#!/bin/bash #set conky display size per user env #20200123 km4ack read -p "What is your call sign? " CALL RES=$(xdpyinfo | grep "dimensions" | awk '{ print $2 }' | sed 's/x.*$//') if [ $RES = "1920" ] then CS=conky-large elif [ $RES = "1280" ] then CS=conky-medium elif [ $RES = "800" ] then CS=conky-small else echo "Unable to determine screen resolution automatically" read -p "Would you like to try conky in small, medium, or large? s/m/l " ANS if [ $ANS = "s" ] || [ $ANS = "S" ] then CS=conky-small elif [ $ANS = "m" ] || [ $ANS = "M" ] then CS=conky-medium elif [ $ANS = "l" ] || [ $ANS = "L" ] then CS=conky-large fi fi echo "Setting new conky size and restarting conky" cp $HOME/bin/conky/$CS $HOME/.conkyrc sed -i "s/N0CALL/$CALL/" $HOME/.conkyrc sudo killall conky > /dev/null 2>&1 conky > /dev/null 2>&1