#include #include #include #include #include "pico_explorer.hpp" #include "msa301.hpp" using namespace pimoroni; extern unsigned char image_tif[]; extern unsigned int image_tif_len; extern unsigned char _binary__home_jon_pimoroni_pico_examples_pico_explorer_fox_tga_start[]; PicoExplorer pico_explorer; MSA301 msa301; uint8_t arrow[] = { 0b00010000, 0b00110000, 0b01110000, 0b11111111, 0b11111111, 0b01110000, 0b00110000, 0b00010000 }; uint8_t tick[] = { 0b00000000, 0b00000010, 0b00000111, 0b01001110, 0b11111100, 0b00111000, 0b00010000, 0b00000000, }; /* void sprite(uint8_t *p, int x, int y, bool flip, uint16_t c) { for(int ay = 0; ay < 8; ay++) { uint8_t sl = p[ay]; for(int ax = 0; ax < 8; ax++) { if(flip) { if((0b10000000 >> ax) & sl) { pixel(ax + x, ay + y, c); } }else{ if((0b1 << ax) & sl) { pixel(ax + x, ay + y, c); } } } } }*/ int main() { msa301.init(); bool a_pressed = false; bool b_pressed = false; bool x_pressed = false; bool y_pressed = false; struct pt { float x; float y; uint8_t r; float dx; float dy; uint16_t pen; }; std::vector shapes; for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { pt shape; shape.x = rand() % 240; shape.y = rand() % 135; shape.r = (rand() % 10) + 3; shape.dx = float(rand() % 255) / 128.0f; shape.dy = float(rand() % 255) / 128.0f; shape.pen = pico_explorer.create_pen(rand() % 255, rand() % 255, rand() % 255); shapes.push_back(shape); } pico_explorer.set_audio_pin(pico_explorer.GP0); uint32_t i = 0; while(true) { pico_explorer.set_pen(120, 40, 60); pico_explorer.rectangle(0, 0, pico_explorer.width, pico_explorer.height); for(auto &shape : shapes) { shape.x += shape.dx; shape.y += shape.dy; if(shape.x < 0) shape.dx *= -1; if(shape.x >= pico_explorer.width) shape.dx *= -1; if(shape.y < 0) shape.dy *= -1; if(shape.y >= pico_explorer.height) shape.dy *= -1; pico_explorer.set_pen(shape.pen); pico_explorer.circle(shape.x, shape.y, shape.r); } pico_explorer.set_pen(255, 255, 255); pico_explorer.text("This is a test of some text data that should wrap nicely onto multiple lines which is dead useful like.", 10, 10, 180); float rv = pico_explorer.get_adc(pico_explorer.ADC0); pico_explorer.set_pen(255, 255, 255); pico_explorer.circle(rv * 140 + 50, 110, 20); pico_explorer.set_pen(rv * 255, 0, 0); pico_explorer.circle(rv * 140 + 50, 110, 15); float gv = pico_explorer.get_adc(pico_explorer.ADC1); pico_explorer.set_pen(255, 255, 255); pico_explorer.circle(gv * 140 + 50, 160, 20); pico_explorer.set_pen(0, gv * 255, 0); pico_explorer.circle(gv * 140 + 50, 160, 15); float bv = pico_explorer.get_adc(pico_explorer.ADC2); pico_explorer.set_pen(255, 255, 255); pico_explorer.circle(bv * 140 + 50, 210, 20); pico_explorer.set_pen(0, 0, bv * 255); pico_explorer.circle(bv * 140 + 50, 210, 15); pico_explorer.set_motor(pico_explorer.MOTOR1, pico_explorer.FORWARD, bv); pico_explorer.set_motor(pico_explorer.MOTOR2, pico_explorer.FORWARD, rv); pico_explorer.set_tone(100 + (bv * 1000), rv); pico_explorer.set_pen(255, 255, 255); pico_explorer.text("x: " + std::to_string(msa301.get_axis(msa301.X, 16)), 10, 190, 100); pico_explorer.text("y: " + std::to_string(msa301.get_axis(msa301.Y, 16)), 10, 205, 100); pico_explorer.text("z: " + std::to_string(msa301.get_axis(msa301.Z, 16)), 10, 220, 100); uint16_t xpos = (msa301.get_axis(msa301.X, 16) * 120) + 120; uint16_t ypos = (msa301.get_axis(msa301.Z, 16) * 120) + 120; pico_explorer.set_pen(255, 255, 255); pico_explorer.circle(xpos, ypos, 20); pico_explorer.set_pen(255, 0, 255); pico_explorer.circle(xpos, ypos, 15); float xoff = sin(i / 20.0f) * 50.0f; xoff += 120 - (81 / 2); float yoff = cos(i / 20.0f) * 50.0f; yoff += 120 - (68 / 2); for(int y = 0; y < 68; y++) { uint16_t *dest = pico_explorer.frame_buffer + (y * 240); uint8_t *src = _binary__home_jon_pimoroni_pico_examples_pico_explorer_fox_tga_start + 18 + (y * 81 * 3); for(int x = 0; x < 81; x++) { uint8_t r = *src++; uint8_t g = *src++; uint8_t b = *src++; pico_explorer.set_pen(r, g, b); pico_explorer.pixel(x + xoff, 68 - y + yoff); } } /* if(pico_display.is_pressed(pico_display.A)) { pico_display.rectangle(0, 0, 18, 18); //sprite(tick, 5, 5, true, green); }else{ //sprite(arrow, 10 + bounce, 10, true, white); } if(pico_display.is_pressed(pico_display.B)) { pico_display.rectangle(0, 49, 18, 18); //sprite(tick, 5, 54, true, green); }else{ //sprite(arrow, 10 - bounce, 50, true, white); } if(pico_display.is_pressed(pico_display.X)) { pico_display.rectangle(102, 0, 18, 18); //sprite(tick, 107, 5, true, green); }else{ //sprite(arrow, 102 - bounce, 10, false, white); } if(pico_display.is_pressed(pico_display.Y)) { pico_display.rectangle(102, 49, 18, 18); //sprite(tick, 107, 54, true, green); }else{ //sprite(arrow, 102 + bounce, 50, false, white); } */ // update screen pico_explorer.update(); i++; } return 0; }