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2022-09-23 10:49:09 +00:00
package com.onthegomap.planetiler.custommap;
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import com.onthegomap.planetiler.config.Arguments;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.config.PlanetilerConfig;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.custommap.expression.ParseException;
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import com.onthegomap.planetiler.custommap.expression.ScriptContext;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.custommap.expression.ScriptEnvironment;
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import com.onthegomap.planetiler.expression.DataType;
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import com.onthegomap.planetiler.reader.SourceFeature;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.reader.WithGeometryType;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.reader.WithTags;
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import com.onthegomap.planetiler.util.Try;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
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import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
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import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils;
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import org.projectnessie.cel.checker.Decls;
import org.projectnessie.cel.common.types.NullT;
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import org.projectnessie.cel.common.types.pb.ProtoTypeRegistry;
import org.projectnessie.cel.common.types.ref.TypeAdapter;
import org.projectnessie.cel.common.types.ref.Val;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
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* Wrapper objects that provide all available inputs to different parts of planetiler schema configs at runtime.
* <p>
* Contexts provide inputs to java code, and also global variable definitions to CEL expressions. Contexts are nested so
* that all global variables from a parent context are also available to its child context.
public class Contexts {
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private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Contexts.class);
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private static Object wrapNullable(Object nullable) {
return nullable == null ? NullT.NullValue : nullable;
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public static Root emptyRoot() {
return new Root(Arguments.of().silence(), Map.of());
* Returns a {@link Root} context built from {@code schemaArgs} argument definitions and {@code origArguments}
* arguments provided from the command-line/environment.
* <p>
* Arguments may depend on the value of other arguments so this iteratively evaluates the arguments until their values
* settle.
* @throws ParseException if the argument definitions are malformed, or if there's an infinite loop
public static Contexts.Root buildRootContext(Arguments origArguments, Map<String, Object> schemaArgs) {
boolean loggingEnabled = !origArguments.silenced();
Map<String, String> argDescriptions = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Map<String, Object> unparsedSchemaArgs = new HashMap<>(schemaArgs);
Map<String, Object> parsedSchemaArgs = new HashMap<>(origArguments.toMap());
Contexts.Root result = new Root(origArguments, parsedSchemaArgs);
Arguments arguments = origArguments;
int iters = 0;
// arguments may reference the value of other arguments, so continue parsing until they all succeed...
while (!unparsedSchemaArgs.isEmpty()) {
final var root = result;
final var args = arguments;
Map<String, Exception> failures = new HashMap<>();
Map.copyOf(unparsedSchemaArgs).forEach((key, value) -> {
boolean builtin = root.builtInArgs.contains(key);
String description;
Object defaultValueObject;
DataType type = null;
if (value instanceof Map<?, ?> map) {
if (builtin) {
throw new ParseException("Cannot override built-in argument: " + key);
var typeObject = map.get("type");
if (typeObject != null) {
type = DataType.from(Objects.toString(typeObject));
var descriptionObject = map.get("description");
description = descriptionObject == null ? "no description provided" : descriptionObject.toString();
defaultValueObject = map.get("default");
if (type != null) {
var fromArgs = args.getString(key, description, null);
if (fromArgs != null) {
parsedSchemaArgs.put(key, type.convertFrom(fromArgs));
} else {
defaultValueObject = value;
description = "no description provided";
argDescriptions.put(key, description);
Try<Object> defaultValue = ConfigExpressionParser.tryStaticEvaluate(root, defaultValueObject, Object.class);
if (defaultValue.isSuccess()) {
Object raw = defaultValue.get();
String asString = Objects.toString(raw);
if (type == null) {
type = DataType.typeOf(raw);
var stringResult = args.getString(key, description, asString);
Object castedResult = type.convertFrom(stringResult);
if (stringResult == null) {
throw new ParseException("Missing required parameter: " + key + "(" + description + ")");
} else if (castedResult == null) {
throw new ParseException("Cannot convert value for " + key + " to " + + ": " + stringResult);
parsedSchemaArgs.put(key, castedResult);
} else {
failures.put(key, defaultValue.exception());
arguments = origArguments.orElse(Arguments.of(parsedSchemaArgs.entrySet().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(
e -> Objects.toString(e.getValue()))
result = new Root(arguments, parsedSchemaArgs);
if (iters++ > 100) {
(key, failure) -> LOGGER.error("Error computing {}:\n{}", key,
throw new ParseException("Infinite loop while processing arguments: " + unparsedSchemaArgs.keySet());
var finalArguments = loggingEnabled ? arguments.withExactlyOnceLogging() : arguments.silence();
if (loggingEnabled) {
argDescriptions.forEach((key, description) -> finalArguments.getString(key, description, null));
return new Root(finalArguments, parsedSchemaArgs);
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* Root context available everywhere in a planetiler schema config.
