New translations web.php (Welsh)

[ci skip]
daniel 2021-12-24 06:46:29 -07:00
rodzic c2d0c2dc42
commit 2f1c1d53c2
1 zmienionych plików z 52 dodań i 52 usunięć

Wyświetl plik

@ -77,76 +77,76 @@ return [
'liked' => 'wedi hoffi eich',
'commented' => 'gwnaeth sylwadau ar eich',
'reacted' => 'adweithio i\'ch',
'shared' => 'shared your',
'tagged' => 'tagged you in a',
'shared' => 'wedi rhannu eich',
'tagged' => 'wedi tagio chi mewn',
'updatedA' => 'updated a',
'sentA' => 'sent a',
'updatedA' => 'wedi diweddaru',
'sentA' => 'wedi anfon',
'followed' => 'followed',
'mentioned' => 'mentioned',
'you' => 'you',
'followed' => 'dilynwyd',
'mentioned' => 'crybwyllwyd',
'you' => 'chi',
'yourApplication' => 'Your application to join',
'applicationApproved' => 'was approved!',
'applicationRejected' => 'was rejected. You can re-apply to join in 6 months.',
'yourApplication' => 'Eich cais i ymuno',
'applicationApproved' => 'ei gymeradwyo!',
'applicationRejected' => 'gwrthodwyd. Gallwch ail-ymgeisio i ymuno mewn 6 mis.',
'dm' => 'dm',
'groupPost' => 'group post',
'dm' => 'nu',
'groupPost' => 'post grŵp',
'modlog' => 'modlog',
'post' => 'post',
'story' => 'story',
'story' => 'stori',
'post' => [
'shareToFollowers' => 'Share to followers',
'shareToOther' => 'Share to other',
'noLikes' => 'No likes yet',
'uploading' => 'Uploading',
'shareToFollowers' => 'Rhannwch i ddilynwyr',
'shareToOther' => 'Rhannwch i eraill',
'noLikes' => 'Dim hoff eto',
'uploading' => 'Llwytho',
'profile' => [
'posts' => 'Posts',
'followers' => 'Followers',
'following' => 'Following',
'admin' => 'Admin',
'collections' => 'Collections',
'follow' => 'Follow',
'unfollow' => 'Unfollow',
'editProfile' => 'Edit Profile',
'followRequested' => 'Follow Requested',
'joined' => 'Joined',
'posts' => 'Postiau',
'followers' => 'Dilynwyr',
'following' => 'Yn dilyn',
'admin' => 'Gweinyddwr',
'collections' => 'Casgliadau',
'follow' => 'Dilyn',
'unfollow' => 'Dad-ddilyn',
'editProfile' => 'Golygu proffil',
'followRequested' => 'Dilyn gofynnwyd',
'joined' => 'Wedi ymuno',
'menu' => [
'viewPost' => 'View Post',
'viewProfile' => 'View Profile',
'moderationTools' => 'Moderation Tools',
'report' => 'Report',
'archive' => 'Archive',
'unarchive' => 'Unarchive',
'embed' => 'Embed',
'viewPost' => 'Gweld Post',
'viewProfile' => 'Gweld Proffil',
'moderationTools' => 'Offer Cymedroli',
'report' => 'Adroddi',
'archive' => 'Archif',
'unarchive' => 'Dad-archifo',
'embed' => 'Gwreiddio',
'selectOneOption' => 'Select one of the following options',
'unlistFromTimelines' => 'Unlist from Timelines',
'addCW' => 'Add Content Warning',
'removeCW' => 'Remove Content Warning',
'markAsSpammer' => 'Mark as Spammer',
'markAsSpammerText' => 'Unlist + CW existing and future posts',
'spam' => 'Spam',
'sensitive' => 'Sensitive Content',
'abusive' => 'Abusive or Harmful',
'underageAccount' => 'Underage Account',
'copyrightInfringement' => 'Copyright Infringement',
'impersonation' => 'Impersonation',
'scamOrFraud' => 'Scam or Fraud',
'confirmReport' => 'Confirm Report',
'selectOneOption' => 'Dewiswch un o\'r opsiynau canlynol',
'unlistFromTimelines' => 'Dad-restru o\'r Llinellau Amser',
'addCW' => 'Ychwanegu Rhybudd Cynnwys',
'removeCW' => 'Tynnu Rhybudd Cynnwys',
'markAsSpammer' => 'Marciwch fel Sbamiwr',
'markAsSpammerText' => 'Dad-restru + RhC postiau presennol ac yn y dyfodol',
'spam' => 'Sbam',
'sensitive' => 'Cynnwys sensitif',
'abusive' => 'Camdriniol neu Niweidiol',
'underageAccount' => 'Cyfrif Dan Oed',
'copyrightInfringement' => 'Torri Hawlfraint',
'impersonation' => 'Dynwarediad',
'scamOrFraud' => 'Sgam neu Dwyll',
'confirmReport' => 'Cadarnhau Adroddiad',
'confirmReportText' => 'Ydych chi\'n siŵr eich bod chi am adroddi\'r post hon?',
'reportSent' => 'Report Sent!',
'reportSentText' => 'We have successfully received your report.',
'reportSentError' => 'There was an issue reporting this post.',
'reportSent' => 'Anfonwyd Cwyn!',
'reportSentText' => 'Rydym wedi llwyddo i arbed eich cwyn.',
'reportSentError' => 'Roedd mater yn cywno am y post hon.',
'modAddCWConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to add a content warning to this post?',
'modAddCWConfirm' => 'Ydych chi\'n siŵr eich bod chi am ychwanegu rhybudd cynnwys i\'r post hon?',
'modCWSuccess' => 'Successfully added content warning',
'modRemoveCWConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the content warning on this post?',
'modRemoveCWSuccess' => 'Successfully removed content warning',