import time from automation import Automation2040W, SWITCH_A, SWITCH_B """ An example of the user switches and LEDs on Automation 2040 W. Press "A" and "B" together to exit the program. """ UPDATES = 10 # How many times to update per second SWITCH_NAMES = ("SW_A", "SW_B") # The friendly names to give each user switch LED_INCREMENT = 2 # How much to change a LED's brightess each update # Create a new Automation2040W board = Automation2040W() # Enable the Conn LED board.conn_led(True) # Full Brightness led_brightnesses = [0.0, 0.0] # Interact with the switches and LEDs until both are pressed simultaneously while not board.switch_pressed(SWITCH_A) or not board.switch_pressed(SWITCH_B): for i in range(board.NUM_SWITCHES): # Change the LED brightness based on switch's state if board.switch_pressed(i): print(SWITCH_NAMES[i], " = Pressed", sep="", end=", ") led_brightnesses[i] = min(led_brightnesses[i] + LED_INCREMENT, 100) else: print(SWITCH_NAMES[i], " = Released", sep="", end=", ") led_brightnesses[i] = max(led_brightnesses[i] - LED_INCREMENT, 0) # Apply the new brightnesses to the LEDs board.switch_led(i, led_brightnesses[i]) # Print a new line print() time.sleep(1.0 / UPDATES) # Put the board back into a safe state board.reset()