Move roadmap out of README

These are all tracked in issues now
Michael Barry 2022-03-08 07:05:08 -05:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
rodzic 04da2864a6
commit bce75230f2
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@ -179,31 +179,6 @@ download regularly-updated tilesets.
finished ([boundary layer example](
- Planetiler only does full imports from `.osm.pbf` snapshots, there is no way to incorporate real-time updates.
## Roadmap
- [x] Enough `planetiler-core` functionality to support basemap profile based on OpenMapTiles
- [ ] Basemap profile based on OpenMapTiles v3.13
- [x] Port all layers
- [x] Download name translations from wikidata
- [x] Merge buildings at z13
- [x] `adm0_l`/`adm0_r` boundary labels
- [ ] Abbreviate road names to improve visibility
- [ ] Poi layer `agg_stop` tag
- [ ] Get `planetiler-core` into Maven Central
- [ ] Remove geotools dependency for reading shapefiles (not in Maven Central)
- [ ] Remove graphhopper dependency for reading OSM files, and
use [LocationsOnWays]( to skip node location
storage when present and reduce memory requirement by 70%.
- [ ] "Sparse mode" to only store node and relation data for elements used by a profile
- [ ] Support zoom levels higher than 14
- [ ] Handle nodes and relations in relations (only ways handled now)
- [ ] Lake centerline support in `planetiler-core`
- [ ] Improve line merging to combine nearby parallel roads
- [ ] Basemap schema improvements for [](
- [ ] Accept other kinds of data sources
- [ ] Extract reusable utilities for complex schemas from `planetiler-basemap` to `planetiler-core`
- [ ] Other schemas
## Contributing
Pull requests are welcome! See []( for details.