# Compiles firmware written in C and assembler for the Atmel SAM D20 # Copyright (C) 2014 # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # # The primary targets in this file are: # # all Everything # print-symlinks DEVICE= Prints any symlinks to a given device # etags Generates an ETAGS file for the project # emacs Launches emacs for this project # verification Runs the ctypesgen needs for verif. scripts # clean Removes generated files # # This makefile is intended to be run from the root of the project. # # External configuration makefile # # Edit the project name, and compilation flags etc. in this makefile # -include config.mk # Directories # # These define the locations of the source, nordic sdk and output trees. # OUTPUT_PATH := out/ SOURCE_TREE := src/ INCLUDE_PATH := inc/ # Shell Commands # # Listed here for portability. # CAT := cat ECHO := echo FIND := find GREP := grep MKDIR := mkdir -p RM := rm -r SED := sed TR := tr # ARM GCC Toolchain # # These tools are available from https://launchpad.net/gcc-arm-embedded/ and # should be placed on your path. ALternatively you could compile your own. # TOOLCHAIN := arm-none-eabi AS := $(TOOLCHAIN)-as CC := $(TOOLCHAIN)-gcc DB := $(TOOLCHAIN)-gdb CXX := $(TOOLCHAIN)-g++ OBJCOPY := $(TOOLCHAIN)-objcopy OBJDUMP := $(TOOLCHAIN)-objdump SIZE := $(TOOLCHAIN)-size # The SAM D20 series is based on an ARM Cortex M0+ core # # ARCH_FLAGS := -mcpu=cortex-m0plus -mthumb # Flags for float printing # # LDFLAGS += --specs=rdimon.specs -lrdimon # Compilation Flags # # Display all warnings. Compile functions and data into their own sections so # they can be discarded if unused. The linker performs garbage collection of # unused input sections. # CFLAGS += $(COMPILATION_FLAGS) -Wall -Wextra $(ACCEPT_WARN) -std=gnu99 \ -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections $(ARCH_FLAGS) ASFLAGS += -Wall $(ARCH_FLAGS) -a=/dev/null LDFLAGS += $(COMPILATION_FLAGS) $(LINKER_FLAGS) -Wextra $(ARCH_FLAGS) # Compilation Defines # # These are available for use as macros # ifdef TARGET_CHIP CFLAGS += -D$(TARGET_CHIP) -D__$(TARGET_CHIP)__ endif ifdef SEMIHOSTING CFLAGS += -D__SEMIHOSTING__ endif # Startup and system code # # SYSTEM ?= chip/system_samd20.c chip/startup_samd20.c INCLUDE_PATH += chip/ chip/cmsis/ samd20/ samd20/component/ test/tc/ # Verification suite code # # SYSTEM += test/tmain.c # Linker Scripts # # LINKERS ?= chip/$(shell echo $(TARGET_CHIP) | $(TR) A-Z a-z).ld chip/sections.ld # Our compilation target # # TARGET := $(OUTPUT_PATH)$(PROJECT_NAME) # Build our list of all our sources # # The entirety of the source directory are included, along with # everything in certain directories in the SDK. This has security # implications: Anything that makes it into your source tree will get # compiled and linked into your binary. # VPATH = $(SOURCE_PATH) TREE_SOURCES = $(shell $(FIND) $(SOURCE_TREE) -name '*.[csS]') SOURCES = $(SYSTEM) $(TREE_SOURCES) # Translate this list of sources into a list of required objects in # the output directory. objects = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(patsubst %.s,%.o,$(patsubst %.S,%.o, \ $(SOURCES)))) OBJECTS = $(addprefix $(OUTPUT_PATH),$(objects)) # Assemble a list of c and h files that are used in this project # TAGFILES = $(SOURCES) $(shell $(CAT) $(OBJECTS:.o=.d) \ | $(SED) -n '/^.