#include #include "pico/stdlib.h" #include "inventor.hpp" /* A program that profiles the speed of a motor across its PWM duty cycle range using the attached encoder for feedback. */ using namespace inventor; // The gear ratio of the motor constexpr float GEAR_RATIO = 50; // The direction to spin the motor in. NORMAL_DIR (0), REVERSED_DIR (1) const Direction DIRECTION = NORMAL_DIR; // The scaling to apply to the motor's speed. Set this to the maximum measured speed constexpr float SPEED_SCALE = 5.4f; // The duty cycle that corresponds with zero speed when plotting the motor's speed as a straight line constexpr float ZERO_POINT = 0.0f; // The duty cycle below which the motor's friction prevents it from moving constexpr float DEAD_ZONE = 0.0f; // How many duty cycle steps to sample the speed of const uint DUTY_STEPS = 100; // How long to wait after changing motor duty cycle const uint SETTLE_TIME = 100; // How long to capture the motor's speed at each step const uint CAPTURE_TIME = 200; // Create a new Inventor2040W Inventor2040W board(GEAR_RATIO); // Function that performs a single profiling step void profile_at_duty(Motor& m, Encoder& enc, float duty) { // Set the motor to a new duty cycle and wait for it to settle if(DIRECTION == REVERSED_DIR) m.duty(0.0 - duty); else m.duty(duty); sleep_ms(SETTLE_TIME); // Perform a dummy capture to clear the encoder enc.capture(); // Wait for the capture time to pass sleep_ms(CAPTURE_TIME); // Perform a capture and read the measured speed Encoder::Capture capture = enc.capture(); float measured_speed = capture.revolutions_per_second(); // These are some alternate speed measurements from the encoder // float measured_speed = capture.revolutions_per_minute(); // float measured_speed = capture.degrees_per_second(); // float measured_speed = capture.radians_per_second(); // Print out the expected and measured speeds, as well as their difference printf("Duty = %f, Expected = %f, Measured = %f, Diff = %f\n", m.duty(), m.speed(), measured_speed, m.speed() - measured_speed); } int main() { stdio_init_all(); // Attempt to initialise the board if(board.init()) { // Give some time to connect up a serial terminal sleep_ms(10000); // Access the motor and encoder from Inventor Motor& m = board.motors[MOTOR_A]; Encoder& enc = board.encoders[MOTOR_A]; // Set the motor's speed scale, zeropoint, and deadzone m.speed_scale(SPEED_SCALE); m.zeropoint(ZERO_POINT); m.deadzone(DEAD_ZONE); // Set the motor and encoder's direction m.direction(DIRECTION); enc.direction(DIRECTION); // Enable the motor to get started m.enable(); printf("Profiler Starting...\n"); // Profile from 0% up to one step below 100% for(uint i = 0; i < DUTY_STEPS; i++) { profile_at_duty(m, enc, (float)i / (float)DUTY_STEPS); } // Profile from 100% down to one step above 0% for(uint i = 0; i < DUTY_STEPS; i++) { profile_at_duty(m, enc, (float)(DUTY_STEPS - i) / (float)DUTY_STEPS); } // Profile from 0% down to one step above -100% for(uint i = 0; i < DUTY_STEPS; i++) { profile_at_duty(m, enc, -(float)i / (float)DUTY_STEPS); } // Profile from -100% up to one step below 0% for(uint i = 0; i < DUTY_STEPS; i++) { profile_at_duty(m, enc, -(float)(DUTY_STEPS - i) / (float)DUTY_STEPS); } // Profile 0% again profile_at_duty(m, enc, 0.0f); printf("Profiler Finished...\n"); // Disable the motor now the profiler has finished m.disable(); } }