import time from machine import Pin, UART from picographics import PicoGraphics, DISPLAY_ENVIRO_PLUS from pimoroni import RGBLED, Button from breakout_bme68x import BreakoutBME68X, STATUS_HEATER_STABLE from pimoroni_i2c import PimoroniI2C from breakout_ltr559 import BreakoutLTR559 from adcfft import ADCFFT # comment out the next line if no particulate sensor from pms5003 import PMS5003 """ This example reads from all the sensors on Enviro+. (plus the optional particulate sensor) Displays the results on screen. Press A and B to turn the backlight on and off Press X and Y to switch between sensor mode and graphic equaliser mode! """ # change this to adjust temperature compensation TEMPERATURE_OFFSET = 3 BRIGHTNESS = 0.8 # change this to adjust pressure based on your altitude altitude = 0 # light the LED red if the gas reading is less than 50% GAS_ALERT = 0.5 def graphic_equaliser(): m_arr = [0 for _ in range(16)] i = 0 adcfft.update() m = 0 for x in range(5, 240): v = adcfft.get_scaled(x, 144) m = max(m, v) v = min(239, v) v = 239 - v display.line(x - 5, v, x - 5, 239) m_arr[i] = min(255, m) i += 1 if i >= len(m_arr): i = 0 ms = int(sum(m_arr) / len(m_arr)) led.set_rgb(0, ms, 0) def adjust_to_sea_pressure(pressure_hpa, temperature, altitude): """ Adjust pressure based on your altitude. credits to @cubapp """ # Adjusted-to-the-sea barometric pressure adjusted_hpa = pressure_hpa + ((pressure_hpa * 9.80665 * altitude) / (287 * (273 + temperature + (altitude / 400)))) return adjusted_hpa def describe_pressure(pressure_hpa): """Convert pressure into barometer-type description.""" if pressure_hpa < 970: description = "storm" elif 970 <= pressure_hpa < 990: description = "rain" elif 990 <= pressure_hpa < 1010: description = "change" elif 1010 <= pressure_hpa < 1030: description = "fair" elif pressure_hpa >= 1030: description = "dry" else: description = "" return description def describe_humidity(corrected_humidity): """Convert relative humidity into good/bad description.""" if 40 < corrected_humidity < 60: description = "good" else: description = "bad" return description def describe_light(lux): """Convert light level in lux to descriptive value.""" if lux < 50: description = "dark" elif 50 <= lux < 100: description = "dim" elif 100 <= lux < 500: description = "light" elif lux >= 500: description = "bright" return description def draw_hist(results_array): result_index = 0 for result in results_array: display.set_pen(YELLOW) display.rectangle(2 * result_index, 240 - result.pm_ug_per_m3(10), 2, 240) display.set_pen(MAGENTA) display.rectangle(2 * result_index, 240 - result.pm_ug_per_m3(2.5), 2, 240) display.set_pen(BLUE) display.rectangle(2 * result_index, 240 - result.pm_ug_per_m3(1.0), 2, 240) result_index += 1 # set up the display display = PicoGraphics(display=DISPLAY_ENVIRO_PLUS) # set up the LED led = RGBLED(6, 7, 10, invert=True) # set up the buttons button_a = Button(12, invert=True) button_b = Button(13, invert=True) button_x = Button(14, invert=True) button_y = Button(15, invert=True) # set up the Pico W's I2C PINS_BREAKOUT_GARDEN = {"sda": 4, "scl": 5} i2c = PimoroniI2C(**PINS_BREAKOUT_GARDEN) # set up BME688 and LTR559 sensors bme = BreakoutBME68X(i2c, address=0x77) ltr = BreakoutLTR559(i2c) # set up ADCFFT library to read mic with fast fourier transform adcfft = ADCFFT() # configure the PMS5003 for Enviro+ # comment out this section if no particulate sensor pms5003 = PMS5003( uart=UART(1, tx=Pin(8), rx=Pin(9), baudrate=9600), pin_enable=Pin(3), pin_reset=Pin(2), mode="active" ) # some constants we'll use for drawing WHITE = display.create_pen(255, 255, 255) BLACK = display.create_pen(0, 0, 0) RED = display.create_pen(255, 0, 0) GREEN = display.create_pen(0, 255, 0) CYAN = display.create_pen(0, 255, 255) MAGENTA = display.create_pen(200, 0, 200) YELLOW = display.create_pen(200, 200, 0) BLUE = display.create_pen(0, 0, 200) FFT_COLOUR = display.create_pen(255, 0, 255) GREY = display.create_pen(75, 75, 75) WIDTH, HEIGHT = display.get_bounds() display.set_font("bitmap8") # some other variables we'll use to keep track of stuff mode = "sensors" # start off in sensor mode # these values will get updated later on min_temperature = 100.0 max_temperature = 0.0 min_gas = 100000.0 max_gas = 0.0 # array for storing particulate readings results = [] # setup led.set_rgb(255, 0, 0) display.set_backlight(BRIGHTNESS) display.set_pen(RED) display.text("waiting for sensors", 0, 0, WIDTH, scale=3) display.update() # the gas sensor gives a few weird readings to start, lets discard them temperature, pressure, humidity, gas, status, _, _ = time.sleep(0.5) temperature, pressure, humidity, gas, status, _, _ = time.sleep(0.5) while True: # turn off the backlight with A and turn it back on with B # switch between sensor and equaliser mode with X and Y if button_a.is_pressed: display.set_backlight(BRIGHTNESS) time.sleep(0.2) elif button_b.is_pressed: display.set_backlight(0) time.sleep(0.2) elif button_x.is_pressed: mode = "sensors" display.set_backlight(BRIGHTNESS) time.sleep(0.2) elif button_y.is_pressed: mode = "equaliser" display.set_backlight(BRIGHTNESS) time.sleep(0.2) if mode == "sensors": # read BME688 temperature, pressure, humidity, gas, status, _, _ = heater = "Stable" if status & STATUS_HEATER_STABLE else "Unstable" # correct temperature and humidity using an offset corrected_temperature = temperature - TEMPERATURE_OFFSET dewpoint = temperature - ((100 - humidity) / 5) corrected_humidity = 100 - (5 * (corrected_temperature - dewpoint)) # record min and max temperatures if corrected_temperature >= max_temperature: max_temperature = corrected_temperature if corrected_temperature <= min_temperature: min_temperature = corrected_temperature # record min and max gas readings if gas > max_gas: max_gas = gas if gas < min_gas: min_gas = gas # convert pressure into hpa pressure_hpa = pressure / 100 # correct pressure pressure_hpa = adjust_to_sea_pressure(pressure_hpa, corrected_temperature, altitude) # read LTR559 ltr_reading = ltr.get_reading() lux = ltr_reading[BreakoutLTR559.LUX] prox = ltr_reading[BreakoutLTR559.PROXIMITY] # read particulate sensor and put the results into the array # comment out if no PM sensor data = results.append(data) if (len(results) > 120): # Scroll the result list by removing the first value results.pop(0) if heater == "Stable" and ltr_reading is not None: led.set_rgb(0, 0, 0) # draw some stuff on the screen display.set_pen(BLACK) display.clear() # draw particulate graph on screen, comment out if no PM sensor draw_hist(results) # draw the top box display.set_pen(GREY) display.rectangle(0, 0, WIDTH, 60) # pick a pen colour based on the temperature display.set_pen(GREEN) if corrected_temperature > 30: display.set_pen(RED) if corrected_temperature < 10: display.set_pen(CYAN) display.text(f"{corrected_temperature:.1f}°c", 5, 15, WIDTH, scale=4) # draw temp max and min display.set_pen(CYAN) display.text(f"min {min_temperature:.1f}", 125, 5, WIDTH, scale=3) display.set_pen(RED) display.text(f"max {max_temperature:.1f}", 125, 30, WIDTH, scale=3) # draw the first column of text display.set_pen(WHITE) display.text(f"rh {corrected_humidity:.0f}%", 0, 75, WIDTH, scale=3) display.text(f"{pressure_hpa:.0f}hPa", 0, 125, WIDTH, scale=3) display.text(f"{lux} lux", 0, 175, WIDTH, scale=3) # draw the second column of text display.text(f"{describe_humidity(corrected_humidity)}", 125, 75, WIDTH, scale=3) display.text(f"{describe_pressure(pressure_hpa)}", 125, 125, WIDTH, scale=3) display.text(f"{describe_light(lux)}", 125, 175, WIDTH, scale=3) # draw bar for gas if min_gas != max_gas: # light the LED and set pen to red if the gas / air quality reading is less than 50% if (gas - min_gas) / (max_gas - min_gas) < GAS_ALERT: led.set_rgb(255, 0, 0) display.set_pen(RED) else: display.set_pen(GREEN) display.rectangle(236, HEIGHT - round((gas - min_gas) / (max_gas - min_gas) * HEIGHT), 4, round((gas - min_gas) / (max_gas - min_gas) * HEIGHT)) display.text("gas", 185, 210, WIDTH, scale=3) display.update() time.sleep(0.5) elif mode == "equaliser": display.set_pen(BLACK) display.clear() display.set_pen(FFT_COLOUR) display.text("mic", 0, 0, WIDTH, scale=3) graphic_equaliser() display.update()