
788 wiersze
25 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, sys, stat, re, shutil, socket
from click import argument, command, group, option, secho as echo
from collections import defaultdict, deque
from datetime import datetime
from glob import glob
from hashlib import md5
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
from os.path import abspath, basename, dirname, exists, getmtime, join, realpath, splitext
from subprocess import call, check_output
from time import sleep
# === Globals - all tweakable settings are here ===
PIKU_ROOT = os.environ.get('PIKU_ROOT', join(os.environ['HOME'],'.piku'))
APP_ROOT = abspath(join(PIKU_ROOT, "apps"))
CA_ROOT = abspath(join(PIKU_ROOT, "certs"))
ENV_ROOT = abspath(join(PIKU_ROOT, "envs"))
GIT_ROOT = abspath(join(PIKU_ROOT, "repos"))
LOG_ROOT = abspath(join(PIKU_ROOT, "logs"))
NGINX_ROOT = abspath(join(PIKU_ROOT, "nginx"))
UWSGI_AVAILABLE = abspath(join(PIKU_ROOT, "uwsgi-available"))
UWSGI_ENABLED = abspath(join(PIKU_ROOT, "uwsgi-enabled"))
UWSGI_ROOT = abspath(join(PIKU_ROOT, "uwsgi"))
upstream $APP {
server {
listen [::]:80;
listen 80;
listen [::]:443 ssl;
listen 443 ssl;
ssl on;
ssl_certificate $CA_ROOT/$APP.crt;
ssl_certificate_key $CA_ROOT/$APP.key;
server_name $SERVER_NAME;
access_log $LOG_ROOT/$APP/access.log;
error_log $LOG_ROOT/$APP/error.log;
# set a custom header for requests
add_header X-Deployed-By Piku;
location / {
proxy_pass http://$BIND_ADDRESS:$PORT;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Port $server_port;
proxy_set_header X-Request-Start $msec;
prompt = no
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
req_extensions = v3_req
[ req_distinguished_name ]
C = US
L = New York
O = Piku
OU = Private Certificate Authority
CN = %(domain)s
emailAddress = piku@%(domain)s
[ v3_req ]
basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
subjectAltName = @alt_names
[ alt_names ]
DNS.1 = %(domain)s
DNS.2 = *.%(domain)s
# === Utility functions ===
def sanitize_app_name(app):
"""Sanitize the app name and build matching path"""
app = "".join(c for c in app if c.isalnum() or c in ('.','_')).rstrip()
return app
def exit_if_invalid(app):
"""Utility function for error checking upon command startup."""
app = sanitize_app_name(app)
if not exists(join(APP_ROOT, app)):
echo("Error: app '%s' not found." % app, fg='red')
return app
def get_free_port(address=""):
"""Find a free TCP port (entirely at random)"""
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
port = s.getsockname()[1]
return port
def write_config(filename, bag, separator='='):
"""Helper for writing out config files"""
with open(filename, 'w') as h:
for k, v in bag.iteritems():
h.write('%s%s%s\n' % (k,separator,str(v)))
def setup_authorized_keys(ssh_fingerprint, script_path, pubkey):
"""Sets up an authorized_keys file to redirect SSH commands"""
authorized_keys = join(os.environ['HOME'],'.ssh','authorized_keys')
if not exists(dirname(authorized_keys)):
# Restrict features and force all SSH commands to go through our script
with open(authorized_keys, 'a') as h:
h.write("""command="FINGERPRINT=%(ssh_fingerprint)s NAME=default %(script_path)s $SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND",no-agent-forwarding,no-user-rc,no-X11-forwarding,no-port-forwarding %(pubkey)s\n""" % locals())
os.chmod(authorized_keys, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR)
def parse_procfile(filename):
"""Parses a Procfile and returns the worker types. Only one worker of each type is allowed."""
