package com.onthegomap.planetiler.collection; import com.carrotsearch.hppc.LongLongHashMap; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.Profile; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.VectorTile; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.config.PlanetilerConfig; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.GeometryException; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.GeometryType; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.TileCoord; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.TileOrder; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.render.RenderedFeature; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.stats.Stats; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.util.CloseableConsumer; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.util.CommonStringEncoder; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.util.DiskBacked; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.util.LayerAttrStats; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.worker.Worker; import; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.function.Function; import javax.annotation.concurrent.NotThreadSafe; import org.msgpack.core.MessageBufferPacker; import org.msgpack.core.MessagePack; import org.msgpack.core.MessageUnpacker; import org.msgpack.value.Value; import org.msgpack.value.ValueFactory; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * A utility that accepts rendered map features in any order and groups them by tile for a reader to iterate through. *

* Only support single-threaded writes and reads. *

* Limitation: layer name and attribute key strings get compressed into a single byte, so only 250 unique values are * supported (see {@link CommonStringEncoder}) */ @NotThreadSafe public final class FeatureGroup implements Iterable, DiskBacked { public static final int SORT_KEY_BITS = 23; public static final int SORT_KEY_MAX = (1 << (SORT_KEY_BITS - 1)) - 1; public static final int SORT_KEY_MIN = -(1 << (SORT_KEY_BITS - 1)); private static final int SORT_KEY_MASK = (1 << SORT_KEY_BITS) - 1; private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FeatureGroup.class); private final FeatureSort sorter; private final Profile profile; private final CommonStringEncoder.AsByte commonLayerStrings = new CommonStringEncoder.AsByte(); private final CommonStringEncoder commonValueStrings = new CommonStringEncoder(100_000); private final Stats stats; private final PlanetilerConfig config; private volatile boolean prepared = false; private final TileOrder tileOrder; FeatureGroup(FeatureSort sorter, TileOrder tileOrder, Profile profile, PlanetilerConfig config, Stats stats) { this.sorter = sorter; this.tileOrder = tileOrder; this.profile = profile; this.config = config; this.stats = stats; } /** Returns a feature grouper that stores all feature in-memory. Only suitable for toy use-cases like unit tests. */ public static FeatureGroup newInMemoryFeatureGroup(TileOrder tileOrder, Profile profile, PlanetilerConfig config, Stats stats) { return new FeatureGroup(FeatureSort.newInMemory(), tileOrder, profile, config, stats); } /** * Returns a feature grouper that writes all elements to disk in chunks, sorts each chunk, then reads back in order * from those chunks. Suitable for making maps up to planet-scale. */ public static FeatureGroup newDiskBackedFeatureGroup(TileOrder tileOrder, Path tempDir, Profile profile, PlanetilerConfig config, Stats stats) { return new FeatureGroup( new ExternalMergeSort(tempDir, config, stats), tileOrder, profile, config, stats ); } /** * Encode key by {@code tile} asc, {@code layer} asc, {@code sortKey} asc with an extra bit to indicate whether the * value contains grouping information. */ static long encodeKey(int tile, byte layer, int sortKey, boolean hasGroup) { return ((long) tile << 32L) | ((long) (layer & 0xff) << 24L) | (((sortKey - SORT_KEY_MIN) & SORT_KEY_MASK) << 1L) | (hasGroup ? 