*\.h:/p' | $(SED) 's/://g') # Default target # # all: $(TARGET).elf etags # Rule for generating object and dependancy files from source files. # # Creates a directory in the output tree if nessesary. File is only # compiled, not linked. Dependancy generation is automatic, but only # for user header files. Every depandancy in the .d is appended to the # .d as a target, so that if they stop existing the corresponding # object file will be re-compiled. # $(OUTPUT_PATH)%.o: %.c @$(ECHO) @$(ECHO) 'Compiling $<...' @$(MKDIR) $(OUTPUT_PATH)$(dir $<) $(CC) -c -MMD -MP $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(addprefix -I,$(INCLUDE_PATH)) -o $@ $< # Attempt to include the dependancy makefiles for every object in this makefile. # # This means that object files depend on the header files they include. # -include $(OBJECTS:.o=.d) # Rule for generating object files from assembler files # # Creates a directory in the output tree if nessesary. The file is only # assembled, not linked. # $(OUTPUT_PATH)%.o: %.s @$(ECHO) @$(ECHO) 'Assembling $<...' @$(MKDIR) $(OUTPUT_PATH)$(dir $<) $(AS) $(ASFLAGS) -o $@ $< # Generate the main build artifact. # # A .elf containing all the symbols (i.e. debugging information if the compiler # / linker was run with -g) is created, alongside an intel hex file. A just # about human-readable .map is also created. # $(TARGET).elf: $(OBJECTS) $(LINKERS) gdbscript Makefile config.mk @$(ECHO) @$(ECHO) 'Linking $@...' $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(addprefix -T,$(LINKERS)) -Wl,-Map,$(@:.elf=.map) -o $@ $(OBJECTS) @$(OBJCOPY) -O binary $@ $(@:.elf=.bin) @$(OBJCOPY) -O ihex $@ $(@:.elf=.hex) @$(ECHO) $(SIZE) $@ @$(ECHO) @$(SIZE) $@ | tail -1 - \ | awk '{print "ROM Usage: "int(($$1+$$2)/10.24)/100"K"}' @$(SIZE) $@ | tail -1 - \ | awk '{print "RAM Usage: "int(($$2+$$3)/10.24)/100"K"}' @$(ECHO) # Creates debugging command list for gdb # # These tell gdb which file to debug and which debugger to use # gdbscript: Makefile config.mk @$(ECHO) "# Load our .elf file into GDB" > gdbscript @$(ECHO) "file $(TARGET).elf" >> gdbscript ifdef BLACKMAGIC_PATH @$(ECHO) "# Connect to a specified blackmagic" >> gdbscript @$(ECHO) "target extended-remote $(BLACKMAGIC_PATH)" >> gdbscript endif # Prints a list of symlinks to a device # # Use it like `make print-symlinks DEVICE=/dev/ttyACM0` # .PHONY: print-symlinks print-symlinks: @$(ECHO) 'Symlinks to $(DEVICE):' @udevadm info --query symlink -n $(DEVICE) | \ $(SED) -e 's/ /\n/' | $(SED) -e 's/^/\t/' # Generates an etags file for the project # # etags: $(TAGFILES) @$(ECHO) "Generating ETAGS..." @etags $^ # Launches emacs with all the files used for this project # .PHONY: emacs emacs: @emacs23 $(TAGFILES) Makefile config.mk README.md # Test # TESTCASES := $(shell $(FIND) test/tc -name '*.[h]') .PHONY: test test: test/main.py all @echo "Running tests..." $(DB) -q -x test/tests.py # Ctypesgen for test test/main.py: test/tmain.c $(TESTCASES) @echo "Generating Python Wrappers...." @echo test/ctypesgen/ctypesgen.py -o $@ \ --cpp="$(CC) -E -DCTYPESGEN $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) \ $(addprefix -I,$(INCLUDE_PATH))" $^ # Removes everything in the output directory # # # .PHONY: clean clean: $(RM) $(OUTPUT_PATH)* $(RM) gdbscript $(RM) TAGS $(RM) test/main.py*