workers = {}
if not exists(filename):
return None
with open(filename, 'r') as procfile:
for line in procfile:
kind, command = map(lambda x: x.strip(), line.split(":", 1))
if kind in ['web', 'worker', 'wsgi']:
workers[kind] = command
echo("Warning: unrecognized Procfile declaration '%s'" % line, fg='yellow')
if not len(workers):
return {}
# WSGI trumps regular web workers
if 'wsgi' in workers:
if 'web' in workers:
return workers
def expandvars(buffer, env, default=None, skip_escaped=False):
"""expand shell-style environment variables in a buffer"""
def replace_var(match):
return env.get(match.group(2) or match.group(1), match.group(0) if default is None else default)
pattern = (r'(?<!\\)' if skip_escaped else '') + r'\$(\w+|\{([^}]*)\})'
return re.sub(pattern, replace_var, buffer)
def parse_settings(filename, env={}):
"""Parses a settings file and returns a dict with environment variables"""
if not exists(filename):
return {}
with open(filename, 'r') as settings:
for line in settings:
if '#' == line[0]: # allow for comments
k, v = map(lambda x: x.strip(), line.split("=", 1))
env[k] = expandvars(v, env)
echo("Error: malformed setting '%s', ignoring file." % line, fg='red')
return {}
return env
def do_deploy(app, deltas={}):
"""Deploy an app by resetting the work directory"""
app_path = join(APP_ROOT, app)
procfile = join(app_path, 'Procfile')
log_path = join(LOG_ROOT, app)
env = {'GIT_WORK_DIR': app_path}
if exists(app_path):
echo("-----> Deploying app '%s'" % app, fg='green')
call('git pull --quiet', cwd=app_path, env=env, shell=True)
call('git checkout -f', cwd=app_path, env=env, shell=True)
if not exists(log_path):
workers = parse_procfile(procfile)
if len(workers):
if exists(join(app_path, 'requirements.txt')):
echo("-----> Python app detected.", fg='green')
deploy_python(app, deltas)
elif exists(join(app_path, 'Godeps')) or len(glob(join(app_path,'*.go'))):
echo("-----> Go app detected.", fg='green')
deploy_go(app, deltas)
echo("-----> Could not detect runtime!", fg='red')
# TODO: detect other runtimes
echo("Error: Invalid Procfile for app '%s'." % app, fg='red')
echo("Error: app '%s' not found." % app, fg='red')
def deploy_go(app, deltas={}):
"""Deploy a Go application"""
go_path = join(ENV_ROOT, app)
deps = join(APP_ROOT, app, 'Godeps')
first_time = False
if not exists(go_path):
echo("-----> Creating GOPATH for '%s'" % app, fg='green')
# copy across a pre-built GOPATH to save provisioning time
call('cp -a $HOME/gopath %s' % app, cwd=ENV_ROOT, shell=True)
first_time = True
if exists(deps):
if first_time or getmtime(deps) > getmtime(go_path):
echo("-----> Running godep for '%s'" % app, fg='green')
env = {
'GOPATH': '$HOME/gopath',
'GOROOT': '$HOME/go',
'PATH': '$PATH:$HOME/go/bin',
call('godep update ...', cwd=join(APP_ROOT, app), env=env, shell=True)
spawn_app(app, deltas)
def deploy_python(app, deltas={}):
"""Deploy a Python application"""
virtualenv_path = join(ENV_ROOT, app)
requirements = join(APP_ROOT, app, 'requirements.txt')
first_time = False
if not exists(virtualenv_path):
echo("-----> Creating virtualenv for '%s'" % app, fg='green')
call('virtualenv %s' % app, cwd=ENV_ROOT, shell=True)
first_time = True
activation_script = join(virtualenv_path,'bin','activate_this.py')
execfile(activation_script, dict(__file__=activation_script))
if first_time or getmtime(requirements) > getmtime(virtualenv_path):
echo("-----> Running pip for '%s'" % app, fg='green')
call('pip install -r %s' % requirements, cwd=virtualenv_path, shell=True)
spawn_app(app, deltas)
def spawn_app(app, deltas={}):
"""Create all workers for an app"""
app_path = join(APP_ROOT, app)
procfile = join(app_path, 'Procfile')
workers = parse_procfile(procfile)
ordinals = defaultdict(lambda:1)
worker_count = {k:1 for k in workers.keys()}
# the Python virtualenv
virtualenv_path = join(ENV_ROOT, app)
# Settings shipped with the app
env_file = join(APP_ROOT, app, 'ENV')
# Custom overrides
settings = join(ENV_ROOT, app, 'ENV')
