## About debugging This [executive summary](about.md) might be of interest, particularly if you are new to debugging. ## building Pico applications For applications that use pico-sdk (pico-examples, etc. ... this is true of nearly all code), please follow the instructions in [building.md](building.md). ## debugging Pico applications with pico-debug using the GDB protocol You have a choice between this and "debugging Pico applications with pico-debug without using the GDB protocol" further below. First make certain that you have followed the steps above in "building Pico applications". For OpenOCD users, please follow the instructions in [openocd.md](openocd.md). For pyOCD users, please follow the instructions in [pyocd.md](pyocd.md). Then proceed to "debuggers that use GDB" immediately below. ## debuggers that use GDB First make certain that you have your GDB implementation of choice running (OpenOCD, pyOCD, etc.). For [Visual Studio Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/) users, then also read [vscode.md](vscode.md). For [SEGGER Embedded Studio](https://www.segger.com/products/development-tools/embedded-studio/) users, take a look at the pico-ses example in [pico-demos](https://github.com/majbthrd/pico-demos). ## debugging Pico applications with pico-debug without using the GDB protocol You have a choice between this and "debugging Pico applications with pico-debug using the GDB protocol" further above. First make certain that you have followed the steps above in "building Pico applications". If you are a [Rowley Crossworks for ARM](https://www.rowley.co.uk/arm/index.htm) user, take a look at the pico-crossworks example in [pico-demos](https://github.com/majbthrd/pico-demos).