Merge pull request #10 from Footleg/main

Added a method of read the colour of any pixel
Blaž Rolih 2023-01-22 16:53:20 +01:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
commit 8012e3b6a6
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ID klucza GPG: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
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@ -199,6 +199,29 @@ class Neopixel:
self.pixels[pixel_num] = pix_value
def get_pixel(self, pixel_num):
Get red, green, blue and white (if applicable) values of pixel on position <pixel_num>
:param pixel_num: Index of pixel to be set
:return rgb_w: Tuple of form (r, g, b) or (r, g, b, w) representing color to be used
balance = self.pixels[pixel_num]
sh_R, sh_G, sh_B, sh_W = self.shift
if self.W_in_mode:
w = (balance >> sh_W) & 255
b = (balance >> sh_B) & 255
r = (balance >> sh_R) & 255
g = (balance >> sh_G) & 255
red = int(r * 255 / self.brightness() )
green = int(g * 255 / self.brightness() )
blue = int(b * 255 / self.brightness() )
if self.W_in_mode:
white = int(w * 255 / self.brightness() )
return (red,green,blue,white)
return (red,green,blue)
def __setitem__(self, idx, rgb_w):
if npix is a Neopixel object,
@ -325,4 +348,4 @@ class Neopixel:
:return: None
self.pixels = array.array("I", [0] * self.num_leds)
self.pixels = array.array("I", [0] * self.num_leds)