# Live settings
live = join(ENV_ROOT, app, 'LIVE_ENV')
# Scaling
scaling = join(ENV_ROOT, app, 'SCALING')
# Bootstrap environment
env = {
'APP': app,
'HOME': os.environ['HOME'],
'USER': os.environ['USER'],
'PATH': os.environ['PATH'],
'PORT': str(get_free_port()),
'PWD': dirname(env_file),
'VIRTUAL_ENV': virtualenv_path,
# Load environment variables shipped with repo (if any)
if exists(env_file):
env.update(parse_settings(env_file, env))
# Override with custom settings (if any)
if exists(settings):
env.update(parse_settings(settings, env))
# Configured worker count
if exists(scaling):
worker_count.update({k: int(v) for k,v in parse_procfile(scaling).iteritems()})
to_create = {}
to_destroy = {}
for k, v in worker_count.iteritems():
to_create[k] = range(1,worker_count[k] + 1)
if k in deltas and deltas[k]:
to_create[k] = range(1, worker_count[k] + deltas[k] + 1)
if deltas[k] < 0:
to_destroy[k] = range(worker_count[k], worker_count[k] + deltas[k], -1)
worker_count[k] = worker_count[k]+deltas[k]
# Save current settings
write_config(live, env)
write_config(scaling, worker_count, ':')
# Create new workers
for k, v in to_create.iteritems():
for w in v:
enabled = join(UWSGI_ENABLED, '%s_%s.%d.ini' % (app, k, w))
if not exists(enabled):
echo("-----> Spawning '%s:%s.%d'" % (app, k, w), fg='green')
spawn_worker(app, k, workers[k], env, w)
# Remove unnecessary workers (leave logfiles)
for k, v in to_destroy.iteritems():
for w in v:
enabled = join(UWSGI_ENABLED, '%s_%s.%d.ini' % (app, k, w))
if exists(enabled):
echo("-----> Terminating '%s:%s.%d'" % (app, k, w), fg='yellow')
# Set up nginx if $SERVER_NAME is present
if 'SERVER_NAME' in env:
domain = env['SERVER_NAME'].split()[0]
key, req, crt, conf = [join(CA_ROOT,'%s.%s' % (app,x)) for x in ['key','req','crt','conf']]
cakey, cacrt = [join(CA_ROOT, 'ca.%s' % x) for x in ['key','crt']]
serial = md5(domain + str(datetime.now())).hexdigest()
if not exists(key):
call('openssl genrsa -out %(key)s 1024' % locals(), shell=True)
with open(conf,'w') as h:
h.write(SSL_TEMPLATE % locals())
call('openssl req -new -key %(key)s -out %(req)s -config %(conf)s' % locals(), shell=True)
call('openssl x509 -req -days 3650 -in %(req)s -CA %(cacrt)s -CAkey %(cakey)s -passin pass:piku -set_serial 0x%(serial)s -out %(crt)s -extensions v3_req -extfile %(conf)s' % locals(), shell=True)
buffer = expandvars(NGINX_TEMPLATE, env)
echo("-----> Setting up nginx for '%s:%s'" % (app, env['SERVER_NAME']))
with open(join(NGINX_ROOT,"%s.conf" % app), "w") as h:
def spawn_worker(app, kind, command, env, ordinal=1):
"""Set up and deploy a single worker of a given kind"""
env_path = join(ENV_ROOT, app)
available = join(UWSGI_AVAILABLE, '%s_%s.%d.ini' % (app, kind, ordinal))
enabled = join(UWSGI_ENABLED, '%s_%s.%d.ini' % (app, kind, ordinal))
settings = [
('virtualenv', join(ENV_ROOT, app)),
('chdir', join(APP_ROOT, app)),
('master', 'true'),
('project', app),
('max-requests', '1000'),
('processes', '1'),
('procname-prefix', '%s:%s:' % (app, kind)),
('enable-threads', 'true'),
('log-maxsize', UWSGI_LOG_MAXSIZE),
('logto', '%s.%d.log' % (join(LOG_ROOT, app, kind), ordinal)),
('log-backupname', '%s.%d.log.old' % (join(LOG_ROOT, app, kind), ordinal)),
for k, v in env.iteritems():
settings.append(('env', '%s=%s' % (k,v)))
if kind == 'wsgi':
echo("-----> Setting HTTP port to %s" % env['PORT'], fg='yellow')
('module', command),
('threads', '4'),
('plugin', 'python'),
('http', ':%s' % env['PORT']),
('http-socket', ':%s' % env['PORT']),
settings.append(('attach-daemon', command))
with open(available, 'w') as h:
for k, v in settings:
h.write("%s = %s\n" % (k, v))
shutil.copyfile(available, enabled)
def multi_tail(app, filenames, catch_up=20):
"""Tails multiple log files"""
# Seek helper
def peek(handle):
where = handle.tell()
line = handle.readline()
if not line:
return None
return line
inodes = {}
files = {}
prefixes = {}
# Set up current state for each log file
for f in filenames:
