#pragma once #include #include #include "pico/stdlib.h" #include "hardware/spi.h" //#define WARN(...) {printf(__VA_ARGS__);} #define WARN(...) {} #define PARAM_COUNT(params) sizeof(params) / sizeof(SpiDrv::inParam) // Maximum size of a SSID #define WL_SSID_MAX_LENGTH 32 // Length of passphrase. Valid lengths are 8-63. #define WL_WPA_KEY_MAX_LENGTH 63 // Length of key in bytes. Valid values are 5 and 13. #define WL_WEP_KEY_MAX_LENGTH 13 // Size of a MAC-address or BSSID #define WL_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH 6 // Size of a IP address #define WL_IPV4_LENGTH 4 // Maximum size of a SSID list #define WL_NETWORKS_LIST_MAXNUM 10 #define IF_CHECK_START_CMD() \ if(!wait_for_byte(START_CMD)) { \ WARN("Error waiting START_CMD\n"); \ return false; \ } \ else \ #define CHECK_DATA(check, x) \ if(!read_and_check_byte(check, &x)) { \ WARN("Reply error\n"); \ return false; \ } \ else \ namespace pimoroni { class SpiDrv { //-------------------------------------------------- // Constants //-------------------------------------------------- public: static const uint8_t DEFAULT_CS_PIN = 7; static const uint8_t DEFAULT_SCK_PIN = 18; static const uint8_t DEFAULT_MOSI_PIN = 19; static const uint8_t DEFAULT_MISO_PIN = 16; static const uint8_t DEFAULT_RESETN_PIN = 11; static const uint8_t DEFAULT_GPIO0_PIN = 2; static const uint8_t DEFAULT_ACK_PIN = 10; static const uint8_t DUMMY_DATA = 0xFF; private: static const uint8_t START_CMD = 0xE0; static const uint8_t END_CMD = 0xEE; static const uint8_t ERR_CMD = 0xEF; static const uint8_t CMD_FLAG = 0; static const uint8_t REPLY_FLAG = 1 << 7; static const uint8_t DATA_FLAG = 0x40; static const uint8_t CMD_POS = 1; // Position of Command OpCode on SPI stream static const uint8_t PARAM_LEN_POS = 2; // Position of Param len on SPI stream static const int BYTE_TIMEOUT = 5000; static const int SELECT_ACK_TIMEOUT = 5000; //-------------------------------------------------- // Enums //-------------------------------------------------- public: enum numParams : uint8_t { PARAM_NUMS_0 = 0, PARAM_NUMS_1, PARAM_NUMS_2, PARAM_NUMS_3, PARAM_NUMS_4, PARAM_NUMS_5 }; enum p_type : uint8_t { PARAM_NORMAL, PARAM_BUFFER, PARAM_DUMMY, }; enum cmd_response_type : uint8_t { RESPONSE_TYPE_NORMAL, RESPONSE_TYPE_CMD, RESPONSE_TYPE_DATA8, RESPONSE_TYPE_DATA16, }; enum s_sleep_state : uint8_t { AWAKE, LIGHT_SLEEP, DEEP_SLEEP }; s_sleep_state sleep_state = AWAKE; const char* commands[88] = { // 0x00 -> 0x0f "NULL", "NULL", "NULL", "NULL", "NULL", "NULL", "NULL", "NULL", "NULL", "NULL", "NULL", "NULL", "NULL", "NULL", "NULL", "NULL", // 0x10 -> 0x1f "setNet", "setPassPhrase", "setKey", "NULL", "setIPconfig", "setDNSconfig", "setHostname", "setPowerMode", "setApNet", "setApPassPhrase", "setDebug", "getTemperature", "NULL", "NULL", "NULL", "NULL", // 0x20 -> 0x2f "getConnStatus", "getIPaddr", "getMACaddr", "getCurrSSID", "getCurrBSSID", "getCurrRSSI", "getCurrEnct", "scanNetworks", "startServerTcp", "getStateTcp", "dataSentTcp", "availDataTcp", "getDataTcp", "startClientTcp", "stopClientTcp", "getClientStateTcp", // 0x30 -> 0x3f "disconnect", "NULL", "getIdxRSSI", "getIdxEnct", "reqHostByName", "getHostByName", "startScanNetworks", "getFwVersion", "NULL", "sendUDPdata", "getRemoteData", "getTime", "getIdxBSSID", "getIdxChannel", "ping", "getSocket", // 0x40 -> 0x4f "setClientCert", "setCertKey", "NULL", "NULL", "sendDataTcp", "getDataBufTcp", "insertDataBuf", "NULL", "NULL", "NULL", "wpa2EntSetIdentity", "wpa2EntSetUsername", "wpa2EntSetPassword", "wpa2EntSetCACert", "wpa2EntSetCertKey", "wpa2EntEnable", // 0x50 -> 0x5f "setPinMode", "setDigitalWrite", "setAnalogWrite", "setDigitalRead", "setAnalogRead", "setWakePin", "setLightSleep", "setDeepSleep" }; //-------------------------------------------------- // Substructures //-------------------------------------------------- public: struct outParam { uint8_t param_len; uint8_t* param; }; struct inParam { const uint8_t *addr = nullptr; const uint16_t len = 0; const p_type type = PARAM_NORMAL; }; //-------------------------------------------------- // Variables //-------------------------------------------------- private: spi_inst_t *spi = spi0; int8_t cs = DEFAULT_CS_PIN; int8_t sck = DEFAULT_SCK_PIN; int8_t mosi = DEFAULT_MOSI_PIN; int8_t miso = DEFAULT_MISO_PIN; int8_t resetn = DEFAULT_RESETN_PIN; int8_t gpio0 = DEFAULT_GPIO0_PIN; int8_t ack = DEFAULT_ACK_PIN; //-------------------------------------------------- // Constructors/Destructor //-------------------------------------------------- public: uint32_t command_length = 0; SpiDrv() {} SpiDrv(spi_inst_t *spi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t miso, uint8_t resetn, uint8_t gpio0, uint8_t ack) : spi(spi), cs(cs), sck(sck), mosi(mosi), miso(miso), resetn(resetn), gpio0(gpio0), ack(ack) {} //-------------------------------------------------- // Methods //-------------------------------------------------- public: void init(); void reset(); bool available(); void esp_select(); void esp_deselect(); bool get_esp_ready(); bool get_esp_ack(); bool wait_for_esp_ack(uint32_t timeout_ms=SELECT_ACK_TIMEOUT); bool wait_for_esp_ready(uint32_t timeout_ms=SELECT_ACK_TIMEOUT); bool wait_for_esp_select(uint32_t timeout_ms=SELECT_ACK_TIMEOUT); int wait_for_byte(uint8_t wait_byte); bool read_and_check_byte(uint8_t check_byte, uint8_t *byte_out); uint8_t read_byte(); bool wait_response_params(uint8_t cmd, uint8_t num_param, outParam *params_out); bool wait_response_cmd(uint8_t cmd, uint8_t num_param, uint8_t *param_out, uint16_t *param_len_out); bool wait_response_data8(uint8_t cmd, uint8_t *param_out, uint16_t *param_len_out); bool wait_response_data16(uint8_t cmd, uint8_t *param_out, uint16_t *param_len_out); bool wait_response(uint8_t cmd, uint16_t *num_param_out, uint8_t **params_out, uint8_t max_num_params); void send_param(const uint8_t* param, uint8_t param_len); void send_param_len8(uint8_t param_len); void send_param_len16(uint16_t param_len); uint8_t read_param_len8(uint16_t *param_len_out = nullptr); uint16_t read_param_len16(uint16_t *param_len_out = nullptr); void send_buffer(const uint8_t *param, uint16_t param_len); void start_cmd(uint8_t cmd, uint8_t num_param); void end_cmd(); void pad_to_multiple_of_4(int command_size); static inParam build_param(const std::string *param) { return inParam{.addr = (const uint8_t *)param->data(), .len = (uint16_t)param->length(), .type = PARAM_NORMAL}; }; static inParam build_param(uint32_t *param) { // This type is basically just for IP Addresses AFAIK, probably byteswap any uint32_t you want to survive... return inParam{.addr = (uint8_t *)param, .len = 4, .type = PARAM_NORMAL}; }; static inParam build_param(uint16_t *param) { // Beware ye who doth not pass a byteswapped uint16_t to this function return inParam{.addr = (uint8_t *)param, .len = 2, .type = PARAM_NORMAL}; }; static inParam build_param(uint8_t *param) { // Single bytes are easy, they can't get weird return inParam{.addr = param, .len = 1, .type = PARAM_NORMAL}; }; static inParam build_param(const uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t len) { // Normal params are good up to len 255 return inParam{.addr = buffer, .len = len, .type = PARAM_NORMAL}; }; static inParam build_param_buffer(const uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t len) { // Buffer-type params are for length >255 (usually sending data) but <= 65535 because a uint32_t is too costly for an ESP32 :/ return inParam{.addr = buffer, .len = len, .type = PARAM_BUFFER}; }; static inParam build_param_dummy() { return inParam{.type = PARAM_DUMMY}; }; bool send_command(uint8_t command, const inParam *params_in, uint8_t num_in, uint8_t *data, uint16_t *data_len, cmd_response_type response_type=RESPONSE_TYPE_CMD); bool send_command(uint8_t command, SpiDrv::outParam *params_out, SpiDrv::numParams num_out); private: void get_param(uint8_t *param_out); }; }