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* <p>
* Holds argument values parsed from the schema config and command-line args.
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2022-10-04 23:57:59 +00:00
public static final class Root implements ScriptContext {
private static final TypeAdapter TYPE_ADAPTER = ProtoTypeRegistry.newRegistry();
private final Arguments arguments;
private final PlanetilerConfig config;
private final ScriptEnvironment<Root> description;
private final Map<String, Val> bindings = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<String, Object> argumentValues = new HashMap<>();
public final Set<String> builtInArgs;
public Arguments arguments() {
return arguments;
public PlanetilerConfig config() {
return config;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
return this == o || (o instanceof Root root && argumentValues.equals(root.argumentValues));
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(argumentValues);
public Object argument(String key) {
return argumentValues.get(key);
private Root(Arguments arguments, Map<String, Object> schemaArgs) {
this.arguments = arguments;
this.config = PlanetilerConfig.from(arguments);
argumentValues.put("threads", config.threads());
argumentValues.put("write_threads", config.featureWriteThreads());
argumentValues.put("process_threads", config.featureProcessThreads());
argumentValues.put("feature_read_threads", config.featureReadThreads());
// args.put("loginterval", config.logInterval());
argumentValues.put("minzoom", config.minzoom());
argumentValues.put("maxzoom", config.maxzoom());
argumentValues.put("render_maxzoom", config.maxzoomForRendering());
argumentValues.put("skip_mbtiles_index_creation", config.skipIndexCreation());
argumentValues.put("optimize_db", config.optimizeDb());
argumentValues.put("force", config.force());
argumentValues.put("gzip_temp", config.gzipTempStorage());
argumentValues.put("mmap_temp", config.mmapTempStorage());
argumentValues.put("sort_max_readers", config.sortMaxReaders());
argumentValues.put("sort_max_writers", config.sortMaxWriters());
argumentValues.put("nodemap_type", config.nodeMapType());
argumentValues.put("nodemap_storage", config.nodeMapStorage());
argumentValues.put("nodemap_madvise", config.nodeMapMadvise());
argumentValues.put("multipolygon_geometry_storage", config.multipolygonGeometryStorage());
argumentValues.put("multipolygon_geometry_madvise", config.multipolygonGeometryMadvise());
argumentValues.put("http_user_agent", config.httpUserAgent());
// args.put("http_timeout", config.httpTimeout());
argumentValues.put("http_retries", config.httpRetries());
argumentValues.put("download_chunk_size_mb", config.downloadChunkSizeMB());
argumentValues.put("download_threads", config.downloadThreads());
argumentValues.put("min_feature_size_at_max_zoom", config.minFeatureSizeAtMaxZoom());
argumentValues.put("min_feature_size", config.minFeatureSizeBelowMaxZoom());
argumentValues.put("simplify_tolerance_at_max_zoom", config.simplifyToleranceAtMaxZoom());
argumentValues.put("simplify_tolerance", config.simplifyToleranceBelowMaxZoom());
argumentValues.put("compact_db", config.compactDb());
argumentValues.put("skip_filled_tiles", config.skipFilledTiles());
argumentValues.put("tile_warning_size_mb", config.tileWarningSizeBytes());
builtInArgs = Set.copyOf(argumentValues.keySet());
argumentValues.forEach((k, v) -> bindings.put("args." + k, TYPE_ADAPTER.nativeToValue(v)));
bindings.put("args", TYPE_ADAPTER.nativeToValue(this.argumentValues));
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2022-10-04 23:57:59 +00:00
description = ScriptEnvironment.root(this).forInput(Root.class)
.map(entry -> decl(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()))
Decls.newVar("args", Decls.newMapType(Decls.String, Decls.Any))
private Decl decl(String name, Object value) {
Type type;
var builder = Constant.newBuilder();
if (value instanceof String s) {
type = Decls.String;
} else if (value instanceof Boolean b) {
type = Decls.Bool;
} else if (value instanceof Long || value instanceof Integer) {
builder.setInt64Value(((Number) value).longValue());
type = Decls.Int;
} else if (value instanceof Double || value instanceof Float) {
builder.setDoubleValue(((Number) value).doubleValue());
type = Decls.Double;
} else if (value == null) {
type = Decls.Null;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Unrecognized constant type: " + value + " (" + value.getClass().getName() + ")");
return Decls.newConst("args." + name, type,;
public ScriptEnvironment<Root> description() {
return description;
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public Object apply(String input) {
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return bindings.get(input);
public ProcessFeature createProcessFeatureContext(SourceFeature sourceFeature, TagValueProducer tagValueProducer) {
return new ProcessFeature(this, sourceFeature, tagValueProducer);
private interface NestedContext extends ScriptContext {
default Root root() {
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return null;
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default Object argument(String key) {
return root().argument(key);
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* Makes nested contexts adhere to {@link WithTags} and {@link WithGeometryType} by recursively fetching source
* feature from the root context.
