import time import random from gfx_pack import GfxPack, SWITCH_A, SWITCH_B, SWITCH_C, SWITCH_D, SWITCH_E """ Basic Snake demo for GFX Pack Feel free to add your own improvements :) A = up B = down C = reset D = left E = right """ # Constants for next move state MOVE_UP = 0 MOVE_DOWN = 1 MOVE_LEFT = 2 MOVE_RIGHT = 3 # In-game variables next_move = MOVE_RIGHT score = 0 head_position = (30, 30) segments = [head_position] ate_apple = False apple_position = None gp = GfxPack() gp.set_backlight(0, 0, 0, 255) display = gp.display WIDTH, HEIGHT = display.get_bounds() # Draw the apple in a random possition within the play field def set_new_apple(): global apple_position apple_position = random.randint(0, WIDTH), random.randint(30, HEIGHT) # Reset game to start position and score def game_over(): global score, segments, head_position, ate_apple score = 0 head_position = (30, 30) segments = [head_position] ate_apple = False set_new_apple() pass # Poll all the butttons to see if anything has been pressed and change next direction accoringly def check_button(): global next_move, ate_apple if gp.switch_pressed(SWITCH_A): if next_move != MOVE_DOWN: next_move = MOVE_UP elif gp.switch_pressed(SWITCH_B): if next_move != MOVE_UP: next_move = MOVE_DOWN elif gp.switch_pressed(SWITCH_D): if next_move != MOVE_RIGHT: next_move = MOVE_LEFT elif gp.switch_pressed(SWITCH_E): if next_move != MOVE_LEFT: next_move = MOVE_RIGHT elif gp.switch_pressed(SWITCH_C): game_over() # If the snake head and apple are on the same pixel the apple has been eaten def check_eaten(): global ate_apple, head_position, apple_position, score if head_position == apple_position: ate_apple = True score += 1 set_new_apple() def check_collision(): # Check if the head or any of the tail segments are on the same pixel for index in range(len(segments) - 1): if head_position == segments[index]: game_over() return # Check the snake head has not gone beyond the play area if head_position[0] >= WIDTH: game_over() if head_position[0] <= 0: game_over() if head_position[1] >= HEIGHT: game_over() if head_position[1] <= 20: game_over() def move(): global head_position, segments, ate_apple head_x, head_y = head_position if next_move == MOVE_UP: head_y -= 1 elif next_move == MOVE_DOWN: head_y += 1 elif next_move == MOVE_LEFT: head_x -= 1 elif next_move == MOVE_RIGHT: head_x += 1 head_position = (head_x, head_y) # Add head to body segments segments.append(head_position) # I there is no apple remove end of the tail otherwise tail grows by 1 if ate_apple: ate_apple = False else: segments.pop(0) def draw(): display.set_pen(0) display.clear() display.set_pen(15) # Draw play field including score display.text("score: {0}".format(score), 0, 0) display.line(0, 20, 127, 20) display.line(0, 63, 127, 63) display.line(0, 63, 0, 20) display.line(128, 63, 127, 20) # Draw apple display.pixel(apple_position[0], apple_position[1]) # Drawing snake for segment in segments: display.pixel(segment[0], segment[1]) display.update() # Make sure game is reset to begin with game_over() while True: # Game logic check_button() check_eaten() move() check_collision() draw() time.sleep(0.2)