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2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
/* ****************************************************************
2021-04-25 19:52:24 +00:00
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package com.onthegomap.planetiler;
2021-04-25 11:42:13 +00:00
import static com.onthegomap.planetiler.TestUtils.*;
import static com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.GeoUtils.JTS_FACTORY;
2021-04-25 11:42:13 +00:00
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
2021-04-25 19:52:24 +00:00
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotSame;
2021-04-25 11:42:13 +00:00
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;
2021-10-20 01:57:47 +00:00
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.DynamicTest.dynamicTest;
2021-04-25 11:42:13 +00:00
2021-04-25 19:52:24 +00:00
import java.util.HashMap;
2021-04-25 11:42:13 +00:00
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
2021-10-20 01:57:47 +00:00
import org.junit.jupiter.api.DynamicTest;
2021-04-25 11:42:13 +00:00
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
2021-10-20 01:57:47 +00:00
import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestFactory;
2021-04-25 11:42:13 +00:00
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Coordinate;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.CoordinateXY;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry;
2021-04-25 19:52:24 +00:00
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.GeometryCollection;
2021-04-25 11:42:13 +00:00
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.LinearRing;
2021-04-25 19:52:24 +00:00
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.MultiPolygon;
2021-04-25 11:42:13 +00:00
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Point;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Polygon;
2021-10-20 01:57:47 +00:00
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.PrecisionModel;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.util.AffineTransformation;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.util.NoninvertibleTransformationException;
import org.locationtech.jts.precision.GeometryPrecisionReducer;
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
import vector_tile.VectorTileProto;
2021-04-25 11:42:13 +00:00
2021-04-25 19:52:24 +00:00
* This class is copied from
2021-04-25 19:52:24 +00:00
* and modified based on the changes in VectorTileEncoder, and adapted to junit 5.
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
public class VectorTileTest {
2021-04-25 19:52:24 +00:00
// Tests adapted from
private static List<Integer> getCommands(Geometry geom) {
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
return Ints.asList(VectorTile.encodeGeometry(TRANSFORM_TO_TILE.transform(geom)).commands());
2021-04-25 19:52:24 +00:00
public void testToGeomType() {
2021-05-19 10:44:28 +00:00
Geometry geometry = JTS_FACTORY.createLineString(new Coordinate[]{new CoordinateXY(1, 2), new CoordinateXY(3, 4)});
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
assertEquals((byte) VectorTileProto.Tile.GeomType.LINESTRING.getNumber(),
2021-04-25 19:52:24 +00:00
public void testCommands() {
assertEquals(List.of(9, 6, 12, 18, 10, 12, 24, 44, 15), getCommands(newPolygon(
3, 6,
8, 12,
20, 34,
3, 6
public void testCommandsFilter() {
assertEquals(List.of(9, 6, 12, 18, 10, 12, 24, 44, 15), getCommands(newPolygon(
3, 6,
8, 12,
8, 12,
20, 34,
3, 6
public void testPoint() {
assertEquals(List.of(9, 6, 12), getCommands(newMultiPoint(
newPoint(3, 6)
public void testMultiPoint() {
assertEquals(List.of(17, 10, 14, 3, 9), getCommands(newMultiPoint(
newPoint(5, 7),
newPoint(3, 2)
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
private static VectorTile.Feature newVectorTileFeature(String layer, Geometry geom,
2021-04-30 10:31:56 +00:00
Map<String, Object> attrs) {