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private interface FeatureContext extends ScriptContext, WithTags, WithGeometryType, NestedContext {
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default FeatureContext parent() {
return null;
default SourceFeature feature() {
return parent().feature();
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default Root root() {
return parent().root();
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default Map<String, Object> tags() {
return feature().tags();
default TagValueProducer tagValueProducer() {
var parent = parent();
return parent == null ? TagValueProducer.EMPTY : parent.tagValueProducer();
default boolean isPoint() {
return feature().isPoint();
default boolean canBeLine() {
return feature().canBeLine();
default boolean canBePolygon() {
return feature().canBePolygon();
* Context available when processing an input feature.
* @param feature The input feature being processed
* @param tagValueProducer Common parsing for input feature tags
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public record ProcessFeature(
@Override Root root, @Override SourceFeature feature,
@Override TagValueProducer tagValueProducer
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implements FeatureContext {
private static final String FEATURE_TAGS = "feature.tags";
private static final String FEATURE_ID = "";
private static final String FEATURE_SOURCE = "feature.source";
private static final String FEATURE_SOURCE_LAYER = "feature.source_layer";
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public static ScriptEnvironment<ProcessFeature> description(Root root) {
return root.description()
Decls.newVar(FEATURE_TAGS, Decls.newMapType(Decls.String, Decls.Any)),
Decls.newVar(FEATURE_ID, Decls.Int),
Decls.newVar(FEATURE_SOURCE, Decls.String),
Decls.newVar(FEATURE_SOURCE_LAYER, Decls.String)
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public Object apply(String key) {
if (key != null) {
return switch (key) {
case FEATURE_TAGS -> tagValueProducer.mapTags(feature);
case FEATURE_ID ->;
case FEATURE_SOURCE -> feature.getSource();
case FEATURE_SOURCE_LAYER -> wrapNullable(feature.getSourceLayer());
default -> null;
} else {
return null;
public FeaturePostMatch createPostMatchContext(List<String> matchKeys) {
return new FeaturePostMatch(this, matchKeys);
* Context available after a feature has been matched.
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* <p>
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* Adds {@code match_key} and {@code match_value} variables that capture which tag key/value caused the feature to be
* included.
* @param parent The parent context
* @param matchKeys Keys that triggered the match
public record FeaturePostMatch(@Override ProcessFeature parent, List<String> matchKeys) implements FeatureContext {
private static final String MATCH_KEY = "match_key";
private static final String MATCH_VALUE = "match_value";
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public static ScriptEnvironment<FeaturePostMatch> description(Root root) {
return ProcessFeature.description(root)
Decls.newVar(MATCH_KEY, Decls.String),
Decls.newVar(MATCH_VALUE, Decls.Any)
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public Object apply(String key) {
if (key != null) {
return switch (key) {
case MATCH_KEY -> wrapNullable(matchKey());
case MATCH_VALUE -> wrapNullable(matchValue());
default -> parent.apply(key);
} else {
return null;
public String matchKey() {
return matchKeys().isEmpty() ? null : matchKeys().get(0);
public Object matchValue() {
String matchKey = matchKey();
return matchKey == null ? null : parent.tagValueProducer.valueForKey(parent().feature(), matchKey);
public FeatureAttribute createAttrZoomContext(Object value) {
return new FeatureAttribute(this, value);
* Context available when configuring an attribute on an output feature after its value has been assigned (for example
* setting min/max zoom).
* @param parent The parent context
* @param value Value of the attribute
public record FeatureAttribute(@Override FeaturePostMatch parent, Object value) implements FeatureContext {
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private static final String VALUE = "value";
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public static ScriptEnvironment<FeatureAttribute> description(Root root) {
return FeaturePostMatch.description(root)
.withDeclarations(Decls.newVar(VALUE, Decls.Any));
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public Object apply(String key) {
return VALUE.equals(key) ? wrapNullable(value) : parent.apply(key);