Add whole-tile postprocess hook (#802)

Michael Barry 2024-01-23 07:08:18 -05:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
rodzic 6331934d6f
commit fa7bffb04f
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ID klucza GPG: B5690EEEBB952194
4 zmienionych plików z 170 dodań i 25 usunięć

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package com.onthegomap.planetiler;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.GeometryException;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.TileCoord;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.mbtiles.Mbtiles;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.reader.SourceFeature;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.reader.osm.OsmElement;
@ -103,13 +104,40 @@ public interface Profile {
* @return the new list of output features or {@code null} to not change anything. Set any elements of the list to
* {@code null} if they should be ignored.
* @throws GeometryException for any recoverable geometric operation failures - the framework will log the error, emit
* the original input features, and continue processing other tiles
* the original input features, and continue processing other layers
default List<VectorTile.Feature> postProcessLayerFeatures(String layer, int zoom,
List<VectorTile.Feature> items) throws GeometryException {
return items;
* Apply any post-processing to layers in an output tile before writing it to the output.
* <p>
* This is called before {@link #postProcessLayerFeatures(String, int, List)} gets called for each layer. Use this
* method if features in one layer should influence features in another layer, to create new layers from existing
* ones, or if you need to remove a layer entirely from the output.
* <p>
* These transformations may add, remove, or change the tags, geometry, or ordering of output features based on other
* features present in this tile. See {@link FeatureMerge} class for a set of common transformations that merge
* linestrings/polygons.
* <p>
* Many threads invoke this method concurrently so ensure thread-safe access to any shared data structures.
* <p>
* The default implementation passes through input features unaltered
* @param tileCoord the tile being post-processed
* @param layers all the output features in each layer on this tile
* @return the new map from layer to features or {@code null} to not change anything. Set any elements of the lists to
* {@code null} if they should be ignored.
* @throws GeometryException for any recoverable geometric operation failures - the framework will log the error, emit
* the original input features, and continue processing other tiles
default Map<String, List<VectorTile.Feature>> postProcessTileFeatures(TileCoord tileCoord,
Map<String, List<VectorTile.Feature>> layers) throws GeometryException {
return layers;
* Returns the name of the generated tileset to put into {@link Mbtiles} metadata
@ -158,7 +186,9 @@ public interface Profile {
return false;
default Map<String,String> extraArchiveMetadata() { return Map.of(); }
default Map<String, String> extraArchiveMetadata() {
return Map.of();
* Defines whether {@link Wikidata} should fetch wikidata translations for the input element.

