// // Copyright 2020 BitBank Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //=========================================================================== // #ifndef __JPEGDEC__ #define __JPEGDEC__ #if defined( __MACH__ ) || defined( __LINUX__ ) || defined( __MCUXPRESSO ) || defined( ESP_PLATFORM ) || defined( PICO_BUILD ) #include #include #include #include #else #include #if !defined(HAL_ESP32_HAL_H_) && defined(__has_include) && __has_include() #include #endif #endif #ifndef PROGMEM #define memcpy_P memcpy #define PROGMEM #endif // // JPEG Decoder // Written by Larry Bank // Copyright (c) 2020 BitBank Software, Inc. // // Designed to decode baseline JPEG images (8 or 24-bpp) // using less than 22K of RAM // /* Defines and variables */ #define FILE_HIGHWATER 1536 #define JPEG_FILE_BUF_SIZE 2048 #define HUFF_TABLEN 273 #define HUFF11SIZE (1<<11) #define DC_TABLE_SIZE 1024 #define DCTSIZE 64 #define MAX_MCU_COUNT 6 #define MAX_COMPS_IN_SCAN 4 #define MAX_BUFFERED_PIXELS 2048 // Decoder options #define JPEG_AUTO_ROTATE 1 #define JPEG_SCALE_HALF 2 #define JPEG_SCALE_QUARTER 4 #define JPEG_SCALE_EIGHTH 8 #define JPEG_LE_PIXELS 16 #define JPEG_EXIF_THUMBNAIL 32 #define JPEG_LUMA_ONLY 64 #define MCU0 (DCTSIZE * 0) #define MCU1 (DCTSIZE * 1) #define MCU2 (DCTSIZE * 2) #define MCU3 (DCTSIZE * 3) #define MCU4 (DCTSIZE * 4) #define MCU5 (DCTSIZE * 5) // Pixel types (defaults to little endian RGB565) enum { RGB565_LITTLE_ENDIAN = 0, RGB565_BIG_ENDIAN, EIGHT_BIT_GRAYSCALE, FOUR_BIT_DITHERED, TWO_BIT_DITHERED, ONE_BIT_DITHERED, INVALID_PIXEL_TYPE }; enum { JPEG_MEM_RAM=0, JPEG_MEM_FLASH }; // Error codes returned by getLastError() enum { JPEG_SUCCESS = 0, JPEG_INVALID_PARAMETER, JPEG_DECODE_ERROR, JPEG_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE, JPEG_INVALID_FILE }; typedef struct buffered_bits { unsigned char *pBuf; // buffer pointer uint32_t ulBits; // buffered bits uint32_t ulBitOff; // current bit offset } BUFFERED_BITS; typedef struct jpeg_file_tag { int32_t iPos; // current file position int32_t iSize; // file size uint8_t *pData; // memory file pointer void * fHandle; // class pointer to File/SdFat or whatever you want } JPEGFILE; typedef struct jpeg_draw_tag { int x, y; // upper left corner of current MCU int iWidth, iHeight; // size of this MCU int iWidthUsed; // clipped size for odd/edges int iBpp; // bit depth of the pixels (8 or 16) uint16_t *pPixels; // 16-bit pixels void *pUser; } JPEGDRAW; // Callback function prototypes typedef int32_t (JPEG_READ_CALLBACK)(JPEGFILE *pFile, uint8_t *pBuf, int32_t iLen); typedef int32_t (JPEG_SEEK_CALLBACK)(JPEGFILE *pFile, int32_t iPosition); typedef int (JPEG_DRAW_CALLBACK)(JPEGDRAW *pDraw); typedef void * (JPEG_OPEN_CALLBACK)(const char *szFilename, int32_t *pFileSize); typedef void (JPEG_CLOSE_CALLBACK)(void *pHandle); /* JPEG color component info */ typedef struct _jpegcompinfo { // These values are fixed over the whole image // For compression, they must be supplied by the user interface // for decompression, they are read from the SOF marker. unsigned char component_needed; /* do we need the value of this component? */ unsigned char component_id; /* identifier for this component (0..255) */ unsigned char component_index; /* its index in SOF or cinfo->comp_info[] */ //unsigned char h_samp_factor; /* horizontal sampling factor (1..4) */ //unsigned char v_samp_factor; /* vertical sampling factor (1..4) */ unsigned char quant_tbl_no; /* quantization table selector (0..3) */ // These values may vary between scans // For compression, they must be supplied by the user interface // for decompression, they are read from the SOS marker. unsigned char dc_tbl_no; /* DC entropy table selector (0..3) */ unsigned char ac_tbl_no; /* AC entropy table selector (0..3) */ // These values are computed during compression or decompression startup //int true_comp_width; /* component's image width in samples */ //int true_comp_height; /* component's image height in samples */ // the above are the logical dimensions of the downsampled image // These values are computed before starting a scan of the component //int MCU_width; /* number of blocks per MCU, horizontally */ //int MCU_height; /* number of blocks per MCU, vertically */ //int MCU_blocks; /* MCU_width * MCU_height */ //int downsampled_width; /* image width in samples, after expansion */ //int downsampled_height; /* image height in samples, after expansion */ // the above are the true_comp_xxx values rounded up to multiples of // the MCU dimensions; these