import gc from machine import Pin, PWM from pimoroni_i2c import PimoroniI2C from plasma import WS2812 from motor import Motor from servo import Servo from encoder import Encoder, MMME_CPR # IO Pin Constants GP0 = 0 GP1 = 1 GP2 = 2 A0 = 26 A1 = 27 A2 = 28 GPIOS = (GP0, GP1, GP2, A0, A1, A2) ADCS = (A0, A1, A2) # Index Constants MOTOR_A = 0 MOTOR_B = 1 SERVO_1 = 0 SERVO_2 = 1 SERVO_3 = 2 SERVO_4 = 3 SERVO_5 = 4 SERVO_6 = 5 LED_GP0 = 0 LED_GP1 = 1 LED_GP2 = 2 LED_A0 = 3 LED_A1 = 4 LED_A2 = 5 LED_SERVO_1 = 6 LED_SERVO_2 = 7 LED_SERVO_3 = 8 LED_SERVO_4 = 9 LED_SERVO_5 = 10 LED_SERVO_6 = 11 # Count Constants NUM_GPIOS = 6 NUM_ADCS = 3 NUM_MOTORS = 2 NUM_SERVOS = 6 NUM_LEDS = 12 class Inventor2040W(): AMP_EN_PIN = 3 I2C_SDA_PIN = 4 I2C_SCL_PIN = 5 MOTOR_A_PINS = (6, 7) MOTOR_B_PINS = (8, 9) ENCODER_A_PINS = (19, 18) ENCODER_B_PINS = (17, 16) SERVO_1_PIN = 10 SERVO_2_PIN = 11 SERVO_3_PIN = 12 SERVO_4_PIN = 13 SERVO_5_PIN = 14 SERVO_6_PIN = 15 LED_DATA_PIN = 20 PWM_AUDIO_PIN = 21 USER_SW_PIN = 22 AMP_CORRECTION = 4 DEFAULT_VOLUME = 0.2 def __init__(self, motor_gear_ratio=50, init_motors=True, init_servos=True): # Free up hardware resources gc.collect() # Set up the motors and encoders, if the user wants them self.motors = None if init_motors: cpr = MMME_CPR * motor_gear_ratio self.motors = [Motor(self.MOTOR_A_PINS), Motor(self.MOTOR_B_PINS)] # Set the encoders to use PIO 0 and State Machines 0 and 1 self.encoders = [Encoder(0, 0, self.ENCODER_A_PINS, counts_per_rev=cpr, count_microsteps=True), Encoder(0, 1, self.ENCODER_B_PINS, counts_per_rev=cpr, count_microsteps=True)] # Set up the servos, if the user wants them self.servos = None if init_servos: self.servos = [Servo(i) for i in range(self.SERVO_1_PIN, self.SERVO_6_PIN + 1)] # Set up the i2c for Qw/st and Breakout Garden self.i2c = PimoroniI2C(self.I2C_SDA_PIN, self.I2C_SCL_PIN, 100000) # Set up the amp enable self.__amp_en = Pin(self.AMP_EN_PIN, Pin.OUT) self.audio_pwm = PWM(Pin(self.PWM_AUDIO_PIN)) self.__volume = self.DEFAULT_VOLUME # Set up the user switch self.__switch = Pin(self.USER_SW_PIN, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_DOWN) # Set up the WS2812 LEDs, using PIO 0 and State Machine 2 self.leds = WS2812(NUM_LEDS, 0, 2, self.LED_DATA_PIN) self.leds.start() def switch_pressed(self): return self.__switch.value() def play_tone(self, frequency): try: self.audio_pwm.freq(frequency) except ValueError: self.play_silence() raise ValueError("frequency of range. Expected greater than 0") corrected_volume = (self.__volume ** 4) # Correct for RC Filter curve self.audio_pwm.duty_u16(int(32768 * corrected_volume)) self.unmute_audio() def play_silence(self): self.audio_pwm.freq(44100) corrected_volume = (self.__volume ** 4) # Correct for RC Filter curve self.audio_pwm.duty_u16(int(32768 * corrected_volume)) self.unmute_audio() def stop_playing(self): self.audio_pwm.duty_u16(0) self.mute_audio() def volume(self, volume=None): if volume is None: return self.__volume if volume < 0.01 or volume > 1.0: raise ValueError("volume out of range. Expected 0.0 to 1.0") self.__volume = volume def mute_audio(self): def unmute_audio(self): self.__amp_en.on()