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@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.function.Function;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.NotThreadSafe;
@ -449,28 +450,47 @@ public final class FeatureGroup implements Iterable<FeatureGroup.TileFeatures>,
if (layerStats != null) {
List<VectorTile.Feature> items = new ArrayList<>(entries.size());
List<VectorTile.Feature> items = new ArrayList<>();
String currentLayer = null;
Map<String, List<VectorTile.Feature>> layerFeatures = new TreeMap<>();
for (SortableFeature entry : entries) {
var feature = decodeVectorTileFeature(entry);
String layer = feature.layer();
if (currentLayer == null) {
currentLayer = layer;
layerFeatures.put(currentLayer, items);
} else if (!currentLayer.equals(layer)) {
postProcessAndAddLayerFeatures(tile, currentLayer, items);
currentLayer = layer;
items = new ArrayList<>();
layerFeatures.put(layer, items);
postProcessAndAddLayerFeatures(tile, currentLayer, items);
// first post-process entire tile by invoking postProcessTileFeatures to allow for post-processing that combines
// features across different layers, infers new layers, or removes layers
try {
var initialFeatures = layerFeatures;
layerFeatures = profile.postProcessTileFeatures(tileCoord, layerFeatures);
if (layerFeatures == null) {
layerFeatures = initialFeatures;
} catch (Throwable e) { // NOSONAR - OK to catch Throwable since we re-throw Errors
handlePostProcessFailure(e, "entire tile");
// then let profiles post-process each layer in isolation with postProcessLayerFeatures
for (var entry : layerFeatures.entrySet()) {
postProcessAndAddLayerFeatures(tile, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
return tile;
private void postProcessAndAddLayerFeatures(VectorTile encoder, String layer,
List<VectorTile.Feature> features) {
if (features == null || features.isEmpty()) {
try {
List<VectorTile.Feature> postProcessed = profile
.postProcessLayerFeatures(layer, tileCoord.z(), features);
@ -482,21 +502,25 @@ public final class FeatureGroup implements Iterable<FeatureGroup.TileFeatures>,
// also remove points more than --max-point-buffer pixels outside the tile if the
// user has requested a narrower buffer than the profile provides by default
} catch (Throwable e) { // NOSONAR - OK to catch Throwable since we re-throw Errors
// failures in tile post-processing happen very late so err on the side of caution and
// log failures, only throwing when it's a fatal error
if (e instanceof GeometryException geoe) {
geoe.log(stats, "postprocess_layer",
"Caught error postprocessing features for " + layer + " layer on " + tileCoord, config.logJtsExceptions());
} else if (e instanceof Error err) {
LOGGER.error("Caught fatal error postprocessing features {} {}", layer, tileCoord, e);
throw err;
} else {
LOGGER.error("Caught error postprocessing features {} {}", layer, tileCoord, e);
handlePostProcessFailure(e, layer);
encoder.addLayerFeatures(layer, features);
private void handlePostProcessFailure(Throwable e, String entity) {
// failures in tile post-processing happen very late so err on the side of caution and
// log failures, only throwing when it's a fatal error
if (e instanceof GeometryException geoe) {
geoe.log(stats, "postprocess_layer",
"Caught error postprocessing features for " + entity + " on " + tileCoord, config.logJtsExceptions());
} else if (e instanceof Error err) {
LOGGER.error("Caught fatal error postprocessing features {} {}", entity, tileCoord, e);
throw err;
} else {
LOGGER.error("Caught error postprocessing features {} {}", entity, tileCoord, e);
void add(SortableFeature entry) {
long key = entry.key();