prefixes[f] = splitext(basename(f))[0]
files[f] = open(f)
inodes[f] = os.stat(f).st_ino
files[f].seek(0, 2)
longest = max(map(len, prefixes.values()))
# Grab a little history (if any)
for f in filenames:
for line in deque(open(f), catch_up):
yield "%s | %s" % (prefixes[f].ljust(longest), line)
while True:
updated = False
# Check for updates on every file
for f in filenames:
line = peek(files[f])
if not line:
updated = True
yield "%s | %s" % (prefixes[f].ljust(longest), line)
if not updated:
# Check if logs rotated
for f in filenames:
if exists(f):
if os.stat(f).st_ino != inodes[f]:
files[f] = open(f)
inodes[f] = os.stat(f).st_ino
# === CLI commands ===
def piku():
"""The smallest PaaS you've ever seen"""
def cleanup(ctx):
"""Callback from command execution -- add debugging to taste"""
# --- User commands ---
def list_apps():
"""List applications"""
for a in os.listdir(APP_ROOT):
echo(a, fg='green')
def deploy_app(app):
"""Show application configuration"""
app = exit_if_invalid(app)
config_file = join(ENV_ROOT, app, 'ENV')
if exists(config_file):
echo(open(config_file).read().strip(), fg='white')
echo("Warning: app '%s' not deployed, no config found." % app, fg='yellow')
def deploy_app(app, setting):
"""Retrieve a configuration setting"""
app = exit_if_invalid(app)
config_file = join(ENV_ROOT, app, 'ENV')
if exists(config_file):
env = parse_settings(config_file)
if setting in env:
echo("%s" % env[setting], fg='white')
echo("Warning: no active configuration for '%s'" % app)
@argument('settings', nargs=-1)
def deploy_app(app, settings):
"""Set a configuration setting"""
app = exit_if_invalid(app)
config_file = join(ENV_ROOT, app, 'ENV')
env = parse_settings(config_file)
items = {}
for s in settings:
k, v = map(lambda x: x.strip(), s.split("=", 1))
env[k] = v
echo("Setting %s=%s for '%s'" % (k, v, app), fg='white')
echo("Error: malformed setting '%s'" % s, fg='red')
write_config(config_file, env)
def deploy_app(app):
"""Show live configuration settings"""
app = exit_if_invalid(app)
live_config = join(ENV_ROOT, app, 'LIVE_ENV')
if exists(live_config):
echo(open(live_config).read().strip(), fg='white')
echo("Warning: app '%s' not deployed, no config found." % app, fg='yellow')
def deploy_app(app):
"""Deploy an application"""
app = exit_if_invalid(app)
def destroy_app(app):
"""Destroy an application"""
app = exit_if_invalid(app)
for p in [join(x, app) for x in [APP_ROOT, GIT_ROOT, ENV_ROOT, LOG_ROOT]]:
if exists(p):
echo("Removing folder '%s'" % p, fg='yellow')
for p in [join(x, '%s*.ini' % app) for x in [UWSGI_AVAILABLE, UWSGI_ENABLED]]:
g = glob(p)
if len(g):
for f in g:
echo("Removing file '%s'" % f, fg='yellow')
nginx_files = [join(CA_ROOT, "%s.%s" % (app,x)) for x in ['conf','key','crt']]
nginx_files.append(join(NGINX_ROOT,"%s.conf" % app))
for f in nginx_files:
if exists(f):
echo("Removing file '%s'" % f, fg='yellow')
def tail_logs(app):
"""Tail an application log"""
app = exit_if_invalid(app)
logfiles = glob(join(LOG_ROOT, app, '*.log'))
if len(logfiles):
for line in multi_tail(app, logfiles):
echo(line.strip(), fg='white')
echo("No logs found for app '%s'." % app, fg='yellow')
def deploy_app(app):
"""Show application worker count"""
app = exit_if_invalid(app)
config_file = join(ENV_ROOT, app, 'SCALING')
if exists(config_file):
echo(open(config_file).read().strip(), fg='white')
echo("Error: no workers found for app '%s'." % app, fg='red')
@argument('settings', nargs=-1)
def deploy_app(app, settings):
"""Show application configuration"""
app = exit_if_invalid(app)
config_file = join(ENV_ROOT, app, 'SCALING')
worker_count = {k:int(v) for k, v in parse_procfile(config_file).iteritems()}
items = {}
deltas = {}
for s in settings:
k, v = map(lambda x: x.strip(), s.split("=", 1))
c = int(v) # check for integer value
if c < 0:
echo("Error: cannot scale type '%s' below 0" % k, fg='red')
if k not in worker_count:
echo("Error: worker type '%s' not present in '%s'" % (k, app), fg='red')