1 : 0); } static boolean extractHasGroupFromKey(long key) { return (key & 1) == 1; } static int extractTileFromKey(long key) { return (int) (key >> 32L); } static byte extractLayerIdFromKey(long key) { return (byte) (key >> 24); } static int extractSortKeyFromKey(long key) { return ((int) ((key >> 1) & SORT_KEY_MASK)) + SORT_KEY_MIN; } private static RenderedFeature.Group peekAtGroupInfo(byte[] encoded) { try (MessageUnpacker unpacker = MessagePack.newDefaultUnpacker(encoded)) { long group = unpacker.unpackLong(); int limit = unpacker.unpackInt(); return new RenderedFeature.Group(group, limit); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } static GeometryType decodeGeomType(byte geomTypeAndScale) { return GeometryType.valueOf((byte) (geomTypeAndScale & 0b111)); } static int decodeScale(byte geomTypeAndScale) { return (geomTypeAndScale & 0xff) >>> 3; } static byte encodeGeomTypeAndScale(VectorTile.VectorGeometry geometry) { assert geometry.geomType().asByte() >= 0 && geometry.geomType().asByte() <= 8; assert geometry.scale() >= 0 && geometry.scale() < (1 << 5); return (byte) ((geometry.geomType().asByte() & 0xff) | (geometry.scale() << 3)); } public long numFeaturesWritten() { return sorter.numFeaturesWritten(); } /** Returns a function for a single thread to use to serialize rendered features. */ public RenderedFeatureEncoder newRenderedFeatureEncoder() { return new RenderedFeatureEncoder() { // This method gets called billions of times when generating the planet, so these optimizations make a big difference: // 1) Re-use the same buffer packer to avoid allocating and resizing new byte arrays for every feature. private final MessageBufferPacker packer = MessagePack.newDefaultBufferPacker(); // 2) Avoid re-encoding values for identical filled geometries (i.e. ocean) by memoizing the encoded values // FeatureRenderer ensures that a separate VectorTileEncoder.Feature is used for each zoom level private VectorTile.Feature lastFeature = null; private byte[] lastEncodedValue = null; @Override public SortableFeature apply(RenderedFeature feature) { var group =; var thisFeature = feature.vectorTileFeature(); byte[] encodedValue; if (group != null) { // don't bother memoizing if group is present encodedValue = encodeValue(thisFeature, group, packer); } else if (lastFeature == thisFeature) { encodedValue = lastEncodedValue; } else { // feature changed, memoize new value lastFeature = thisFeature; lastEncodedValue = encodedValue = encodeValue(feature.vectorTileFeature(), null, packer); } return new SortableFeature(encodeKey(feature), encodedValue); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { packer.close(); } }; } private long encodeKey(RenderedFeature feature) { var vectorTileFeature = feature.vectorTileFeature(); byte encodedLayer = commonLayerStrings.encode(vectorTileFeature.layer()); return encodeKey( this.tileOrder.encode(feature.tile()), encodedLayer, feature.sortKey(), ); } private byte[] encodeValue(VectorTile.Feature vectorTileFeature, RenderedFeature.Group group, MessageBufferPacker packer) { packer.clear(); try { // hasGroup bit in key will tell consumers whether they need to decode group info from value if (group != null) { packer.packLong(; packer.packInt(group.limit()); } packer.packLong(; packer.packByte(encodeGeomTypeAndScale(vectorTileFeature.geometry())); var attrs = vectorTileFeature.attrs(); packer.packMapHeader((int) attrs.values().stream().filter(Objects::nonNull).count()); for (Map.Entry entry : attrs.entrySet()) { Object value = entry.getValue(); if (value != null) { packer.packInt(commonValueStrings.encode(entry.getKey())); packer.packValue(switch (value) { case String string -> ValueFactory.newString(string); case Integer integer -> ValueFactory.newInteger(integer.longValue()); case Long longValue -> ValueFactory.newInteger(longValue); case Float floatValue -> ValueFactory.newFloat(floatValue); case Double doubleValue -> ValueFactory.newFloat(doubleValue); case Boolean booleanValue -> ValueFactory.newBoolean(booleanValue); case Object other -> ValueFactory.newString(other.toString()); }); } } // Use the same binary format for encoding geometries in output vector tiles. Benchmarking showed // it was faster and smaller for encoding/decoding intermediate geometries than alternatives like WKB. int[] commands = vectorTileFeature.geometry().commands(); packer.packArrayHeader(commands.length); for (int command : commands) { packer.packInt(command); } packer.