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
return new VectorTile.Feature(layer, 1, VectorTile.encodeGeometry(geom), attrs);
2021-04-25 19:52:24 +00:00
2021-04-30 10:31:56 +00:00
public void testNullAttributeValue() {
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
VectorTile vtm = new VectorTile();
2021-04-25 19:52:24 +00:00
Map<String, Object> attrs = new HashMap<>();
attrs.put("key1", "value1");
attrs.put("key2", null);
attrs.put("key3", "value3");
vtm.addLayerFeatures("DEPCNT", List.of(
2021-04-30 10:31:56 +00:00
newVectorTileFeature("DEPCNT", newPoint(3, 6), attrs)
2021-04-25 19:52:24 +00:00
byte[] encoded = vtm.encode();
assertNotSame(0, encoded.length);
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
var decoded = VectorTile.decode(encoded);
2021-04-30 10:31:56 +00:00
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
.of(new VectorTile.Feature("DEPCNT", 1, VectorTile.encodeGeometry(newPoint(3, 6)), Map.of(
2021-04-30 10:31:56 +00:00
"key1", "value1",
"key3", "value3"
))), decoded);
assertSameGeometries(List.of(newPoint(3, 6)), decoded);
2021-04-25 19:52:24 +00:00
2021-04-30 10:31:56 +00:00
public void testAttributeTypes() {
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
VectorTile vtm = new VectorTile();
2021-04-25 19:52:24 +00:00
Map<String, Object> attrs = Map.of(
"key1", "value1",
"key2", 123,
"key3", 234.1f,
"key4", 567.123d,
"key5", (long) -123,
"key6", "value6",
"key7", Boolean.TRUE,
"key8", Boolean.FALSE
2021-04-30 10:31:56 +00:00
vtm.addLayerFeatures("DEPCNT", List.of(newVectorTileFeature("DEPCNT", newPoint(3, 6), attrs)));
2021-04-25 19:52:24 +00:00
byte[] encoded = vtm.encode();
assertNotSame(0, encoded.length);
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
List<VectorTile.Feature> decoded = VectorTile.decode(encoded);
2021-04-25 19:52:24 +00:00
assertEquals(1, decoded.size());
2021-04-30 10:31:56 +00:00
Map<String, Object> decodedAttributes = decoded.get(0).attrs();
2021-04-25 19:52:24 +00:00
assertEquals("value1", decodedAttributes.get("key1"));
assertEquals(123L, decodedAttributes.get("key2"));
assertEquals(234.1f, decodedAttributes.get("key3"));
assertEquals(567.123d, decodedAttributes.get("key4"));
assertEquals((long) -123, decodedAttributes.get("key5"));
assertEquals("value6", decodedAttributes.get("key6"));
assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, decodedAttributes.get("key7"));
assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, decodedAttributes.get("key8"));
public void testMultiPolygonCommands() {
// see
9, 0, 0, 26, 20, 0, 0, 20, 19, 0, 15,
9, 22, 2, 26, 18, 0, 0, 18, 17, 0, 15,
9, 4, 13, 26, 0, 8, 8, 0, 0, 7, 15
), getCommands(newMultiPolygon(
newPolygon(0, 0,
10, 0,
10, 10,
0, 10,
0, 0
11, 11,
20, 11,
20, 20,
11, 20,
11, 11
13, 13,
13, 17,
17, 17,
17, 13,
13, 13
2021-04-30 10:31:56 +00:00
public void testMultiPolygon() {
2021-04-25 19:52:24 +00:00
MultiPolygon mp = newMultiPolygon(
(Polygon) newPoint(13, 16).buffer(3),
(Polygon) newPoint(24, 25).buffer(5)
2021-05-23 11:34:47 +00:00
).reverse(); // ensure outer CCW, inner CW winding
2021-04-25 19:52:24 +00:00
Map<String, Object> attrs = Map.of("key1", "value1");
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
VectorTile vtm = new VectorTile();
2021-04-30 10:31:56 +00:00
vtm.addLayerFeatures("mp", List.of(newVectorTileFeature("mp", mp, attrs)));
2021-04-25 19:52:24 +00:00
byte[] encoded = vtm.encode();
assertTrue(encoded.length > 0);
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
var features = VectorTile.decode(encoded);
2021-04-25 19:52:24 +00:00
assertEquals(1, features.size());
2021-05-23 19:06:26 +00:00
MultiPolygon mp2 = (MultiPolygon) decodeSilently(features.get(0).geometry());
2021-04-25 19:52:24 +00:00
assertEquals(mp.getNumGeometries(), mp2.getNumGeometries());
2021-04-30 10:31:56 +00:00
public void testGeometryCollectionSilentlyIgnored() {
2021-04-25 19:52:24 +00:00