deltas[k] = c - worker_count[k]
echo("Error: malformed setting '%s'" % s, fg='red')
do_deploy(app, deltas)
def restart_app(app):
"""Restart an application"""
app = exit_if_invalid(app)
config = glob(join(UWSGI_ENABLED, '%s*.ini' % app))
if len(config):
echo("Restarting app '%s'..." % app, fg='yellow')
for c in config:
echo("Error: app '%s' not deployed!" % app, fg='red')
def init_paths():
"""Initialize environment"""
# Create required paths
if not exists(p):
echo("Creating '%s'." % p, fg='green')
# Set up the uWSGI emperor config
settings = [
('chdir', UWSGI_ROOT),
('emperor', UWSGI_ENABLED),
('log-maxsize', UWSGI_LOG_MAXSIZE),
('logto', join(UWSGI_ROOT, 'uwsgi.log')),
('log-backupname', join(UWSGI_ROOT, 'uwsgi.old.log')),
('socket', join(UWSGI_ROOT, 'uwsgi.sock')),
('enable-threads', 'true'),
('threads', '%d' % (cpu_count() * 2)),
with open(join(UWSGI_ROOT,'uwsgi.ini'), 'w') as h:
for k, v in settings:
h.write("%s = %s\n" % (k, v))
# Create a local certificate authority
key, crt, conf = [join(CA_ROOT, 'ca.%s' % x) for x in ['key','crt','conf']]
domain = 'piku.local'
if not exists(key):
echo("Creating local certificate authority...", fg='yellow')
call('openssl genrsa -des3 -out %(key)s 4096' % locals(), shell=True)
with open(conf,'w') as h:
h.write(SSL_TEMPLATE % locals())
call('openssl req -new -x509 -days 3650 -key %(key)s -passout pass:piku -out %(crt)s -config %(conf)s' % locals(), shell=True)
# mark this script as executable (in case we were invoked via interpreter)
this_script = realpath(__file__)
if not(os.stat(this_script).st_mode & stat.S_IXUSR):
echo("Setting '%s' as executable." % this_script, fg='yellow')
os.chmod(this_script, os.stat(this_script).st_mode | stat.S_IXUSR)
def add_key(public_key_file):
"""Set up a new SSH key"""
if exists(public_key_file):
fingerprint = check_output('ssh-keygen -lf %s' % public_key_file, shell=True).split(' ',4)[1]
if re.match('(([0-9a-f]{2}\:){16})', '%s:' % fingerprint):
key = open(public_key_file).read().strip()
echo("Adding key '%s'." % fingerprint, fg='white')
setup_authorized_keys(fingerprint, realpath(__file__), key)
echo("Error: invalid public key file '%s'" % public_key_file, fg='red')
echo("Error: public key file '%s' not found." % public_key_file, fg='red')
def stop_app(app):
"""Stop an application"""
app = exit_if_invalid(app)
config = glob(join(UWSGI_ENABLED, '%s*.ini' % app))
if len(config):
echo("Stopping app '%s'..." % app, fg='yellow')
for c in config:
echo("Error: app '%s' not deployed!" % app, fg='red')
# --- Internal commands ---
def git_hook(app):
"""INTERNAL: Post-receive git hook"""
app = sanitize_app_name(app)
repo_path = join(GIT_ROOT, app)
app_path = join(APP_ROOT, app)
for line in sys.stdin:
oldrev, newrev, refname = line.strip().split(" ")
#print "refs:", oldrev, newrev, refname
if refname == "refs/heads/master":
# Handle pushes to master branch
if not exists(app_path):
echo("-----> Creating app '%s'" % app, fg='green')
call('git clone --quiet %s %s' % (repo_path, app), cwd=APP_ROOT, shell=True)
# TODO: Handle pushes to another branch
echo("receive-branch '%s': %s, %s" % (app, newrev, refname))
def receive(app):
"""INTERNAL: Handle git pushes for an app"""
app = sanitize_app_name(app)
hook_path = join(GIT_ROOT, app, 'hooks', 'post-receive')
if not exists(hook_path):
# Initialize the repository with a hook to this script
call("git init --quiet --bare " + app, cwd=GIT_ROOT, shell=True)
with open(hook_path,'w') as h:
h.write("""#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e; set -o pipefail;
cat | PIKU_ROOT="%s" %s git-hook %s""" % (PIKU_ROOT, realpath(__file__), app))
# Make the hook executable by our user
os.chmod(hook_path, os.stat(hook_path).st_mode | stat.S_IXUSR)
# Handle the actual receive. We'll be called with 'git-hook' after it happens
call('git-shell -c "%s"' % " ".join(sys.argv[1:]), cwd=GIT_ROOT, shell=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':