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } return packer.toByteArray(); } /** Returns a new feature writer that can be used for a single thread. */ public CloseableConsumer writerForThread() { return sorter.writerForThread(); } @Override public Iterator iterator() { prepare(); return groupIntoTiles(sorter.iterator()); } /** * Reads temp features using {@code threads} parallel threads and merges into a sorted list. * * @param threads The number of parallel read threads to spawn * @return a {@link Reader} with a handle to the new read threads that were spawned, and in {@link Iterable} that can * be used to iterate over the results. */ public Reader parallelIterator(int threads) { prepare(); var parIter = sorter.parallelIterator(stats, threads); return new Reader(parIter.reader(), () -> groupIntoTiles(parIter.iterator())); } private Iterator groupIntoTiles(Iterator entries) { // entries are sorted by tile ID, so group consecutive entries in same tile into tiles if (!entries.hasNext()) { return Collections.emptyIterator(); } /* * Features from sorter are ordered by tile, so iterate through features as long as * they are in the same tile and return that group. */ SortableFeature firstFeature =; return new Iterator<>() { private SortableFeature lastFeature = firstFeature; private int lastTileId = extractTileFromKey(firstFeature.key()); @Override public boolean hasNext() { return lastFeature != null; } @Override public TileFeatures next() { TileFeatures result = new TileFeatures(lastTileId); result.add(lastFeature); int lastTile = lastTileId; while (entries.hasNext()) { SortableFeature next =; lastFeature = next; lastTileId = extractTileFromKey(lastFeature.key()); if (lastTile != lastTileId) { return result; } result.add(next); } lastFeature = null; return result; } }; } @Override public long diskUsageBytes() { return sorter.diskUsageBytes(); } /** Sorts features to prepare for grouping after all features have been written. */ public void prepare() { if (!prepared) { synchronized (this) { if (!prepared) { sorter.sort(); prepared = true; } } } } public interface RenderedFeatureEncoder extends Function, Closeable {} public record Reader(Worker readWorker, Iterable result) {} /** Features contained in a single tile. */ public class TileFeatures { private final TileCoord tileCoord; private final List entries = new ArrayList<>(); private final AtomicLong numFeaturesProcessed = new AtomicLong(0); private LongLongHashMap counts = null; private byte lastLayer = Byte.MAX_VALUE; private TileFeatures(int lastTileId) { this.tileCoord = tileOrder.decode(lastTileId); } private static void unscaleAndRemovePointsOutsideBuffer(List features, double maxPointBuffer) { boolean checkPoints = maxPointBuffer <= 256 && maxPointBuffer >= -128; for (int i = 0; i < features.size(); i++) { var feature = features.get(i); if (feature != null) { VectorTile.VectorGeometry geometry = feature.geometry(); var orig = geometry; if (geometry.scale() != 0) { geometry = geometry.unscale(); } if (checkPoints && geometry.geomType() == GeometryType.POINT && !geometry.isEmpty()) { geometry = geometry.filterPointsOutsideBuffer(maxPointBuffer); } if (geometry.isEmpty()) { features.set(i, null); } else if (geometry != orig) { features.set(i, feature.copyWithNewGeometry(geometry)); } } } } /** Returns the number of features read including features discarded from being over the limit in a group. */ public long getNumFeaturesProcessed() { return numFeaturesProcessed.get(); } /** Returns the number of features to output, excluding features discarded from being over the limit in a group. */ public long getNumFeaturesToEmit() { return entries.size(); } public TileCoord tileCoord() { return tileCoord; } /** * Returns true if {@code other} contains features with identical layer, geometry, and attributes, as this tile - * even if the tiles have separate coordinates. *

