
171 wiersze
7.6 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: us-ascii -*-
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:softtabstop=4:smarttab:expandtab
def find_names_in_modules(modules):
names = set()
for module in modules:
mod = __import__(module)
return names
import optparse, sys
def option_callback_W(option, opt, value, parser):
# Options preceded by a "-Wl," are simply treated as though the "-Wl,"
# is not there? I don't understand the purpose of this code...
if len(value) < 4 or value[0:3] != 'l,-':
raise optparse.BadOptionError("not in '-Wl,<opt>' form: %s%s"
% (opt, value))
opt = value[2:]
if opt not in ['-L', '-R', '--rpath']:
raise optparse.BadOptionError("-Wl option must be -L, -R"
" or --rpath, not " + value[2:])
# Push the linker option onto the list for further parsing.
parser.rargs.insert(0, value)
def option_callback_libdir(option, opt, value, parser):
# There are two sets of linker search paths: those for use at compile time
# and those for use at runtime. Search paths specified with -L, -R, or
# --rpath are added to both sets.
import ctypesgencore
import ctypesgencore.messages as msgs
if __name__=="__main__":
usage = 'usage: %prog [options] /path/to/header.h ...'
op = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
# Parameters
op.add_option('-o', '--output', dest='output', metavar='FILE',
help='write wrapper to FILE [default stdout]')
op.add_option('-l', '--library', dest='libraries', action='append',
default=[], metavar='LIBRARY', help='link to LIBRARY')
op.add_option('', '--include', dest='other_headers', action='append',
default=[], metavar='HEADER',
help='include system header HEADER (e.g. stdio.h or stdlib.h)')
op.add_option('-m', '--module', '--link-module', action='append',
dest='modules', metavar='MODULE', default=[],
help='use symbols from Python module MODULE')
op.add_option('-I', '--includedir', dest='include_search_paths',
action='append', default=[], metavar='INCLUDEDIR',
help='add INCLUDEDIR as a directory to search for headers')
op.add_option('-W', action="callback", callback=option_callback_W,
metavar="l,OPTION", type="str",
help="where OPTION is -L, -R, or --rpath")
op.add_option("-L", "-R", "--rpath", "--libdir", action="callback",
callback=option_callback_libdir, metavar="LIBDIR", type="str",
help="Add LIBDIR to the search path (both compile-time and run-time)")
op.add_option('', "--compile-libdir", action="append",
dest="compile_libdirs", metavar="LIBDIR", default=[],
help="Add LIBDIR to the compile-time library search path.")
op.add_option('', "--runtime-libdir", action="append",
dest="runtime_libdirs", metavar="LIBDIR", default=[],
help="Add LIBDIR to the run-time library search path.")
# Parser options
op.add_option('', '--cpp', dest='cpp', default='gcc -E',
help='The command to invoke the c preprocessor, including any ' \
'necessary options (default: gcc -E)')
op.add_option('', '--save-preprocessed-headers', metavar='FILENAME',
dest='save_preprocessed_headers', default=None,
help='Save the preprocessed headers to the specified FILENAME')
# Processor options
op.add_option('-a', '--all-headers', action='store_true',
dest='all_headers', default=False,
help='include symbols from all headers, including system headers')
op.add_option('', '--builtin-symbols', action='store_true',
dest='builtin_symbols', default=False,
help='include symbols automatically generated by the preprocessor')
op.add_option('', '--no-macros', action='store_false', dest='include_macros',
default=True, help="Don't output macros.")
op.add_option('-i', '--include-symbols', dest='include_symbols',
default=None, help='regular expression for symbols to always include')
op.add_option('-x', '--exclude-symbols', dest='exclude_symbols',
default=None, help='regular expression for symbols to exclude')
op.add_option('', '--no-stddef-types', action='store_true',
dest='no_stddef_types', default=False,
help='Do not support extra C types from stddef.h')
op.add_option('', '--no-gnu-types', action='store_true',
dest='no_gnu_types', default=False,
help='Do not support extra GNU C types')
op.add_option('', '--no-python-types', action='store_true',
dest='no_python_types', default=False,
help='Do not support extra C types built in to Python')
# Printer options
op.add_option('', '--header-template', dest='header_template', default=None,
help='Use TEMPLATE as the header template in the output file.')
op.add_option('', '--strip-build-path', dest='strip_build_path',
default=None, metavar='BUILD_PATH',
help='Strip build path from header paths in the wrapper file.')
op.add_option('', '--insert-file', dest='inserted_files', default=[],
action='append', metavar='FILENAME',
help='Add the contents of FILENAME to the end of the wrapper file.')
op.add_option('', '--output-language', dest='output_language', metavar='LANGUAGE',
help="Choose output language (`json' or `python' [default])")
# Error options
op.add_option('', "--all-errors", action="store_true", default=False,
dest="show_all_errors", help="Display all warnings and errors even " \
"if they would not affect output.")
op.add_option('', "--show-long-errors", action="store_true", default=False,
dest="show_long_errors", help="Display long error messages " \
"instead of abbreviating error messages.")
op.add_option('', "--no-macro-warnings", action="store_false", default=True,
dest="show_macro_warnings", help="Do not print macro warnings.")
(options, args) = op.parse_args(list(sys.argv[1:]))
options.headers = args
# Figure out what names will be defined by imported Python modules
options.other_known_names = find_names_in_modules(options.modules)
# Required parameters
if len(args) < 1:
msgs.error_message('No header files specified', cls='usage')
if len(options.libraries) == 0:
msgs.warning_message('No libraries specified', cls='usage')
# Check output language
printer = None
if options.output_language == "python":
printer = ctypesgencore.printer_python.WrapperPrinter
elif options.output_language == "json":
printer = ctypesgencore.printer_json.WrapperPrinter
msgs.error_message("No such output language `" + options.output_language + "'", cls='usage')
# Step 1: Parse
# Step 2: Process
# Step 3: Print
msgs.status_message("Wrapping complete.")
# Correct what may be a common mistake
if descriptions.all == []:
if not options.all_headers:
msgs.warning_message("There wasn't anything of use in the " \
"specified header file(s). Perhaps you meant to run with " \
"--all-headers to include objects from included sub-headers? ",
cls = 'usage')