch) { pos = setParamsInStatementForItem(pos, statement, item); } statement.execute(); batch.clear(); } catch (SQLException throwables) { throw new IllegalStateException("Error flushing batch", throwables); } } public long count() { return count; } @Override public void close() { if (!batch.isEmpty()) { try (var lastBatch = createBatchInsertPreparedStatement(batch.size())) { flush(lastBatch); } catch (SQLException throwables) { throw new IllegalStateException("Error flushing batch", throwables); } } try { batchStatement.close(); } catch (SQLException throwables) { LOGGER.warn("Error closing prepared statement", throwables); } } } private class BatchedTileTableWriter extends BatchedTableWriterBase { private static final List COLUMNS = List.of(TILES_COL_Z, TILES_COL_X, TILES_COL_Y, TILES_COL_DATA); BatchedTileTableWriter() { super(TILES_TABLE, COLUMNS, false); } @Override protected int setParamsInStatementForItem(int positionOffset, PreparedStatement statement, Tile tile) throws SQLException { TileCoord coord = tile.coord(); int x = coord.x(); int y = coord.y(); int z = coord.z(); statement.setInt(positionOffset++, z); statement.setInt(positionOffset++, x); // flip Y statement.setInt(positionOffset++, (1 << z) - 1 - y); statement.setBytes(positionOffset++, tile.bytes()); return positionOffset; } } private class BatchedTileShallowTableWriter extends BatchedTableWriterBase { private static final List COLUMNS = List.of(TILES_SHALLOW_COL_Z, TILES_SHALLOW_COL_X, TILES_SHALLOW_COL_Y, TILES_SHALLOW_COL_DATA_ID); BatchedTileShallowTableWriter() { super(TILES_SHALLOW_TABLE, COLUMNS, false); } @Override protected int setParamsInStatementForItem(int positionOffset, PreparedStatement statement, TileShallowEntry item) throws SQLException { TileCoord coord = item.coord(); int x = coord.x(); int y = coord.y(); int z = coord.z(); statement.setInt(positionOffset++, z); statement.setInt(positionOffset++, x); // flip Y statement.setInt(positionOffset++, (1 << z) - 1 - y); statement.setInt(positionOffset++, item.tileDataId()); return positionOffset; } } private class BatchedTileDataTableWriter extends BatchedTableWriterBase { private static final List COLUMNS = List.of(TILES_DATA_COL_DATA_ID, TILES_DATA_COL_DATA); BatchedTileDataTableWriter() { super(TILES_DATA_TABLE, COLUMNS, true); } @Override protected int setParamsInStatementForItem(int positionOffset, PreparedStatement statement, TileDataEntry item) throws SQLException { statement.setInt(positionOffset++, item.tileDataId()); statement.setBytes(positionOffset++, item.tileData()); return positionOffset; } } private class BatchedNonCompactTileWriter implements TileWriter { private final BatchedTileTableWriter tableWriter = new BatchedTileTableWriter(); @Override public void write(TileEncodingResult encodingResult) { tableWriter.write(new Tile(encodingResult.coord(), encodingResult.tileData())); } @Override public void close() { tableWriter.close(); } } private class BatchedCompactTileWriter implements TileWriter { private final BatchedTileShallowTableWriter batchedTileShallowTableWriter = new BatchedTileShallowTableWriter(); private final BatchedTileDataTableWriter batchedTileDataTableWriter = new BatchedTileDataTableWriter(); private final LongIntHashMap tileDataIdByHash = new LongIntHashMap(1_000); private int tileDataIdCounter = 1; @Override public void write(TileEncodingResult encodingResult) { int tileDataId; boolean writeData; OptionalLong tileDataHashOpt = encodingResult.tileDataHash(); if (tileDataHashOpt.isPresent()) { long tileDataHash = tileDataHashOpt.getAsLong(); if (tileDataIdByHash.containsKey(tileDataHash)) { tileDataId = tileDataIdByHash.get(tileDataHash); writeData = false; } else { tileDataId = tileDataIdCounter++; tileDataIdByHash.put(tileDataHash, tileDataId); writeData = true; } } else { tileDataId = tileDataIdCounter++; writeData = true; } if (writeData) { batchedTileDataTableWriter.write(new TileDataEntry(tileDataId, encodingResult.tileData())); } batchedTileShallowTableWriter.write(new TileShallowEntry(encodingResult.coord(), tileDataId)); } @Override public void close() { batchedTileShallowTableWriter.close(); batchedTileDataTableWriter.close(); } @Override public void printStats() { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { var format = Format.defaultInstance(); LOGGER.debug("Shallow tiles written: {}", format.integer(batchedTileShallowTableWriter.count())); LOGGER.debug("Tile data written: {} ({} omitted)", format.integer(batchedTileDataTableWriter.count()), format.percent(1d - batchedTileDataTableWriter.count() * 1d / batchedTileShallowTableWriter.count())); LOGGER.debug("Unique tile hashes: {}", format.integer(tileDataIdByHash.size())); } } } /** Data contained in the metadata table. */ public class Metadata { /** Inserts a row into the metadata table that sets {@code name=value}. */ public Metadata setMetadata(String