* Used as an optimization to avoid re-encoding the same ocean tiles over and over again. */ public boolean hasSameContents(TileFeatures other) { if (other == null || other.entries.size() != entries.size()) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) { SortableFeature a = entries.get(i); SortableFeature b = other.entries.get(i); long layerA = extractLayerIdFromKey(a.key()); long layerB = extractLayerIdFromKey(b.key()); if (layerA != layerB || !Arrays.equals(a.value(), b.value())) { return false; } } return true; } private VectorTile.Feature decodeVectorTileFeature(SortableFeature entry) { try (MessageUnpacker unpacker = MessagePack.newDefaultUnpacker(entry.value())) { long group; if (extractHasGroupFromKey(entry.key())) { group = unpacker.unpackLong(); unpacker.unpackInt(); // groupLimit - features over the limit were already discarded } else { group = VectorTile.Feature.NO_GROUP; } long id = unpacker.unpackLong(); byte geomTypeAndScale = unpacker.unpackByte(); GeometryType geomType = decodeGeomType(geomTypeAndScale); int scale = decodeScale(geomTypeAndScale); int mapSize = unpacker.unpackMapHeader(); Map attrs = HashMap.newHashMap(mapSize); for (int i = 0; i < mapSize; i++) { String key = commonValueStrings.decode(unpacker.unpackInt()); Value v = unpacker.unpackValue(); if (v.isStringValue()) { attrs.put(key, v.asStringValue().asString()); } else if (v.isIntegerValue()) { attrs.put(key, v.asIntegerValue().toLong()); } else if (v.isFloatValue()) { attrs.put(key, v.asFloatValue().toDouble()); } else if (v.isBooleanValue()) { attrs.put(key, v.asBooleanValue().getBoolean()); } } int commandSize = unpacker.unpackArrayHeader(); int[] commands = new int[commandSize]; for (int i = 0; i < commandSize; i++) { commands[i] = unpacker.unpackInt(); } String layer = commonLayerStrings.decode(extractLayerIdFromKey(entry.key())); return new VectorTile.Feature( layer, id, new VectorTile.VectorGeometry(commands, geomType, scale), attrs, group ); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } public VectorTile getVectorTile() { return getVectorTile(null); } public VectorTile getVectorTile(LayerAttrStats.Updater layerStats) { VectorTile tile = new VectorTile(); if (layerStats != null) { tile.trackLayerStats(layerStats.forZoom(tileCoord.z())); } List items = new ArrayList<>(entries.size()); String currentLayer = null; for (SortableFeature entry : entries) { var feature = decodeVectorTileFeature(entry); String layer = feature.layer(); if (currentLayer == null) { currentLayer = layer; } else if (!currentLayer.equals(layer)) { postProcessAndAddLayerFeatures(tile, currentLayer, items); currentLayer = layer; items.clear(); } items.add(feature); } postProcessAndAddLayerFeatures(tile, currentLayer, items); return tile; } private void postProcessAndAddLayerFeatures(VectorTile encoder, String layer, List features) { try { List postProcessed = profile .postProcessLayerFeatures(layer, tileCoord.z(), features); features = postProcessed == null ? features : postProcessed; // lines are stored using a higher precision so that rounding does not // introduce artificial intersections between endpoints to confuse line merging, // so we have to reduce the precision here, now that line merging is done. unscaleAndRemovePointsOutsideBuffer(features, config.maxPointBuffer()); // also remove points more than --max-point-buffer pixels outside the tile if the // user has requested a narrower buffer than the profile provides by default } catch (Throwable e) { // NOSONAR - OK to catch Throwable since we re-throw Errors // failures in tile post-processing happen very late so err on the side of caution and // log failures, only throwing when it's a fatal error if (e instanceof GeometryException geoe) { geoe.log(stats, "postprocess_layer", "Caught error postprocessing features for " + layer + " layer on " + tileCoord, config.logJtsExceptions()); } else if (e instanceof Error err) { LOGGER.error("Caught fatal error postprocessing features {} {}", layer, tileCoord, e); throw err; } else { LOGGER.error("Caught error postprocessing features {} {}", layer, tileCoord, e); } } encoder.addLayerFeatures(layer, features); } void add(SortableFeature entry) { numFeaturesProcessed.incrementAndGet(); long key = entry.key(); if (extractHasGroupFromKey(key)) { byte thisLayer = extractLayerIdFromKey(key); if (counts == null) { counts = Hppc.newLongLongHashMap(); lastLayer = thisLayer; } else if (thisLayer != lastLayer) { lastLayer = thisLayer; counts.clear(); } var groupInfo = peekAtGroupInfo(entry.value()); long old = counts.getOrDefault(, 0); if (groupInfo.limit() > 0 && old >= groupInfo.limit()) { // discard if there are to many features in this group already return; } counts.put(, old + 1); } entries.add(entry); } @Override public String toString() { return "TileFeatures{" + "tile=" + tileCoord + ", num entries=" + entries.size() + '}'; } } }