# Clock example with NTP synchronization # # Create a secrets.py with your Wifi details to be able to get the time # when the Galactic Unicorn isn't connected to Thonny. # # secrets.py should contain: # WIFI_SSID = "Your WiFi SSID" # WIFI_PASSWORD = "Your WiFi password" # # Clock synchronizes time on start, and resynchronizes if you press the A button import time import math import machine import network import ntptime from galactic import GalacticUnicorn from picographics import PicoGraphics, DISPLAY_GALACTIC_UNICORN as DISPLAY try: from secrets import WIFI_SSID, WIFI_PASSWORD wifi_available = True except ImportError: print("Create secrets.py with your WiFi credentials to get time from NTP") wifi_available = False # constants for controlling the background colour throughout the day MIDDAY_HUE = 1.1 MIDNIGHT_HUE = 0.8 HUE_OFFSET = -0.1 MIDDAY_SATURATION = 1.0 MIDNIGHT_SATURATION = 1.0 MIDDAY_VALUE = 0.8 MIDNIGHT_VALUE = 0.3 # create galactic object and graphics surface for drawing gu = GalacticUnicorn() graphics = PicoGraphics(DISPLAY) # create the rtc object rtc = machine.RTC() width = GalacticUnicorn.WIDTH height = GalacticUnicorn.HEIGHT # set up some pens to use later WHITE = graphics.create_pen(255, 255, 255) BLACK = graphics.create_pen(0, 0, 0) @micropython.native # noqa: F821 def from_hsv(h, s, v): i = math.floor(h * 6.0) f = h * 6.0 - i v *= 255.0 p = v * (1.0 - s) q = v * (1.0 - f * s) t = v * (1.0 - (1.0 - f) * s) i = int(i) % 6 if i == 0: return int(v), int(t), int(p) if i == 1: return int(q), int(v), int(p) if i == 2: return int(p), int(v), int(t) if i == 3: return int(p), int(q), int(v) if i == 4: return int(t), int(p), int(v) if i == 5: return int(v), int(p), int(q) # function for drawing a gradient background def gradient_background(start_hue, start_sat, start_val, end_hue, end_sat, end_val): half_width = width // 2 for x in range(0, half_width): hue = ((end_hue - start_hue) * (x / half_width)) + start_hue sat = ((end_sat - start_sat) * (x / half_width)) + start_sat val = ((end_val - start_val) * (x / half_width)) + start_val colour = from_hsv(hue, sat, val) graphics.set_pen(graphics.create_pen(int(colour[0]), int(colour[1]), int(colour[2]))) for y in range(0, height): graphics.pixel(x, y) graphics.pixel(width - x - 1, y) colour = from_hsv(end_hue, end_sat, end_val) graphics.set_pen(graphics.create_pen(int(colour[0]), int(colour[1]), int(colour[2]))) for y in range(0, height): graphics.pixel(half_width, y) # function for drawing outlined text def outline_text(text, x, y): graphics.set_pen(BLACK) graphics.text(text, x - 1, y - 1, -1, 1) graphics.text(text, x, y - 1, -1, 1) graphics.text(text, x + 1, y - 1, -1, 1) graphics.text(text, x - 1, y, -1, 1) graphics.text(text, x + 1, y, -1, 1) graphics.text(text, x - 1, y + 1, -1, 1) graphics.text(text, x, y + 1, -1, 1) graphics.text(text, x + 1, y + 1, -1, 1) graphics.set_pen(WHITE) graphics.text(text, x, y, -1, 1) # Connect to wifi and synchronize the RTC time from NTP def sync_time(): if not wifi_available: return # Start connection wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) wlan.active(True) wlan.connect(WIFI_SSID, WIFI_PASSWORD) # Wait for connect success or failure max_wait = 100 while max_wait > 0: if wlan.status() < 0 or wlan.status() >= 3: break max_wait -= 1 print('waiting for connection...') time.sleep(0.2) redraw_display_if_reqd() gu.update(graphics) if max_wait > 0: print("Connected") try: ntptime.settime() print("Time set") except OSError: pass wlan.disconnect() wlan.active(False) # NTP synchronizes the time to UTC, this allows you to adjust the displayed time # by one hour increments from UTC by pressing the volume up/down buttons # # We use the IRQ method to detect the button presses to avoid incrementing/decrementing # multiple times when the button is held. utc_offset = 0 up_button = machine.Pin(GalacticUnicorn.SWITCH_VOLUME_UP, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_UP) down_button = machine.Pin(GalacticUnicorn.SWITCH_VOLUME_DOWN, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_UP) def adjust_utc_offset(pin): global utc_offset if pin == up_button: utc_offset += 1 if pin == down_button: utc_offset -= 1 up_button.irq(trigger=machine.Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler=adjust_utc_offset) down_button.irq(trigger=machine.Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler=adjust_utc_offset) year, month, day, wd, hour, minute, second, _ = rtc.datetime() last_second = second # Check whether the RTC time has changed and if so redraw the display def redraw_display_if_reqd(): global year, month, day, wd, hour, minute, second, last_second year, month, day, wd, hour, minute, second, _ = rtc.datetime() if second != last_second: hour = (hour + utc_offset) % 24 time_through_day = (((hour * 60) + minute) * 60) + second percent_through_day = time_through_day / 86400 percent_to_midday = 1.0 - ((math.cos(percent_through_day * math.pi * 2) + 1) / 2) print(percent_to_midday) hue = ((MIDDAY_HUE - MIDNIGHT_HUE) * percent_to_midday) + MIDNIGHT_HUE sat = ((MIDDAY_SATURATION - MIDNIGHT_SATURATION) * percent_to_midday) + MIDNIGHT_SATURATION val = ((MIDDAY_VALUE - MIDNIGHT_VALUE) * percent_to_midday) + MIDNIGHT_VALUE gradient_background(hue, sat, val, hue + HUE_OFFSET, sat, val) clock = "{:02}:{:02}:{:02}".format(hour, minute, second) # calculate text position so that it is centred w = graphics.measure_text(clock, 1) x = int(width / 2 - w / 2 + 1) y = 2 outline_text(clock, x, y) last_second = second # set the font graphics.set_font("bitmap8") gu.set_brightness(0.5) sync_time() while True: if gu.is_pressed(GalacticUnicorn.SWITCH_BRIGHTNESS_UP): gu.adjust_brightness(+0.01) if gu.is_pressed(GalacticUnicorn.SWITCH_BRIGHTNESS_DOWN): gu.adjust_brightness(-0.01) if gu.is_pressed(GalacticUnicorn.SWITCH_A): sync_time() redraw_display_if_reqd() # update the display gu.update(graphics) time.sleep(0.01)