#include #include "pico/stdlib.h" #include "inventor.hpp" /* Demonstrates how to read the angles of Inventor 2040 W's two encoders. Press "User" to exit the program. */ using namespace inventor; // Create an array of encoder pointers const char* ENCODER_NAMES[] = {"A", "B"}; // Create a new Inventor2040W Inventor2040W board; int main() { stdio_init_all(); // Attempt to initialise the board if(board.init()) { // Uncomment the below lines to reverse // the counting direction of an encoder // board.encoders[MOTOR_A].direction(REVERSED_DIR); // board.encoders[MOTOR_B].direction(REVERSED_DIR); // Read the encoders until the user button is pressed while(!board.switch_pressed()) { // Print out the angle of each encoder for(auto e = 0u; e < NUM_MOTORS; e++) { printf("%s = %f, ", ENCODER_NAMES[e], board.encoders[e].degrees()); } printf("\n"); sleep_ms(100); } } }