import time # Pick *one* sensor type by uncommenting the relevant line below: # PMW3901 from breakout_pmw3901 import BreakoutPMW3901 as FlowSensor # PAA5100 # from breakout_paa5100 import BreakoutPAA5100 as FlowSensor flo = FlowSensor() rotation = FlowSensor.DEGREES_0 SIZE = FlowSensor.FRAME_SIZE BYTES = FlowSensor.FRAME_BYTES data = bytearray(BYTES) flo.set_rotation(rotation) offset = 0 value = 0 def value_to_char(value): charmap = " .:-=+*#%@" val = float(value) / 255.0 val *= len(charmap) - 1 chosen_char = charmap[int(val)] return chosen_char * 2 # Double chars to - sort of - correct aspect ratio while(True): print("Capturing...") time.sleep(0.1) # Warning! The frame capture function below can take up to 10 seconds to run! Also, it often fails to capture all bytes. # A shorter timeout (in seconds) can be set with the 'timeout' keyword e.g. frame_capture(data, timeout=6.0) data_size = flo.frame_capture(data) if data_size == BYTES: for y in range(0, SIZE): if rotation == FlowSensor.DEGREES_180 or rotation == FlowSensor.DEGREES_270: y = SIZE - y - 1 for x in range(0, SIZE): if rotation == FlowSensor.DEGREES_180 or rotation == FlowSensor.DEGREES_90: x = SIZE - x - 1 if rotation == FlowSensor.DEGREES_90 or rotation == FlowSensor.DEGREES_270: offset = (x * 35) + y else: offset = (y * 35) + x value = data[offset] print(value_to_char(value), end="") print() else: print("Capture failed. {} bytes received, of {}. Recapturing in ".format(data_size, BYTES)) print("5...") time.sleep(1.0) print("4...") time.sleep(1.0) print("3...") time.sleep(1.0) print("2...") time.sleep(1.0) print("Get Ready!") time.sleep(1.0)