import time from stellar import StellarUnicorn from picographics import PicoGraphics, DISPLAY_STELLAR_UNICORN as DISPLAY import WIFI_CONFIG from network_manager import NetworkManager import uasyncio as asyncio import uasyncio.core from tinyweb.server import webserver ''' Display scrolling wisdom, quotes or greetz... from the internetz! You can adjust the brightness with LUX + and -. Requires ,, logging.mpy and tinyweb from micropython/examples/common You'll also need index.html to be saved alongside this file. ''' # Server Settings host = "" port = 80 def convert_colour(colour_str): colour_str = colour_str.split(',') print(colour_str) return colour_str[0], colour_str[1], colour_str[2] class text: def get(self, data): global MESSAGE, MESSAGE_COLOUR, BACKGROUND_COLOUR print(data) if 'text' in data.keys(): MESSAGE = data['text'] if 'colourfg' in data.keys(): MESSAGE_COLOUR = convert_colour(data['colourfg']) if 'colourbg' in data.keys(): BACKGROUND_COLOUR = convert_colour(data['colourbg']) return {'message': 'text updated'}, 201 def post(self, data): return {'message': 'text updated'}, 201 def status_handler(mode, status, ip): global MESSAGE print("Network: {}".format(WIFI_CONFIG.SSID)) status_text = "Connecting..." if status is not None: if status: status_text = "Connection successful!" else: status_text = "Connection failed!" print(status_text) print("IP: {}".format(ip)) MESSAGE = "{}".format(ip) # Create web server application app = webserver() # Index page @app.route('/') async def index(request, response): # Send actual HTML page await response.send_file('index.html', content_type='text/html') # HTTP redirection @app.route('/redirect') async def redirect(request, response): # Start HTTP response with content-type text/html await response.redirect('/') # constants for controlling scrolling text PADDING = 5 MESSAGE_COLOUR = (255, 255, 255) OUTLINE_COLOUR = (0, 0, 0) BACKGROUND_COLOUR = (10, 0, 96) MESSAGE = "Connecting" HOLD_TIME = 2.0 STEP_TIME = 0.075 # create galactic object and graphics surface for drawing su = StellarUnicorn() graphics = PicoGraphics(DISPLAY) width = StellarUnicorn.WIDTH height = StellarUnicorn.HEIGHT # function for drawing outlined text def outline_text(text, x, y): graphics.set_pen(graphics.create_pen(int(OUTLINE_COLOUR[0]), int(OUTLINE_COLOUR[1]), int(OUTLINE_COLOUR[2]))) graphics.text(text, x - 1, y - 1, -1, 1) graphics.text(text, x, y - 1, -1, 1) graphics.text(text, x + 1, y - 1, -1, 1) graphics.text(text, x - 1, y, -1, 1) graphics.text(text, x + 1, y, -1, 1) graphics.text(text, x - 1, y + 1, -1, 1) graphics.text(text, x, y + 1, -1, 1) graphics.text(text, x + 1, y + 1, -1, 1) graphics.set_pen(graphics.create_pen(int(MESSAGE_COLOUR[0]), int(MESSAGE_COLOUR[1]), int(MESSAGE_COLOUR[2]))) graphics.text(text, x, y, -1, 1) def run(): # Setup wifi network_manager = NetworkManager(WIFI_CONFIG.COUNTRY, status_handler=status_handler) app.add_resource(text, '/update') # Connect to Wifi network asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(network_manager.client(WIFI_CONFIG.SSID, WIFI_CONFIG.PSK)) while (not network_manager.isconnected()): time.sleep(0.1) su.set_brightness(0.5) # Start wifi connection run() async def message_update(): global MESSAGE last_time = time.ticks_ms() STATE_PRE_SCROLL = 0 STATE_SCROLLING = 1 STATE_POST_SCROLL = 2 shift = 0 state = STATE_PRE_SCROLL # set the font graphics.set_font("bitmap8") # calculate the message width so scrolling can happen msg_width = graphics.measure_text(MESSAGE, 1) while 1: msg_width = graphics.measure_text(MESSAGE, 1) time_ms = time.ticks_ms() if su.is_pressed(StellarUnicorn.SWITCH_BRIGHTNESS_UP): su.adjust_brightness(+0.01) if su.is_pressed(StellarUnicorn.SWITCH_BRIGHTNESS_DOWN): su.adjust_brightness(-0.01) if state == STATE_PRE_SCROLL and time_ms - last_time > HOLD_TIME * 1000: if msg_width + PADDING * 2 >= width: state = STATE_SCROLLING last_time = time_ms if state == STATE_SCROLLING and time_ms - last_time > STEP_TIME * 1000: shift += 1 if shift >= (msg_width + PADDING * 2) - width - 1: state = STATE_POST_SCROLL last_time = time_ms if state == STATE_POST_SCROLL and time_ms - last_time > HOLD_TIME * 1000: state = STATE_PRE_SCROLL shift = 0 last_time = time_ms graphics.set_pen(graphics.create_pen(int(BACKGROUND_COLOUR[0]), int(BACKGROUND_COLOUR[1]), int(BACKGROUND_COLOUR[2]))) graphics.clear() outline_text(MESSAGE, x=PADDING - shift, y=4) # update the display su.update(graphics) # pause for a moment (important or the USB serial device will fail) await asyncio.sleep(0.001) # The following is required to run both the web server and the scrolling text coherently app._server_coro = app._tcp_server(host, port, app.backlog) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() t1 = loop.create_task(message_update()) t2 = loop.create_task(app._server_coro) loop.run_forever()