are the working dimensions of the array // as it is passed through the DCT or IDCT step. NOTE: these values // differ depending on whether the component is interleaved or not!! // This flag is used only for decompression. In cases where some of the // components will be ignored (eg grayscale output from YCbCr image), // we can skip IDCT etc. computations for the unused components. } JPEGCOMPINFO; // // our private structure to hold a JPEG image decode state // typedef struct jpeg_image_tag { int iWidth, iHeight; // image size int iThumbWidth, iThumbHeight; // thumbnail size (if present) int iThumbData; // offset to image data int iXOffset, iYOffset; // placement on the display uint8_t ucBpp, ucSubSample, ucHuffTableUsed; uint8_t ucMode, ucOrientation, ucHasThumb, b11Bit; uint8_t ucComponentsInScan, cApproxBitsLow, cApproxBitsHigh; uint8_t iScanStart, iScanEnd, ucFF, ucNumComponents; uint8_t ucACTable, ucDCTable, ucMaxACCol, ucMaxACRow; uint8_t ucMemType, ucPixelType; int iEXIF; // Offset to EXIF 'TIFF' file int iError; int iOptions; int iVLCOff; // current VLC data offset int iVLCSize; // current quantity of data in the VLC buffer int iResInterval, iResCount; // restart interval int iMaxMCUs; // max MCUs of pixels per JPEGDraw call JPEG_READ_CALLBACK *pfnRead; JPEG_SEEK_CALLBACK *pfnSeek; JPEG_DRAW_CALLBACK *pfnDraw; JPEG_OPEN_CALLBACK *pfnOpen; JPEG_CLOSE_CALLBACK *pfnClose; JPEGCOMPINFO JPCI[MAX_COMPS_IN_SCAN]; /* Max color components */ JPEGFILE JPEGFile; BUFFERED_BITS bb; void *pUser; uint8_t *pDitherBuffer; // provided externally to do Floyd-Steinberg dithering uint16_t usPixels[MAX_BUFFERED_PIXELS]; int16_t sMCUs[DCTSIZE * MAX_MCU_COUNT]; // 4:2:0 needs 6 DCT blocks per MCU int16_t sQuantTable[DCTSIZE*4]; // quantization tables uint8_t ucFileBuf[JPEG_FILE_BUF_SIZE]; // holds temp data and pixel stack uint8_t ucHuffDC[DC_TABLE_SIZE * 2]; // up to 2 'short' tables uint16_t usHuffAC[HUFF11SIZE * 2]; } JPEGIMAGE; #ifdef __cplusplus #if defined(__has_include) && __has_include() #include "FS.h" #endif #define JPEG_STATIC static // // The JPEGDEC class wraps portable C code which does the actual work // class JPEGDEC { public: int openRAM(uint8_t *pData, int iDataSize, JPEG_DRAW_CALLBACK *pfnDraw); int openFLASH(uint8_t *pData, int iDataSize, JPEG_DRAW_CALLBACK *pfnDraw); int open(const char *szFilename, JPEG_OPEN_CALLBACK *pfnOpen, JPEG_CLOSE_CALLBACK *pfnClose, JPEG_READ_CALLBACK *pfnRead, JPEG_SEEK_CALLBACK *pfnSeek, JPEG_DRAW_CALLBACK *pfnDraw); int open(void *fHandle, int iDataSize, JPEG_CLOSE_CALLBACK *pfnClose, JPEG_READ_CALLBACK *pfnRead, JPEG_SEEK_CALLBACK *pfnSeek, JPEG_DRAW_CALLBACK *pfnDraw); #ifdef FS_H int open(File &file, JPEG_DRAW_CALLBACK *pfnDraw); #endif void close(); int decode(int x, int y, int iOptions); int decodeDither(int x, int y, uint8_t *pDither, int iOptions); int getOrientation(); int getWidth(); int getHeight(); int getBpp(); void setUserPointer(void *p); int getSubSample(); int hasThumb(); int getThumbWidth(); int getThumbHeight(); int getLastError(); void setPixelType(int iType); // defaults to little endian void setMaxOutputSize(int iMaxMCUs); private: JPEGIMAGE _jpeg; }; #else #define JPEG_STATIC int JPEG_openRAM(JPEGIMAGE *pJPEG, uint8_t *pData, int iDataSize, JPEG_DRAW_CALLBACK *pfnDraw); int JPEG_openFile(JPEGIMAGE *pJPEG, const char *szFilename, JPEG_DRAW_CALLBACK *pfnDraw); int JPEG_getWidth(JPEGIMAGE *pJPEG); int JPEG_getHeight(JPEGIMAGE *pJPEG); int JPEG_decode(JPEGIMAGE *pJPEG, int x, int y, int iOptions); int JPEG_decodeDither(JPEGIMAGE *pJPEG, uint8_t *pDither, int iOptions); void JPEG_close(JPEGIMAGE *pJPEG); int JPEG_getLastError(JPEGIMAGE *pJPEG); int JPEG_getOrientation(JPEGIMAGE *pJPEG); int JPEG_getBpp(JPEGIMAGE *pJPEG); int JPEG_getSubSample(JPEGIMAGE *pJPEG); int JPEG_hasThumb(JPEGIMAGE *pJPEG); int JPEG_getThumbWidth(JPEGIMAGE *pJPEG); int JPEG_getThumbHeight(JPEGIMAGE *pJPEG); int JPEG_getLastError(JPEGIMAGE *pJPEG); void JPEG_setPixelType(JPEGIMAGE *pJPEG, int iType); // defaults to little endian void JPEG_setMaxOutputSize(JPEGIMAGE *pJPEG, int iMaxMCUs); #endif // __cplusplus // Due to unaligned memory causing an exception, we have to do these macros the slow way #define INTELSHORT(p) ((*p) + (*(p+1)<<8)) #define INTELLONG(p) ((*p) + (*(p+1)<<8) + (*(p+2)<<16) + (*(p+3)<<24)) #define MOTOSHORT(p) (((*(p))<<8) + (*(p+1))) #define MOTOLONG(p) (((*p)<<24) + ((*(p+1))<<16) + ((*(p+2))<<8) + (*(p+3))) // Must be a 32-bit target processor #define REGISTER_WIDTH 32 #endif // __JPEGDEC__