info('Welcome to the avatar sync manager'); $this->line(' '); $this->line(' '); $this->error('This command is deprecated and will be removed in a future version'); $this->error('You should use the following command instead: '); $this->line(' '); $this->info('php artisan avatar:storage'); $this->line(' '); $confirm = $this->confirm('Are you sure you want to use this deprecated command even though it is no longer supported?'); if(!$confirm) { return; } $actions = [ 'Analyze', 'Full Analyze', 'Fetch - Fetch missing remote avatars', 'Fix - Fix remote accounts without avatar record', 'Sync - Store latest remote avatars', ]; $name = $this->choice( 'Select an action', $actions, 0, 1, false ); $this->info('Selected: ' . $name); switch($name) { case $actions[0]: $this->analyze(); break; case $actions[1]: $this->fullAnalyze(); break; case $actions[2]: $this->fetch(); break; case $actions[3]: $this->fix(); break; case $actions[4]: $this->sync(); break; } return Command::SUCCESS; } protected function incr($name) { switch($name) { case 'found': $this->found = $this->found + 1; break; case 'notFetched': $this->notFetched = $this->notFetched + 1; break; case 'fixed': $this->fixed++; break; } } protected function analyze() { $count = Avatar::whereIsRemote(true)->whereNull('cdn_url')->count(); $this->info('Found ' . $count . ' profiles with blank avatars.'); $this->line(' '); $this->comment('We suggest running php artisan avatars:sync again and selecting the sync option'); $this->line(' '); } protected function fullAnalyze() { $count = Profile::count(); $bar = $this->output->createProgressBar($count); $bar->start(); Profile::chunk(50, function($profiles) use ($bar) { foreach($profiles as $profile) { if($profile->domain == null) { $bar->advance(); continue; } $avatar = Avatar::whereProfileId($profile->id)->first(); if(!$avatar || $avatar->cdn_url == null) { $this->incr('notFetched'); } $this->incr('found'); $bar->advance(); } }); $this->line(' '); $this->line(' '); $this->info('Found ' . $this->found . ' remote accounts'); $this->info('Found ' . $this->notFetched . ' remote avatars to fetch'); } protected function fetch() { $this->error('This action has been deprecated, please run the following command instead:'); $this->line(' '); $this->info('php artisan avatar:storage'); $this->line(' '); return; } protected function fix() { Profile::chunk(5000, function($profiles) { foreach($profiles as $profile) { if($profile->domain == null || $profile->private_key) { continue; } $avatar = Avatar::whereProfileId($profile->id)->first(); if($avatar) { continue; } $avatar = new Avatar; $avatar->is_remote = true; $avatar->profile_id = $profile->id; $avatar->save(); $this->incr('fixed'); } }); $this->line(' '); $this->line(' '); $this->info('Fixed ' . $this->fixed . ' accounts with a blank avatar'); } protected function sync() { $this->error('This action has been deprecated, please run the following command instead:'); $this->line(' '); $this->info('php artisan avatar:storage'); $this->line(' '); return; } }