from picographics import PicoGraphics, DISPLAY_TUFTY_2040 import pngdec display = PicoGraphics(display=DISPLAY_TUFTY_2040) # Create an instance of the PNG Decoder png = pngdec.PNG(display) # Create some pens for use later. BG = display.create_pen(200, 200, 200) TEXT = display.create_pen(0, 0, 0) # Clear the screen display.set_pen(BG) display.clear() display.set_pen(TEXT) display.text("PNG Pencil", 105, 80) try: # Open our PNG File from flash. In this example we're using an image of a cartoon pencil. # You can use Thonny to transfer PNG Images to your Pico. png.open_file("pencil.png") # Decode our PNG file and set the X and Y png.decode(140, 100) # Handle the error if the image doesn't exist on the flash. except OSError: print("Error: PNG File missing. Copy the PNG file from the example folder to your Pico using Thonny and run the example again.") display.update() # We're not doing anything else with the display now but we want to keep the program running! while True: pass