import gc import time import ujson import uasyncio import WIFI_CONFIG from urllib import urequest from network_manager import NetworkManager # from picographics import PicoGraphics, DISPLAY_INKY_FRAME as DISPLAY # 5.7" # from picographics import PicoGraphics, DISPLAY_INKY_FRAME_4 as DISPLAY # 4.0" from picographics import PicoGraphics, DISPLAY_INKY_FRAME_7 as DISPLAY # 7.3" ENDPOINT = "{{{{Wikiquote:Quote%20of%20the%20day/{3}%20{2},%20{0}}}}}" MONTHNAMES = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"] last_date = "" def parse_qotd(text): print(text) text = text.split("\n") author = text[8].split("|")[2][5:-4] text = text[6][2:] gc.collect() return text, author def status_handler(mode, status, ip): print(mode, status, ip) network_manager = NetworkManager(WIFI_CONFIG.COUNTRY, status_handler=status_handler) gc.collect() graphics = PicoGraphics(DISPLAY) WIDTH, HEIGHT = graphics.get_bounds() graphics.set_font("bitmap8") gc.collect() BADCHARS = { "’": "'", "—": "", "…": "..." } def display_quote(text, ox, oy, scale, wordwrap): # Processing text is memory intensive # so we'll do it one char at a time as we draw to the screen line_height = 9 * scale html_tag = "" word = "" extra_text = "" space_width = graphics.measure_text(" ", scale=scale) x = ox y = oy i = -1 while True: if len(extra_text) == 0: i += 1 if i >= len(text): break if len(extra_text) > 0: char = extra_text[0] extra_text = extra_text[1:] else: char = text[i] if char in BADCHARS: word += BADCHARS[char] continue # Unpick stuff like [[word]] and [[disambiguation|word]] # and [[w:wikipedia_page|word]] # test cases: July 8th 2022, July 12th 2022 if char == "[": if text[i:i + 2] == "[[": link = False if text[i + 2:i + 4] == "w:": link = True i += 2 end = text[i:].index("]]") if "|" in text[i + 2:i + end]: parts = text[i + 2:i + end].split("|") word = parts[1] if not link: extra_text = " (" + parts[0] + ")" else: word = text[i + 2:i + end] i += end + 1 continue if char == "&": if text[i:i + 5] == "&": word += "&" i += 4 continue if char == "<": j = i + text[i:].index(">") html_tag = text[i + 1:j].replace("/", "").strip() i = j continue if char in (" ", "\n") or html_tag == "br": w = graphics.measure_text(word, scale=scale) if x + w > wordwrap or char == "\n" or html_tag == "br": x = ox y += line_height graphics.text(word, x, y, scale=scale) word = "" html_tag = "" x += w + space_width continue word += char # Last word w = graphics.measure_text(word, scale=scale) if x + w > wordwrap: x = ox y += line_height graphics.text(word, x, y, scale=scale) while True: gc.collect() uasyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(network_manager.client(WIFI_CONFIG.SSID, WIFI_CONFIG.PSK)) date = list(time.localtime())[:3] date.append(MONTHNAMES[date[1] - 1]) if "{3} {2}, {0}".format(*date) == last_date: time.sleep(60) continue url = ENDPOINT.format(*date) print("Requesting URL: {}".format(url)) socket = urequest.urlopen(url) j = ujson.load(socket) socket.close() text = j['expandtemplates']['wikitext'] del j gc.collect() text, author = parse_qotd(text) print(text) graphics.set_pen(1) graphics.clear() graphics.set_pen(0) graphics.text("QoTD - {2} {3} {0:04d}".format(*date), 10, 10, scale=3) display_quote(text, 10, 40, 2, wordwrap=WIDTH - 20) graphics.text(author, 10, HEIGHT - 20, scale=2) graphics.update() gc.collect() last_date = "{3} {2}, {0}".format(*date) time.sleep(60)