name, Object value) { if (value != null) { String stringValue = value.toString(); LOGGER.debug("Set mbtiles metadata: {}={}", name, stringValue.length() > 1_000 ? (stringValue.substring(0, 1_000) + "... " + (stringValue.length() - 1_000) + " more characters") : stringValue); try ( PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO " + METADATA_TABLE + " (" + METADATA_COL_NAME + "," + METADATA_COL_VALUE + ") VALUES(?, ?);") ) { statement.setString(1, name); statement.setString(2, stringValue); statement.execute(); } catch (SQLException throwables) { LOGGER.error("Error setting metadata " + name + "=" + value, throwables); } } return this; } /** * Inserts a row into the metadata table that sets the value for {@code "json"} key to {@code value} serialized as a * string. */ public Metadata setJson(MetadataJson value) { return value == null ? this : setMetadata("json", value.toJson()); } /** Returns all key-value pairs from the metadata table. */ public Map getAll() { TreeMap result = new TreeMap<>(); try (Statement statement = connection.createStatement()) { var resultSet = statement .executeQuery("SELECT " + METADATA_COL_NAME + ", " + METADATA_COL_VALUE + " FROM " + METADATA_TABLE); while ( { result.put( resultSet.getString(METADATA_COL_NAME), resultSet.getString(METADATA_COL_VALUE) ); } } catch (SQLException throwables) { LOGGER.warn("Error retrieving metadata: {}", throwables.toString()); LOGGER.trace("Error retrieving metadata details: ", throwables); } return result; } /** * Inserts rows into the metadata table that set all of the well-known metadata keys from * {@code tileArchiveMetadata} and passes through the raw values of any options not explicitly called out in the * MBTiles specification. * * @see MBTiles 1.3 * specification */ public Metadata set(TileArchiveMetadata tileArchiveMetadata) { final TileCompression tileCompression = tileArchiveMetadata.tileCompression(); if (tileCompression != null && tileCompression != TileCompression.GZIP) { LOGGER.warn("will use {} for tile compression, but the mbtiles specification actually requires gzip",; } var map = new LinkedHashMap<>(tileArchiveMetadata.toMap()); setMetadata(TileArchiveMetadata.FORMAT_KEY, tileArchiveMetadata.format()); var center =; var zoom = tileArchiveMetadata.zoom(); if (center != null) { if (zoom != null) { setMetadata(TileArchiveMetadata.CENTER_KEY, joinCoordinates(center.x, center.y, Math.ceil(zoom))); } else { setMetadata(TileArchiveMetadata.CENTER_KEY, joinCoordinates(center.x, center.y)); } } var bounds = tileArchiveMetadata.bounds(); if (bounds != null) { setMetadata(TileArchiveMetadata.BOUNDS_KEY, joinCoordinates(bounds.getMinX(), bounds.getMinY(), bounds.getMaxX(), bounds.getMaxY())); } setJson(new MetadataJson(tileArchiveMetadata.vectorLayers())); map.remove(TileArchiveMetadata.FORMAT_KEY); map.remove(TileArchiveMetadata.CENTER_KEY); map.remove(TileArchiveMetadata.ZOOM_KEY); map.remove(TileArchiveMetadata.BOUNDS_KEY); map.remove(TileArchiveMetadata.VECTOR_LAYERS_KEY); for (var entry : map.entrySet()) { setMetadata(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } return this; } /** * Returns a {@link TileArchiveMetadata} instance parsed from all the rows in the metadata table. */ public TileArchiveMetadata get() { Map map = new HashMap<>(getAll()); String[] bounds = map.containsKey(TileArchiveMetadata.BOUNDS_KEY) ? map.remove(TileArchiveMetadata.BOUNDS_KEY).split(",") : null; String[] center = map.containsKey(TileArchiveMetadata.CENTER_KEY) ? map.remove(TileArchiveMetadata.CENTER_KEY).split(",") : null; var metadataJson = MetadataJson.fromJson(map.remove("json")); String tileCompressionRaw = map.remove(TileArchiveMetadata.COMPRESSION_KEY); TileCompression tileCompression = tileCompressionRaw == null ? TileCompression.GZIP : TileCompression.findById(tileCompressionRaw).orElseGet(() -> { LOGGER.warn("unknown tile compression {}", tileCompressionRaw); return TileCompression.UNKNWON; }); return new TileArchiveMetadata( map.remove(TileArchiveMetadata.NAME_KEY), map.remove(TileArchiveMetadata.DESCRIPTION_KEY), map.remove(TileArchiveMetadata.ATTRIBUTION_KEY), map.remove(TileArchiveMetadata.VERSION_KEY), map.remove(TileArchiveMetadata.TYPE_KEY), map.remove(TileArchiveMetadata.FORMAT_KEY), bounds == null || bounds.length < 4 ? null : new Envelope( Double.parseDouble(bounds[0]), Double.parseDouble(bounds[2]), Double.parseDouble(bounds[1]), Double.parseDouble(bounds[3]) ), center == null || center.length < 2 ? null : new CoordinateXY( Double.parseDouble(center[0]), Double.parseDouble(center[1]) ), center == null || center.length < 3 ? null : Double.parseDouble(center[2]), Parse.parseIntOrNull(map.remove(TileArchiveMetadata.MINZOOM_KEY)), Parse.parseIntOrNull(map.remove(TileArchiveMetadata.MAXZOOM_KEY)), metadataJson == null ? null : metadataJson.vectorLayers, // any left-overs: map, tileCompression ); } } }