Wyświetl plik

@ -1316,6 +1316,55 @@ class PlanetilerTests {
)), sortListValues(results.tiles));
@ValueSource(booleans = {false, true})
void postProcessTileFeatures(boolean postProcessLayersToo) throws Exception {
double y = 0.5 + Z15_WIDTH / 2;
double lat = GeoUtils.getWorldLat(y);
double x1 = 0.5 + Z15_WIDTH / 4;
double lng1 = GeoUtils.getWorldLon(x1);
double lng2 = GeoUtils.getWorldLon(x1 + Z15_WIDTH * 10d / 256);
List<SimpleFeature> features1 = List.of(
newReaderFeature(newPoint(lng1, lat), Map.of("from", "a")),
newReaderFeature(newPoint(lng2, lat), Map.of("from", "b"))
var testProfile = new Profile.NullProfile() {
public void processFeature(SourceFeature sourceFeature, FeatureCollector features) {
public Map<String, List<VectorTile.Feature>> postProcessTileFeatures(TileCoord tileCoord,
Map<String, List<VectorTile.Feature>> layers) {
List<VectorTile.Feature> features = new ArrayList<>();
return Map.of("c", features);
public List<VectorTile.Feature> postProcessLayerFeatures(String layer, int zoom, List<VectorTile.Feature> items) {
return postProcessLayersToo ? items.reversed() : items;
var results = run(
Map.of("threads", "1", "maxzoom", "15"),
(featureGroup, profile, config) -> processReaderFeatures(featureGroup, profile, config, features1),
TileCoord.ofXYZ(Z15_TILES / 2, Z15_TILES / 2, 15), List.of(
feature(newPoint(64, 128), "c", Map.of("from", "a")),
feature(newPoint(74, 128), "c", Map.of("from", "b"))
)), sortListValues(results.tiles));
void testMergeLineStringsIgnoresRoundingIntersections() throws Exception {
double y = 0.5 + Z14_WIDTH / 2;
@ -1681,6 +1730,12 @@ class PlanetilerTests {
throws GeometryException;
private interface TilePostprocessFunction {
Map<String, List<VectorTile.Feature>> process(TileCoord tileCoord, Map<String, List<VectorTile.Feature>> layers)
throws GeometryException;
private record PlanetilerResults(
Map<TileCoord, List<TestUtils.ComparableFeature>> tiles, Map<String, String> metadata, int tileDataCount
) {}
@ -1692,7 +1747,8 @@ class PlanetilerTests {
@Override String version,
BiConsumer<SourceFeature, FeatureCollector> processFeature,
Function<OsmElement.Relation, List<OsmRelationInfo>> preprocessOsmRelation,
LayerPostprocessFunction postprocessLayerFeatures
LayerPostprocessFunction postprocessLayerFeatures,
TilePostprocessFunction postprocessTileFeatures
) implements Profile {
@ -1701,8 +1757,16 @@ class PlanetilerTests {
LayerPostprocessFunction postprocessLayerFeatures
) {
preprocessOsmRelation, postprocessLayerFeatures, null);
BiConsumer<SourceFeature, FeatureCollector> processFeature,
Function<OsmElement.Relation, List<OsmRelationInfo>> preprocessOsmRelation,
TilePostprocessFunction postprocessTileFeatures
) {
preprocessOsmRelation, null, postprocessTileFeatures);
static TestProfile processSourceFeatures(BiConsumer<SourceFeature, FeatureCollector> processFeature) {
@ -1712,7 +1776,7 @@ class PlanetilerTests {
public List<OsmRelationInfo> preprocessOsmRelation(
OsmElement.Relation relation) {
return preprocessOsmRelation.apply(relation);
return preprocessOsmRelation == null ? null : preprocessOsmRelation.apply(relation);
@ -1726,7 +1790,13 @@ class PlanetilerTests {
public List<VectorTile.Feature> postProcessLayerFeatures(String layer, int zoom,
List<VectorTile.Feature> items) throws GeometryException {
return postprocessLayerFeatures.process(layer, zoom, items);
return postprocessLayerFeatures == null ? null : postprocessLayerFeatures.process(layer, zoom, items);
public Map<String, List<VectorTile.Feature>> postProcessTileFeatures(TileCoord tileCoord,
Map<String, List<VectorTile.Feature>> layers) throws GeometryException {
return postprocessTileFeatures == null ? null : postprocessTileFeatures.process(tileCoord, layers);

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@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ public class TestUtils {
case UNKNOWN -> throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot decompress \"UNKNOWN\"");
var decoded = VectorTile.decode(bytes).stream()
.map(feature -> feature(decodeSilently(feature.geometry()), feature.attrs())).toList();
.map(feature -> feature(decodeSilently(feature.geometry()), feature.layer(), feature.attrs())).toList();
tiles.put(tile.coord(), decoded);
return tiles;
@ -466,11 +466,32 @@ public class TestUtils {
public record ComparableFeature(
GeometryComparision geometry,
String layer,
Map<String, Object> attrs
) {}
) {
public boolean equals(Object o) {
return o == this || (o instanceof ComparableFeature other &&
geometry.equals(other.geometry) &&
attrs.equals(other.attrs) &&
(layer == null || other.layer == null || Objects.equals(layer, other.layer)));
public int hashCode() {
int result = geometry.hashCode();
result = 31 * result + attrs.hashCode();
return result;
public static ComparableFeature feature(Geometry geom, String layer, Map<String, Object> attrs) {
return new ComparableFeature(new NormGeometry(geom), layer, attrs);
public static ComparableFeature feature(Geometry geom, Map<String, Object> attrs) {
return new ComparableFeature(new NormGeometry(geom), attrs);
return new ComparableFeature(new NormGeometry(geom), null, attrs);
public static Map<String, Object> toMap(FeatureCollector.Feature feature, int zoom) {