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# Planetiler Example Project
2021-10-20 01:57:47 +00:00
This is a minimal example project that shows how to create custom maps with Planetiler.
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2022-03-04 12:22:12 +00:00
- Java 16+ (see [](../
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- on mac: `brew install --cask temurin`
- [Maven](
- on mac: `brew install maven`
- [Node.js](
- on mac: `brew install node`
- [TileServer GL](
- `npm install -g tileserver-gl-light`
- Also recommended: [IntelliJ IDEA](
- Disk: 5-10x as much free space as the input data
- RAM: 1.5x the size of the `.osm.pbf` file
First, make a copy of this example project. It contains:
- [standalone.pom.xml](./standalone.pom.xml) - build instructions for Maven:
- `com.onthegomap:planetiler-core` main Planetiler dependency
- `com.onthegomap:planetiler-core` test dependency for test utilities
- `maven-assembly-plugin` build plugin configuration to create a single executable jar file from Maven's `package`
goal command
- `pom.xml` exists for the parent pom.xml to treat this as a child project, you can replace with `standalone.pom.xml`
or append `--file standalone.pom.xml` to every maven command to run as a standalone project.
- [src/main/java/com/onthegomap/planetiler/examples](src/main/java/com/onthegomap/planetiler/examples) - some minimal
example map profiles:
- [ToiletsOverlay](src/main/java/com/onthegomap/planetiler/examples/ - demonstrates how to build a
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simple overlay with toilets locations from OpenStreetMap
- [BikeRouteOverlay](src/main/java/com/onthegomap/planetiler/examples/ - demonstrates how to use
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OSM relations to build an overlay map of [bicycle routes](
- [ToiletsOverlayLowLevelApi](src/main/java/com/onthegomap/planetiler/examples/
 - alternate driver for the ToiletsOverlay using lower-level Planetiler APIs
- [src/test/java/com/onthegomap/planetiler/examples](src/main/java/com/onthegomap/planetiler/examples)
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unit and integration tests for each of the map generators
Then, create a new class that implements `com.onthegomap.planetiler.Profile`:
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package com.onthegomap.planetiler.examples;
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import com.onthegomap.planetiler.FeatureCollector;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.Planetiler;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.Profile;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.reader.SourceFeature;
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import java.nio.file.Path;
public class MyProfile implements Profile {
public String name() {
// name that shows up in the MBTiles metadata table
return "My Profile";
Then, implement the `processFeature()` method in your class (add the code before the last closing curly bracket)
that determines what vector tile features to emit for each source feature.
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For example, to include a map of [toilets from OpenStreetMap](
at zoom level 12 and above:
public void processFeature(SourceFeature sourceFeature, FeatureCollector features) {
if (sourceFeature.isPoint() && sourceFeature.hasTag("amenity", "toilets")) {
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features.point("toilets") // create a point in layer named "toilets"
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.setAttr("customers_only", sourceFeature.hasTag("access", "customers"))
.setAttr("indoor", sourceFeature.getBoolean("indoor"))
.setAttr("name", sourceFeature.getTag("name"))
.setAttr("operator", sourceFeature.getTag("operator"));
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Next, add a `main` entrypoint that
uses [Planetiler](../planetiler-core/src/main/java/com/onthegomap/planetiler/ to define input sources
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and default input/output paths:
public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
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.setProfile(new MyProfile())
// if input.pbf not found, download Monaco from Geofabrik
.addOsmSource("osm", Path.of("data", "sources", "input.pbf"), "geofabrik:monaco")
.overwriteOutput("mbtiles", Path.of("data", "toilets.mbtiles"))
Then build the application into a single jar file with all dependencies included:
mvn clean package --file standalone.pom.xml
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And run the application:
java -cp target/*-with-deps.jar com.onthegomap.planetiler.examples.MyProfile
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Then, to inspect the tiles:
tileserver-gl-light --mbtiles data/toilets.mbtiles
Finally, open http://localhost:8080 to see your tiles.
## Testing your profile
Unit tests verify the logic for mapping source features to vector tile features, and integration tests run the entire
profile end-to-end and ensure the output vector tiles contain features you
expect. [TestUtils](../planetiler-core/src/test/java/com/onthegomap/planetiler/ contains utilities for
unit and integration testing.
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A basic unit test:
public void unitTest() {
var profile = new MyProfile();
var node = SimpleFeature.create(
TestUtils.newPoint(1, 2),
Map.of("amenity", "toilets")
List<FeatureCollector.Feature> mapFeatures = TestUtils.processSourceFeature(node, profile);
// Then inspect attributes of each of vector tile fetures emitted...
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assertEquals(1, mapFeatures.length);
assertEquals(12, mapFeatures.get(0).getMinZoom());
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A basic integration test:
public void integrationTest(@TempDir Path tmpDir) throws Exception {
Path mbtilesPath = tmpDir.resolve("output.mbtiles");
"--osm_path=" + TestUtils.pathToResource("monaco-latest.osm.pbf"),
"--tmp=" + tmpDir,
"--mbtiles=" + mbtilesPath,
try (Mbtiles mbtiles = Mbtiles.newReadOnlyDatabase(mbtilesPath)) {
Map<String, String> metadata = mbtiles.metadata().getAll();
assertEquals("My Profile", metadata.get("name"));
// then inspect features in the emitted vector tiles
TestUtils.assertNumFeatures(mbtiles, "toilets", 14, Map.of(), GeoUtils.WORLD_LAT_LON_BOUNDS,
34, Point.class);
See [ToiletsProfileTest](./src/test/java/com/onthegomap/planetiler/examples/
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for a complete unit and integration test.
## Next Steps
Check out:
- The other [minimal examples](./src/main/java/com/onthegomap/planetiler/examples)
- The [basemap profile](../planetiler-basemap) for a full-featured example of a complex profile with processing broken
out into a handler per layer
- [Planetiler](../planetiler-core/src/main/java/com/onthegomap/planetiler/ for more options when
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invoking the program
- [FeatureCollector](../planetiler-core/src/main/java/com/onthegomap/planetiler/
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for the full API to construct vector tile features
- [SourceFeature](../planetiler-core/src/main/java/com/onthegomap/planetiler/reader/
and [WithTags](../planetiler-core/src/main/java/com/onthegomap/planetiler/reader/
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for the full API to extract data from source features
- [Profile](../planetiler-core/src/main/java/com/onthegomap/planetiler/ for the rest of methods you can
implement to:
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- customize OSM relation preprocessing
- set MBTiles metadata attributes
- get notified when a source finishes processing
- and post-process vector-tile features (i.e. merge touching linestrings or polygons)