import gc import time from motor import Motor, motor2040 from encoder import Encoder, MMME_CPR from pimoroni import NORMAL_DIR # , REVERSED_DIR """ A program that profiles the speed of a motor across its PWM duty cycle range using the attached encoder for feedback. """ MOTOR_PINS = motor2040.MOTOR_A # The pins of the motor being profiled ENCODER_PINS = motor2040.ENCODER_A # The pins of the encoder attached to the profiled motor GEAR_RATIO = 50 # The gear ratio of the motor COUNTS_PER_REV = MMME_CPR * GEAR_RATIO # The counts per revolution of the motor's output shaft DIRECTION = NORMAL_DIR # The direction to spin the motor in. NORMAL_DIR (0), REVERSED_DIR (1) SPEED_SCALE = 5.4 # The scaling to apply to the motor's speed. Set this to the maximum measured speed ZERO_POINT = 0.0 # The duty cycle that corresponds with zero speed when plotting the motor's speed as a straight line DEAD_ZONE = 0.0 # The duty cycle below which the motor's friction prevents it from moving DUTY_STEPS = 100 # How many duty cycle steps to sample the speed of SETTLE_TIME = 0.1 # How long to wait after changing motor duty cycle CAPTURE_TIME = 0.2 # How long to capture the motor's speed at each step # Free up hardware resources ahead of creating a new Encoder gc.collect() # Create a motor and set its speed scale, and give it a zero deadzone m = Motor(MOTOR_PINS, direction=DIRECTION, speed_scale=SPEED_SCALE, zeropoint=ZERO_POINT, deadzone=DEAD_ZONE) # Create an encoder, using PIO 0 and State Machine 0 enc = Encoder(0, 0, ENCODER_PINS, direction=DIRECTION, counts_per_rev=COUNTS_PER_REV, count_microsteps=True) # Function that performs a single profiling step def profile_at_duty(duty): # Set the motor to a new duty cycle and wait for it to settle if DIRECTION == 1: m.duty(0.0 - duty) else: m.duty(duty) time.sleep(SETTLE_TIME) # Perform a dummy capture to clear the encoder enc.capture() # Wait for the capture time to pass time.sleep(CAPTURE_TIME) # Perform a capture and read the measured speed capture = enc.capture() measured_speed = capture.revolutions_per_second # These are some alternate speed measurements from the encoder # measured_speed = capture.revolutions_per_minute # measured_speed = capture.degrees_per_second # measured_speed = capture.radians_per_second # Print out the expected and measured speeds, as well as their difference print("Duty = ", m.duty(), ", Expected = ", m.speed(), ", Measured = ", measured_speed, ", Diff = ", m.speed() - measured_speed, sep="") # Enable the motor to get started m.enable() print("Profiler Starting...") # Profile from 0% up to one step below 100% for i in range(DUTY_STEPS): profile_at_duty(i / DUTY_STEPS) # Profile from 100% down to one step above 0% for i in range(DUTY_STEPS): profile_at_duty((DUTY_STEPS - i) / DUTY_STEPS) # Profile from 0% down to one step above -100% for i in range(DUTY_STEPS): profile_at_duty(-i / DUTY_STEPS) # Profile from -100% up to one step below 0% for i in range(DUTY_STEPS): profile_at_duty(-(DUTY_STEPS - i) / DUTY_STEPS) # Profile 0% again profile_at_duty(0) print("Profiler Finished...") # Disable the motor now the profiler has finished m.disable()