GeometryCollection gc = newGeometryCollection(
newPoint(13, 16).buffer(3),
newPoint(24, 25)
Map<String, Object> attributes = Map.of("key1", "value1");
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
VectorTile vtm = new VectorTile();
2021-04-30 10:31:56 +00:00
vtm.addLayerFeatures("gc", List.of(newVectorTileFeature("gc", gc, attributes)));
2021-04-25 19:52:24 +00:00
byte[] encoded = vtm.encode();
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
var features = VectorTile.decode(encoded);
2021-04-25 19:52:24 +00:00
assertEquals(0, features.size());
// New tests added:
2021-04-25 11:42:13 +00:00
2021-04-30 10:31:56 +00:00
public void testRoundTripPoint() {
2021-05-19 10:44:28 +00:00
testRoundTripGeometry(JTS_FACTORY.createPoint(new CoordinateXY(1, 2)));
2021-04-25 11:42:13 +00:00
2021-04-30 10:31:56 +00:00
public void testRoundTripMultipoint() {
2021-05-19 10:44:28 +00:00
testRoundTripGeometry(JTS_FACTORY.createMultiPointFromCoords(new Coordinate[]{
2021-04-25 11:42:13 +00:00
new CoordinateXY(1, 2),
new CoordinateXY(3, 4)
2021-04-30 10:31:56 +00:00
public void testRoundTripLineString() {
2021-05-19 10:44:28 +00:00
testRoundTripGeometry(JTS_FACTORY.createLineString(new Coordinate[]{
2021-04-25 11:42:13 +00:00
new CoordinateXY(1, 2),
new CoordinateXY(3, 4)
2021-04-30 10:31:56 +00:00
public void testRoundTripPolygon() {
2021-05-19 10:44:28 +00:00
JTS_FACTORY.createLinearRing(new Coordinate[]{
2021-04-25 11:42:13 +00:00
new CoordinateXY(0, 0),
new CoordinateXY(4, 0),
new CoordinateXY(4, 4),
new CoordinateXY(0, 4),
new CoordinateXY(0, 0)
new LinearRing[]{
2021-05-19 10:44:28 +00:00
JTS_FACTORY.createLinearRing(new Coordinate[]{
2021-04-25 11:42:13 +00:00
new CoordinateXY(1, 1),
new CoordinateXY(1, 2),
new CoordinateXY(2, 2),
new CoordinateXY(2, 1),
new CoordinateXY(1, 1)
2021-04-30 10:31:56 +00:00
public void testRoundTripMultiPolygon() {
2021-05-19 10:44:28 +00:00
testRoundTripGeometry(JTS_FACTORY.createMultiPolygon(new Polygon[]{
JTS_FACTORY.createPolygon(new Coordinate[]{
2021-04-25 11:42:13 +00:00
new CoordinateXY(0, 0),
new CoordinateXY(1, 0),
new CoordinateXY(1, 1),
new CoordinateXY(0, 1),
new CoordinateXY(0, 0)
2021-05-19 10:44:28 +00:00
JTS_FACTORY.createPolygon(new Coordinate[]{
2021-04-25 11:42:13 +00:00
new CoordinateXY(3, 0),
new CoordinateXY(4, 0),
new CoordinateXY(4, 1),
new CoordinateXY(3, 1),
new CoordinateXY(3, 0)
2021-04-30 10:31:56 +00:00
public void testRoundTripAttributes() {
2021-04-25 11:42:13 +00:00
"string", "string",
"long", 1L,
"double", 3.5d,
"true", true,
"false", false
2021-04-30 10:31:56 +00:00
public void testMultipleFeaturesMultipleLayer() {
2021-05-19 10:44:28 +00:00
Point point = JTS_FACTORY.createPoint(new CoordinateXY(0, 0));
2021-04-25 11:42:13 +00:00
Map<String, Object> attrs1 = Map.of("a", 1L, "b", 2L);
Map<String, Object> attrs2 = Map.of("b", 3L, "c", 2L);
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
byte[] encoded = new VectorTile().addLayerFeatures("layer1", List.of(
new VectorTile.Feature("layer1", 1L, VectorTile.encodeGeometry(point), attrs1),
new VectorTile.Feature("layer1", 2L, VectorTile.encodeGeometry(point), attrs2)
2021-04-25 11:42:13 +00:00
)).addLayerFeatures("layer2", List.of(
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
new VectorTile.Feature("layer2", 3L, VectorTile.encodeGeometry(point), attrs1)
2021-04-25 11:42:13 +00:00
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
List<VectorTile.Feature> decoded = VectorTile.decode(encoded);
2021-04-30 10:31:56 +00:00
assertEquals(attrs1, decoded.get(0).attrs());
assertEquals("layer1", decoded.get(0).layer());
2021-04-25 11:42:13 +00:00
2021-04-30 10:31:56 +00:00
assertEquals(attrs2, decoded.get(1).attrs());
assertEquals("layer1", decoded.get(1).layer());
2021-04-25 11:42:13 +00:00
2021-04-30 10:31:56 +00:00
assertEquals(attrs1, decoded.get(2).attrs());
assertEquals("layer2", decoded.get(2).layer());
2021-04-25 11:42:13 +00:00
