#include #include #include #include #include #include "icp10125.hpp" namespace pimoroni { enum command { SOFT_RESET = 0x805D, READ_ID = 0xEFC8, MOVE_ADDRESS_PTR = 0xC595, READ_OTP = 0xC7F7 }; #pragma pack(push, 1) struct alignas(1) uint16_result { uint16_t data; uint8_t crc8; }; #pragma pack(pop) struct conversion_constants { float A; float B; float C; }; bool ICP10125::init() { reset(); uint8_t id = chip_id(); if(id != CHIP_ID) return false; if(!read_otp()) return false; return true; } void ICP10125::reset() { uint16_t command = __bswap16(SOFT_RESET); i2c->write_blocking(address, (uint8_t *)&command, 2, false); sleep_ms(10); // Soft reset time is 170us but you can never be too sure... } ICP10125::reading ICP10125::measure(meas_command cmd) { uint16_t command = __bswap16(cmd); reading result = {0.0f, 0.0f, OK}; uint16_result results[3]; i2c->write_blocking(address, (uint8_t *)&command, 2, false); switch(cmd) { case NORMAL: sleep_ms(7); // 5.6 - 6.3ms break; case LOW_POWER: sleep_ms(2); // 1.6 - 1.8ms break; case LOW_NOISE: sleep_ms(24); // 20.8 - 23.8ms break; case ULTRA_LOW_NOISE: sleep_ms(95); // 83.2 - 94.5ms break; } // Can probably just run this until it succeeds rather than the switch/sleep above. // The datasheet implies polling and ignoring NACKs would work. i2c->read_blocking(address, (uint8_t *)&results, 9, false); if(results[0].crc8 != crc8((uint8_t *)&results[0].data, 2)) {result.status = CRC_FAIL; return result;}; if(results[1].crc8 != crc8((uint8_t *)&results[1].data, 2)) {result.status = CRC_FAIL; return result;}; if(results[2].crc8 != crc8((uint8_t *)&results[2].data, 2)) {result.status = CRC_FAIL; return result;}; int temperature = __bswap16(results[0].data); // Due to all the byte swapping nonsense I'm not sure if I've discarded the LLSB or LMSB here... int pressure = ((int32_t)__bswap16(results[1].data) << 8) | (__bswap16(results[2].data >> 8)); // LLSB is discarded process_data(pressure, temperature, &result.pressure, &result.temperature); return result; } int ICP10125::chip_id() { uint16_result result; uint16_t command = __bswap16(READ_ID); i2c->write_blocking(address, (uint8_t *)&command, 2, true); i2c->read_blocking(address, (uint8_t *)&result, 3, false); if(result.crc8 != crc8((uint8_t *)&result.data, 2)) { return -1; } return __bswap16(result.data) & 0x3f; } bool ICP10125::read_otp() { uint16_result result[4]; uint16_t command = __bswap16(READ_OTP); uint8_t move_address_ptr[] = { MOVE_ADDRESS_PTR >> 8, MOVE_ADDRESS_PTR & 0xff, 0x00, 0x66, 0x9c // Address CRC8 }; i2c->write_blocking(address, move_address_ptr, sizeof(move_address_ptr), false); for(auto x = 0u; x < 4; x++) { i2c->write_blocking(address, (uint8_t *)&command, 2, false); i2c->read_blocking(address, (uint8_t *)&result[x], 3, false); if(result[x].crc8 != crc8((uint8_t *)&result[x].data, 2)) { return false; } sensor_constants[x] = (float)__bswap16(result[x].data); } return true; } void ICP10125::process_data(const int p_LSB, const int T_LSB, float *pressure, float *temperature) { float t; float s1, s2, s3; float in[3]; float out[3]; float A, B, C; t = (float)(T_LSB - 32768); s1 = LUT_lower + (float)(sensor_constants[0] * t * t) * quadr_factor; s2 = offst_factor * sensor_constants[3] + (float)(sensor_constants[1] * t * t) * quadr_factor; s3 = LUT_upper + (float)(sensor_constants[2] * t * t) * quadr_factor; in[0] = s1; in[1] = s2; in[2] = s3; calculate_conversion_constants(p_Pa_calib, in, out); A = out[0]; B = out[1]; C = out[2]; *pressure = A + B / (C + p_LSB); *temperature = -45.f + 175.f / 65536.f * T_LSB; } void ICP10125::calculate_conversion_constants(const float *p_Pa, const float *p_LUT, float *out) { float A, B, C; C = (p_LUT[0] * p_LUT[1] * (p_Pa[0] - p_Pa[1]) + p_LUT[1] * p_LUT[2] * (p_Pa[1] - p_Pa[2]) + p_LUT[2] * p_LUT[0] * (p_Pa[2] - p_Pa[0])) / (p_LUT[2] * (p_Pa[0] - p_Pa[1]) + p_LUT[0] * (p_Pa[1] - p_Pa[2]) + p_LUT[1] * (p_Pa[2] - p_Pa[0])); A = (p_Pa[0] * p_LUT[0] - p_Pa[1] * p_LUT[1] - (p_Pa[1] - p_Pa[0]) * C) / (p_LUT[0] - p_LUT[1]); B = (p_Pa[0] - A) * (p_LUT[0] + C); out[0] = A; out[1] = B; out[2] = C; } uint8_t ICP10125::crc8(uint8_t *bytes, size_t length, uint8_t polynomial) { uint8_t result = 0xff; for (auto byte = 0u; byte < length; byte++) { result ^= bytes[byte]; for (auto bit = 0u; bit < 8; bit++) { if (result & 0x80) { result <<= 1; result ^= polynomial; } else { result <<= 1; } } } return result; } }