
87 wiersze
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import { Selector as $ } from 'testcafe'
import {
getFirstVisibleStatus, getNthStatus, getUrl, localTimelineNavButton, notificationsNavButton,
} from '../utils'
import { homeTimeline, notifications, localTimeline, favorites, directMessages } from '../fixtures'
import { loginAsFoobar } from '../roles'
test('Shows the home timeline', async t => {
await loginAsFoobar(t)
await t
.expect(getNthStatus(1).exists).ok({ timeout: 30000 })
await validateTimeline(t, homeTimeline)
await t.expect(getFirstVisibleStatus().getAttribute('aria-setsize')).eql('47')
test('Shows notifications', async t => {
await loginAsFoobar(t)
await t
.expect(getNthStatus(1).exists).ok({ timeout: 30000 })
await validateTimeline(t, notifications)
test('Shows the local timeline', async t => {
await loginAsFoobar(t)
await t
.expect(getNthStatus(1).exists).ok({ timeout: 30000 })
await validateTimeline(t, localTimeline)
test('Shows the federated timeline', async t => {
await loginAsFoobar(t)
await t
.expect(getNthStatus(1).exists).ok({ timeout: 30000 })
await validateTimeline(t, localTimeline) // local is same as federated in this case
test('Shows favorites', async t => {
await loginAsFoobar(t)
await t
.expect(getNthStatus(1).exists).ok({ timeout: 30000 })
await validateTimeline(t, favorites)
test('Shows direct messages', async t => {
await loginAsFoobar(t)
await t
.expect(getNthStatus(1).exists).ok({ timeout: 30000 })
.click($('a').withText('Direct messages'))
await validateTimeline(t, directMessages)