2021-04-30 10:31:56 +00:00
private void testRoundTripAttrs(Map<String, Object> attrs) {
2021-05-19 10:44:28 +00:00
testRoundTrip(JTS_FACTORY.createPoint(new CoordinateXY(0, 0)), "layer", attrs, 1);
2021-04-25 11:42:13 +00:00
2021-04-30 10:31:56 +00:00
private void testRoundTripGeometry(Geometry input) {
2021-04-25 11:42:13 +00:00
testRoundTrip(input, "layer", Map.of(), 1);
2021-04-30 10:31:56 +00:00
private void testRoundTrip(Geometry input, String layer, Map<String, Object> attrs, long id) {
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
VectorTile.VectorGeometry encodedGeom = VectorTile.encodeGeometry(input);
2021-05-23 19:06:26 +00:00
Geometry output = decodeSilently(encodedGeom);
2021-10-20 01:57:47 +00:00
assertTrue(input.equalsExact(output), "%n%s%n!=%n%s".formatted(input, output));
2021-04-25 11:42:13 +00:00
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
byte[] encoded = new VectorTile().addLayerFeatures(layer, List.of(
new VectorTile.Feature(layer, id, VectorTile.encodeGeometry(input), attrs)
2021-04-25 11:42:13 +00:00
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
List<VectorTile.Feature> decoded = VectorTile.decode(encoded);
VectorTile.Feature expected = new VectorTile.Feature(layer, id,
VectorTile.encodeGeometry(input), attrs);
2021-04-25 11:42:13 +00:00
assertEquals(List.of(expected), decoded);
2021-04-30 10:31:56 +00:00
assertSameGeometries(List.of(input), decoded);
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
private void assertSameGeometries(List<Geometry> expected, List<VectorTile.Feature> actual) {
2021-05-23 19:06:26 +00:00
assertEquals(expected, -> decodeSilently(d.geometry())).toList());
2021-04-25 11:42:13 +00:00
2021-10-20 01:57:47 +00:00
public Stream<DynamicTest> testScaleUnscale() throws NoninvertibleTransformationException {
var scales = List.of(0, 1, 2, 16);
var scaleUp = AffineTransformation.scaleInstance(256d / 4096, 256d / 4096);
var scaleDown = scaleUp.getInverse();
return Stream.of(
newPoint(0, 0),
newPoint(0.25, -0.25),
newPoint(1.25, 1.25),
newPoint(1.5, 1.5),
2021-10-20 01:57:47 +00:00
newPoint(1.25, 1.25),
newPoint(1.5, 1.5)
newLineString(0, 0, 1.2, 1.2),
newLineString(0, 0, 0.1, 0.1),
newLineString(0, 0, 1, 1, 1.2, 1.2, 2, 2),
newLineString(8000, 8000, 8000, 8001, 8001, 8001),
newLineString(-4000, -4000, -4000, -4001, -4001, -4001),
newLineString(0, 0, 1, 1),
newLineString(1.1, 1.1, 2, 2)
newLineString(0, 0, 0.1, 0.1),
newLineString(1.1, 1.1, 2, 2)
newLineString(-10, -10, -9, -9),
2021-10-20 01:57:47 +00:00
newLineString(0, 0, 0.1, 0.1),
newLineString(1.1, 1.1, 2, 2)
newPolygon(0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0),
newPolygon(0, 0, 0.1, 0, 0.1, 0.1, 0, 0.1, 0, 0),
newPolygon(0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0.1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0),
2021-10-20 01:57:47 +00:00
newPolygon(0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0),
newPolygon(0, 0, -1, 0, -1, -1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
newPolygon(0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0.1, 0, 0)
.flatMap(geometry -> -> Stream.of(
dynamicTest(scaleDown.transform(geometry) + " scale: " + scale, () -> {
PrecisionModel pm = new PrecisionModel((4096 << scale) / 256d);
GeometryPrecisionReducer.reduce(geometry, pm),
VectorTile.encodeGeometry(geometry, scale).decode()
dynamicTest(scaleDown.transform(geometry) + " unscale: " + scale, () -> {
PrecisionModel pm = new PrecisionModel((4096 << scale) / 256d);
PrecisionModel pm0 = new PrecisionModel(4096d / 256);
GeometryPrecisionReducer.reduce(GeometryPrecisionReducer.reduce(geometry, pm), pm0),
VectorTile.encodeGeometry(geometry, scale).unscale().decode()
2021-10-20 01:57:47 +00:00
private void assertSameGeometry(Geometry expected, Geometry actual) {
if (expected.isEmpty() && actual.isEmpty()) {
// OK
} else {
assertSameNormalizedFeature(expected, actual);
2021-04-25 11:42:13 +00:00