Remove quoting side-bars from planetiler-custommap/ (#844)

zstadler 2024-03-20 14:45:30 +02:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
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commit 696f63671c
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@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ to `france.osm.pbf`. Planetiler searches for argument values in this order:
3. Environmental variables with "PLANETILER_" prefix: `PLANETILER_AREA=france java ...`
4. Default value from the config
Argument values are available from the [`args` variable](#root-context) in
Argument values are available from the [`args` variable](#1-root-context) in
an [inline script expression](#inline-script-expression) or the [`arg_value` expression](#argument-value-expression).
### Built-in arguments
@ -466,44 +466,45 @@ value: "${ 8 * 24 - 2 }"
#### Inline Script Contexts
Scripts are parsed and evaluated inside a "context" that defines the variables available to that script. Contexts are
nested, so each child context can also access the variables from its parent.
Scripts are parsed and evaluated inside a "context" that defines the variables available to that script.
> ##### root context
> Available variables:
> - `args` - a map from [argument](#arguments) name to value, see also [built-in arguments](#built-in-arguments) that
>> are always available.
>> ##### process feature context
>> Context available when processing an input feature, for example testing whether to include it from `include_when`.
>> Available variables:
>> - `feature.tags` - map with key/value tags from the input feature
>> - `` - numeric ID of the input feature
>> - `feature.source` - string source ID this feature came from
>> - `feature.source_layer` - optional layer within the source the feature came from
>> - `feature.osm_changeset` - optional OSM changeset ID for this feature
>> - `feature.osm_version` - optional OSM element version for this feature
>> - `feature.osm_timestamp` - optional OSM last modified timestamp for this feature
>> - `feature.osm_user_id` - optional ID of the OSM user that last modified this feature
>> - `feature.osm_user_name` - optional name of the OSM user that last modified this feature
>>> ##### post-match context
>>> Context available after a feature has matched, for example computing an attribute value. Adds variables:
>>> - `match_key` - string tag that triggered a match to include the feature in this layer
>>> - `match_value` - the tag value associated with that key
>>>> ##### configure attribute context
>>>> Context available after the value of an attribute has been computed, for example: set min zoom to render an
>>>> attribute. Adds variables:
>>>> - `value` the value that was computed for this key
**_Notice_**: Contexts are nested, so each child context can also access the variables from its parent.
##### 1. Root Context
Available variables:
- `args` - a map from [argument](#arguments) name to value, see also [built-in arguments](#built-in-arguments) that are always available.
##### 2. Process Feature Context
Context available when processing an input feature, for example testing whether to include it from `include_when`.
Additional variables, on top of the root context:
- `feature.tags` - map with key/value tags from the input feature
- `` - numeric ID of the input feature
- `feature.source` - string source ID this feature came from
- `feature.source_layer` - optional layer within the source the feature came from
- `feature.osm_changeset` - optional OSM changeset ID for this feature
- `feature.osm_version` - optional OSM element version for this feature
- `feature.osm_timestamp` - optional OSM last modified timestamp for this feature
- `feature.osm_user_id` - optional ID of the OSM user that last modified this feature
- `feature.osm_user_name` - optional name of the OSM user that last modified this feature
##### 3. Post-Match Context
Context available after a feature has matched, for example computing an attribute value.
Additional variables, on top of the process feature context:
- `match_key` - string tag that triggered a match to include the feature in this layer
- `match_value` - the tag value associated with that key
##### 4. Configure Attribute Context
Context available after the value of an attribute has been computed, for example: set min zoom to render an
Additional variable, on top of the post-match context:
- `value` the value that was computed for this key
For example:
@ -600,7 +601,7 @@ include_when:
When a feature matches a boolean expression in the `include_when` field, the first key that triggered the match is
available to other expressions as `match_key` and its value is available as `match_value`
(See [Post-Match Context](#post-match-context)):
(See [Post-Match Context](#3-post-match-context)):