# pico-webserver Webserver example that came with TinyUSB slightly modified to run on a Raspberry Pi Pico. Lets the Pico pretend to be a USB Ethernet device. Runs a webinterface at ## Build dependencies On Debian: ``` sudo apt install git build-essential cmake gcc-arm-none-eabi ``` Your Linux distribution does need to provide a recent CMake (3.13+). If not, compile [CMake from source](https://cmake.org/download/#latest) first. ## Build instructions ``` git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/maxnet/pico-webserver cd pico-webserver git submodule update --init mkdir -p build cd build cmake .. make ``` Copy the resulting pico_webserver.uf2 file to the Pico mass storage device manually. Webserver will be available at Content it is serving is in /fs If you change any files there, run ./regen-fsdata.sh By default it shows a webpage that led you toggle the Pico's led, and allows you to switch to BOOTSEL mode.